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1、B. Dnt say s like that. I want t buy a suitable unifr. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。( )11. A. Hed better wear warer lthes.B. He feels a bit ld. He has a little ld.( )12. A. He shuld wear a lng at and tight pants.B. He shuld wear a shrt at and shrt pants. He shuld wear a shrt at and tight pants.( )13. A. Sp

2、eial lthes. B. Unifrs. . asual lthes.( )14. A The hat. B. The sarf. . e dnt knw.( )15. A. N, it isnt. B. yes, it is. . Thats right. 听短,判断正(T)误(F)。短读两遍。( )16. The students are ging t play basketball.( )17. They will begin t wrk at 1:15 n Saturday afternn.( )18. The students an take the shl bus there.

3、( )19. The students shuld wear shl unifrs and sprts shes.( )20. They an g there by theselves.第二部分 英语知识运用(55分). 单项选择。(10分)( )1. Is _ ipssible that everyne likes the sae lthes?A. thisB. that. itD. what( )2. The ld an desnt _ war shes when the weather gets ld.A. put nB. wear. withD. in( )3. The dress l

4、ks _ _ yu.Really? Then Ill take it.A. nie; inB. nie; n. ugly; inD. ugly; n( )4. I think everyne shuld wear suitable lthes n every asin._. Different asins, different lthes.A. Gd lukB. Its y pleasure. I agree with yuD. The sae t yu( )5. Did r. hite tell yu _?yes. He said he went there in 2003.A. when

5、he traveled t TibetB. hw he ges t uhan. where he spent his hlidaysD. why did he visit kuning( )6. Its iprtant _ us _ wear suitable lthes n every asin.A. fr; tB. fr; fr. t; tD. t; fr( )7. I think ur parents shuld allw us _ _ wn lthes.A. hsing; urB. hsing; us. t hse; urD. t hse; us( )8. Seties the pli

6、e wear asual lthes t _ speial tasks.A. arry ffB. arry n. arry withD. arry ut( )9. If a fat persn wears a dark lr, it will ake hi lk _.A. sliB. slier. slierD. re slier( )10. I _ yu t buy tikets first if yu want t travel in August.A. advieB. advise. askD. tell. 情景交际。根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。A. I ust li

7、ke blue and green.B. uld yu like t hse fr e?. Thank yu.D. yure a little shrt,E. It lks s beautiful n yu.F. Its a pleasure.G. yure a little fat,A: Hi, ary. hat a nie dress!B: 11 I ust bught it yesterday. 12 I als want t buy ne like yurs. But I think it desnt suit yu. 13 s yud better try a dark lr. I

8、dnt like dark lrs. 14 Beause blue is the sybl f peae and green is the sign fspring, yuth and energy. h, I see. aybe yu an try a dark blue. All right. 15 yes, Id lve t. Lets g!11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _. 完形填空。lthes are iprtant in ur life. Different peple wear 16 lthes. Nw lets 17 se peple talking

9、abut lthes.Hell, y naes Betty. I started wrking this year, s I able t get new lthes re ften 18befre. There are different peple in y wrking plae every day. If sene sees e in 19ne, I dnt like t g ut in it again. I like t wear bright lrs and always dress up when I g t parties. I buy all kinds f lthes a

10、nd I try t fllw the latest way f 20 .Hi, I ak. I dnt have uh t say abut lthes. Shpping 21 lthes isnt really the way f life I interested in. Sine I still at a llege, I dnt really ind 22 . I have tw akets and I ften wear 23 . I knw least abut the way f dressing. I dnt like the serius lk.y nae is Alie.

11、 Id like t say that y lthes have t be frtable and ake e 24easy as sn as I put the n. Seties I buy lthes in se sall arketstheyre less expensive there. I g shpping fr lthes abut ne a nth, thugh. If I see 25 and fit fr e, I wuld aybe g fr it there and then.( )16. A. the saeB. different. beautifulD. frt

12、able( )17. A. listen tB. hear. t listen tD. t hear( )18. A. asB. like. thanD. lng( )19. A. sethingB. anything. nthingD. everything( )20. A. dressB. dressing. dressesD. t dress( )21. A. fB. in. frD. n( )22. A. what I wearB. what d I wear. what I wreD. what did I wear( )23. A. itB. the. theirD. they(

13、)24. A. feelB. feels. feelingD. t feel( )25. A. sething frtableB. anything frtable. frtable sethingD. frtable anything. 阅读理解。(30分)(A)e ften see peple in different ffies wear different lthes. In Aeria, a businessan ges t wrk in a dark suit, with blak shes, sks and a tie. A reprter ges t wrk in ld blu

14、e eans, a wrk shirt and sneakers(运动鞋). These tw kinds f lthes are suitable fr their wrk.If yu are a llege student wh will leave shl sn, befre starting a b, yu have t buy se new lthes. And yud better have a lk at“what everyne else is wearing”in the ffie. n ertain(某种) kinds f business asins, the en we

15、ar nly suits with white shirts and dark ties. n thers, en an wear akets.Dressing is very iprtant. ithut it, there is n suessful fashin. It wuld be helpful if everyne lks at hiself in the irrr befre leaving he every rning.根据短内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )26. Its very n t see peple in different ffies wear the sae

16、lthes.( )27. As a student he had better knw “what everyne else is wearing” in that ffie befrewrking there.( )28. Suits with white shirts and dark ties are fr en n ertain kinds f business asins.( )29. A reprter ften ges t wrk in a dark suit.( )30. Dressing is iprtant fr suessful fashin.(B)ne f the pr

17、bles areer peple(上班族) have in the rning is dressing fr the ffie when there will be an evening party iediately fllwed, with n tie t return he t hange. The easiest slutin is t keep a full set f tiletries (洗漱用品) and ake-up stred sewhere at the ffie. A wan ging t an evening party shuld dress in ne f her

18、 “basi dresses” in the rningthe kind that an hange int a different lk with an added sarf r ewelry. In fifteen inutes, when her ffie day has ended, she an etarphse(彻底变化) herself int anther persn with freshly leaned teeth, bed hair, a new fae, a different and dressier(漂亮的) pair f shes, and se sparklin

19、g ewelry. If she ust wear a lng dress fr the party, she shuld bring it t the ffie in a prtetive bag and stre it safely until she has t put it n.( )31. hats a prble fr the areer peple fr this passage?A. They ust wear unifrs at wrk.B. They have n dresses t wear. They ften have n tie t hange lthes fr a

20、n evening party after wrk.D. They have t g t the party.( )32. The easiest slutin is _.A. t keep a full set f tiletries and ake-up stred sewhere at the ffieB. nt t g t the party. t take a taxi heD. t finish wrk earlier( )33. If a wan is ging t a party, she shuld wear _ in the rning.A. a nie dressB. a

21、 “basi dress”. her unifrD. asual lthes( )34. Hw lng des it take a wan t hange herself at least?A. Abut five inutes. B. Abut fifteen inutes. Abut half an hur. D. Abut fifty inutes.( )35. If a wan ust wear a lng dress fr the party, she shuld _.A. wear it in the rningB. buy ne in the shp. brrw ne fr he

22、r wrkateD. bring it t the ffie()st iddle shl students wear unifrs. Se students like unifrs, but thers dnt. Hwever, reently, a apanese gvernent survey(政府调查) shws that re students in apan like unifrs nw beause shl unifrs are re fashinable(时尚的) than they were befre.I surveyed se apanese students abut w

23、hat they thught abut shl unifrs. I asked the, “Are fashinable unifrs ppular r nt?” There were lts f different pinins(观点,看法).Hiri said, “I like shl unifrs beause I dnt need t hse lthes every day. I think that fashinable unifrs are gd. y high shl unifr is fashinable, but there is a prble. Fashinable u

24、nifrs are t expensive.”iki said that she didnt like fashinable unifrs beause she didnt want t spend s uh ney n unifrs. She thught that the unifrs shuld be hanged(被改变). They shuld be heaper and easier t get.itsuaki said, “I dnt like shl unifrs beause I want t lk different. I als agree that fashinable

25、 unifrs ake any students want t wear unifrs in high shl. If students like fashinable unifrs, it is gd. ”根据短内容,回答问题。36. D re students r fewer students like unifrs in apan nw?_37. hat is the questin f the survey?38. Hw any students pinins are there in the passage?39. hy des Hiri like shl unifrs?40. hy

26、 d students nt like shl unifrs?第三部分 写作(25分). 词汇部分。(A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。41. All the plie _ in the plie statin used t have a regular eeting ne a week.42. All the airline p_ shuld wear unifrs n the plane.43. Beause f bad weather at the a_ nw, we ant get n the plane n tie.44. ait a ent, please! I have t t_ y

27、 shes.45. S_ wear green trusers t help the hide in the frest.(B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。46. They are tw_ (pliewan).47. kang ei is_ (interview) a firefighter.48. hen the gatekeeper saw a an _ (hide) in his r, he alled the plie.49. The little by an nae all f the NBA players_ (rret).50. In rder t_ (arry) ut se speial tasks, he ften wears asual lthes. 句型转换。51. I asked, “hat des is father wear at the ffie?” (合并成一句)I asked _.52. yud better wear tight pants. (改为否定句)yud better _ _ tight pants.53. yu shuld knk at the dr befre yu enter senes r. (改为同义句)

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