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1、停止(工作,休息一会儿) Lets break off (work) and have some tea.break out爆发 A war broke out the following year.突然发生(争吵,疾病等) The quarrel broke out.突然(大声) He broke out laughing.break through突破,打通,穿透The crowd broke through the lines of police.It was a cloudy day, but the sun at last broke through.break up散(会),驱散(

2、群众等) After midnight, the party broke up.The police broke up the fight.(中小学学期)结束,停课放假(制教长的假期),散学 We break up on July 25th.分开,分散,拆散 The two friends broke up.burn down烧毁 A fire burned the house down.2 burn out 烧坏,烧光,烧完(燃料)The factory (was) completely burnt out.burn up 烧掉,烧毁;烧旺起来 He burned up all the ol

3、d letters.bring about 引起,实现,造成This failure has been brought about by your own carelessness.bring back 带回来,归还If youre going the market please bring me back some eggs.bring down 击落,使降落,使倒下,使倒台,打倒;使降低,使减少The pilot brought the plane down.The manager has agreed to bring down the cost of several goods.bri

4、ng forward 提出Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting.3. bring in 有收入, 赚得钱,收获庄稼 The boys are bringing in $60 a week.bring on 引起,使发生 Dirt often brings on disease.bring out显示出来,(使)表现出来,讲解清楚Use the following words in sentences to bring out their meanings.出版,生产,提出 He brought out a new

5、ing up提出 Why bring that up again?抚养大,教养Joe was born in America but brought up in England.呕吐 He was so ill that he brought up at (1) 拜访, 访问 call at someplace (2) (船, 列车) 等停靠. The train called at every station. call back (1) 叫回来 call sb. Back (2 ) 回某人电话call you back after supper/ call

6、back later call for (1) 去接某人,去拿某物call for you at 6 oclock / call for the books (2) 要求,需要call for more men (3) 大声呼叫call for help4 call in (1) 叫进来call Xiao Li in (2) 召来,邀请call in a doctor= send for a doctor (3) 命令收回,请求交还The library is calling in all books that are off (1) 取消,停止call off th

7、e trip (2) 喊走,把叫走Please call off the dog; its barking at the on (1) 拜访某人call on sb. (2) 要求,号召,呼吁call on sb for sth/ to do sth. Ill now call on Tom for an answer .= Ill call on Tom to out (1) 叫喊call out for help The drowning boy called out and everybody rushed to his rescue.

8、 (2) 命令行动,召唤行动The fire brigade was called out twice up (1) 打电话给call me up tomorrow (2) 使人想起,使回忆起Your letter calls up the days we worked together. (3) 征召入伍Tom was called up in August,2004. carry about随身携带 carry away (1)拿走,搬走 Lets carry away the rubbish. (2) 抢走,冲走The invaders carried aw

9、ay blots of cattle. (3) 吸引住某人The audience was carried away by her songs.carry back (1) 将送回原地,拿回来Please carry the books back. (2) 使人回忆起The sight of the place carried her back to her childhood.carry off (1) 拿走,运走= carry away (2) 赢得,夺去,叨走She carried off the first prize in the contest.5 carry on (1) 继续=

10、continue carry on+ n./ doing sth. Carry on (with) your work. Despite all the noise, he carried on reading. (2) 经营= manage What business did he carry on before liberation?carry out 实施,执行 carry out ones duty/ ones promise/ the instructions/ experiments .etccarry through (1) 达成目的,贯彻执行carry a plan throu

11、gh to the end (2) 使人度过(困难/危机等)Their courage carried them through (the crisis).come about产生,发生,=happen,有时用it作主语,后跟that从句How did it come about that you failed to turn up in time yesterday?come across 偶然遇见/发现 come along (1) 赶快Come along. Its nearly 12 oclock. (2) 进行,进展,健康转好How is your work coming along

12、? He was coming along well after the operation.6 (3)随同Come along with me for a walk. come around/ round随兴来访 Can I come around to your place tonight? come at (1) 到达Put the medicine where children cant come at it. (2) 袭击The man came at me with a big stick. come back (1) 回来。 (2) 忆起人或事It suddenly came b

13、ack to me where I had seen the man before. (3) 恢复,复活come by (1) 经过 (2) 得到Good jobs are not so easy to come by these e down (1) 降下,下来,(飞机)着陆,下(雨雪等) (2)物价跌落,费用降低 (3) (风俗习惯,传说)传下来come down from These customs have come down to us through many a generationcome off (1)从脱落(掉落) (2) 举行,进行When does the concer

14、t come off? come out (1)出来,出现,(花)开,发(芽) (2) 真相大白,出版,出售The new facts came out through the investigation. When is the new model coming out? (3) 明了,清楚表达(意思)The meaning of his story didnt come out well. (4) (相片)照得鲜明She always comes out well in the photographs. (5)结果是 ( + well/ right/ wrong) Great! Youve

15、 come out in the top e through (1) 度过(疾病、危机)He came through his operation. (2) 消息到达,某人用电话联络过来come to (1)来到 (2) 变成(某种状态,阶段),谈到When it comes to tennis, you cant beat her. (3) 苏醒= come to oneselfcome up (1) 上升,从乡下上城市come up to Beijing (2) 地位提升或提高 (3) (话题等)被提出讨论;(价格、温度的)上升;从土中长出(发芽)come upon (1) 偶然遇见,发现

16、 (2) (坏事)降临come up to (1) 走到跟前He came up to me, smiling. (2) 达到某个水准His new book doesnt come up to his previous e up with (1)追上,赶上 (2) (口)想出(计划等)Youve come up with a good idea. cut across 取捷径穿越 We cut across the field to save time. cut away (1)切下,砍掉 Why dont you cut away the dead branches from that t

17、ree? cut down (1) 砍倒,砍伐The apple tree was dead and he cut it down. (2) 缩减The car industry cut down production.7 (3) 使人减价I managed to cut the shopkeeper down to 200 yuan for the watch.cut in (1) 插嘴Dont cut in on our conversation.cut off (1)切断(电力,煤气,自来水等) (2) 在通话中切断人的对话 We were cut off just when we we

18、re connected and said hello. (3) 使人或城镇孤立 The village was cut off by the heavy snow.cut out (1) 切下,剪下cut out an article from a newspaper (2) 裁剪衣服,辟出道路 (3) 删除cut out the first two chapters. (4) 停止 He cut out alcohol on the doctors advice.cut up (1)切碎 cut sth. into pieces (2)(口) 使(某人)全身是伤;(精神性的)折磨(某人)

19、He was really cut up when all his friends refused to help him.die away (声音、光线、风等)渐弱、渐息 The wind has died away again.die down(声音)静下来;(火、兴奋、光线等)渐息 The noise died down. 8 die from 因而致死 He died from a wound.die of 因(患)而死 His sister had died of cancer.die off (家族、种等)相继死亡;(草木)先后枯死 die out 绝种;(习惯、做法等)消失,过时

20、 drink down (一下子)喝下去 His mother got him to drink the medicine down.9 drink in 凝神倾听 drink in every word of ones lecture 陶醉于 drink in the beautiful view 吸进去 The thirty plants drank in the welcome rain.drink to 为干杯 drink to sb. / the futuredrink up 喝干净、喝完 Children, drink up your at (用于进行时) 想

21、说 What on earth are you driving at ?10 朝着努力The factory must drive at the increased production this away 赶走;驱散 drive away the news reporters/ the feeling of sadnessdrive home把彻底讲清 This will help drive home the meaning of the new words. drive into把灌输给 Cant you drive some manners into the bo

22、y? 迫使干 It will drive him into a nervous off 驱车离开;驾车送走 drive sb. off in a car 把赶走 drive off the enemy / the disease (高尔夫球)发球Who is to drive off first?drop back 后退 The soldiers dropped back before the enemys attack.下降 Production has dropped back.11 用车送回Father dropped me back at the dor

23、mitory last night.drop behind 落后于 He dropped behind the other runners. 拖延;推迟His payments of rent often drop behind.drop by 顺便到(某处) We dropped by the club to see if Bill was there, but he wasnt. drop in 顺便来访 = drop over Lets drop in at Toms.drop off 下降;减少;衰落 Business dropped off during the summer.掉下

24、The fruit dropped off the tree. 睡着;(不知不觉的)入睡 She dropped off in front of the fire. 让下车 I dropped him off at the post office.drop out 退出;退学 If you dont like the ides, drop out. 掉出;落出 (of)A key dropped out (of the envelope)feed back 反馈 The information is fed back to the school.feed off 依靠作为(食物或能量等)的来源

25、 The camel can feed off its hump.12 be off ones feed 胃口不好;没有精神feed on (动物)以为主食 Cows feed on hay.feed up 养胖起来 That thin little boy needs feeding fed up with 厌烦fix up 修理好;修补 fix up the motor 为(某人)安排,提供(with) Can you fix me up with a room for three nights? 整理;收拾 fix up a room13 解决;商妥 fix up a dis

26、pute 约定 I have fixed up with Tom to meet them at seven oclock tomorrow evening.fix on 确定(地点、日期等) Weve fix on the date for our wedding. 归(咎)于;寄(希望)于 He fixed the blame on his friends. 把集中在 fix ones eyes / attention on sth. get about (消息)传出去 Its getting about that hes to be married soon. 走动,到处跑 Old pe

27、ople cant get about very well in the winter weather. get across 讲清楚,让听懂得 He taught me how to get my ideas across. get along 进展(行);相处(=get on) The business is getting along very well(勉强)生活 He managed to get along without much moneyget away 离开;拿走The prisoner had little difficulty in getting away from

28、the police.get back 返回;放回去 He has just got back from his long journey.14get down 下来 The child got the medicine down. 跪下来get down (on your knees) get down to(n./ doing) 开始认真(干某事) get in 进来(去);收获(庄稼);插嘴The peasants are busy getting in the crops. get off 下车 Dont get off until the bus has stopped.离开,动身 The airliner got off this morning on its regular flight取下来,脱下来She got her hat and coat off.get on 上(车船等)She got on her bicycle

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