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1、4.本计划应经发证机关进行审批,计划批准后未经许可不得对其任何部分作改变和修订,非强制性规定除外。This plan should be inspected and approved by the Administration which certificate issued After the plan being approved no alteration or revision should be made to any part except the part of non-mandatory without the prior approval of the Administrat

2、ion which certificate issued.5.附录中的船舶所有人,营运人和经营人,必须为最近情况。The appendices should be maintained up to date by the owners, operations and managers.变更记录Record of Revision变更年有日Date of revision 变更事项Revised Provisions 船级社Classification Societies船舶细目SHIPS PARTICULARSName of Ship船旗国Flag船籍港Port of Registry船舶编号

3、或呼号Distinctive No.of Letters国际识别号IMO No.注册编号/船级登记号Official Number/Class Number船舶种类Ship Type交船日期Date of Delivery总长Length Overall船长Ships Length船宽Breadth型深Moulded Depth夏季吃水Summer Draught总吨位Gross Tonnage净吨位Net tonnage载重量Deachweight制造厂Builder制造编号Yard No.船东/船舶营运人及地址Owner/OperatorandAddress船舶特殊性的有关资料Other

4、Relevant Information Specific to the Ship:目 录CONTENTS第1节序言Section 1Preamble第2节报告要求Section 2Reporting requirements2.1一般要求General Requirement2.2何时报告When to report2.3所需资料Information required2.4向谁联系Who to contact第3节控制排放的措施Section3Steps to control discharge3.1 一般要求3.2 操作性润溢油Operational spills3.3 海损所致溢油Sp

5、ills resulting from casualties第4节国家和地方协作Section4National and Local co-ordination第5节补充资料(非强制性)Section5Additional information(non-mandatory)附录Appendices1沿海国家和地区联系人一览表List of coastal atate contacts2港口联系人一览表List of port contacts as appropriate3船舶重要联系人一览表List of ship interest contacts4报告程序Reporting proce

6、dure5船上溢油的应变设备和材料清单List of oil spill response equipment material on board6防止油污训练记录Record of oil pollution prevention drills7简明流程图Summary flowchart8有关图纸Related plans and drawings第1节 序 言SECTION 1 PREAMBLE1.1 本计划的目的是向船长和高级船员提供指导,当船上发生意外排油时采取必要措施以控制或减少排油或减轻其危害。该计划不仅适用于控制操作溢油,同时也适用于控制事故溢油。The purpose of

7、the plan is to provide guidance to the Master Officers on board concerning necessary actions to stop or minimize the unexpected discharge of oil and to mitigate is applicable for the control of operational spill as well as the control of spill resulting from casualties.1.2 本计划附录7中附有一个以国际海事组织制定的指南为基准

8、,把船上人员对油污做出应急反应的行动加以概括的简明流程图,预想的各项措施是为了帮助船上人员采取行动,以制止或最大限度地控制油类排放和减轻油污染影响,这些措施可分为两类报告与行动,使其能指导船长在事故中,应用简明流程图和检查表,实施所必需的各种措施和决定,以增强反应能力,减少差错和失误。The plan is to provide a flow chart in Appendix 7 for indicating procedures of emergency response to oil pollution implemented by the crew members on board a

9、ccording to the guidance developed by the International Maritime Organization. The procedure, for the crew members to take actions to stop or minimize discharge of oil mitigate its effects, are to be divided into two partreporting & acting, for the purpose of guiding the Master to take necessary act

10、ions, increase response ability and minimize errors during casualties.1.3 船舶与沿海国或其他有在部门快速,有效的协作,对于减少污染事故的危害影响是至关重要的,因此,船上应急计划应与其他岸上基地的应急计划相关联。It is of great importance to the set effective coordination with the coastal states and other parties concerned for minimizing the effects of oil pollution. T

11、he shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is to comply with the shore side pollution emergency plan.1.4 为了本计划的落实,要求船上和岸上的船舶管理人员都了解本计划。For the plan accomplish its purpose, it must be understood by ship management personnel, both on board and ashore.1.5 本计划如同船上其他文件一样供船长和高级船员使用,因此,本计划必须使用船长和高级船员的工作语言重新

12、编写本计划。The plan is likely to be a document used on board by the Master and Offices of the ship It must therefore be available in the Master and Offices which brings about an attendant change in their working language would require the issue of the plan in the new language.1.6 如必要时,本计划应定期进行评估、检查和修改。Th

13、e plan should be periodically assessed, reviewed and revised if necessary.1.7 附录8中所列有关图纸应与本计划保存在一起。The related plans and drawings in the appendix 8 should be kept together with the plan.第2节 报告要求SECTION 2 REPORTING REQUREMENTS2.1 一般要求2.1.1 根据73/78防污染公约第8条和议定书的要求,应该把实际的或可能的排油情况通知最近沿海国家,以便使沿海国家可能估计此项事故

14、受到的污染威胁以及采取适当的行动进行援救和协调行动。Article 8 and Protocol I of MARPOL 73/78require that the nearest coastal state should be notified of actual or probable discharges of oil to the sea. The intent of the requirement is to ensure that coastal states are informed without delay of any incident giving rise to pol

15、lution, or threat of pollution, of the marine environment, as well as the need for assistance and salvage measures, so that appropriate action may to taken.2.1.2 发生油类污染事故后,船长和其他负责人根据在国际海事组织制定的指南基础上确定报告程序。The reporting procedure to be followed by the Master or other person in charge of the ship after

16、 oil pollution incident is based on guidelines developed by the International Maritime Organization.*2.13 如果船舶发生污染事故,应该向最近沿海国家和港口当局以及船舶重要联系人进行报告。If the ship is involved in a pollution incident, reports must be made to both coastal state and port contacts, as appropriate, and to contacts representing

17、 interest in the ship.2.14 报告的程序应按本计划附录4给出的报告程序图纸的要求来进行。A flow chart indicating the reporting procedure to be followed in accordance with the PLAN requirements is given in Appendix4.2.2 何时报告 WHEN TO REPORT 当船舶发生实际或可能发生油类污染事件时,船长或船舶其他负责人必须按1978年议定书的1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约(MARPOL73/78)以下简称公约第8条和议定书及时地向最近沿海国

18、家报告。When the ship involves in an actual or probable oil pollution incident, the master or other persons in charge of the ship must report with table 1 without delay, the nearest- 所指为国际海事组织A.648(16)决议通过的(包括危险货物、有害物质和/或海洋污染物事故报告指南)。更简便,见IMO颁发的。Reference is made to “General principles for ship reportin

19、g system and ship reporting requirements, including Guidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods, substances und/or marine pollutants adopted by international Maritime Organization by resolution A.648(16).For ease of reference, see IMO publications concerning the Reporting of Inciden

20、ts Involving Harmful Substances under MARPOL 73/78.coastal state, as requited in Article 8 and protocol I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978relatingthereto,asamended(MARPOL73/78) (hereinafter to as the “Convention”)2.2.

21、1 实际发生排油 Actual discharge 无论何时发生下列情况都必须作报告: Make a report whenever there is: (1) 由于船舶或设备损坏引起排油; A discharge of oil resulting from damage to the ship or its equipment; or(2) 为了确保船舶安全和在海上救生目的引起排 A discharge of oil for the purpose of securing the safety of the ship or saving life at sea;(3) 超过现行公约允许排放总

22、量或瞬时排放率。 A discharge of oil during the operation of the ship in excess of the quantity or instantaneous rate permitted under the present convention.(4).螺旋桨轴和尾轴油封装置损坏而引起的排油。 Adischarge of oil resulting from damage to screwshaft and tube shaft oil seal device.2.2.2 可能发生排油 Probable discharge 判明可能引起排油时应

23、作报告,并考虑下列因素: Make a report when it is judged that there is a probability of discharge of oil, taking into account: (1) 船舶,机械和设备故障,失灵或损坏的性质; The nature of damage, failure or breakdown of the ship, machinery or equipment; (2) 船舶所处位置和船舶靠陆地太近以及其他航行危险; Ships location and proximity to land or other naviga

24、tional hazards; (3) 天气,潮汐,海流,海况; Weather, tide, current and sea condition; and (4) 交通密度。 Traffic density.2.2.3 原则上,有下列情况应作报告: In principle, make a report in cases of: (1) 涉及船舶安全因素的故障,失灵和损坏,如碰撞,搁浅,火灾,爆炸,船体结构损坏,进水,货物移动; Damage, failure or breakdown which affects the safety of the ship i.e. collision,

25、grounding, fire, explosion, structural failure, flooding, cargo shifting; (2) 机械和设备的损坏,影响船舶航行安全,如舵机,推进装置,发电系统和船舶重要航行设备的故障,失灵和损失。 Failure of breakdown of machinery or equipment which results in impairement of the safety of navigation, i.e. failure or breakdown of steering gear, propulsion, electrical

26、 generating system, and essential shipborne navigational aids.2.3 所需资料2.3.1 报告所使用的文字应为英文,且包含下列资料: The report should contain the following information and the language is to be in English (1)船名,船舶呼号和船旗国; Name of ship, call sign and flag; (2) 事故发生日期和时间(国际协调时间);一共由六位数组成,前二位是日期,后四位是小时和分; Date and time (

27、UTC) of incident; a 6-digit group giving day of mouth (first two digits), hours and minutes(last four digits). (3) 船舶位置;给出纬度;四位数表示度和分,加上后面N(北)或S(南),和给出经度,五位数表示度和分,加上后面E(东)或W(西); Ships position, giving latitude: a 4-digit group in degrees and minutes suffixed with N (North) or S (South); and longitude; a 5-digit group in degrees and minutes suffixed with E (East) or W (West); (4) 船舶位置;用真方位(前面三位数)和用离一个明显的陆地标志的距离来说明; Ships position by true bearing (first 3 digits) and distance (stated) from a clearly ident

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