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1、B. as long asC. because4. A. byB. inC. with5. A. noticedB. believedC. wondered6. A. seldomB. hardlyC. nearly7. A. andB. soC. but8. A. WhatB. HowC. Why9. A. alsoB. stillC. ever10. A. go byB. go outC. go through【答案】 (1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9)B;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】主要讲了年轻女士和爸爸开车时遇到了暴风雨,所有人都靠

2、路边停留,爸爸却让作者一直开车,直到开到暴风雨停止的地方。 (1)句意:他们遇见了一次强烈的暴风雨。A.暴风雨;B.风;C.雨。根据后文the storm was getting worse and worse可知暴风雨,故选A。 (2)句意:年轻的女士问她爸爸:“我应该做什么?”A.告诉;B.问;C.订购。女士问爸爸应该做什么,所以用ask,故选B。 (3)句意:许多车开始靠路边停靠,因为暴风雨越来越糟糕。A.直到;B.只要;C.因为。因为暴风雨越来越大,所以人们靠路边停靠,故选C。 (4)句意:她的爸爸用相同的答案回答。A.通过;B.在.里面;C.用。根据全文可知女士问爸爸做什么时爸爸一直

3、用相同的答案回答,即继续开,故选C。 (5)句意:开了几分钟后,她注意到更多的车也正在靠路边停靠。A.注意;B.相信;C.想知道。作者注意到许多人都在靠路边停靠,故选A。 (6)句意:我几乎看不见前面。A.很少;B.几乎不;C.几乎。暴风雨太大了所以女士几乎看不见前面,所以用hardly,几乎不,故选B。 (7)句意:开了几英里之后,她再次在干燥的陆地上,并且太阳出来了。A.和;B.所以;C.但是。干燥的陆地和太阳出来了表示并列关系,所以用and,故选A。 (8)句意:现在为什么要靠路边停靠。A.什么;B.怎样;C.为什么。根据前文Now you can pull over and get o

4、ut.可知现在没有暴风雨了,爸爸让女士出来,靠路边停靠,所以女士问原因, 故选C。 (9)句意:他们仍然在暴风雨中。A.也;B.仍然;C.曾经。根据前文可知放弃前行的那些人仍然在暴风雨中,故选B。 (10)句意:当你经历困难时,继续前行,很快暴风雨将结束,太阳将再次照亮你的脸。A.时间的流逝;B.出去;C.经历。经历困难,所以用go through,故选C。【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。2阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺。 On a hot summer mo

5、rning, an old fisherman was fishing near a river. A child went by seeing him fishing. After a few minutes, the child found that the fisherman was really good 1 fishing. Because he didnt spend long 2 a full basket of fish. As the fisherman felt that the child was clever, he offered him some fish. But

6、 the child 3 his head. The fisherman asked in 4 , Why not want the fish? The child pointed at the fishing rod (杆) in his hands and said, I only want that. Why do you only want the rod? Asked the fisherman.Eating up all the fish you gave doesnt take long. But if I have a fishing rod, I can go 5 by my

7、self and I wont be afraid of not having any more fish to eat. I think you will 6 say that the child is very cute. Wrong! I think if he doesnt know 7 to fish, he cant have fish to eat, even though he has the fishing rod. So its 8 to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are the 9 important, not the

8、 fishing rod. In modern society, some people think that if they have a fishing rod in their life, theyll 10 fear the wind and rain, just like the child who thought that if he had a fishing rod, he would have fish to eat.1. A. forC. atD. with2. A. to catchC. for catchingD. catching3. A. liftedB. nodd

9、edC. shookD. shaked4. A. surprisesB. surpriseC. surprisedD. surprising5. A. fishedB. fishingC. fishesD. fish6. A. mainlyB. finallyC. exactlyD. certainly7. A. howB. whereC. whatD. when8. A. harmlessB. homelessC. uselessD. careless9. A. mostB. leastC. lessD. more10. A. not longB. not longerC. no longD

10、. no longer【答案】 (1)C;(2)D;(4)B;(5)B;(6)D;(9)A;(10)D;【解析】【分析】主要讲了“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”的故事。孩子发现那个渔民真地擅长钓鱼。be good at doing sth.擅长做某事,固定搭配,故选C。因为他没有花费长时间抓住满篮子鱼。spend+时间+doing sth.花费多长时间做某事,固定搭配,故选D。但是孩子摇头。A.抬起;B.点头;C.摇晃。D.无shaken。根据前句he offered him some fish.可知渔民想给孩子鱼,但是孩子不想要鱼,所以摇头,shake ones head摇头,时态是一般过去时,所以

11、shake用过去式shook,故选C。渔民惊讶地问。in surprise,惊讶,固定搭配,故选B。我可以自己去钓鱼。go doing sth.去做某事,固定搭配,故选B。我认为你一定说孩子是非常可爱的。A.主要地;B.最后;C.确切地;D.一定。孩子要钓鱼的技巧而不要鱼,孩子确实是可爱的,所以我们一定认为孩子是聪明的,故选D。我认为如果他不知道怎样钓鱼。A.怎样;B.哪里;C.什么;D.什么时候。根据后句可知没有鱼吃是因为不知道怎样钓鱼,how to do sth.怎样做某事,固定搭配,故选A。所以仅仅有一个鱼钩是无用的。A.无害的;B.无家可归的;C.无用的;D.粗心的。根据后句可知钓鱼技

12、术也是重要的,所以仅有鱼钩,没有技术也是无用的,故选C。钓鱼技术是最重要的。A.最多;B.最少;C.更少;D.更多。the+最高级,根据前句可知仅有鱼钩是不足够的,钓鱼技术是最重要的,important的最高级是the most important,故选A。他们将不再害怕风雨。no longer,不再,固定搭配,故选D。3阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 When I was a twelve-year-old newspaper boy, an old lady who was my customer lived near my house. I 1 her name. O

13、n a winter afternoon, I was playing with my friend near the old ladys backyard. I found a 2 smooth rock and threw it out, but the stone 3 a small window of her house. Unluckily, I saw the old lady standing behind the window. We knew we were 4 , and ran away quickly. We were scared about that we woul

14、d 5 and didnt worry about the old lady with the broken window in winter. The next morning, she was 6 greeting me with a smile when I gave her the newspaper. I made up my mind 7 my money to correct my mistake. After three weeks, I had seven dollars. I put the money in an envelope with a note explaini

15、ng everything and/ hoped that the seven dollars would cover the 8 for repairing the window. I waited until it was dark, and put the letter in her door. The next day, I 9 the old lady her newspaper and she thanked me for it as usual and gave me a bag of cookies. After eating several cookies, I found

16、an envelope and pulled it out. When I opened it, I was surprised. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, Im proud of you. I smiled in relief. However, I 10 the lesson about forgiveness she taught me. 1. A. will forgetB. forgetsC. have even forgottenD. would forget2. A. recentlyB.

17、perfectlyC. easilyD. lonely3. A. hitB. hittingC. hurtD. hurting4. A. in silenceB. in peaceC. in needD. in trouble5. A. helpB. catchC. be caughtD. be helped6. A. alwaysB. alreadyC. neverD. still7. A. to saveB. savingC. saveD. saved8. A. prizeB. priceC. payD. cost9. A. boughtB. handedC. postedD. accep

18、ted10. A. never rememberB. shall never rememberC. shall never forgetD. could forget(3)A;(4)D;(5)C;(8)D;【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者是送报纸男孩时和朋友在老妇人的后院玩耍时不小心把老妇人的窗户打破了,老妇人没有责怪男孩,男孩决定节约钱来还给老妇人,最终老妇人没有要男孩的钱,并且信纸里写着为男孩感到骄傲。我已经忘记她的名字。A.一般将来时;B.一般现在时;C.现在完成时;D.过去将来时。根据前句可知是作者会议自己12岁时发生的故事,所以现在已经忘记老妇人的名字,所以用现在完成时,故选C。我发现一


20、C。第二天早上当我给她报纸时,她仍然带着微笑和我打招呼。A.总是;B.已经;C.从不;D.仍然。作者把老妇人的窗户打破了,但是第二天还是和作者打招呼,所以是仍然,故选D。我下定决心节省钱纠正我的错误。make up ones mind to do sth.下定决心做某事,故选A。我希望7美元将覆盖修窗户的花费。A.奖品;B.价格;C.支付;D.花费。作者希望7美元是一扇窗户的花费,故选D。第二天我交给老妇人报纸。A.买;B.上交;C.邮寄;D.接受。作者把报纸交给老妇人,故选B。然而,我将从不忘记她教给我的原谅的那一课。A.从不记得;B.将从不记得;C.将从不忘记;D.可能忘记。作者将从没有忘

21、记自己的所得,故选C。4阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A video showing a 12-year-old boy from Moche, Peru, doing his homework on the sidewalk, under a streetlight, has been watched several million times on Facebook after being 1 by local police. Staff at the Moche police station first 2 Victor Martin late last m

22、onth, while checking security cameras (监控摄像). They found a young boy sitting on the sidewalk by 3 at night. At first, they thought he was doing something bad, but later they realized he was 4 writing something in his notebook, taking advantage of the streetlight overhead. Moved by the boys 5 , the p

23、olice shared the video on Facebook. At the time of this writing, Victors heartwarming and 6 heartbreaking story has spread all around the world. Local TV station 7 to find the boy and sat down with his mother to learn why he was doing his homework on the street instead of at home. It turns out that

24、the 12-year-olds family is so 8 that they couldnt pay for electricity (电), so they just depended on a 9 during the night. Unluckily, Victor Martin could 10 finish his homework before the sun went down, and recently he couldnt 11 the weak candlelight any more.One day, my son said 12 I continue with t

25、he candle, I will be crazy! Id better go outside to finish my homework, Rosa Angulo Cordoba told Panamericana TV. She 13 that Victors neck would often become hard to move because of tilting (倾斜) his head to let the candlelight through. Victors mother said that although he 14 housework and takes care

26、 of the family sheep every day, the sixth grader takes 15 very seriously and gets good grades.1. A. sharedB. takenC. discussedD. praised2. A. metB. interviewedC. noticedD. caught3. A. itselfB. yourselfC. myselfD. himself4. A. shylyB. actuallyC. carelessly5. A. wishB. planC. spiritD. hobby6. A. by the wayB. at leastC. at the same timeD. in the end7. A. managedB. stoppe

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