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1、山西山大附中模拟)A group of robbers dug their way into the basement of a bank in Paris and emptied almost 200 private 1._ (safety)They entered the Credit Lyonnais branch using building 2._ (equip) to dig holes and destroy walls on Saturday night.They tied up a 3._ (secure) guard and spent the next nine hour

2、s robbing the bank.One 4._ (investigate) described the 5._ (rob) as a “6._ (profession) job”The robbers came in at about 22:00 on Saturday and left at 7:00 on Sunday.They entered through the basements of the 7._ (neighbour) building, digging through a series of tunnels and making a hole into a wall

3、of 80cm thick to get into the bank, which was having building works at the time.When they left, the robbers set the place on fire to 8._(move) any trace of evidence, switching on the antifire system and flooding the building.9._ (fortune), the guard escaped 10._ (harm)It is difficult to estimate the

4、 total value of what was stolen as only the banks clients (储户) know the content of their private safes.完形填空东北三校联考)I was in Houston a few weeks ago, and needed to be back home in Austin by noon the next day. Id have a long, tiring ride home, so I decided to _1_ around 5 in the morning.I was on I10 in

5、 the middle of Houston when I realized I left my inhaler behind, and had to _2_ to get it. I took the first exit I could, but when I rounded the corner, an 18wheeler was stopped dead in the exit lane.I swerved to _3_ it, but clipped the curb and my tyre blew out. I pulled into a small parking lot an

6、d found the area _4_ at 5:15 am. Ive lived in urban areas most of my life. Im fairly streetwise and not _5_ scared, but I knew I was in a pretty _6_ neighborhood.There was no one in Houston to pick me up. I immediately _7_ the doors and picked up my phone to call a tow truck. Soon a man _8_ on my dr

7、ivers side window and asked if he could help me. From his _9_ and behaviour, I knew he was far more likely to _10_ than help me, so I politely _11_ him down and told him the tow truck was due any minute. He asked again, but again I politely _12_. He finally said, “Madam, you need help. It remains to

8、 be seen whether the tow truck will arrive, and you arent going anywhere until you get the tyre replaced.”I looked hard, straight into his eyes, and _13_ saw someone different from the thug (恶棍) he appeared to be at first glance. So, _14_ all rational judgment, but trusting my instincts (本能), I got

9、out. He looked _15_, but got right to work, trying to find the _16_. It took a while, _17_ it was stored underneath the van.He _18_ the tyre, returned the seat (机座) to its place and said, “Thank you for letting me help you. You gave me a(n) _19_ when most people would never open the door to someone

10、like me.” I left with a new tyre and a renewed _20_ in human nature.1A.set out Bset down Cset about Dset BcontinueCreturn Dspeed3A.catch BescapeCfollow Davoid4A.crowded BdesertedCscaring Dnoisy5A.suddenly BterriblyCeasily Dlikely6A.tough BfriendlyCsafe Dmodern7A.opened BlockedCcleaned Dc

11、overed8A.struck BpushedCtouched Dknocked9A.inspiration BattitudeCappearance Dintroduction10A.attack BbullyCrob Dcheat11A.put BbeatCturned Ddragged12A.responded BexplainedCdeclined Denquired13A.hopefully BinstinctivelyCeventually Dpurposefully14A.beyond BaboveCwithout Dagainst15A.surprised BexcitedCg

12、rateful Dpleased16A.point BfaultCspare Dproblem17A.since BwhenCafter Dbefore18A.repaired BchangedCexchanged Dremoved19A.favor BgiftCimpression Dchance20A.relief BfaithCinterest Dunderstanding.阅读理解Gone are the days when people used to be devoted to a job and enjoyed working at the same place during t

13、heir lifetime. Nowadays, job hopping (跳槽) has become very common. But what has led to this tendency of frequent change in jobs among employees? Well, in most of the cases, it is boredom resulting from the routine job and lack of job satisfaction that disappoints people. Searching for better work opp

14、ortunities is also one of the reasons for frequent change in jobs.But, is job hopping safe for employees?Actually, job hopping can either make or break the career of the person. On the one hand, it helps you learn new work skills because youll come across many people who have the experience of worki

15、ng in many different work areas. Through working in different fields you would be exposed to various work fields and as a result, you would find the field that is best for you. Also, changing the job serves a good break and will keep you enthusiastic about the life and work.On the other hand, job ho

16、pping isnt something recommended because there are disadvantages associated with it. Very often employers are afraid of hiring employees with a history of too many job changes. This is because an employee with many job records is described as someone who cannot be trusted in the long run. Also the p

17、erson is often considered as someone who lacks stability, focus and dedication (奉献), apart from sound knowledge of his work area. A person gains sound knowledge of a subject only after he works on it for a certain period of time.Therefore, you shouldnt change your job too frequently; job change is r

18、ecommended only if you arent satisfied with the job, or have issues with the current job, or have got a better job opportunity.1From Paragraph 1, we can infer that people in the past_.Awere more devoted to work than people todayBbenefited a lot from the steadiness of workCliked to do less challengin

19、g workDpreferred not to change job2What does the underlined word “break” in Paragraph 2 mean?AInterrupt.BDestroy.CSeparate. DStop.3According to the text, job hopping has many advantages EXCEPT_.Agiving a good impression on the employerBfinding the fittest job for youClearning new work skillsDkeeping

20、 your interest4What is the authors purpose in writing this text?ATo tell us the attitudes towards job hopping.BTo tell us on what condition we can change our jobs.CTo tell us to treasure the present jobs we do.DTo tell us the advantages and disadvantages of job hopping.答案.1.sad; sadly;

21、ed; players3.happily; happiest4.satisfaction; satisfied5.inventor; inventions6.simplify; simpler/simple7.appearance; disappeared8.discovered; uncovered9.kind; kindness10.more expensive; 4investigator5.robbery6.professional7neighbouring8.remove9.Fortunately 10unh

22、armed.1.解析:选A根据上文可知,路程比较远,所以早上5点左右“我”就出发了。set out“出发”。2解析:选Creturn“返回”。根据上文的“I left my inhaler behind”可知,“我”不得不返回取“我”落下的inhaler。3解析:选Davoid“避免,避开,躲避”。“我”转向以回避它,但撞上了路缘,车爆胎了。4解析:选Bdeserted“没人的,被遗弃的”。“我”来到一个小停车场,发现这地方没人。5解析:选C“我”有在现代化城市生存的能力,不容易(easily)受到惊吓。6解析:选Atough“不幸的,倒霉的”。但“我”知道自己现在处于一个倒霉的(tough)

23、地方。7解析:选Block“锁上”。由上文可知,在休斯顿没有人能接“我”。所以“我”立刻锁上了门,然后给拖车公司打电话。8解析:选D根据空后的“my drivers side window and asked if he could help me”,可知,这里应用knock“敲,打,敲击”。9解析:选Cappearance“外貌,外观”。下文的信息“someone different from the thug (恶棍) he appeared to be at first glance”是提示。10解析:选Crob“抢劫,掠夺”。从他的外表和举止上看,他更有可能抢劫“我”而并非帮助“我”。

24、11解析:选C根据空后的“told him the tow truck was due any minute”可知,“我”拒绝了他。12解析:选Cdecline“谢绝,婉拒”。他又问了一遍,但“我”又礼貌地拒绝了。13解析:选Binstinctively“本能地”。下文信息“all rational judgment, but trusting my instincts (本能)”是提示。14解析:选Dagainst“违反”。虽然与所有的理性判断相违背,但这次“我”相信“我”的直觉。15解析:选A根据空后的“but”和下一段的“when most people would never open

25、 the door to someone like me”可知,这个人看上去很惊讶。16解析:选Cspare“备用零件,备胎”。根据下文的“it was stored underneath the van”可知,这里指“备用轮胎”。17解析:选A空后的句子是空前句子的原因,故用since。18解析:选Bchange“更换,替换”。他更换了轮胎。19解析:选D大多数人不愿给他那种长相的人做好事的“机会”。a chance表示“一次机会”。20解析:选Bfaith“信任,忠实”。根据上文可知,这里讲“我”重新获得了对他人的信任。.1.解析:选D推理判断题。从文章第一段第一句可知,过去人们往往一辈子

26、只从事一种工作。选B词义猜测题。与文章第二、三段关于跳槽的优缺点对比相对应,跳槽可能会使人成功也可能会破坏一个人的职业生涯。可知应选B。选A细节理解题。从文章第三段可知,跳槽很可能会给雇用者留下一个坏印象。故选A。选D写作意图题。文章主要说明了换工作的优点和缺点。专题滚动检测(二)(限时:45分钟名词、冠词和代词阅读理解2篇短文改错).用a, an, the填空There once was a king who offered 1._ prize to 2._ artist who would paint 3._ best picture of peace.Many artists tried

27、.The king looked at all 4._ pictures.But there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them.One picture was of a calm lake.The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful high mountains all around it.Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds.All who saw this picture thought that it was 5._ perfect picture of peace.The other picture had mountains, too.But these were rugged (崎岖的) and bare.Above was 6._ angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played.Down 7._

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