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本文(教育资料北师大版高中英语选修六第5讲Unit17 Laughter词汇篇2教师版学习专用文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

教育资料北师大版高中英语选修六第5讲Unit17 Laughter词汇篇2教师版学习专用文档格式.docx

1、They are turning away everyone without a ticket. 他们不让无票的人进入。turn down 低调;拒绝He turned down the chance to act in the film. 他拒绝了在那不电影里演出的机会。turn into 变成He has turned into a diligent boy. 他已经变成了一个勤奋少年。turn on 打开;袭击,恶劣地对待Why did he turn on your daughter like that? 他为什么那么粗暴地对待他你的女儿?turn out 出现;结果是The expe

2、riment turned out to be successful. 实验结果很成功。turn over 翻过来;移交He turned the business over to his daughter. 他把生意移交给女儿管理。turn up 调大;出现;出席He turned up at the party. 他出现在晚会上。3. shock n. U, C 震惊;休克;使人震惊的事;vt. 使震惊;电击、触电I was shocked by her wild idea. 我因她的狂妄思想而震惊。The news of his fathers death was a terrible

3、shock to him. 他父亲去世的噩耗使他非常震惊。词汇链接:shocking adj.(事)令人震惊的shocked adj.(人)感到震惊的4. disgusting adj. 令人厌恶的;令人极其反感的Their diet is also similar to ours-they eat meat and plants-even if they sometimes feast on things we may find disgusting, such as insects and ants. 他们的食物也与人类相同-吃肉和植物-有时甚至连人类反感的昆虫和蚂蚁也是他们的美餐。dis

4、gust n. 反感,厌恶;v. 使反感,使厌恶disgusted adj. 反感的,厌恶的disgustedly adv. 使人反感地disgustingly adv. 使人反感地5. obtain v. 获得,得到He always manages to obtain what he wants. 他总是想办法得到他想要的东西。Theyve extended the growing season to obtain a larger crop. 他们延长了种植期以获得更好的收成。6. convinced adj. 确信的;坚信的He convinced me of his sincerit

5、y. 他使我相信了他的真诚。I managed to convince them that the story was true. 我设法使他们相信了那个故事是真的。be convinced of sth. 相信.He is now convinced of the truth of the report. 他现在相信了这个报告的真实性。be convinced that.相信.Im convinced that I am right. 我相信我是正确的。易混辨析:convince与persuadeconvince是通过摆事实、讲道理,使人相信一个事实,其后常接介词of或that从句。pers

6、uade表示用劝说的方法,使人愿意采纳某种意见或采取某一行动,侧重于意志和感情色彩。7. key n. C 钥匙;答案;关键;(钢琴、打字机)键考点聚焦:key常与to连用,也可与of连用。key to the door 门钥匙key to the question 问题的答案key to the problem 解决问题的关键8. pull faces 板着脸;做鬼脸 =pull a face=make faces=make a faceWhy are you pulling a face at now? 你干吗板着脸?He made a face at the taste of the m

7、edicine. 尝到药的味道,他做出一副苦相。词汇拓展:pull v. 拉,拖,拔;n. 拉,拖,拽;牵A house pulled the cart along the road. 一匹马拉着大车沿着路走。pull ahead 抢到前头pull away 脱身;离开;逃出;(路上车辆)开始开动pull down 拆毁;摧毁;推翻pull in (火车)进站,到站,停站pull off 成功;努力实现;赢得pull out (火车)离站,脱离,退出9. thanks to 幸亏,多亏介词短语,多用于句首,可表达正面的意义,也可以表达负面的意义,特别是用在含有讽刺意味的句子中。Thanks t

8、o your timely help, I got rid of her smoothly. 多亏你及时帮助,我顺利地摆脱了她。Thanks to his tireless efforts, the concert was a great success. 多亏他孜孜不倦的努力,音乐会获得了巨大成功。10. accomplish vt. 完成;实现;达到She seemed to be able to use her spirit to accomplish anything. 她似乎能靠精神力量做成任何事。I have difficulty accomplishing the task at

9、 the end of this month. 我本月末完成这项任务有难度。accomplishment n. 成就,专长accomplished adj. 熟练的accomplish ones object/aim 达成目标s mission 完成使命be accomplished in 擅长.accomplish,finish,achieve与completeaccomplish指成功地完成预期的目标、任务等,通常后接task, aim, journey, voyage等名词,有时兼有“达成”之意。finish多指日常事务的完成,强调事情完结、终止。achieve多指排除困难完成宏伟计划或

10、伟业。complete则强调事物完整地完成或终结。11.manage v. 管理,经营;设法得以,终于;操纵,驾驭,对付She knows how to manage him when he is angry. 她知道他生气时如何对付他。manage to do sth. 设法做成某事I finally managed to find what I was looking for. 我终于设法找到了一直要找的东西。manage to do与try to dotry to do sth. 企图做某事(但不一定成功),强调过程manage to do sth. 设法做成某事,强调结果managem

11、ent n. 管理,经营12. upset v. 弄翻,打翻;扰乱,打乱;使不安A large wave upset the boat. 一个巨浪打翻了船。Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit. 她一来把我们的周末计划全打乱了。13. tie n. 领带;vt. & vi. 系;扎;捆;绑;连接;联合;使紧密结合She always wears a shirt and tie when working. 工作时,她总是穿衬衣戴领带。The shirt ties at the waist. 裙子在腰部束紧。The hou

12、se is tied to the job, so well have to move when I retire. 这房子是为工作提供的,所以我退休后我们就要搬家。I cant tie these shoestrings. 我系不紧这些鞋带。tie down 捆住;束缚;牵制tie up 系好,捆好,绑好;包扎;(使)停顿,(使)停泊;使无空闲,占用tie up with 与有密切联系14. starve v. 饿死,挨饿,饿得慌;使挨饿He starved to death in a hunger strike. 他在一次绝食罢工中饿死了。Thousands of people could

13、 starve if the crops fail again. 如果粮食再次歉收,可能会有数以千计的人挨饿。starve for渴望得到When will dinner be ready? We are simply starving for food. 饭什么时候才能准备好?我们简直饿坏了。be starved of 极需,缺乏The engine was starved of fuel. 发动机要没油了。starve sb. Into 饿得被迫They were starved into submission. 他们饿得只好屈服。15. no wonder 不足为奇,难怪常见搭配:It

14、is no wonder thatNo wonder thatNo wonder youve got a headache. 难怪你头痛。Her child is missing. It is no wonder that she is so upset. 她的孩子不见了,难怪她心神不宁。wonder n. 惊奇,惊异;奇迹,奇事; v. 诧异,奇怪;纳闷,想知道16. depress vt.使低沉、压抑;使人忧愁,消沉,沮丧Wet weather always depresses me. 阴雨天气总是使我情绪压抑。将某物压下、推下、拉下depress a piano key 按钢琴键使(尤指

15、贸易)不活跃、不景气、萧条depress sales 使销售额下降A rise in oil prices depresses the car market. 油价上涨导致汽车市场不景气。16. crisis n. (pl.) crises 危机,(疾病,生命,历史等)危难时刻a political crisis 一场政治危机The party was suffering a crisis of confidence among its supporters. 当时这个政党在其支持者中遭遇信任危机。reach/come to a crisis陷入危机in crisis 在危机中His comp

16、any is still in crisis. 他的公司仍然处于危机中。17. incredibly adv. 令人难以置信地;极端地;极其Incredibly, it was six months before he realized what was going on. 难以相信的是,他过了六个月才明白是怎么回事。18. frustrate vt. 使(某人)灰心,使沮丧;使(计划、人等)受挫折,挫败;阻止某人做某事,妨碍Kate was frustrated by the lack of appreciation shown of her work. 凯特因工作得不到赏识而心灰意冷。fr

17、ustrated沮丧的(作表语)相当于discouraged As a teacher he got very frustrated, but being an administrator seems to suit him. 他当老师很不顺心,但当管理人员似乎很适合。(作定语)失意的,不得志的,受挫的Film directors are sometimes frustrated actors. 电影导演有时是不得志的演员。frustrating adj. 使人心烦的,令人讨厌的frustration n. 灰心,沮丧,不满,失望,挫折Everything has its frustratio

18、ns. 每件事情都有让人不称心的地方。19. make fun of 取笑;嘲弄The children at school always make fun of Jills style of hair. 学校里的孩子总取笑吉尔的发型。play tricks on sb. 捉弄某人play jokes on sb. 取笑某人make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人make a fool of oneself 出丑,出洋相for fun 为了好玩have fun 玩得(过得)很愉快20. face up to 敢于面对Young man! You should face up to the

19、 fact. 小伙子!你应该面对现实。Well never offer you another job; you might as well face up to it. 我们决不会再给你另一份工作,所以你还是接受事实吧。face to face 面对面地be faced with/by 面对in the face of 不顾,即使;在前面,因为cant face doing 受不了south-facing 向南的21. He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations, which greatly amuses audiences r

20、egardless of their nationality or culture. 他常常陷入笨拙和可笑的情景之中;观众的民族和文化背景尽管各异,却都会被逗得开怀大笑。句型讲解:本句为一个复合句,which引导的非限制性定语从句,其先行词为前面整个句子的内容。词汇讲解:constantly adv. 不变地,经常地,坚持不懈地Shes constantly disturbing me. 她总是打扰我。I worry constantly. 我经常苦恼。constant adj. 经常的,不断的,稳定的,不变的;忠实的,坚定的常用搭配:constant cost 固定成本constant co

21、st saving 固定成本节约constant dollar 不变美元,定值美元constant trouble 时常发生的麻烦regardless adj. &adv. 不顾,不加理会The club welcomes all new members regardless of age. 俱乐部对所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not. 不管有没有孩子,每个人都会得到相同的金额。22. The humor is always made

22、clear through a series of simple and funny acts that rely purely on body language, which is universal. 这种幽默总是通过一系列简单而可笑的、人人都能看得懂的纯粹的肢体语言动作让观众理解。本句为一个复合句。主句的谓语动词是is made;在其后的介词短语中,that引导的定语从句修饰其前的acts;在该定语从句中又有which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰其前的body language.purely adv. 纯净地;完全I can tell you now. Im doing it purely

23、 for the money. 我现在可以告诉你,我做这件事完全是为了钱。pure adj.纯的,纯粹的,纯净的,无垢的,纯洁的,完美的;pureness n. 纯粹,纯洁rely v. 依靠,依赖,依仗rely on/upon sb./sth. 依靠某人/某事You cant just rely on your parents lending you money. 你不能只指望父母借给你钱。They have to rely on the river for their water. 他们用水只能依靠这条河。rely on sb./sth. to do sth. 相信会rely on sb.

24、/sth. doing sth. 指望做某事rely on sb./sth. for sth. 依靠而得到某物23. He cannot hide his feelings, except when the waiters ask if everything is all right. When this happens, he smiles and nods, indicating that everything is fine. 他无法掩饰自己的感受。然而当服务员问他是否一切都好时,他微笑地点点头,表示一切都很好。except when引导时间状语从句。indicating后带有宾语从句,

25、表示一切都很好。except when/that除之外I knew nothing about her except that she lived downstairs. 我不了解这个人,除了知道她住在楼下。indicate v. 指示,指出;标明,象征,预示,暗示A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day. 夜空呈红色往往预兆第二天天气晴朗。She has not indicated how she proposes to react. 她没有表明她打算如何回应。24. He becomes so desperat

26、e in the end that he even hides some inside the purse of a woman sitting near him and throws some down the trousers of the restaurants violinist! 最后,他不顾一切了,甚至将肉塞进坐在附近的一个女人的手提包里,一些肉扔到餐厅小提琴手的裤子里!sothat引导结果状语从句,从句有两个并列谓语动词,用and连接(hide, throw)。sitting near him是分词短语作定语,修饰其前的woman。desperate adj. 因绝望而拼命的;不顾一切的He has grown more desperate. 他更加不顾一切了。.(不用于名词前)非常需要的I am desperate for money. 我急需要钱。.(局势、情形)危急的;严峻的In fact, the situation was so desperate that, in most cases, no one could help another. 事实上,当时的形势如此严峻,大多数情况下没有人能帮助别人。throw v.

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