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1、22. 招商引资 canvass business and introduce investment23. 房地产 real estate24. 经济特区 special economic zone25. 基础设施 infrastructure facilities26. 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects27. 投资热点 investment hot spot28. 外向型经济 export-oriented economy29. 按劳分配 distribute according to the work performance30. 打破平均主义 break / aban

2、don equalitarian31. 沿海开放城市 open coastal cities32. 保税区 bonded zone/ area33. 金融改革 banking system34. 国民生产总值 Gross National Product35. 扶贫项目 anti-poverty project36. 下海经商 plunge into the private business37. 协调发展 coordinate the development38. 住房改革 housing reform39.体系 social security system40. 数字时代 digital

3、times41. 信息高速公路 the information superhighway42. 虚拟社区 virtual communities43. “菜蓝子”工程 the “shopping-basket” project ( the non-staple food project)44. 拳头产品 knock-out products/ competitive products45. 市场萧条 slack market46. 中国质量万里行 Chinas Long March to Quality campaign47. 冒牌产品 fake brand-name products48.

4、假冒伪劣商品 fake and poor quality commodities49. 谋取暴力 reap colossal profits50. 提出索赔 lodge a claim51. 投诉 lodge complaint52. 贸易争端 trade disputes53. 乱收费 random charges54. 市场疲软 sluggish market55 .贸易顺差 favorable trade balance56. 贸易逆差 unfavorable trade balance57. 实行优惠政策 launch a preferential policy58. 繁荣市场 flo

5、urish the market59. 加入世贸组织 accession to the WTO/ entry into the WTO60. 最惠国待遇 Most-Favored-Nation treatment61. 消费者协会 consumers association62. 消费者购买力 consumer purchasing power63. 新兴市场 emerging market64. 抑制消费 control / inhibit consumption65. 无形资产 intangible assets66. 有形资产 tangible assets67. 市场占有率 marke

6、t share68. 严重违约 grave breach of contract69. 泡沫经济 bubble economy70. 品牌效应 brand effect71. 企业重组 reshuffle of enterprises72. 贸易壁垒 trade barrier73. 人才流失 brain drain74. 清理“三角债” break up the debt chain75. 企业文化 corporate culture76. 商业炒作 commercial speculation77. 扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumpt

7、ion78. 拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth79. 连锁反应 chain reaction / domino effect80. 竞争优势 competitive edge81. 经济结构调整 economic restructuring82. 经济增长点 economic growth point ; growth engine83. 经济过热 overheated economy84. 经济滑坡 economic downturn85. 集约化经营 intensive management86. 灰色收入 gray income87. 福利分房 welfare-or

8、iented public housing distribution system88. 分期付款 installment payment89. 从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy90. 按揭购房 buy a house on a mortgage ; mortgage a house91. 边际效益 marginal benefit92. 不良贷款 non-performing loan93. 裁减冗员 lay off redundant staff; cut down on overstaffing9

9、4. 产品更新换代 upgrade of products95. 创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park96. 促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy97. 家庭联产承包责任制 household contract responsibility system98. 人才战 competition for talented people99. 脱贫致富 shake/cast off poverty and set out a road to prosperity100. 资源优

10、化配置 optimizing the allocation of resources二.政治类101. 不正之风 bad / harmful practice102. 霸权主义 hegemonism103. 奔小康 strive for a better-off life104. 论资排辈 assign priority according to seniority105. 持续发展 sustainable development106. 重复建设 redundant project107. 大锅饭 egalitarian practice ( of everyone taking food

11、from the same big pot)108. 多极化 multi-polarization109. 科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology are the primary productive force.110. 机构臃肿 overstaffing in organization111. 机构改革 institutional restructuring; streamlining112. 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government113. 窗口行业 service trade114. 核心竞争力 c

12、ore competitiveness115. 减员增效 downsizing of staff and improving efficiency116. 减轻农民负担 reduce farmers burdens; lighten the burden on them117. 跨越式发展 great-leap-forward development118. 跨世纪发展 trans-century project119. 民主集中制 democratic centralism120. 讲诚信反欺诈 honor credibility and oppose cheating121. 强权外交 p

13、ower diplomacy122. 人浮于事 overstaffing123. 侵吞公款 embezzle public funds124. 群带关系 networking through petticoat influence125. 求同存异 seek common ground on major issues while shelving differences on minor ones126. 滥用权力 abuse ones power; misuse ones authority127. 廉政建设 build a clean and honest government128. 三

14、步走战略 the three-step development strategy129. 三讲教育 three emphases educationemphasize theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct130. 三峡工程 Three gorges project131. 贪污腐化 corruption and degeneration132. 思想僵硬 fossilized concept133. 西部开发 the development of Chinas west134. 发展是硬道理 Development is

15、 an invariable truth135. 坚持四项基本原则 uphold the four cardinal principles136. 地方保护主义 regional protectionism137. 拜金主义 money worship138. 行贿受贿 give and take bribery139. 走后门 get in by the back door / enter by the back door140. 和平演变 peaceful evolution141. 贪脏枉法 take bribes and bend the law142. 以权谋私 abusing po

16、wer for money143. 拉关系 try to establish a relationship with sb.144. 权钱交易 trading power for money145. 扫黄运动 anti-pornography campaign146. 公款吃喝 enjoy banquet on public funds147. “一国两制”的原则 the principle of “one country, two systems:”148. 两大主题 two principle themes149. 坚持一个中国立场 stick to one-China position1

17、50. 全国人民代表大会 National Peoples Congress151. 与国际接轨 synchronize with the world; accord with international norms152. 社会主义物质文明 socialist material wellbeing153. 社会主义精神文明 socialist culture and ideology154. 实现中华民族伟大复兴 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation155. 歪风邪气 unhealthy practices and ev

18、il phenomena156. 温暖工程 adequate food and clothing program157. 知识产权 intellectual property right158. 综合国力 comprehensive national strength159. 最低生活保障制度 systems for ensuring a minimum standard of living160. 政企分开 separate government functions from enterprise management161. 与时俱进 keep pace with the times162

19、. 闲置人员 idle hand163. 养老保险 endowment insurance164. 以经济建设为中心 focus on the central task of economic construction165. 下岗职工基本生活费 subsistence allowance for laid-off workers166. 世界观人生观价值观 world outlook, outlook on life and values167. 实事求是 seek truth from facts168. 试点工程 pilot project169. 政府廉洁高效 clean and ef

20、ficient government170. 战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership三.教育与科学技术类171. 科技含量 technology content172. 科教兴国 rely on science, technology and education to rejuvenate the nation173. 可持续发展战略 strategy of sustainable development174. 工业园区 industrial park175. 技术密集型产品 technology-intensive product176. 新兴学科 new branch

21、of science177. 边缘学科 frontier science178. 高速宽带互联网 high-speed broadband networks179. 电脑病毒 computer viruses180. 电子商务 e-commerce; e-business181. 黑客 hacker182. 数字地球 digital globe183. 局域网 local area network184. 人工智能 artificial intelligence185. 网上冲浪 web-surfing186. 网络世界 cyber world187. 网上犯罪 cyber crime188.

22、 信息高速公路 information highland189. 网民 netizen190. 虚拟现实 virtual reality191. 克隆 cloning192. 基因工程 genetic engineering193. 转基因食品 genetically modified food194. “神舟六号”载人飞船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou VI195. 掌上电脑 palm computer196. 主页 home page197. 语音信箱 voice mail198. 网络经济 cyber-economy199. 网虫 netter; Internet

23、 geek200. 网恋 cyber romance; virtual romance201. 高精尖技术 high-grade, high-precision, advanced technology202. 科技扶贫 support poor areas using technology203. 科研攻关 work towards key technological breakthroughs204. 自费研究生 self-supporting graduate student205. 委托培养 consign the training of personnel to a certain

24、school206. 填鸭式教学 cramming method of teaching207. 启发式教学 heuristic education208. 复合型人才 interdisciplinary talent209. 论文答辩 thesis oral defense210. 素质教育 quality-oriented education211. 教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people212. 九年制义务教务教育 nine-year compulsory education213. 德智体美劳全面发展all around development

25、 of moral, intellectual,physical,aesthetics and labor education214. 知识产权 intellectual property215. 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude216. 硕博连读a continuous academic program that involves postgraduate and doctoral study217. 双学位 double degree218. 双向选择 two-way selection219. 人才流失 brain drain

26、220. 陶冶情操 cultivate ones taste and temperament221. 学生减负 alleviate the burden on students222. 学术交流 academic exchanges223. 学科带头人 pace-setter in scientific research224. 德才兼备 have both political integrity and ability225. 攻读硕士学位 study for a doctoral degree226. 文科生 students of liberal arts227. 理科生 student

27、s of science228. 爱国主义教育 education in patriotism229. 择优录取 enroll the excellent students230. 毕业论文 graduation thesis231. 毕业设计 graduation project232. 义务教育 compulsory education233. 高等教育 higher education234. 选修课程 optional courses235. 主修课程 major courses236. 重点学科 key disciplinary areas237. 德智体全面发展的学生students who are well developed morally, intellectually and physi

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