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1、d say you could borrow my notes, but Sarahs got them. W:我会说,你可以借我的笔记,但莎拉的得到了他们。 Be careful not to miss Professor Browns seminar; he takes attendance in that. 小心不要错过布朗教授的讲座,他注意到,会议出席英寸 What is the woman telling the man?什么是女人告诉男人?3. 3。 Script 脚本 Wow, Steven!哇,史蒂芬! In the library! 在图书馆! What brings you

2、 here? 什么风把你吹来的?m enjoying the view. 男:我很欣赏风景。 All the girls in fashion design are here are preparing for an exam on Monday. 所有的时尚女孩设计的位置是周一准备考试上。 Why is the man in the library?为什么图书馆人在?4. 4。 Hows your group doing with this statistics presentation?怎么是你的小组做这个统计报告? Mines terrible. 矿井的可怕。 Yeah, mine to

3、o. 男:是啊,也是我的。 David and Mike are OK, but Steven doesnt pull his weight and Suzies never around. 大卫和迈克是美好的,但史蒂芬不拉他的体重和苏西从未左右。 I dont see how we can pass unless Steven and Suzie realize that this is their last chance. 我看不出我们如何能够通过,除非史蒂芬和苏西知道,这是他们最后一次机会。 What is the true of Steven and Suzie?什么是真正的史蒂芬和苏

4、西?5. 5。 You took an MBA at Harvard Business School, didnt you?你把商学院的MBA学位,哈佛大学,不是吗? Whats it like? 是什么样? Its expensive, about US $ 40,000 a year, plus the costs of food and housing. 男:这是昂贵的,约4万美元一年,加上和住房费用的食物。 But the teaching is first class. 但是,教学是一流的。 The professors have a lot of practical experie

5、nce. 教授有很多实际经验。 They use the case system of teaching; that is, you study how actual businesses grew or failed. 他们使用的教学案例制度,这就是你学习如何实际业务增长或失败。 Why is he MBA teaching in Harvard Business School first class, according to the conversation?为什么是他的MBA课堂教学在哈佛商学院的第一,根据谈话?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 主题词:1.c的2.D

6、 3.B 4.D的5.AIII. 三。 Listening In 听力Task1: On the First Day Task1:在首日Script 脚本Harrison:m Harrison. 哈里森:我哈里森。 Good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 So youve bought the books for this biology class. 所以,你买了生物类的书籍的。Jenny: Sure, I think everyone had to before class started. 珍妮:当然,我认为每个人都必须上课前开始。 No. 哈里森:号 Usually no

7、one does much on the first day because its still add-drop. 通常没有人做许多事的第一天,因为它仍然加载下降。s that? 珍妮:那是什么? Changing from class to class to find out which one is best. 哈里森:从以阶级阶层的变化,找出哪一个是最好的。 Hey, where are you from? 嘿,你是哪里人? Poland. 珍妮:波兰。 Have you has this teacher before? 你有这个以前的老师吗?ve heard he is really

8、 good. 我听说他是真的很好。 Hes good if youre a hand-worker. 哈里森:他的好,如果你是一个手工工人。 He expects a lot. 他预计很多。 Oh, I guess thats good. 詹妮:哦,我想这是很好的。 I hope I can keep up with everyone else in the class. 我希望我能保持课堂上与其他人研究。 Maybe I need your help after class. 也许我需要你的帮助后级。 Youre welcome. 哈里森:不客气 。 .Professor: All righ

9、t. 教授:好的。 See you guys next week. 下周见你们。Student: See you. 学生:再见。 Harrison, wait up!哈里森,等待了! So what do you think about the professors lecture? 哈里森:那么你认为这位教授的演讲? I think half of what he said went over my head. 珍妮:我觉得他说一半,我的头去了。 Thats all right. 哈里森:没关系。 A lot of what he said is explain in the reading

10、/ 阿很多解释他所说的是在阅读/ Hey, would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look them over?嘿,你不介意我借你的笔记今晚看他们了吗? No problem. 哈里森:没问题。 We dont have class until Wednesday. 我们没有课,直到星期三。 Here you go. 在这里你去。 Thanks. 珍妮:谢谢。 I just want to make sure Im prepared for the seminar. 我只是想确保我的研讨会准备的。 Yeah, participat

11、ion in the discussion is an important part of the education here. 哈里森:是的 ,参与讨论的是教育的重要组成部分在这里。Seeing that Jenny has bought the books for the biology class, Harrison says nobody does much on the first day because its still add-drop, which means students are changing from class to class. 看到珍妮买了生物类的书籍的,

12、哈里森说,没有人 每天 做许多 的第一 ,因为它仍然加载下降,这意味着 改变 学生 从课堂上课。 Jenny knows the professor is really good. But Harrison warns her that the professor is good, only if students are hand-workers , for he expects a lot. 珍妮知道教授是 非常好的。 警告她,但哈里森教授是好的,只要学生 手工工人 ,因为他期望 很大。 After class, Jenny admits that half of what the pro

13、fessor said went over her head , and Harrison assures her that a lot of what the professor said is explained in the reading . 下课后,珍妮承认, 半 头 什么教授说 她走 过去,和哈里森 安慰 她所做的事情,一个教授说的是 阅读的解释 。When Jenny asks to borrow Harrison notes , he says “on problem”, for they dont have class until Wednesday. Finally, Ha

14、rrison says participation in the discussio n at the seminar is an important part of the education there. 当问珍妮哈里森借 笔记 ,他说:“对问题”,因为他们 没有阶级 ,直到星期三。最后,哈里森说 参与研讨, 在研讨会是教育的重要组成部分的存在。Task 2: Money for College 任务2:大学钱Robert is a university student. 罗伯特是一名大学生。 He likes to have fun. 他喜欢有乐趣。 But having fun was

15、 expensive, so he was rapidly running out of money. 不过,话虽是昂贵的乐趣,所以他的钱很快用完了。 There was nothing to do to try to call his mother for help. 有没有关系,试图向外界求助,他的母亲。“Hi, Mom. I certainly miss you and Dad. “嗨,妈妈。我当然想你和爸爸。 Iuhgot a big surprise this week in my physics course. 我.嗯.我的物理课了一个巨大的惊喜本周英寸 We have to bu

16、y two new textbooks. 我们买了两个新的教科书。m going to need $100.” 我要去需要100元。“I understand,” said his mother, “Ill send you the money right away. “我懂了,”妈妈说,“我给你钱的时候了。 You left your calculus book here when you were home two weeks ago. 你离开你的微积分书当你在这里两个星期前才回家。 Shall I mail that at the same time?” 应我的邮件,在同一时间?“Oh,

17、 yeah. Thanks,” Robert said. “哦,是啊。谢谢,”罗伯特说。Roberts mother made up a parcel with the calculus book and two checks, and mailed it to Robert that very day. 罗伯特的母亲组成两个检查包裹的微积分书和,并邮寄到罗伯特那一天。 When she returned from the post office, her husband was waiting for her. 当她从办公室回来后,她的丈夫在等着她。“Well, how much did y

18、ou give the boy this time?” asked Dad. “哦,你给多少钱,男孩这个时候呢?”爸爸。“I send two checks: one for $100 and the other for $1, 100,” answered Mom. “我派两名检查:其他1 100美元和1美元,100,”妈妈回答。“Youre outing your mind,” yelled Dad, “Thats $1,100. “你郊游你的心中,”爸爸喊道:“那是1100美元。ll just spend that in a couple of weeks. 他会想花,在一两个星期的。s

19、 never going to learn the value of money that way.” 他将永远也不会了解金钱的价值的方式。“Dont worry, honey,” Mom said, “I taped the $100 check to the cover of his book, but I put the $1,000 one between the pages in Charper13!” “别担心,亲爱的,”妈妈说,“我录制的100美元支票,他在书的封面,但我把一个网页,Charper13 1000美元之间!” TFFFT 主题词:TFFFTTask3: How to

20、 Get Straight As Task3:如何获取直线A的It is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence. 有趣的是,要注意如何获得A的学生达到学术卓越。 Here, according to education experts and students themselves are the secrets of super-achievers. 在这里,根据教育专家和学生本身,成绩的秘密超。First, they know how to set priorities. 首先,他们知

21、道如何确定优先次序。 Top students allow no intrusions on study time. 顶让学生对学习时间没有入侵。 Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. 一旦书籍是打开或打开电脑,电话无人接听,电视节目一不留神,小吃忽视。 Study is business, and business comes before recreation. 研究是商业,娱乐和商业来过。Als

22、o, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. 此外,优秀的学生可以学习任何地方。 Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. 克劳迪亚希尔,亚利桑那州立大学的商学教授回忆起一个跨国家的选手谁制定了每一天。 Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology term. 希尔说服他

23、利用业余时间背生物学术语。 Then he posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom. 然后,他在浴室名单公布生物学方面对镜子研究。 He learned a few terms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he scored high on the final examination. 他学到了一些术语,每天刷牙,而他的牙齿。最终,他取得了最后的考试高点。Moreover, top students schedule their time wel

24、l. 此外,优秀学生,安排他们的时间。 Study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. 学习时间严格的个人偏好问题。 Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others awake early. 有些工作在深夜时,房子是安静。其他醒来早。 Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. 还有一些研究,尽快为他们来学校回家时,工

25、作在他们记忆犹新。 All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. 所有人都同意,不过,对于一致性需要。 A student says, “Whatever I was doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.” 一个学生说,“不管我在干什么,我坚持每天的时间内学习一个肯定。Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know hoe to read, Accor

26、ding to a book entitled Getting Straight As, the secret of good reading is to be “an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the authors message”. 另一项杰出学生的重要特征超是他们知道锄头阅读,根据题为入门书直A的,读的秘密好处是“一个积极的读者,一个谁不断问问题,导致的充分理解作者的讯息“。3 Which of the following is NOT me

27、ntioned about superachievers starting to study? 以下哪项是没有提及超级研究成绩开始?4 What did the cross-country runner do to score high on the exam? 什么是越野选手的得分不高的考试?5 What is the good thing all top students agree on? 什么是好东西所有最优秀的学生同意吗?6 What does the speaker mean by “an active reader”? 演讲者是什么意思“积极的读者”?7 What is the

28、main idea of the passage? 什么是主要的通道的想法呢?Kes: 1B 2.C3. D 4.A 5.D 卡拉OK场所:第1B 2.C3。 4.A 5.DIV. 四。 Speaking Out 说话MODEL 1 Youre just going to have study hard 模型1你只是将不得不努力学习Nora: Only our first day back at school, and already I feel like Ive learned a lot. 诺拉:只有我们在第一天回到学校, 已经我觉得我已经学到了很多东西。Chris: Only our

29、first day back at school, and I already feel like Im up to my ears in homework. 克里斯:只有我们在回到学校的第一天, 我已经觉得我在功课到我的耳朵。re going to have to hit the books if you want to keep your grades up. 诺拉:你将不得不 打的书籍 ,如果你想保持你的成绩了。 Tell me about it ! 克里斯: 请您告诉我有关 ! I already have two reports, two books reports, a composition, an oral report, and a research projectall due before midterms. 我已经有两个报告,两个报告书,作文,口头报告,和一个研究项目,这主要是因为以前的期中考试。 We could work together. 诺拉:我们可以一起工作。 Maybe some of my organized study habit would rub off on you . 也许习惯我的一些组织研究会 擦掉你 。 Better yet, maybe you could do my homework for me.

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