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潘磊SAT OC填空解析13Word文档格式.docx

1、(A) oversight (B) simplification (C) distortion (D) sophistication (E) superficiality冒号提示上下文重复,下文讲投影地图描绘的格陵兰岛笔墨西哥大十倍,事实上只比墨西哥大一点,所以地图扭曲了事实,选择C。在平面上表述一个圆的世界是不可能没有一些变形的,麦卡托投影地图展现的格陵兰岛是墨西哥的十倍,事实上墨西哥只比格陵兰岛小一点3. The highly publicized redesign of the car is essentially _: the exterior has been updated, bu

2、t the engine remains unchanged. (A) intuitive (B) cosmetic (C) incoherent (D) consequential (E) retroactive【题意解析】:冒号提示上下文重复,下半句讲汽车外部更新,引擎没变,也就是换汤不换药,故设计是装饰性的,选择B.【中文释义】:很引人注目的汽车重新设计本质上是装饰性的:外部已经更新,但是引擎仍然没有改变。4. Many of our memories are_, escaping our consciousness just as we strain to recall a face

3、or a name. (A) elusive (B) pervasive (C) unvaried (D) insensitive (E) impractical空格要求填入一词来描述记忆的特点,escape 正是记忆的动作,故选择escape的同义词,选择A.我们的许多记忆是规避性的,逃离我们的意识,正因如此我们努力去回忆一个面容或者名字。5. Although Caroline Gordon was rigorously objective in her journalistic writing, her lively and _ private correspondence _ a de

4、lightful capacity for biting commentary on the social scene. (A) incisive., disguised (B) eloquent., derided (C) dispassionate., demonstrated (D) exuberant., minimized(E) entertaining., exhibited有and连接并列关系可知,空格一填入lively的同义词,候选B ,D,E,再有although 引导上下句的转折,欢快的信件展示愉快的能力,故选择E.尽管Caroline Gordon在她的新闻写作中是严格客

5、观的,但欢快且有趣的私人信件展示了她对社会现象严厉评论的愉快的接受能力。6. An effective member of a debating team must focus clearly on the _ issue and avoid _ arguments. (A) equivocal., obstreperous (B) designated., pertinent (C) comprehensive., general (D) principal . peripheral(E) subtle . significantand连接同义关系,而focus和avoid表示反义,故两空格

6、填入一组反义词即可,选择D.辩论小组中有效的成员必须明确的关注重要的问题,避免次要的争论。7. The _ with which merchants and landowners in early-nineteenth-century Maryland and Virginia_ Joshua Johnstons professional services attests to his artistic skill as a portrait painter. (A) avidness., sought (B) diffidence., purchased (C) patience., rep

7、laced (D) elegance., regarded (E) zealousness . overlooked空格一填入的词是商人和地主发出的动作且要能表明一个肖像画家的艺术技巧,故肯定是喜欢他的作品,那就是对画家的最大认同,所以空一候选A,E.E选项中overlook 表示忽视,显然和前文的喜欢相反,故选择A.19世纪初的马里兰和弗吉尼亚州的商人和地主追求Joshua Johnston的画的热心证明了他作为一个肖像画家的艺术技巧。 【注】:此题中的专业服务(professional services),对画家而言就是其的作品。 8. The mans colleagues charac

8、terized him as_ because he had an irritable, quarrelsome disposition.(A) tyrannical (B) disingenuous (C) sanctimonious (D) cantankerous (E) morosebecause引导因果关系,空格填入一词来描述这个人的特征,because后给出了答案,他脾气不好且爱争吵,故空格填入脾气不好,爱争吵即可,所以选择D。他的同事把他描述成脾气不好的且爱争吵的(人),因为他有易发怒爱争吵的性格。【注】:此题的内容甚是无聊,但从此题看出COLLEGEBOARD的出题专家在挖空心

9、思的考同义词和反义词,在平时的学习过程中注意积累。9. After winning the lottery John bought sports cars, built a mansion, and wore designer suits; however, by thus _ his_ , he alienated his friends. (A) enduring., hardship (B) flaunting., prosperity (C) undermining . image (D) calculating., successes (E) moderating., consump

10、tion有his可知,空格二填入有关于John的一个词,上文告诉我们,他中彩票了,有钱,还有他进行了奢侈的消费,空格二候选B,E,E中的第一个空格显然错了,他很不节制,选择B。John获得彩票后,购买了跑车,建造豪华的大厦,并且穿设计师设计的套装,但是炫耀了自己的富有,他远离了他的朋友。10. The study of biology, once considered the key to solving natures mysteries, has instead served to emphasize natures incredible_ .(A) tranquility (B) imm

11、obility (C) consistency (D) desirability (E) complexity空格要求填入一词表示大自然的特点,即填入上半句中mystery的同义词即可,选择E。生物学的研究,曾经被认为是解决大自然秘密的钥匙,已用于强调大自然不可信的复杂。11. In 1575 Venetians instituted an annual celebration to _ the end of the _ that had struck the city. (A) lament., turmoil (B) commemorate., plague (C) eulogize.,

12、pestilence (D) hail., prosperity (E) solemnize., fame空格一表示开创庆祝会想干吗?很显然是庆祝,候选B,E,其次,去庆祝一个东西的结束(end),故为一贬义色彩的词,E错。1575年,威尼斯开创了一年一次的庆祝会去庆祝(纪念)曾经打击了这个城市的瘟疫的结束,12. Lena Homes singing style is such that she can invest even the most _ lyrics with dramatic meaning. (A) harmonious (B) sensational (C) impecca

13、ble (D) vapid (E) esteemed有invest(赋予)可知,抒情诗没有dramatic这一特点,否则就不需要赋予,所以抒情诗的特点就是dramatic的反义词,选择D。Lena Home的歌唱风格是她能赋予最无聊的抒情诗以戏剧般的含义。13. A long-standing theory about the migration of green turtles was _ by an innovative marine biologist who graciously defused potential_ by dedicating her work to the orig

14、inal researcher. (A) instigated., rancor (B) renounced., approval (C) displaced., attribution (D) enhanced., alteration (E) repudiated., acrimonylong-standing 提示有时间对比关系,老观念肯定被新观念所反驳,空一候选B. C , E, defuse表示去除,有前面的graciously和全句对生物学家的赞同可知,空二填入贬义词,选择E.一个长期关于绿龟迁徙的理论被一个富有创新的海洋生物学家所否认,她通过致力于研究先前的研究者,优雅的缓和了潜

15、在的(言语的)刻薄。14. Most pioneers _this valley on their journey to the West because its rugged terrain and frequent landslides made it a _ place for travelers. (A) flanked., fascinating (B) avoided., necessary (C) encompassed., curious (D) enjoyed., troublesome (E) skirted., hazardous因为山谷的不平整和山崩的存在,故其对对旅行

16、者来说是不好的地方,空格二候选D,E. 在有因果关系可知,旅行者会避开而不是去享受它,因此选择E.许多先锋都绕开这个在他们去西方旅行路上的山谷,因为不平整的地形和经常的塌方使它对旅行者来说是危险的地方.15. Ballads often praise popular figures who have performed feats that many perceive as_ , such as defending the poor or resisting _ authority. (A) modest., acceptable (B) inescapable., legitimate (C

17、) insufficient., overpowering (D) admirable., unjust (E) unbelievable., tolerable因为大众人物做出了功绩(feat),所以空格一填入一褒义词,直接选择D.民谣经常赞扬作出功绩的大众人物,许多功绩是可尊敬的,例如保护穷人,反对不公正的权贵.16. The serious purpose of the paper-airplane flying contest, which attracted many novel and sometimes truly _ entries, was to determine whet

18、her any _aerodynamic designs could be discovered. (A) unorthodox., conventional (B) bizarre., revolutionary (C) derivative., imaginative (D) mundane., predictable(E) ungainly. aesthetic空格一以and和novel连接,故填入 novel的同义词,候选A , B ,吸引有创新的参加者的目的肯定是发现创新的设计,而非传统设计,故选择B.吸引了许多富于创新和常常真正的奇异选手的纸飞机飞行比赛的重要目的是能够发现革命性的

19、空气动力设计.17. Carson presents her case so strongly and logically that only the prejudiced or the_ will attempt to_ her. (A) impartial., defy (B) doubtful., champion (C) gullible., believe (D) obstinate., contradict(E) irrational . follow有or连接同义关系,空格一选择prejudiced的同义词,候选B, D, E, 此时注意B, E第二个词是同义词, 故直接选择D.

20、Carson的陈述她的理由是如此的强硬且合理,以至只有偏见的或者固执的人试图去反驳她.18. Over the years the anthropologists opinions had _: he refused to tolerate new ideas and nothing could change his mind.(A) digressed (B) proliferated (C) ossified (D) germinated (E) incubated冒号提示同义重复,下半句说他不能够容忍新的意见和什么都不能改变他的主意,那么他的观念肯定僵化了.选择C.在这几年,人类学家的观

21、念已经僵化了,他拒绝容忍新的观念并且什么也不能改变他的思想19. As the first _ of the political campaign, the senator unleashed a spirited verbal attack on her leading opponent. (A) salvo (B) encore (C) palliative (D) concession (E) demurral下文讲这个参议员发起了一个口头攻击,上半句要求填入一词来表述政治运动的什么,很显然只有填写一个攻击即可,选择A.作为第一次政治运动的攻击,参议员向她最主要的对手发起了一个有力的口头

22、攻击. 此题用牛津等字典得不到答案,因为牛津等字典里salvo 没有第二个解释a spirited attack.因此GRE,SAT, IBT的美国考试, 要以韦氏词典或者美国传统字典为准.OC21. Although visitors initially may find touring the city by subway to be _ , they are pleased to discover that subways are an inexpensive and _ way to get around. (A) wasteful . generous (B) daunting.,

23、efficient (C) extravagant., prohibitive (D) convenient., solitary (E) enjoyable., easyand连接并列关系,空格二候选B,E,再有although 连接反义关系,空格一填入please的反义,故选择B。起初旅游者可能认为坐地铁旅游这个城市是使人害怕的,但是他们很开心的发现坐地铁到处玩玩既便宜又高效。2. One critic asserts that modern urban architecture causes sensory deprivation because it fails to provide

24、visual and tactile _ . (A) latency (B) stimulation (C) complacence (D) confusion (E) extension because引导因果关系,再有fail to 取反,空格填入deprivation的反义即可。选择B评论家断言现代城市的建筑引起感觉的丧失,因为它不能提供视觉和触觉的刺激。3. Because little rain falls in the district during summer, municipalities are necessarily_ to _ water from winter sto

25、rms. (A) ready., squander (B) reluctant . retain (C) free., absorb (D) careful., store (E) unwilling., conservebecause引导因果关系,在夏天雨水少的情况下,冬天就要储存水,所以空格二候选B,D,E, 再有B,E的第一空一是同义词,故排除选择D.因为在这个地区夏天很少下雨,所以市政当局必须小心储存冬天暴风雨中的雨水。4. Toni Cade Bambaras novels are engrossing because the protagonists, in striving to

26、 achieve goals, are not simply _ characters. (A) passive (B) tangible (C) abandoned (D) autonomous (E) redundant主人公是主动(strive)完成目标,故空格二填入消极即可,选择A。Toni Cade Bambara的小说是引人入胜的,因为主人公主动努力完成目标,不是简单的消极的角色。5. Once his integrity had been _ , the mayoral candidate was quick both to _ these attacks and to issue counterattacks. (A) debunked., buttress (B) restored., recommence (C) revoked., relinquish (D) impugned., repudiate

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