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1、Alice, a tall girl with glasses, is Joyces _ friend. She often _ to make Joyce laugh. Alice is very smart and she _ Maths. They often study and play table tennis togther. Joyce hopes they will always _.Mr Li, Amys Maths teacher, is tall and thin. Lots of games in teaching make his classes full of _.

2、 Mr Li is a _ teacher, but he always _ them and gives them _. He often says, “Never give up and you will _.”三、判断句子的正误T/F并改正。1. She is a tall woman has blonde hair. ( ) _2. Alice is best friend. ( ) _3. She always tried making others laughed. ( ) _4. My mother is strict with my studies. ( ) _5. She i

3、s sick and must give up to sing. ( ) _6. Mr Li as well as his students likes this film. ( ) _7. He often says something to encourage us. ( ) _四、根据中文提示完成下列句子。1.他既能说英语,也能说西班牙语。He _ English and Spanish _ _.2.他们派她照顾那位老人。They sent her to _ _ _ that old man.They sent her to _ _ that old man.3.嘲笑残疾人是不对的。_

4、is wrong _ _ _ _ the disabled.4.除了雨天之外,她总是骑自行车上班。She usually _ _ _ by bike except on rainy days.5.老板让工人整日整夜工作。The boss made the workers _ _ _ _ _ _.6.这些小孩子精力充沛,他们整天跑呀玩呀。The children _ _ _ energy. They run and play all day.Grammar在有必要的地方填a/ an 或the, 不需要的地方划“/”.1.Yesterday I borrowed _ story book and

5、_ magazine. _ story book is in my bag but I cant find _ magazine.2.My cousin lives in _ old house in _ small village. There is _ beautiful garden behind _ house. I would like to have _ garden like that.3. Where did you have _ lunch? We went to _ restaurant.4.He began to learn playing _ piano at the

6、age of five.5.Playing _ basketball is one of _ his favourite sports.6.I lay down on _ ground and looked up at _ sky.二、判断句子的正误T/F并在原句上改正。1. Moon goes around earth every27 days. ( )2. What is the highest mountain in the world? ( )3. We missed our train because we stood on wrong platform. ( )4. He prac

7、tices playing guitar every day. ( )5. He likes playing the football. ( )6. He bought football yesterday. ( )More practice语言知识运用。1.Study is _, but it can bring you many things.A. work hard B. hard workC. hard-working D. working hard2. _ Saturdays, I go to bed _ 11 oclock. A. In, at B. On, in C. At, a

8、t D. On, at3. He hurried down to help us _ across the river. A. get B. and get C. with getting D. to4. Jane or you _ going to hold the meeting in Shenzhen next week. A. is B. was C. are D. were5. Bob is very smart . Why _ to him for advice? A. not go B. not to go C. dont go D. not going 二、根据中文提示完成下列

9、句子。1.秋天正是我们出游的时候。Autumn is _ _ _ us _ go on a trip.2.看在我的份上,你就别再给他们制造麻烦了。For my sake, dont _ any trouble _ them any more.3.他找了五个人来帮助做这件事。He found five men _ _ _ the job.4.早上慢跑或者做操对我们是有好处的。Jogging _ doing exercises in the morning _ good for us.5.小女孩希望她的父母周末能带她去公园。The little girl hopes her parents can

10、 _ _ _ the park at the weekend.单元评价听力略二、语言知识及运用第一节 语音A 找出下列单词中划线部分的发音与其他不同的单词。1. A. dear B. bear C. idea D. fear2. A. deer B. here C. there D. near3. A. sure B. tour C. poor D. wore4. A. area B. teach C. dream D. breathe5. A. skill B. build C. kill D. fieldB 找出下列单词中重音位置与其他不同的单词。6. A. patient B. mach

11、ine C. return D. traditional7. A. postcard B. encourage C. sightseeing D. modern8. A. across B. direction C. paragragh D. attend9. A. natural B. rocket C. butterfly D. successful10. A. hard-working B. information C. disappear D. engineer第二节 单项选择1. We stayed at _ very nice hotel, but I cant remember

12、_ name.A. a, a B. the, the C. a, the D. the,a 2. She said hello to me _ a smile.A. and B. with C. had D. on3. What make him _ his mind yesterday?A. to change B. changing C. changed D. change4. Flashcards _ one of the best tools for remembering information.A. remain B. is C. is still D. keep5. The tw

13、in sisters have different hobbies. One likes playing _ violin and the other likes playing _ basketball.A. the, the B. /, the C. /, / D. the, /6. “_ come down to the Fair,” he suggested, “next Tuesday?”A. Why not B. Why dont C. How about D. Why didnt7. Since the exam is coming, I have to give up _ sp

14、orts for some time.A. and do B. in doing C. to do D. doing8. Take a bath _ youll feel better.A. but B. then C. and D. to make9. If you dont _, you cant keep up with these excellent students.A. hard work B. work hard C. work hardly D. hard-working10. The course begins _ 1st September and ends sometim

15、e _ January.A. on, in B. in, on C. on, on D. at, in第三节 语法选择 In America, “do-it-yourself” _1_ a way of life. Many people repair their own cars, build their own gardens and even rebuild their own houses. Soon many of them _2_ their own books too. In Hollywood there is a company publishing (出版) childre

16、ns books _3_ the help pf computers. This company is not _4_ the other book companies. It allows the reader to become the main character by using computers. Here is _5_ they do it. Let us suppose (假设)a child is named Hody. _6_ computer uses this information to make up a story with pictures. “This boo

17、ks is about me,” a child might say when he receives such a book. So the company is _7_ the “Me- Books Publishing Company”. Children like me-books _8_ they like to see in print their own names, their pictures, and the names of their friends and their pets. But more important, in this way, readers are

18、 much more _9_ in reading the stories. Me-books are helping children _10_ how to read.1. A. is B. are C. was D. were2. A. write B. will write C. writes D. wrote3. A. under B. in C. with D. on4. A. liking B. to like C. liked D. like5. A. what B. how C. why D. where6. A. The B. / C. A D. An7. A. call

19、B. calling C. to call D. called8. A. but B. or C. because D. if9. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests10. A. to learn B. learning C. learned D. and learning三、完形填空。 Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as they finished this, they _1_ a m

20、eal over an open fire. They were all _2_ and the food smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they _3_ stories and sang songs by the campfire. But some time later _4_ began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping _5_ were warm and comfortable, so

21、 they all slept soundly. In the middle of the _6_ , two boys woke up and began _7_ . The tent was full of water! They all jumped _8_ their sleeping bags and _9_ outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream was running in the field. The stream went its way _10_ the field and then flow

22、ed right their tent!1. A. cooked B. had C. burned D. heated2. A. happy B. sad C. hungry D. tired3. A. told B. said C. talked D. spoke4. A. weather B. the sky C. rains D. it5. A. beds B. bags C. places D. rooms6. A. day B. mid-night C. evening D. night7. A. crying B. shouting C. laughing D. running8.

23、 A. out of B. out from C. into D. inside9. A. saw B. came C. went D. hurried10. A. pass B. through C. across D. cross四、阅读理解。(A) You were there, walking in the street near the station of Pittsburgh, when the SUV hit my dads bike. You had the courage to take his phone and call an ambulance (救护车), gett

24、ing immediate help. My dad lost his leg, but hs is up and about now. It could have been much worse. I know that he wants to thank you, and so do I !My dad doesnt remember your face, but he knows what you did. I can never explain how important your call for help was. Soon my dad will be getting an ar

25、tificial leg (假肢). Every day he wakes up knowing life will never be the same, but you need to look at the bright side. He does still have his life. He does still have his family, and his health.Two weeks before the accident, my baby sister was born. When he held her, I could see a special look in his eyes. At that moment, I knew he loved his family, and his life.I have to tell you: you are my hero. 1. The accident happened _.A. in

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