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1、BEC高级第10讲课件BEC高级精讲班第10讲讲义 HomeworkreviewI. Homework reviewDear SirsI took your Computer Intermediate Level Course on 22 March at your companys premises. I am writing to complain about the course you provided.I chose your company because of your high reputation in teaching computer courses. Besides,

2、your advertisement really lured me since you emphasised that you had some advantages over rivals. For example, you had an array of highly experienced teachers and a large number of up to date computers at the premises. You could teach students on how to become an expert in using some software, for i

3、nstance, the word processor, spreadsheet, database and electronic mails. In addition, you promised to arrange satisfied buffet lunch.Unfortunately, the course did not match with what you promised. Only one teacher taught us how to the word processor. The teacher was not an experienced one since he t

4、aught us for the whole morning and left us to do nothing in the afternoon. Besides, we had to share one computer because there were six students in one group. Even worse, I had no enough food and felt hungry in the afternoon. Your company charged me a lot on the course and promised to provide a qual

5、ity course. On the contrary, I did not learn anything from it. Therefore, I would insist on refunding my fee in full. I hope you can put my complaints into prompt attention.I look forward to receiving your reply soon.Yours faithfullyTracy HuVocabularystudyII. Vocabulary StudyLearning words from the

6、contextear lobe helixesChildhood is represented by formative earsIn face reading, the ears represent our childhood. Some practitioners believe the fortunes of boys and girls, from birth to age seven, are determined by the left ear. The right ear defines their lives from age eight to 14.Another schoo

7、l of thought, however, believes that boys lives start from the left ear and girls from the right. But both schools agree that the positions of the ear from top to ear lobe correspond to a persons age.People with “good” ears usually hail from an affluent family, are intelligent and enjoy a lot of lov

8、e and attention from their parents. Large ears are better than small ones. Their owners tend to be more energetic and enjoy good health. Ears that are higher than or as high as the eyebrows indicate outstanding academic ability and early fame. Good ears should also be well developed, with proportion

9、ate inner and outer helixes.Those with inner helixes that are bigger than the outer ones can be stubborn, hard to convince and usually loners. Well-formed and fleshy helixes are also preferred. Thin and poorly shaped outer helixes often reveal poor health at a young stage. Another factor is whether

10、the ears lie flat against the head. Children with such ears are usually quiet and obedient, but more dependent and not keen on experimenting with new things. Those with ears that overly protrude from the head are usually “naughty”.Although non-conformist, they tend to be more creative and curious.Ea

11、rs that are paler than the face colour are a good sign. They represent fame and career success. Pink and reddish ears symbolize romantic involvement. But dull and dark ears indicate problems with the kidneys, according to Chinese medical theory.People with long, large earlobes generally live long. F

12、leshy earlobes are also associated with wealth. Avoid piercing your ears if you have bulging earlobes. It diminishes your wealth factor. However, if you have small earlobes, ear piercing can enlarge the flesh and improve wealth.ear lobe noun countablethe soft piece of flesh at the bottom of your ear

13、helix nouncountableplural helicestechnical a line that curves and rises around a central line 螺线线synonym spiralhail from something phrasal verbto have been born in a particular placeAnd where do you hail from?pierce verbtransitive to make a small hole in or through something, using an object with a

14、sharp pointSteam the corn until it can easily be pierced with a fork.Rose underwent emergency surgery after a bullet pierced her lung. pierce a hole in/through something Pierce small holes in the base of the pot with a hot needle.bulge noun countable1 a curved mass on the surface of something, usual

15、ly caused by something under or inside it 膨胀,凸起The gun made a bulge under his jacket.2 a sudden temporary increase in the amount or level of something 突然短暂的上升a bulge in the birthrateRecruitmentmethodsIII. Recruitment methods1.Speaking.Internal recruitment Advantages:The candidates already know the j

16、ob and the company.Disadvantages:No new impetus, the same mindset; An internal candidate is not necessarily the best person on the market.Job AdvertisementAdvantages:Wide audience; can potentially reach the best on the market; fresh attitudes.Disadvantages:High processing costs: a large number of applican

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