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大学英语考试答题技巧word范文 17页文档格式.docx

1、2.十二句作文法一、审题二、确定主题句三、确保文章条理清楚四、保证作文符合字数要求的十二句作文法1体裁(议论文,说明文,描述文) 2根据不同体裁确定写作方法议论文:要有论点和论据,而且往往从正反两方面来论述。说明文:可以从几方面或几条来说明一个问题。描述文:以“人”为中心描述一个“做”的过程。Directions: For this part, you are given 30 minutes to write a composition about The Bicycle: An important Means of Transport in China. You should base y

2、our composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 为什么自行车在中国这样普及2. 和汽车的比较 3. 自行车在中国的前途 For this part, you are given 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively or Extensively? You should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 有人认为读书要有选择2. 有人

3、认为应当博览群书3. 我的看法 写主题句最保险的方法就是把中文提纲的各句译成英语。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚;对于说明文来说,1、2、3条要清楚 ; 对于描述文来说,谁干什么要清楚。为了使文章更具有条理性,我们可以用first(ly) ,second(ly) ,third(ly)等副词,他们可以使文章的条理性更加突出。在每一段中写上四句,即主题句加两三句扩展句和一个结论句就可以了。这样全篇在十二句左右,每一句十多个词,就有120-150个字。3.图表题型作文写作步骤第一段:说明图表主题句图表说明1图表说明2图表说明3 第二段:说明引起变化的原因主题句原因1原因2原因3 第三段:说明影响或者提

4、出解决办法 主题句+建议+前景预测 第一段:开篇句:As the bar chart shows, _ during the years of _ to _.扩展句:1、As early as _.2、Then _ years later, _.3、And arriving in the year _, _. 第二段:解释图表变化原因主题句:Several factors contribute to _. 扩展句:1、_. (原因1)2、And _.(原因2)3、Furthermore, _ (原因3) 4、All these result in _. 第三段:提出解决办法结尾句: Howev

5、er, _ is faced with some problems.1、With _, _, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging. 2、So my principle is to pay due attention to _, but not just to _.4.英文信函题型作文写作步骤文章开头:称呼第二段:寒暄语句,引出写信的目的:寒暄句主题句(注:寒暄句和主题句可以是同一个句子) 第三段:根据提纲扩展主体段落:主题句扩展句1+扩展句2+扩展句3 第四段:表明自己的观点,并结束书信主体段落,

6、在最后要他谈自己的看法 第五段:寒暄句+落款 第一段:称呼 Dear Mr. President, 第二段:引出写信的目的 This letter comes to you from _. In it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon. 第三段:对学校食堂正面的看法As you know, _ . But unfortunately, _. 扩展句:1、_. (举例)As a result, _. 2、Besides, _.3、And whats more,_.第四段:对学校食堂负面的看法Some people may

7、 argue that _. 扩展句:1、For instance, _ and _. 2、But in my opinon, _. 第五段:结尾,表明自己看法To be belief, though a bit dissatisfied with _.I do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solve the problems there. Thanks.Part 快速阅读理解一、快速阅读的命题规律1. 逻辑关系处常设考点:逻辑关系散布在文章的句子中、句句之间以及段落之间。最基本的逻辑关系有以下几

8、种:(1)因果关系: as a result, therefore, hence, because of, for, due to等等。(2)并列、递进关系:and, or, then, in addition, besides, in other words, moreover等等。 (3)转折关系:however, but, yet, though, although, in fact, to tell you the truth等等。2. 标点符号处常设考点: 许多标点符号的出现是为了更好地解释前面的一些信息,所以我们可以运用标点符号(破折号、小括号、冒号等)推测不认识的词汇或句子的含义

9、。 3. 时间、数字、大写字母、斜体或一些很特别的信息点处常设考点 这些信息一方面很容易识别,另一方面,这些信息点一般都是文章的细节信息,容易出细节判断题。 4. 根据文章的行文顺序设计考点快速阅读的题目一般是有顺序性的,前面的题目往往对应文章前面的内容,后面的题目对应文章后面的内容二、快速阅读的解题步骤1. 浏览文章,略读文章标题和段落标题、各段首句和尾句,从而了解文章大意和整体结构。 2. 读题干,理解句子的意思,并确定相应的关键词。3. 根据关键词到文章中寻读,找到与关键词相关的语句,通过比较、判断,确定答案。Part 听力理解 注意事项保持良好的心态,头脑要冷静,一个题听不懂不要过多纠

10、缠。 1. 善于利用时间2. 阅读选项要一目十行,提高效率 3.手耳并用,简单做笔记 4.多做真题1. 短对 (Short Conversation) 2. 长对话 (Long Conversation) 3. 短文(Passages)4. 复合式听写(Compound Dictation)一、短对话(Short Conversation)1. 推理原则:一般需对对话进行推理,故直接在对话中听到的一般不是正确答案。 2. 挫折原则:通常要办的事情都是不顺利的(如买东西买不到,订房间客满等)3. 男女原则:一般男生比较衰,女生比较牛。男生提出的观点女生都是不同意或有不同看法的,反之女生提出的观点

11、男生都是同意和赞赏的。4. 父母一般只有一个作用: 教育子女好好学习 5. 除了父母教育子女外,家里(包括朋友家,阿姨家等等)发生的事情一般是不考的,故遇到地点推测题类似 at home / at Marys home之类的选项一般都是不对的。6. 四级听力短对话只考日常生活学习中遇得到事情,问题,故如果选项中出现一些日常生活中不太可能发生或很少发生的事情一般不会是正确选项。二、 长对话 (Long Conversation) 1. 主题原则(首尾)2. 提问常出(提问后的问题通常是答案) 3. 重读常出(重复的词语) 4. 同义复现必出(选项与原文)5. 留意数字、人名、地名、时间、年代等相

12、关信息 6. 原因转折必考 7. 建议句型必考篇二:201X年大学英语四级各题型解题技巧大学英语四级最后冲刺技巧听力解题技巧一、7种对话常提问题1. 事实状况-问题是关于谈话的一方或双方说了什么、所处状态、做某事的原因或结果如何。 通常提问方式:What do we learn from this conversation?What do we know about the man / woman from the conversation?What can be inferred from the conversation?解题技巧:正确选项一般不会是原文的细节再现,而是对话内容的同义转述。

13、注意捕捉选项中的关键词,记录关键信息点。如:11. A. She used to be in poor health. B. She was popular among boys. She was somewhat overweight. D. She didnt do well at high school.W: I ran into Sally the other day. I could hardly recognize her. Do you remember her from highschool?M: Yeah, . Well, has she lost a lot of weig

14、ht?Q: What does the man remember of Sally?2. 行为活动-问题是关于谈话的一方或双方做过、正在做、准备去做什么、或建议另一方去做什么。What will the man / woman most probably do?What are the speakers probably going / trying to do?What does the woman suggest the man do?.选项一般都是动词短语。动词原形或动名词形式。.听音时留意动词及与该动词相关的重要信息。.注意表示请求或建议的句式。Why dont you? What a

15、bout? Lets Youdbetter.If I were you, I would, Id like to, You might as well B. Treat his injury immediately.C. Continue his regular activities. D. Be careful when climbing steps. Today is a bad day for me. I fell off a step and twisted my ankle. Dont worry, usually ankle injuries heal quickly if you

16、 stop regular activities for a while. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?(Wound, injury, heal, treat, rigorous activities, twist ones ankle)3. 观点态度-问题是关于谈话的一方对另一方或第三方的行为、品德、观点等的态度或评价。What does the woman / man mean / imply?How does the woman / man feel about?What does the woman / man think of.

17、?1. 对话中一般含有一些引出观点态度的动词或短语,如think, believe, find, guess,imagine, consider, as far as I know2. 熟悉表示观点态度的常见词语。赞成:approve (of), agree, share, prefer, wise, reasonable, favorable, be for, be in favor of反对:disapprove, object to, disagree, unwise, ridiculous, foolish, childish, be against,ueasonable赞赏:admi

18、re, appreciate, think highly of, think much of, excellent, wonderful, fascinating喜欢:love, enjoy, be fond of, be keen on, sth. Is to ones taste, to ones liking 不喜欢:dont caremuch for, dislike, hate, dont have a taste for, sth. Is not to my taste,厌烦:dislike, feel bored, sth. Is boring, be tired of, be

19、fed up with, cant stand / bear.any more,cant tolerate.关心:care about, be concerned about, show concern about, careful怨恨或生气:hate, hatred, angry, anger, feel irritated, feel upset, annoyed, resent doing sth. 害怕或担心:fearful, frightened, worried, nervous, feel anxious批评或讽刺:be critical of, criticize, find

20、fault with, blame sb. for, ironic失望或灰心:lose heart, feel frustrated, disappointed, discouraged, let sb. Down表示后悔或遗憾:regret, regretful, unfortunately, pity, pitiful, shame表示漠然或热情:be indifferent to, be detached, unconcerned, be enthusiastic about, have greatpassion for, be passionate, be crazy about表示积

21、极或消极:active, positive, passive, negative表示自信或自负:confident, be proud of, take pride in, be conceited, be arrogant表示乐观或悲观:optimisitc, pessimistic3. 把握说话人的语气。4. 注意表示转折等的逻辑关系标识性词语,如but, yet, instead, while, whereas等,因为这些词引出的句子常表示说话人的真实观点或态度。15. A. The woman possesses a natural talent for art.B. Women ha

22、ve a better artistic taste than menC. He isnt good at abstract thinking. . He doesnt like abstract paintings. I really like those abstract paintings we saw yesterday. What do you think? I guess its something I havent acquired a taste for yet. What does the man imply?4. 身份关系=问题是关于谈话的一方或双方的职业、身份或对话双方的

23、关系等。通常提问方式:Whats the womans job / occupation?Who is the man talking to?What is the relationship between the speakers?1.注意称呼语。称呼语直接暴露说话人身份或说话双方关系。如Mr., Professor2.捕捉人物语气。师生、夫妻、家长与孩子、老板与员工之间的说话方式和语气均有自己的特点。3.熟悉常考职业身份及相关词语。Professor, doctor, boss, secretary, waiter, waitress, host, hostess, 修理工(repaire

24、r,plumber, electrician) , (旅馆、 事务所、 诊所、 理发馆等雇用的)接待员.(receptionist), clerk, librarian (图书管理员), shop assisstant,4. 熟悉常考人物关系:colleague, landlord/ landlady-tenant,A. A painter. B. A mechanic C. A porter D. A carpenternext week. you know tomorrow. Who is the woman talking to?5. 地点场景-问题是关于对话发生的场合、地点或者对话中涉

25、及到的人或事物所处的位置。Where is the conversation most probably taking place?Where are the two people?解题技巧: 1. 单个地点题:抓住与特定地点相关的常用词语。此类对话一般不会提到具体场所,要求根据对话内容去推测场所或某人去向。2. 多个地点题:对下选项地点相关的细节内容进行速记,并注意抓住提问中的核心词。3. 熟悉常考地点场景及相关词语。机场at the airport书店in the bookstore /bookshop飞机上on the plane邮局at thepost office火车站at the

26、railway station银行in the bank 理发店at the barbers旅馆in the hotel图书錧in the library餐馆at the restaurant诊所或医院in the clinicor hospital学校或校园at school or on campusA. On a train.B. On a plane.C. In a theater.D. In a restaurant.please? I think youre sitting in my M: Oh, youre right. My seat is in the Im terribly

27、 sorry. Where does conversation most probably take place?(balcony 1) 阳台 2)剧院里的包厢)6. 谈话话题-问题是关于对话双方所谈论的话题或对象。What are they talking about?What are the speakers talking about? 1. 根据选项特点判断问题类型。这类题选项的概括性强,且常为名词性短语。另外,各选项所述内容往往差别较大。2.捕捉与话题相关的关键词。3.注意不要只从对话一方的话语中寻找答案。A. A tragic accident.B. A sad occasionC

28、. Smiths unusual life story D. Smiths sleeping problem Do you hear Mr. Smith last night? Yes, its very sad. Please let everybody know that whoever wants to may Q: What are the speakers talking about?7. 数字信息-问题是关于时间、年龄、数量、速度、价格等信息。What time did Suzy leave home?How much does one ticket cost?When is the train leaving? 1. 速记信息。此类题一般不会只出现一个数字,因此一定要对出现的数字及相关要点信息进行速记。2. 听清问题。必须清楚是针对什么提问,然后才能根据记录的信息将答案对号入座。3. 不要轻易直摄答案。此类题的答案一般不会是原文中数字信息的再现,往往需要经过简单的运算才能得出答案。 A At

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