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1、【解析】选D。考查代词用法。帮助别人是一种习惯,一个你在很小时就能学会的习惯。分析句子结构可知,habit之后的空格处为同位语部分,用one相当于a habit, 空处后的部分为定语从句部分,修饰one, 其后省略了引导定语从句的关系代词which或that, 作learn的宾语。【知识拓展】“代词作同位语”考点剖析将同位语与代词用法放在一起考查是各种测试题中常见的一种现象,常涉及it, that, one, this, that, as, what及something, anything, nothing等,而其中对one,it, that, what等代词的考查尤其多见, 针对one在句中

2、用于代替“a/an+单数名词”充当同位语的这一考查角度在数年高考题中曾经多次呈现,通过比较我们可以发现某些高考题的相似之处。(2002全国I Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _I will always treasure.A. thatB. oneC. itD. what【解析】选B, 此句中用one替代a moment,作an unforgettable moment的同位语,泛指值得我珍惜的那样一个时刻。又如Cook was a strict but good captain, one

3、who took good care of the sailors on his ship.同时仔细研究题目的四个选项,我们也可以看出,山东高考题只是2002年全国卷的一个翻新版而已。3.(2010江苏卷T29So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, butit is _ ideal. We have to work still harder.A. next toB. far fromC. out ofD. due to【解析】选B。考查固定短语意义的辨析。句意:到目前为止,我们已经做了很多工作来打造低碳经济,但是还远不理

4、想。我们还必须更加努力工作。本题考查固定短语的辨析:next to意为“几乎,差不多;紧邻着”,与句意相反;far from意为“远非;远离”,后面常常接名词或者形容词;out of意为“从里;出于”;due to意为“由于”,后面常常接名词,可以作表语或者原因状语,相当于because of。根据句意选择B项。4(2010湖北卷T30It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money favors to them.A. in preference toB. in place ofC. in agreemen

5、t withD. in exchange for考查介词短语意义辨析。公务员用自己对他人的格外关照作交换而向他人索要钱物的行为是非法的。根据句意,in exchange for 用作交换,换取;符合题意,因此选择D。in preference to 优先于;in place of 代替;in agreement with 与一致;均不合题意。5.(2010江西卷T 29 We give dogs time ,space and love we can spare, and , dogs gives us their all.A. in allB. in factC. in shortD. in

6、 return【解析】选D 。考查介词词组辨析。我们给狗我们所能够抽出的时间、空间和爱,作为回报,狗给予我们他们的一切。in all 总共; in fact 事实上;in short 简言之; in return 作为回报。【跟踪演练】1.(2011福建省福州市八县联考After watching the movie Inception盗梦空间, I bought some DVD copies of the film, but now is left.A. noneB. nothingC. no oneD. neither2(2011吉林东北师大附中模拟It was our optimism

7、 and faith _ Shackleton that had helped us persevere _ staying alive.A.with;; atC.for;;3(2010河南省开封市二模24.For quite students, their teachers advice is more important than of their parents.A.few; oneB.a few; thatC.a little; someD.a lot; many4(2011吉林实验中学二模Of all the books on the desk, _ is

8、 of any use for oneC.neitherD.none5(2010吉林省实验中学二模6. _ went to see our professor last week. A.I, he and you B. He, I and youC. You , he and ID. I, you and he6(2010吉林省实验中学二模28. Not far from the club , there was a garden, _ owner seated in it playing bridge with his children.A. whos

9、eB. itsC. of whichD. in which7(2010湖南省长沙市一中二模28. The manager assured the customer that his complaint would be seen _ immediately.A. toB. atC. onD. with8(2010河南省开封市二模33.China has produced many great writers over the lastten years, Mo Yan.A.among them wasB.among whom which wasD.among whom were

10、9 (2010吉林省实验中学二模36. Measures have been taken to solve the problem, but it may be some time _ the situation improves.A. sinceB. whenC. unlessD. before10(2010江苏省宁海外国语学校二模25.The fire spread fast.Luckily the local government had brought it under control the situation got worse.A.thoughB.untilC.beforeD.s

11、ince11.Its a mistake to think of Florida only _its tourist attractions.A. in addition toB. by way ofC. in terms ofD. by means of12. Weve been looking for cheap houses but havent found _we like yet.A. oneB. otherD. that13. This kind of social phenomenon could exist only for a few months, but it will

12、disappear_.A. in no timeB. on the timeC. at a timeD. at one time14. _not like Jim to be late for class. He is always on time.A. HeresB. ThatsC. ItsD. Theres15. Shelly didnt allow her failure in the exam to discourage her._ , she began to work harder than before.A. On the contraryB. In additionC. In

13、conclusionD. On the whole16. Where shall we go to spend the weekend?Nowhere_, anywhere you like.B. in generalC. in caseD. in particular17. Where did you get your laptop? Id like to get one.Well, at _shop on Avenue 48, but I cant say exactly.A. someB. anyC. eachD. every18. Because Henry and Mark had

14、to work, _of them came yesterday.A. bothB. noneC. neitherD. either19. The number 5. 12 is a special number, _, I think, that will be remembered by Chinese people forever.A. whatB. itC. which20. Could you please buy me an MP4 as well as a digital camera, Mum?You can choose_, not both, my dear.A. each

15、C. eitherD. none21. Equipped with modern facilities, todays hospitals are quite different from _of the past.B. thoseC. oneD. ones22. The Sino-U. S. relations, although they have experienced twists and turns in the past, _have moved forward.A. in returnB. in turnC. on the wholeD. on the other hand23.

16、 Some experts are warning that the step the US government has taken to deal with the current crisis is _of much risk.A. onesC. thatD. those24. Mary, I have got a new cellphone number!Oh, hold on. Ill put it down just_.A. in needB. in caseC. in timeD. in use25. How about your present salary?My basic

17、salary is about $500 and _Ill receive some extra income. A. in general B. in additionC. in publicD. in common26._ of the land in that county _covered with green plants and beautiful flowers.A. Two third; areB. Two thirds; isC. Two third;D. Two thirds;27. She went to the bookstore and bought_.A. doze

18、n booksB. dozens booksC. dozen of booksD. dozens of books28. It is reported that the floods have left about _people homeless.A. two thousandB. Two-thousandsC. two thousandsD. two thousands of29. It took us quite a long time to get there. It was _journey.A. three-hourB. a three hourC. a three-hourD.

19、three hours30. _people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day.A. Several millionB. Many millionsC. Several millionsD. Many million【答案】1 A2 D3 B4 D5 C6 B7 A8 B9 D 10 C11【解析】选C。考查介词短语辨析。认为佛罗里达只在旅游方面有吸引力是错误的。in terms of就而言; in addition to除了, 此外; by way of经由; by means of 通过方式。12.【解析】选A

20、。考查代词的用法。我们一直在找便宜的房子, 但是还没找到一所我们喜欢的。此处表示泛指, 代替单数可数名词, 故用one。it用来代指上文提到的同一个事物。13.【解析】选A。考查介词短语。in no time立即; at a time每次; at one time一度, 曾经。14.【解析】选C。考查代词。分析句子结构可知, 该句中缺少主语, 故用it作形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的不定式短语。15.【解析】选A。考查介词短语的用法。Shelly不允许考试不及格使自己失去信心, 相反她比以前学习更努力了。on the contrary相反地; in addition另外; in conclus

21、ion最后, 总之; on the whole总的来说。16.【解析】选D。我们到什么地方去过周末? 没有什么特别的地方, 你喜欢的地方就行。in all总共; in general总的来说, 一般来说; in case以防, 万一; in particular尤其, 特别。17.【解析】选A。some此处表示“某个”。any一些, 任何一个; each 表示两者或两者以上的每一个, every表示三者或三者以上的每一个。18.【解析】选C。因为亨利和马克要工作, 所以昨天两人都没来。“两者都不”用neither; “两者都”用both; “三者(以上都不”用none; “两者之一”用eith

22、er。19.【解析】选D。此处one指代a special number, 在句中充当同位语, 意为“某个, 一个”本题的解题关键是弄清楚I think为插入语。20.【解析】选C。语境为:你可以任选其一, 但不是两个。either(两者中的一个, each两者或两者以上每一个; any一些, 任何一个; none三者(以上都不。21.【解析】选B。因为装备了现代化的设施, 现在的医院已经完全不同于过去的医院了。将本句补全后为:Equipped with modern facilities, todays hospitals are quite different from the hospi

23、tals of the past. 然后考虑用those 替代特指的复数名词。22.【解析】选C。中美关系虽然历经波折, 但总的来说还是向前发展的。in return作为回报; in turn轮流, 反过来; on the whole总的来说, 总而言之; on the other hand另一方面。根据语境用on the whole。23.【解析】选B。此处不定代词one代指one step。一些专家警告说美国政府处理当前危机的措施是一项很危险的措施。24.【解析】选B。我把你的新手机号码记下来, 以防万一。(just in case以防万一, 以防; in need在危难中, 在危急中;

24、in time及时; in use在使用中。25.【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。in general总的来说; in public 公开地; in common共有, 有共同之处。由句意:“我的基本工资约为500美元, 此外还会有一些额外收入”可知, B项正确。26.【解析】选B。英语中的分数由基数词和序数词构成, 基数词作分子, 序数词作分母, 当分子大于1时分母要用复数; 分数+名词作主语时谓语动词的单复数由名词的数来决定。27.【解析】选D。她去了书店, 买了许多书。dozens of也是表示不确切的数量, 意思是“许多, 几十”, 这种约数的表达常用“复数名词+of+名词/代词”构成,

25、除dozen外, 还有hundreds/thousands/millions/scores of. . . 。28.【解析】选A。据报道洪水已经使大约2 000多人无家可归。当dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million前有具体数字时, 都要用单数形式。29.【解析】选C。数词+名词构成复合形容词作定语。此时名词要用单数形式。30.【解析】选A。与数词或several等连用时, million不加-s。【真题在线】全国卷IT23 Ill spend half of my holiday practicing English and _ half learni

26、ng drawing.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. other2. (2010全国卷IIT12Neither side is prepared to talk to _ unless we can smooth things over between them.A. othersC. anotherD. one other3. (2010T14The doctor thought _ would be good for you to have aholiday.A. thisD. it4. (2010安徽卷T21You are the team star!

27、 Working with _is really your cup of tea.B. eitherC. othersD. the other重庆卷T23.He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found of them again.A. neitherD. all6. (2010T 27Swimming is my favorite sport. There is _like swimming as a means of keeping fit.A. somethingC. nothingD. everything7.(201

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