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1、9Without a drivers permission(permit),you are not permitted to drive the car.10Its your responsibility to inform(inform) us of any changes. .完成句子1他一回来我就把书给他。I will give him the book as soon as he comes back2你的话给我留下了深刻印象。What you said made a deep impression on me.3这位老人过去常常生活在乡村,但现在他习惯于城市生活了。The old m

2、an used to live in the countryside,but now he is used to the city life4他是如此好的一位医生以致于大家都很喜欢他也尊敬他。He is such a good doctor/so good a doctor that everyone loves and respects him.5谈论这种事情是浪费时间。Its a waste of time talking about such a thing.微写作用本单元词汇或句式完成下列写作任务宋祖英是一位著名的歌唱家,在某些方面她对民族音乐有重大的影响。每次举行音乐会,观众都被她的

3、优美歌唱迷住。因为出色的表演,她曾获得许多奖项。年轻歌手从她那里学到了很多东西。宋祖英决心为中国音乐的发展做出更大的贡献。【参考范文】Song Zuying is a famous singer,who has a great effect on the folk music in some ways.Every time a concert is held,the audience are impressed by her brilliant singing.She has won a lot of awards for her outstanding performance.Some yo

4、ung singers have learned a lot from her.Song Zuying has decided to make a greater contribution to the development of Chinese music.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解AIt all starts with a tree.In fact,it starts with several trees.Since the first modern guitars were made in northern Spain over 150 years ago,craftspeople ha

5、ve known the wood to be used is important in making a guitar.Every guitar is made of several different kinds of wood.Each piece is carefully chosen and then cut to fit the part of the guitar for which it is designed.The most important part of a guitar is the soundboardthe piece of wood with a large

6、hole that lies under the strings (弦,线)Guitar makers are careful to make the soundboard just the right shape and thickness.Then they fix stripes (长条) of wood across the inside in a special pattern,which helps strengthen the soundboard and improves the tone of the guitar. Wood for the curvy bent sides

7、 of the guitar must be soaked in water and bent over a hot iron pipe.When all the pieces of the guitar are ready,they are carefully stuck together with glue.Special woodworking tools are used to shape and smooth the neck of the guitar.The craftspeople must make sure that the neck is perfectly center

8、ed over the soundboard. Then it is time to use varnish(亮光漆)This brings out the beauty of the wood.Varnish also improves the sound of the guitar but too much varnish makes the guitar sound flat and dull.Finally guitar strings are attached and tightened to make just the right musical tones.Then its ti

9、me to play a song.【语篇解读】你喜欢弹吉他吗?你知道怎样制作吉他吗?本文讲述了如何制作吉他。1. What does the underlined word“soaked”mean in Paragraph 3?Adried Bwetted Ccleaned DdippedB从第三段首句后半句in water and bent over a hot iron pipe不难猜出soak的意思为浸湿,故选B。2. In order to make the soundboard strong, Apeople tie strings to the top of it Bstripe

10、s are stuck across the inside of woodCa large hole is made in itDseveral pieces of wood are glued togetherB从第二段最后一句Then they fix stripes(长条)of wood across the inside in a special pattern,which helps strengthen the soundboard and improves the tone of the guitar.可推知答案。3. Which of the following doesnt

11、affect the sound of a guitar?ASoundboard. BStrings. CNeck. DColor.D通读全文不难看出soundboard、strings和neck都会影响吉他的声音,唯独color不会影响吉他的声音,故选D。4. What will happen to the guitar if too much varnish is used to the wood?AThe beauty of the wood cant be seen clearly.BThe sound of the guitar will be flat and dull.CThe

12、tone of the guitar will be improved.DThe guitar will become thin.B从倒数第二段Varnish also improves the sound of the guitar but too much varnish makes the guitar sound flat and dull.可知答案。BBaron Pierre de Coubertin was a Frenchman.At his time sports were not taught in French schools.De Coubertin believed t

13、hat sports should go hand in hand with studies.He had an idea.His idea was to begin the Olympics all over again.Sports teachers of other countries liked de Coubertins ideas.So in 1896,the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens(雅典),Greece.Since then the Olympics have been held once every four years

14、,except three times,when there were wars.The modern Olympic games have many foot races and field sports programs.The longest race in the games is called marathonBefore the start of the Olympic Games,runners carry lighted torch(火炬) through many nations towards the stadium(运动场) where the games will be

15、 held.These sportsmen are from different countries.Yet they work together to carry the Olympic torch.It is passed from runner to runner.When the last runner enters the stadium,he or she places the torch in a special(专门的) basin filled with oil.It catches fire.It is then,only then,that the Olympic Gam

16、es can begin.The Olympic flame(火焰) burns throughout the games.It is the flame of peace.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了现代奥运会的创办以及比赛项目。5Before 1896 French schools didnt teach Amaths BhistoryCsports DphysicsC细节理解题。根据第一段中的At his time sports were not taught in French schools.可知,在1896年之前法国学校不教授体育。故选C。6De Coubertin Awas the

17、 first man to start the Olympic GamesBhelped start the modern Olympic GamesCbelieved that sports were less important than studiesDfailed to begin the modern Olympic GamesB细节理解题。根据第二段中的Sports teachers of other countries liked de Coubertins ideas.So in 1896,the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens

18、,Greece.可知,顾拜旦帮助举办了现代奥运会。故选B。7According to this passage,the third modern Olympic Games should have been held in A1915 B1924C1896 D1904D推理判断题。根据第二段中的So in 1896,the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens,Greece.Since then the Olympics have been held once every four years可知,现代奥运会每隔四年举行一次,第一次是在1896年,因

19、此第三次是在1904年。故选D。8“Marathon” in this passage is Aa foot race Ba jumping contest(比赛)Cfield sports Da boxing(拳击)matchA词义猜测题。根据第三段的The longest race in the games is called marathon.可知,marathon是赛跑(foot race)比赛。 故选A。 CWhen I was in my third year at university,my roommates were American footballers,so I dec

20、ided to join them.I remember seeing them in front of me wearing pads (防护垫),and thinking they were going to kill me.I got tackled (阻截) so hard that I was frightened.But then I realized it was just physical contact.Ive been addicted since.The fundamental aim of the game is to score by running with the

21、 ball into,or receiving the ball inside the oppositions end zone.Every player on the field has a set responsibility.Im a running back.My job is using my speed,strength and skill to carry the ball and keep running until either I score or I get put down.And it does hurt.Ive broken two fingers and hurt

22、 my shoulder,but the worst was when I trapped the ligaments (韧带) in the back of my leg.I had to take a year out.But none of that put me offall I could think was how I was going to come back stronger.Besides training with the team,I now have my gym routine to get fitter,faster and stronger.Although p

23、eople think American football is aggressive,theres much more to it.Every team has its own playbook,outlining everyones role in different scenes.My playbook was 73 pages long.Words cant describe how it feels when it all comes together on the field.American football has changed my life for the better.

24、Ive learned time management,how to take responsibility for my action,and how much I treasure being part of a team.Within the four lines of the field,it is physical.Emotions run high.If youre on the opposing team,you are my enemy.But once the game is done,were like a big family.【语篇解读】作者主要介绍了自己在足球队中的角

25、色,以及通过足球赛学到的很多东西,足球让他的生活变得更加美好。9The authors body parts were hurt EXCEPT Ahis arm Bhis shoulderChis leg Dhis fingerA细节理解题。根据第三段中的Ive broken two fingers and hurt my shoulder,but the worst was when I trapped the ligaments in the back of my leg.可知,作者受伤的部位有finger,shoulder以及leg。故没有受伤的是arm。故选A。10What can w

26、e infer(推断) from the text?AThe author was very delighted when first playing.BThe author has benefited more than suffering from the sport.CThe author began to play at the beginning of his university life.DPlaying American football is very popular among university students.B推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,美式足球让我的生活变得更

27、好。我学会了时间管理、如何为自己的行为负责,以及多么珍惜自己作为团队的一员。由此可判断出,虽然作者因为足球运动受了一些伤,但获益更多。11How does the author find his playing American football?ARelaxing. BChallenging.CBoring. DRewarding.根据最后一段可知,作者认为他加入美式足球是值得的。12The passage is mainly about Athe rules of playing American footballBhow painful it is to play the sportCh

28、ow the sport has changed the authors lifeDthe reason for the authors playing American footballC主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了作者加入美式足球队以及从中学到的东西,让他变得更好。再结合最后一段中的American football has changed my life for the better.可知,本文主要说的是这种运动如何改变作者的生活。.完形填空One British school is finding that allowing children to listen to mu

29、sic or even to have the TV on while studying is helping improve grades. 1 your teenager starts a family quarrel by sitting in an armchair listening to music while doing his homework,why not 2 a simple experiment? 3 taking the heavy handed(严厉的)line of 4 him to his bedroom to get on with it 5 ,let him do the homework the 6 he wants.You might well find that his essay is more sparkling(有文采的)than 7 hes done before. According to the research of Millfield School,around 20% of youngsters 8 best with background music,

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