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1、 Teach your dog a word or that you use every time you leave,which tells your dog youll be back Before you leave,give your dog a toyIt will keep him busy while youre away根据材料内容从方框中选择恰当的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料内容完整、正确,其中有一个句子是多余的。AYou can also try me following waysBYour favourite sports shoes are in poor conditi

2、on.CYoud better find someone to look after your dogDThey cant call you on the phoneEOpen and close the door,and then sit downFSome dogs just feel nervous when left alone【答案】B;F;D;E;A 【解析】【分析】本文就如何与狗狗相处给出了一些建议。(1)考查学生对文章的理解,根据前文Your clothes are on the floor可知此处是描述你的衣服的状态,故选B。(2)考查学生对文章的理解,根据前文And he

3、wasnt punishing(惩罚)you for leaving可知他离开不是为了惩罚,可能只是感到紧张,故选F。(3)考查学生对文章的理解,根据前文Dogs canll back可知狗不会问你去哪或者是什么时候回来,他们也不会给你打电话,故选D。(4)考查学生对文章的理解,根据前文 Put on your jacket,and then sit down可知此处应该和前文并列,and then sit down为关键句,故选E。(5)考查学生对文章的理解,根据后文可知此处应该是给出一些建议,故选A。【点评】考查学生对上下文的理解。2下面是五位学生的问题及对应的建议(AE)。请将这些问题与

4、建议配对。 A. If you are really interested in painting, you should tell your parents about it. You can tell them you will do much better in painting because Interest is the best teacher. B. I think you should eat less meat but more fruit and vegetables. And you should do exercise every day. It can help y

5、ou lose weight and keep you healthy. C. It is not easy to make a friend, and it is even harder to keep friendship. You should know that it is normal(正常的)for friends to argue with each other. I think you could have a talk with your friend and find out whats going wrong. D. Why not try your best to ta

6、ke more exercise? Its good for your health. If you are strong enough, the illness will be away from you. E. A good way to remember English words is to use them often. For example, you can read English stories every day. If you do this, you can remember English words much easier. (1)Its easy for me t

7、o have a cold because of the changeable(多变的)weather. If Im ill, I have to take medicine. I hate taking medicine. (2)I argued with my best friend yesterday. I was angry and disappointed. Should we go on to be friends with each other or end(结束)the friendship between us?(3)I love painting but my parent

8、s let me join the guitar club. I try my best to practice the guitar but I cant play it well. I want to learn painting. (4)Im not good at English. My problem is:If I learn a new word today, Ill forget it tomorrow. Im very upset because I have a really bad memory(记忆力). (5)Im getting fatter and fatter.

9、 Im so fat that I have to rest after a few walks. How can I lose my weight(减肥)?【答案】 (1)D(2)C(3)A(4)E(5)B 【解析】【分析】本文是给学生们的建议。 (1)根据 Itm ill, I have to take medicine. I hate taking medicine. 由于天气多变,我很容易感冒。如果我病了,我必须吃药。我讨厌吃药。可知应是Why not try your best to take more exercise?s good for your health. If you

10、are strong enough, the illness will be away from you. 为什么不尽量多运动?这对你的健康有好处。如果你足够强壮,疾病就会离你而去,故选D。 (2)根据 I argued with my best friend yesterday. I was angry and disappointed. Should we go on to be friends with each other or end(结束)the friendship between us? 昨天我和我最好的朋友吵架了。我感到愤怒和失望。我们是继续做朋友呢,还是结束我们之间的友谊?

11、可知应是 It is not easy to make a friend, and it is even harder to keep friendship. You should know that it is normal(正常的)for friends to argue with each other. I think you could have a talk with your friend and find out whats going wrong 交一个朋友不容易,保持友谊更是难。你应该知道,朋友之间争吵是很正常的。我想你可以和你的朋友谈谈,看看出了什么问题,故选C。 (3)根

12、据 I love painting but my parents let me join the guitar club. I try my best to practice the guitar but I cant play it well. I want to learn painting. 我喜欢画画,但我父母让我参加了吉他俱乐部。我尽我所能来练习吉他但是我打不好。我想学画画,可知应是If you are really interested in painting, you should tell your parents about it. You can tell them you

13、 will do much better in painting because 如果你真的对绘画感兴趣,你应该告诉你的父母。你可以告诉他们你在绘画方面会做得更好,因为“兴趣是最好的老师 , 故选A。 (4)根据 Im very upset because I have a really bad memory我英语不好。我的问题是:如果我今天学会一个新单词,我明天就会忘记它。我很难过,因为我的记忆力很差 ,可知应是A good way to remember English words is to use them often. For example, you can read Englis

14、h stories every day. If you do this, you can remember English words much easier 记住英语单词的一个好方法是经常使用它们。例如,你可以每天读英语故事。如果你这样做,你可以更容易地记住英语单词 ,故选E。 (5)根据 Im so fat that I have to rest after a few walks. How can I lose my weight ,可知应是我认为你应该少吃肉,多吃水果和蔬菜。你应该每天做运动。它可以帮助你减肥和保持健康,与lose my weight呼应 , 故选B。 【点评】考查任务

15、型阅读,可以将整个文章首先浏览一遍,大概理解意思,找到可以匹配信息的选项。3阅读下列五则志愿者招聘广告,然后在AE中找出与它们相匹配的信息。A nurse wantedTo work in an old peoples home;be able to sing and dance;be patient with old people;having nursing experience;aged 20-30_A volunteer wantedFor caring for homeless dogs;be kind to animals;ever keep one or two pets at

16、home;be free on weekends_. A teacher wantedTo teach English in a small village;have good teaching experience;get used to village life;have to stay there for half a yearTo help hand out public-spirited(公益的)posters;have to work between 4 and 5 each afternoon;be outgoing and energeticA kid helper wante

17、dFor looking after stay-at home children(留守儿童);be good at telling stories;can draw and sing;like to stay with children;best to be girl of 18-20A. lisa is a young singer. She loves kids and she is planning to do something for them. She has a lot of free time during the week. B. Sam loves animals. He

18、takes good care of his two dogs at home and he has a two-day weekend every week. C. Judy often volunteers with many of her friends. She likes talking with people and is always full of energy. She is usually free after three in the afternoon. D. Ann is 20 years old. She will graduate from a medical c

19、ollege this July. Shes looking for a chance to be a volunteer. E. Helen is an English teacher in a city school. She always pays attention to improving rural childrens English. She is never afraid of any difficulty in life. 【答案】 D;B;E;C;【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文是几则招聘广告,然后根据每个人的特点选出合适的职位。 所给选项意思: A. lisa is a

20、 young singer. She loves kids and she is planning to do something for them. She has a lot of free time during the week.丽萨是一个年轻的歌手。她喜欢孩子们并且她打算为孩子们做些什么。这周她有很多空闲的时间。B. Sam loves animals. He takes good care of his two dogs at home and he has a two-day weekend every week.山姆喜欢动物。在家里他好好照顾两条狗没有他有一个两天的周末。C.

21、Judy often volunteers with many of her friends. She likes talking with people and is always full of energy.She is usually free after three in the afternoon.朱迪经常和很多朋友去做志愿者。她喜欢和人们谈话并且充满精力。她通常在下午三点后有空。s looking for a chance to be a volunteer.安妮20岁了。今年七月将从医学大学毕业。她在寻找机会成为一名志愿者。s English. She is never afr

22、aid of any difficulty in life.海伦在一个大城市学校是一名英语老师。她经常注意提高农村孩子们的英语水平。在生活中她从不害怕困难。 (1)根据 A nurse wanted 招聘护士, To work in an old peopleaged 20-30 在老人院工作;能唱歌跳舞,对老人有耐心,有护理经验,年龄20-30岁。安妮从医学院毕业,年龄20,可知她可以当护士。故选D。 (2)根据 A volunteer wanted 招聘志愿者, For caring for homeless dogs;be free on weekends 照顾流浪狗,对动物们好,曾经在

23、家养过一两个动物,周末有空,可知山姆合适,故选B。 (3)根据 A teacher wanted 招聘老师, To teach English in a small village;have to stay there for half a year 在一个小村庄教英语;有好的教学经验,习惯农村生活,必须呆在那里一年半,海伦是一个大城市的老师她想提高农村孩子们的英语,故选E。 (4)根据A volunteer wanted照片志愿者;be outgoing and energetic帮助分发公益海报必须在每天下午的4点到5点工作;开朗有精力。可知朱迪很合适,故选C。(5)根据A kid hel

24、per wanted招聘儿童帮手;best to be girl of 18-20照顾留守儿童。擅长讲故事;会画画唱歌;喜欢和孩子们呆在一起;最好是18-20岁的女孩。可知丽萨很合适,故选A。【点评】此题考查任务型阅读理解。先分析各个选项的意思,然后根据各个招聘岗位需要的人才,从所给的选项中找出正确答案。4暑假即将来临,你会如何充实度过每一天? 以下有5条建议,请从A一E中选择它们相应的标题。A. Try an instrument B. Green ideasC. A family trip D. Super partyE. To be a collector(1)Everyone shou

25、ld protect our earth. Choose a green project, and try to save water or electricity(电)at home. You should keep the habit from now on. (2)Summer is the best time to hold an indoor party. Invite your best friends to your home. Play games and tell jokes for a great time. (3)Pick up one of your favorite instruments, such as guitar or violin, and take a music class during the summer. Your classmates may be surprised when the new semester comes. (4)What do you like most? Stamps, photos, matches, toys? No matter what you like, collect it from now on. It records

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