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1、 2 to collect into a mass : GATHERAmbrosia n. 特别美味的食物 something extremely pleasing to taste or smellanomaly n.不规则, 异常的人或物 anxiety n.忧虑, 焦急; 渴望, 热望1 an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear2 fearful concern or interest 3 a cause of anxietyappall vt.使胆寒, 使惊骇 to overcome with conster

2、nation, shock, or dismayappalling adj.令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的 inspiring horror, dismay, or disgustappear vi.出现, 看来, 似乎1. to be or come in sight; to show up2. to have an outward aspect : SEEM appropriate adj.适当的 especially suitable or compatible : FITTINGapt adj.易于.的, 有.倾向的unusually fitted or qualified : READY;

3、 having a tendency灵敏的, 灵巧的keenly intelligent and responsive适当的 suited to a purpose; especially : being to the point arouse vt.唤醒, 唤起to awaken from sleep鼓励, 引起to rouse or stimulate to action or to physiological readiness for activity vi.睡醒 to awake from sleep : STIRas of lateastute adj.机敏的, 狡猾的 havin

4、g or showing shrewdness and perspicacity:CRAFTY, WILYattribute n.属性, 品质, 特征 an inherent characteristicv. 加于, 归结于 to explain by indicating a causeauthoritative adj.权威的, 有权威的, 命令的 having or proceeding from authority : OFFICIALBback and forth adv. 来来回回 : backward and forwardbarely adv.仅仅, 刚刚in a meager

5、 manner : PLAINLY 几乎不能 SCARCELY, HARDLYbarter n / v.物品交换, 交换 to trade or exchange by or as if by barteringbehold vt.把.视为 to perceive through sight or apprehension : SEEvi.看 used in the imperative especially to call attentionbeneficial adj.有益的, 受益的, 法律有使用权的 conferring benefitsbind v.绑, 约束 to confine,

6、 restrain, or restrict as if with bonds镶边, 装订 to wrap around with something so as to enclose or cover bizarre adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)strikingly out of the ordinary : odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or modeblunder v.跌跌撞撞地走to move unsteadily or confusedly犯大错, 做错 to make a mistake through stupidity

7、, ignorance, or carelessnessn.大错a gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity, ignorance, or carelessnessborder n.边界, 国界, 边, 边沿, 边境 an outer part or edge vt.与.接壤, 接近 to touch at the edge or boundary : BOUND; v.接壤 to lie on the borderbreach n.违背, 破坏 infraction or violation of a law, oblig

8、ation, tie, or standard 破裂, 裂口 a broken, ruptured, or torn condition or area b : a gap (as in a wall) made by batteringvt.打破, 突破 1. BREAK, VIOLATE ; 2 to make a breach inbump (swell) n. 肿块 a swelling of tissue v.碰(伤), 撞(破) 1 : to strike or knock with force or violence 2 : to collide withbush n.矮树丛 a

9、 : SHRUB; a low densely branched shrub by degrees adv. 逐渐地by right, by rights adv. 正当的Ccandid adj.无偏见的, 公正的, free from bias, prejudice, or malice : FAIR坦白的, 率直的 marked by honest sincere expressioncare n.注意, 照料, 烦恼, 忧虑 painstaking or watchful attentionvi.关心, 顾虑 1. to feel trouble or anxiety ; 喜爱 2. t

10、o have a liking, fondness, or tastevt.在意 to be concerned about or to the extent ofcarve v.雕刻 to cut with care or precision ; 切开 to make or get by or as if by cuttingcelebrate v.庆祝, 祝贺to honor (as a holiday) by solemn ceremonies 表扬, 赞美 to hold up or play up for public notice 举行to perform (a sacrament

11、 or solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate riteschart n.海图 a map for the use of navigators ; 图表 a sheet giving information in tabular formvt.制图 to make a map or chart ofcirculate v.(使)流通 to pass from person to person or place to place(使)循环, (使)传播 to move in a circle, circuit, or orbit; to fo

12、llow a course that returns to the starting point classify vt.分类 to assign (as a document) to a category; 分等 to arrange in classescolleague n.同事, 同僚 an associate in a profession or in a civil or ecclesiastical officecollusion n.共谋,勾结secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitf

13、ul purposecommand v.命令, 指挥to direct authoritatively :ORDER;支配to exercise a dominating influence over俯临 to overlook or dominate from or as if from a strategic positioncommonplace n.平凡的事 something commonly found ; 平常话 an obvious or trite commentadj.平凡的 commonly found : ORDINARY, UNREMARKABLEcompromise

14、 n./ v.妥协, 折衷to adjust or settle by mutual concessions 危及.的安全 to cause the impairment ofconceal vt.隐藏, 隐蔽 to place out of sight ; 隐瞒 to prevent disclosure or recognition ofconfidential adj.秘密的, 机密的 PRIVATE, SECRETconform vt.使一致to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or ac

15、cord使遵守, 使顺从 to be obedient or compliant ? usually used with tocongregate v.聚集 to come together into a group, crowd, or assemblyconserve vt.保存, 保藏 to keep in a safe or sound stateconsiderably adv.相当地 1. worth consideration : SIGNIFICANT ; 2. large in extent or degreeconspicuous adj.显著的 attracting at

16、tention : STRIKINGcontemporary adj./n. 当代的, 同时代的(人) happening, existing, living, or coming into being during the same period of timecontrast vt.使与.对比, 使与.对照 to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differencesconvenient adj.便利的, 方便的 suited to personal comfort or to easy performance

17、counter n.计算器, 计数器柜台, 筹码adv./prep.相反地 in an opposite or wrong directioncraggy adj.多峭壁的,崎岖的1.full of crags:craggy slopes ; 2 ROUGH, RUGGED :a craggy facecritic n.批评家, 评论家 one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter 吹毛求疵者 one given to harsh or captious judgmentcrush vt.压碎, 碾碎to squeeze or force

18、 by pressure so as to alter or destroy structure curiousDdamage n. 损害, 伤害 loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation v. 招致损害 to cause damage todecay vi./ n.腐朽, 腐烂, 衰减, 衰退 to decrease gradually in quantity, activity, or forcedefeat n./v. 击败 DESTROY; 战胜to win victory over :

19、BEATdeficit den n.兽穴, 洞穴 the lair of a wild usually predatory animaldesolatedetachable adj.可分开的, 可分离的, 可分遣的 able to separatedeter v.阻止 turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting ; 2. INHIBITdim adj.暗淡的, 模糊的 lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or vigorous quality or characterdiscerning adj.有辨识能力的

20、 showing insight and understanding : DISCRIMINATINGdiscord n.不一致, 意见不合lack of agreement or harmony v.不和 DISAGREE, CLASHdisseminate v.散布 1. to spread abroad as though sowing seed; 2 to disperse throughoutdistinct adj.清楚的, 明显的 presenting a clear unmistakable impression 截然不同的, 独特的 distinguishable to th

21、e eye or mind as discrete : SEPARATEdraft n.草案, 草图 vt.起草, 为.打样, to draw the preliminary sketch, version, or plan ofdue to adv. 由于, 应归于 duplicate adj.复制的,两倍的consisting of or existing in two corresponding or identical parts or examples adj. 完全相同的 being the same as another: *duplicate copiesn.复制品, 副本 a

22、n additional copy of somethingvt.复写, 复制 to make a copy of 使加倍, 使成双 to make double or twofoldEearmark v. 加上记号 to mark in a distinguishing mannerelaborate adj.精心制作的, 详细阐述的, 精细的 planned or carried out with great carevt.精心制作 to produce by labor ; 详细阐述 to expand something in detaileligible adj.符合条件的, 合格的

23、 qualified to participate or be chosen : ENTITLED emancipate vt.释放, 解放 to free from restraint, control, or the power of anotherembrace vt.拥抱, 互相拥抱 to clasp in the arms : HUG; 包含 to take in or include as a part, item, or element of a more inclusive wholeemit vt.发出, 放射to throw or give off or out (as l

24、ight); 发表, 发行 to issue with authorityencourage vt.鼓励 to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope : HEARTEN ; 怂恿 to spur onenhance vt.提高 RAISE; 增强 HEIGHTEN, INCREASEentangle vt.使缠上, to wrap or twist together : INTERWEAVE 纠缠, 卷入 to involve in a perplexing or troublesome situationentitle vt. 授权, 授权 to fur

25、nish with proper grounds for seeking or claiming something给.题名, 给.称号 to give a title to : DESIGNATEepoch n.新纪元 an event or a time marked by an event; 时代, 时期 an extended period of timeerode, erosion vt.侵蚀, 腐蚀 to diminish or destroy by degreesessential adj.本质的,基本的 of, relating to, or constituting esse

26、nce 提炼的, 精华的 of the utmost importance : BASICn.本质, 实质something basic; 要素,要点something necessary, indispensableevacuate v.撤出 to remove especially from a military zone;排泄to discharge from the body as wasteexceed vt.超越 to go beyond a limit set by ; 胜过 to be greater than or superior toexcerpt n.vt.摘录, 引用

27、 to select (a passage) for quoting : EXTRACTexhilarating adj.令人喜欢的,使人愉快的 being able to make cheerfulexpanse n.宽阔, 膨胀扩张 great extent of something spread out ; 天空 FIRMAMENTextend v.扩充 to spread or stretch forth : UNBEND ; 延伸, 伸展 to increase the bulk ofextravagant adj.奢侈的, 浪费的放纵的lacking in moderation,

28、balance, and restraint 过分的 exceeding the limits of reason or necessityFface n.脸the front part of the human head 面容, 表情 facial expression vt.面对, 面向 to confront impudentlyfame n.名声, 名望 public estimation : REPUTATIONfancy adj.奇特的, 异样的 dependent or based on fancy : WHIMSICAL vt.想象, 设想to form a conception of: IMAGINE;n.爱好, 迷恋 amorous fondness : LOVEfaucet n.龙头a fixture for drawing or regulating the flow of liquid especially from a p

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