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1、面试官必须确信他已发现了你的工作关系中的任何特殊之处,你不会和新上司闹翻。要诚实,但不能有反面例子。强调哪种类型的上司和你合作得愉快。Tell me about your relationship with your previous bosses.A:My bosses would tell you that Ive often acted as a sounding board for all three of my bosses,weve mentored ach other,although the obvious balance of wisdom and expertise was

2、 was always helpful to them in their decisions about customer problems.问:描述你和同事之间的工作关系。他们或许会告诉你,从来没有什么事让我感到惊慌失措,或者成为我的绊脚石。在他们遇到困难时,例如我们讨论承包商那件事时,我作为指导者确实很在行。我这个人忠实又可靠。你喜欢与哪种类型的人一起工作公司的客户对你有什么样的反应从你的回答中,面试官确信有关你工作个性中的任何令人惊奇的事都逃不过他的眼。举例说明你如何干劲十足,当需要时你知道怎样去寻求帮助,以及你对集体业绩的关心。Qescribe your working relatio

3、nship with your colleagues.A:They d probably tell you that nothing ever shocks me or sets me back too much,and that I?m really an asset as an adviserwhen they suffer a roadblock,as in the case we discussed about the m constant and dependable.问:描述你的职业形象背后的个性。我经常嘲笑自己的缺点。我言辞辛辣并在很多情况下都是直言不讳的,但我又给办公室带来了幽

4、默。我认为这为我们的工作环境提供了和谐、温暖的氛围。这个问题与“你的朋友会告诉我关于你的什么事”类似。侧重在你的个性是如何反映你的工作技能或兴趣的。Qescribe your personality beneath the professional image.A:I laugh a lot at my own see irony in most things and I?m outspoken,but I bring a sense of humor to any think it provides a nice balance of warmth in a work setting.问:什

5、么样的环境使你能特别高效率的工作?尽管在大多数环境中我都能很有效率,我还是喜欢那种自觉管理自己的工作环境。我喜欢有目标并要能为达到这个目标而设计。为了实现目标,我靠的是请教和寻找易于接受新事物的人,所以,对我来说在工作队伍中合作与接纳是很重要的。突出你在各种不同类型的环境中的应变能力与工作能力。你的回答不要罗列一大堆的要求(如私人办公室、毫无干扰的工作环境等),否则面试官的结论会是:你是个难以满足的人。What environments allow you to be especially effective?Although I can work effectively in most en

6、vironments,I prefer environments where people are their own bosses,within like to have a goal but be able to draw my own map to get accomplish goals,I rely on asking questions and finding people receptive,so cooperation and access are important to me in a work group.问:描述一个对你来说是没有效率的工作环境。当某人提出一个确切的建议

7、说我的一个目标该如何实现时,我做得就不是非常好。因为那就意味着不允许我有任何的自由去对我自己的风格作出调整,只有当我可以描绘自己的蓝图时,我才能做得好。这个问题是“什么样的环境让你的工作特别有效率”的反面问法。侧重在你比较喜欢或能提高你的工作效率的环境。Qescribe an environment that is ineffective for you.A:I don?t do terribly well when someone has an exact idea of how one of my goals should be doesnt allow any latitude to m

8、ake adjustments to suit my own do well when I can draw my own map.问:什么样的环境能激励你?我确实很喜欢从事工程,从中能获得真正的进步例如,在?JIT工程中,我们在物资耗费上每月节省1万多美元。面试官想更清楚地观察哪种工作能激励你。这个问题是没有正确答案的,不过你的回答至少应该和你正在申请的工作有几分相符。例如,假如你正面试的是一项枯燥和反复性的工作,如,数据记录或装配线这类工作,你就不该说高创造型的工作最能激发你。What situations excite and motivate you?I really enjoy wo

9、rking on any re?engineering project where a true improvement results,for example,the JIT project in hich we saved more than ten thousand dollars per month in inventory costs.问:你的上一位老板如何形容你的工作习惯和职业道德?让我这么说吧,由于我付出了更多额外的努力去处理与一位顾客的关系,我因此获得了部门发给的一笔津贴。这位顾客以取消账户相要挟,我介入这件事并设法改进某些制度,尽管这得让我花上整个周末去工作。你认为你目前的或

10、上一位雇主会再次雇用你吗你的工作够完善吗你可靠吗你值得信赖吗举出一些有关你的可靠、你的奉献和有合作诚意的例子。How would your last employer describe your work habits and ethics?Aet me put it this way:I received an MVP award from my division for the extra efforts I put into one of our customer elationships.The customer had threatened to pull the account,s

11、o I stepped in and debugged the system,even though it required me to work through a holiday weekend.问:你觉得你的公司对待自己的员工如何?近年来,管理部门实际上已经为优秀的员工做了很多。但是,当员工们为公司做出牺牲但却得到极少回报时,公司的努力又激起了过去的混乱。我们花大量的金钱在人力资源上,设法消除横在免税员工和非免税员工之间的屏障。假如“公司”是管理部门,管理部门正有意识地努力修补漏洞,从而公平对待员工。主考官想看看你能否在忠于管理部门和对员工的关心之间走出一条满意的路线,尽管这个问题没有正

12、确的答案,但你应当尽量避免对任何一方的偏袒并尽可能客观地谈论你所在公司对员工的态度和方法。随时准备给出一些反映你的公司对待员工的观点的例子。 ?How do you feel your company treats its employees?In recent years,management has really been dedicated to having a satisfied efforts,however,often rekindleast upheavals,when employees made sacrifices for the company and received

13、 little in human resources we spend a lot of money trying to break down the walls between exempt and nonexempt “the company”is management,I would have to say management is making a conscious effort to mend fences and to do right by our employees.问:你的顾客和客户喜欢和你一块工作吗?我的客户很稳定,因此我认为三四年来顾客是很满意与我一起工作的。在广告部

14、门中那是很不平常的事情。他们知道完全可以靠我去处理他们的生意,就像让我处理自己的生意一样。公司的客户对你的反应好不好你可以从一位顾客的身上给出具体的反馈信息吗有多少客户是你的回头客为什么你相信你留住了他们的生意Qid your customers or clients enjoy working with you?My client base changed very little,except that billings increased,so I think that?s evidence the clients were satisfied enough to stay with me

15、 for more than three s particularly unusual in the ad?agency business, simply knew they could count on me to treat their businss as if it were my own.问:在部门,你如何与同事做到相得益彰?我喜欢一个人人都独立思考的、但必要时又能相互帮助的工作环境。我作为我们办公室的电脑检修员,在复核重要备忘录时,我常请求他人的帮助。我相信互相帮助是有益的。描述你的个性、技术或上述两者是如何有助于公司的发展和完善的。什么类型的人喜欢跟你工作,并一干就是几个小时公司

16、的顾客或客户对你作怎样的评价使面试官确信你的工作个性不会出意外问题。How will you complement this department?I enjoy an environment in which people bounce ideas off each other and have the flexibility to ask for help when they need m usually a great troubleshooter for PC problems in my office,and I m often going to ask for help proof

17、reading important believe in giveandtake.问:你会选择什么人做你的证明人为什么答:我会找前任老板、一个伙伴或一位顾客来做我的证明人,说明我是个成熟的人,且在日常生活中与所有重要的同事们都能相处得很好。面试官在寻找一个逻辑思维较强的人。例如:一个以前做过推销员的人很可能就会找一个以前也曾是推销员的人来做自己的证明人。描述你期望你的证明人,包括不同年龄层次的人,一个同事或来自大学的老教授会说些什么。Whom did you choose as your references,and why?I selected a former boss,a peer,an

18、d a customer as references,to demonstrate that Im a pretty well?rounded person and get along with all the important work associates in my life.问:我们可否与你所有的证明人联系?我希望你们确定聘用我之后再与我的上司联系。这样,我才有机会亲自告诉她我要换工作。当然,我知道您必须确认我的申请情况是否属实。这是设计来保护你的问题。假如你现在的雇主还不知道你正在寻找新的工作(情况通常如此),你可以要求面试官,只有在你获得该职位后,才能与你目前的老板联系。Can

19、we call all of your references?Id prefer that you call my current boss only after youve made me a firm offer of employment and Ive had a chance to tell her myself that Im changing ,of course,I understand your need to verify that my application was accurate.问:告诉我你从最近读的书中学到什么。我喜欢读人物传记,尤其是那些生活在不同时代人的传记

20、。最近,我读了丘吉尔的传记,这本书教会了我很多领导的价值和重重压力下获得的良好的公共关系。面试官想知道求职者是否与公司的其他人有着共同的兴趣。你利用业余时间有效、轻松地学习新的东西吗你生性对什么好奇Q:Tell me what you learned from a recent book.A:I enjoy reading biographies,especially of people who lived in a different era.I recently read Churchills biography,which taught me a lot about the value

21、of leadership and good PR under times of stress.问:告诉我,你曾真正喜欢的一个工作组。我的工作组是我们新产品投产部里最默契的一组。在产品投放的前一天,我们卷起袖子帮着打包,把产品装运到销售部。虽然这是行政管理部门的任务,但是必须要完成,这正是我们检查我们的好产品的时候。这个问题是“描述一下你与同事的工作关系”和“你的顾客和客户都喜欢和你一起工作吗”这两个问题的结合。表现一下你与别人很好地合作的能力和建立一种稳定的、可持续的工作关系的能力。 Q:Tell me about a work group you really enjoyed.A:My g

22、roup in our newproductlaunch department really meshed.When one of us was approaching the final day before a launch,we all rolled up our sleeves and helped put press packets ogether or whatever else was the last item to be shipped to the sales it was an administrative task,it had to be done,and it wa

23、s a good time for us all to speculate on the success of the product and any major concerns.问:请举出你帮助一位同事的例子。我曾帮助一位同事理解调查方法,以便他能写一份报告。因为他从未学过调查课程,所以不懂怎样去组织问题。展示一下你乐于助人的一面。描述因你客观的忠告或特定的专业知识,使你的同事和部门获得积极成果的例子。英语情景对话面试A: Good afternoon, sir.B: Good afternoon. Sit down, please.A: Thank you.B: You are Mr.

24、Zhang Xiaodong, arent you?I am Henry Hudson.A: Yes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hudson.B: To start with, tell me about your education, please.A: All right. I shall graduate from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies next year. I major in international trade.B: Are you single or married?A: Im still singl

25、e. Nowadays many young people in China are not in a hurry to get married. Theyd rather secure their careers before they settle down in a family.B: Thats the kind of man we are looking for. Our promotion work entails much travel. So we need employees without family burdens yet. Now tell me if you hav

26、e a good command of both written and spoken English.A: When I was a sophomore, I passed Band 6 of College English Test.B: Why are you interested in this company? I think working in this company would provide me with a good opportunity to use my knowledge.B: What do you know about this company? This

27、company is one of the biggest trading companies in the world. There are a lot of branches in all parts of the world with the head office in the Guangzhou Office was established four years ago. It deals in business machines.B: Do you know what PNTR stands for? It stands for Permanent Normal Trade Rel

28、ation. If one nation enjoys this kind of treatment, it is accessible to tariff preference for imported goods from another nation.B: By the way, would you describe yourself as extroverted or more introverted? I think I am quite outgoing. I like cooperation with others, and getting the job done by wor

29、king together.B: Good. I think youd like to know about the remuneration. The starting salary for trading clerks in this company is RMB 3, 500 per month, and raise is given after six months according to your ability. We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus, three-week paid vacation a year, an

30、d health insurance. Are these satisfactory? Yes, these are quite satisfactory.B: Do you have any questions about the job? I was told that some of your Chinese employees are sent to the United States to attend the training program provided by the head office. Id like to know how you choose employees to attend the program.B: Almost all Chinese employees are eligible to attend

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