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解密04 介词短语和动词短语备战高考英语之高频Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、 at night在夜间 at Christmas在圣诞节期间 at the age of five在五岁时(2)on表示“在具体某一天或某天的上、下午”。 I heard a shot on (the morning of )March 18.三月十八日(早晨)我听到一声枪响。 We dont have classes on Sunday.星期天我们不上课。(3)in表示“在某世纪、年、季度、月、周”以及泛指的上、下午、晚上。 in the 20th century在20世纪 in 1999在1999年 in winter在冬季 in September在九月 in the morning/

2、afternoon/evening在上午/下午/晚上【巧学妙记】 at用在时刻前,亦与正午、午夜连,黎明、终止和开端,at与之紧接着相伴。 周月季年长时间,in须放在其前面, 泛指一晌和傍晚,也要放在in后边。 on指特定某一天,日期、星期和节日前 某天上下和夜晚,依然要在on后站。 今明昨天前后天,上下这那每之前,at、in、on都不用,此乃习惯记心间。 注:“上下这那每之前”是指“last/next/this/that/every”之前。2. for, during, throughfor后接“一段时间”,表示某事持续多久,多与完成时连用。 She has been ill for sev

3、eral days.她已经病了几天了。during表示“在期间”。 I went to France for two weeks during the summer.夏天我去了法国两个星期。through表示“一直,自始至终”。 They worked hard through the winter.整个冬天他们都在努力工作。3. from, sincefrom表示“时间的起点”,可译作“从”,多用于“fromto/till”中。 You can come anytime from Monday to Friday.周一至周五你什么时间来都行。since表示“自从以来(直到现在)”。 We h

4、ave known each other since ten years ago.我们十年前就认识了。注意: for和since都常与完成时连用,但for接时间段,since接时间点。如: for two hours(持续)两小时 since last week从上周直到现在4. before, by, till, untilbefore指“在之前”,与after相对。 Please come before ten oclock.请10点以前来。by指“不迟于,到时为止,在以前”。 We had learned over 1000 words by the end of last term.

5、到上学期末为止,我们已经学了1000多个单词了。 We will have learned 2000 English words by the end of this term. 到本学期结束前,我们将学了两千英语单词了。by后接过去时间,常与过去完成时连用;by后接将来时间,常与将来完成时连用。till (until)“直到为止”。 在肯定句中,till/until必须与延续动词连用;在否定句中,till/until常与非 延续性动词连用。如 I didnt go to bed until 12 oclock.直到12点我才睡。 You must wait for him till tomo

6、rrow.你必须一直等到他明天。 September 30 is the day _ which you must pay your bill. 【答案】by He called the two young men to him _ dawn, when others were sound asleep. 【答案】before 【解析】语境说其他人还在酣睡,因此填介词before,表示“在拂晓前”。5. after, in, withinin和after都可表示“在之后”,但用法不同:a. 用in时要具备两个条件:用于将来时;后接时间段 Ill arrive in an hour.我一小时后到

7、达。b. after既可用于将来时,也可用于过去时 He got a cancer and died after a year.他患了癌症,一年后去世了。 The meeting will end after 3:00pm.会议将在下午三点后结束。within“在时间之内”。强调事情发生的全过程不超出某一时间,没有时态的限制。 I can finish it within an hour.我不需一小时就可把它做完。(2014北京)Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _ half an hour. 【答案】in【解

8、析】表示某段时间后将发生的某事。二、 表示“地点、方位”的介词1. at, on, to, in at表示在小地方; 在附近,旁边 in 表示 在大地方; 在围之内 on 表示毗邻,接壤 to 表示在范围外,不强调是否接壤 He arrived at the station at ten. He is sitting at the desk. He arrived in Shanghai yesterday. Jiangsu lies in the east of China. Russia live on the north of China. Fujian is to the south

9、of Jiangsu Province. 2. above, over, on above 指在上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对; over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触; on表示某物体上面并与之接触。 The bird is flying above my head. There is a bridge over the river. He put his watch on the desk. 3. along, through, acrossacross和through都可表示“横过”或“穿过”,前者主要表示从某物的表面“横过”,涉及“面

10、”的概念;而后者则表示从某个空间“穿过”,涉及“体”的概念。 He walked across the road carefully.他小心地走过马路。 He walked through the forest alone.他独自一人走过森林。有时表示“横过”也可在“体”内进行,但此时它仍与through有差别:前者表示从某个“体”的一端到另一端,而后者表示穿过两端。 He walked across the hall.他从大厅的一端走到另一端。 He walked through the hall.他穿过大厅。(2)along表示“沿着”,通常用于狭长的东西。 I saw him runni

11、ng along the road.我看见他沿着这条路跑。The Great Wall winds its way _high mountains, _ deep valleys and _ great deserts. A. on, across, through B. over, through, through C. over, through, across D. on, in, across【答案】C4. between, among between一般指“两者之间” among用于三个或三个以上的人或物之中,或笼统的一群人或一些物之中,表示“在中间”。 Between the do

12、or and the windows there is a map. 门和窗户的中间有一张地图。 They hid themselves among the trees. 他们躲在树林中。You have to stop eating _ meals if you want to lose weight. A. among B. within C. between D. from三、其他介词1. 表示“工具或手段”的介词 by, with, on(1)by用某种方式,多用于交通。 by bus乘公共汽车, by e-mail. 通过电子邮件。注意:表示搭乘交通工具时,用by时不用冠词,用in时

13、要用冠词。请比较: I went there by bus/in a bus. 我是坐公共汽车去的那儿。(2)with表示“用某种工具”。 He broke the window with a stone. 他用石头把玻璃砸坏了。with表示用某种工具时,必须用冠词或物主代词。(3)on表示“以方式”,多用于固定词组。 They talked on the telephone. 他们通过电话进行交谈。 She learns English on the radio/on tv. 她通过收音机/电视学英语。(2015新课标全国卷)For those who fly to Guilin, its

14、only an hour away car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.【答案】by 【解析】by car意思是“乘坐汽车”,表示交通方式。2. 表示关于的介词 of, about, on(1) of仅是提到或谈到过某人或某事。 He spoke of the film the other day. 他前几天提到了这部影片。(2) about指“关于”某人或某事物的较详细的情况。 Can you tell me something about yourself? 你能告诉我一些关于你自己的事情吗?(3)on指“关于”学

15、术性的或严肃的事。 Its a textbook on the history of china. 它是一本有关中国历史的教科书。3. 表原因或理由的介词for, at, from, of, with, by, because of(1)for表示原因,常与sorry, famous, punish, praise, thank, blame等词连用。 I am sorry for what i said to you. 我后悔不该对你讲那些话。(2)at指情感变化的原因,意为“因听到或看到而”。 He was surprised at the news. 听到这消息他大吃一惊。(3)from

16、指“外在的原因”,如受伤、车祸等。 He died from the wound. 他因受伤而致死。(4) of指“内在的原因”,如病、饿等。 The old man died of hunger. 老人死于饥饿。(5) with指生理上或情感上的由外界到内心的原因。 Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. 他们听到这个消息,欣喜若狂。(6)by表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。 Her body was bent by age. 他因年老背弯了。 She took your umbrella by mistake. 我因弄错拿了你的雨伞。

17、(7)because of 表示引起结果的直接原因。 He retired last month because of illness/because he ill.Nick, its good for you to read some books China before you start your trip there. B. for C. of D. on【答案】D考向2 介词短语常见的介词搭配:1. “介词 名词”型 (1) in 构成的短语 in advance 在前头,事先,预先 in case 如果,万一 in charge主管,掌管,看管 in common共有,共

18、同,公有 in demand有需要的 in doubt 感到疑惑的,难以确定的 in effect实际上,生效 in fact事实上 in order按序,井然有序,情况良好; 恰当 in progress进行中 in return作为回报 in vain徒劳 in turn依次,替换地;相应地,转而(2) on构成的短语 on guard 在值勤 on leave在休假 on holiday在度假 on strike罢工 on sale出售 on loan借贷 on the move在移动,搬迁;离开 on the march在行军 on the go正在活动,正在奔走 on the air

19、正在广播 (3) beyond构成的短语 beyond ones power是某人力所不及的 beyond praise夸不胜夸 s reach够不着 beyond description难以形容 beyond words无法用语言形容 beyond doubt无疑 s understanding 无法理解 (4) under构成的短语 under development 在发展中 under observation在观察中 under test在测试中 under construction在建设中 under examination在检查(调查)中 under consideration在考

20、虑中 under repair在修理中 (5) at 构成的短语 at length 详细地,长时间 at sea茫然 at will任意地 at work在上班 at lunch在吃午饭 at rest在休息 at table在吃饭 at school上学 at church做礼拜 at peace处于和平状态 (6) out of 构成的短语 out of breath 上气不接下气 out of balance失去平衡 out of date过时 out of patience不耐烦 out of control失去控制 out of business破产 out of style过时,

21、不时髦 out of the ordinary不寻常的 out of touch失去联系 2 复杂介词型 (1) 表示原因(通常在句中作状语), 意为“由于,因为”。 because of:表示实际原因(表达一种较强的因果关系); on account of:常用来引述逻辑、理性和事实因素。(2) 表示“除之外”。 with the exception of except, except for“除之外”; apart from (美式英语中的aside from)是个复合介词,既可表示“除之外”,相当于except (for), 又可以表示“除之外,(还,也)”,相当于besides; in

22、 addition to“除之外(还,也)”,相当于besides。(3) 表示“有关,关于”。 concerning=regarding“关于,就而论,在方面”; with respect to“关于,就而言”; as for和as to用于句首时表示“至于”。(4) 表示“在之前”。 ahead of=in advance of,可表示“(在空间或时间上比某人或某事物)更前,更早”, 还可表示“领先,优于”; in front of 多指空间的前后关系,“在前方”。(5) 表示“支持,赞成”。 in support of 维护,支持,支援; in favor of 可指某人“支持,赞成”,

23、也可指事物“有利于”(6) 表示“鉴于,由于;根据,按照”。 in the light of 按照,考虑到 in terms of 就而言,谈到 according to 根据;按照 in view of 鉴于,因为 (7) 表示“尽管”。 in spite of 尽管,不管1. They were lost at sea, _ wind and weather. the cost of the risk of the sight of the mercy of【解析】考查介词短语。句意:他们在大海上迷路了,任凭风和天气的摆布。at the mercy

24、of表示“听命于的摆布”。2. I dont think it was an accident at all. Your brother did it_ . A. for purpose order C. on purpose D. out of order句意为:我认为这根本不是意外。你的哥哥故意为之。on purpose表示“故意地”。3. This meeting room is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you that if you smoked here you would be fined. detail

25、 total advance general考向3 动词短语一、动词搭配是语法填空的重点,考生平时要注意积累常见的动词短语。1.动词away构成的短语动词有:throw away扔掉 put away把收拾好 give away捐赠,分发 carry away运走 run away潜逃,跑开 go away 走开 2动词for构成的短语动词有:answer for负责 provide for供给 all for要求 plan for打算,为计划hope for希望,期待 ask for索取,寻找send for派人去请 go for努力获取 pay for偿还,赔

26、偿 3动词on构成的短语动词有:try on试穿,试验 put on穿上,上演 have on穿着,戴着pull on穿,戴 hold on不挂断,坚持,继续 carry on继续开展,坚持keep on继续 go on继续 get on上(车) 4动词over构成的短语动词有:come over过来 hand over移交 go over仔细检查,复习get over克服,恢复 look over检查 think over仔细考虑take over接受,接管 hand over移交 turn over翻转 5动词up构成的短语动词有:bring up抚育,培养 call up召唤,打电话给 come up走上前来,长出cut up切碎 fix up修理 give up放弃;go up上升,增长grow up 长大 look up尊敬,向上看,查寻 make up虚构,弥补,组成put up举起,搭建

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