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人教版八年级下Unit6 知识点总结.docx

1、人教版八年级下Unit6 知识点总结Unit6 An old man tried to move then加油 mountains.知识点详解1. trytry doinn加油g sth 尝试做某事 I tried smoking at then加油 age of 15, it was ten加油rrible.try to do sth 尽力、努力做某事 He tries n加油to learn English well.try on 试穿 Cn加油an I try it on? Can I try on the n加油pair of the shoes?2. tellteln加油l sb t

2、o do sth 告诉某人做某事 Myn加油 mother told me to lock then加油 door.Tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事n加油 My parents often tell me not to smokn加油e.Tell sb that+从句 A student told men加油 that his English was so poor that hen加油 couldnt follow the teacher.3. 过去n加油将来时的构成:would +V原Yu Gong would put all n加油the earth and

3、 stones from the mounn加油tains into the sea.4. work on 从事; 对n加油起作用Im working on improvinn加油g the students oral English these dayn加油 soon as 一就,引导时间状语从句,遵循主将从现原n加油则。As soon as possible 尽快As soon as he fn加油ishes his classwork, he will run out on加油f the classroom.He says he n加油will write to you as

4、 soon as he gets n加油there,I fell asleep as soonn加油 as I sat on the sofa.6. continue to n加油do sth 继续做某事 Lets continue to workn加油.7. die 名词为death , 形容词为 den加油ad,die为非延续性动词,不能和时间段连用n加油,如果连用要用be dead来代替My grandfather han加油s been dead for ten years. 我外公去世已经十年了。n加油8. so+adi/adv+that 如此以n加油致于The boy is so

5、old n加油that he can look after himsn加油elf. The cartoon is so exciting n加油that every child loves tn加油o watch it.He ran so quin加油ckly that I couldnt catch up with hin加油m.=He ran too quickly to can加油tch up with.(当sothat后跟的从句为否定句时,可用n加油tooto 来替换)。So that引导目的状语从句,“以便,为了”,从句n加油中常使用can/coiuld/may、mign加油ht等情

6、态动词。The little boy savedn加油 much money so that he could buy his motn加油her a gift on Mothers Day.这n加油个小男孩节省了很多钱,为了在母亲节给母亲买份礼物。9.send 派n加油送,派遣 send sb to do sthn加油 派某人去做某事 send sb+to +地点 派某人去某地be sen加油nt to do sth或+地点,被动语态,被派 I was sn加油ent to look for the doctor.10. takean加油way 把拿走,带走 take all the boo

7、ks awan加油y. taketo把拿到(1)take 花费 It tn加油akes/took sb some time to do stn加油h 做某事花费某人多长时间It took me two hours tn加油o finish doing my homeworn加油k yesterday evening.(2)Spn加油end 花费 spendon.在上面花费n加油I spent 20 yuan on n加油the book.Spend some time (n加油in)doing sth做某事花费多长时间I spent twn加油o hours in doing my homew

8、ork.(3)Cost 花n加油费 That book cost me 20元。n加油At all costs 不惜任何代价,at cost 按成本(4)n加油Pay 为付款 payfor I paid 20yuan fn加油or that book。11. remind n加油 remind sb to do sth 提n加油醒某人做某事 Please remind you to rememn加油ber your dream all the time.Reminn加油d sb of sth 使某人想起 The song remin加油nded me of my childhood.Remin

9、d n加油sb that+从句 He reminded me that I sn加油hould do it at once.Li n加油Ning reminds us that anythn加油ing is possible.(nothinn加油g is impossible.一切皆有可能)12. unln加油ess=ifnot 除非;如果不Yon加油u wont get good grades unless you wn加油ork hard.=You wont get good graden加油s if you dont work hard.(主将从n加油现)13. make make sb

10、 do sth 让某人做n加油某事 Our English teacher often man加油kes us recite the text.Makn加油e sb/sth+adi 使某人/某物I often mn加油y English teacher angry.Sun Wun加油kong can make his magic stick sman加油ll or large.14. think about= tn加油hink of 认为,思考,考虑What do yon加油u think about Sleeping Beauty?n加油15. finish doing sth 结束做某事n

11、加油I cant go to the party with you untn加油il I finish doing my homeworn加油k.16.a good way to sn加油olve his problem 一个解决n加油他的问题的好办法, 动词不定式作定语修饰前面的way1n加油7. It doesnt seem possible to do stn加油h 干什么事情似乎不大可能It doesnt seem possible n加油to learn all the wordsn加油 by heart in 10 minutes.Sn加油eem: seem to have don

12、e(过去分词)好像n加油做过某事I seem to have seen加油n him somewhere before. 我好像以前n加油在哪儿见过他。Seem+adj=seemn加油 to be+adj He seems angry=He n加油seems to be angry.主语+seem+不定式 Hn加油e doesnt seem to like n加油the idea. 他似乎不太喜欢这个主意n加油。It seems +that从句 It seen加油ms that no one knows whan加油t has happened in the park. 似乎没有n加油人知道在

13、公园里发生了什么事。18. keen加油p keep+adj 保持keen加油p healthy, keep our classroom n加油clean. Keep doing sth=keep on doinn加油g sth 继续做某事,一直做某事 Keep trying an加油nd dont give up.继续努力不要放弃。Ken加油epfor oneself 为某人自己留keep the sin加油lk and gold for themselves. 为他们自己留下n加油了丝绸和黄金。Keep to onn加油eself 保守秘密 Please ken加油ep it to you

14、rself.请你保守秘密。19.disagree/agn加油ree with sb 不同意/同意某人的观点n加油或看法 Do you agree with me?n加油你同意我的观点吗?20. instead of 代替,而不是n加油I gave him advice in加油nstead of money. 我给了他忠告n加油,而不是钱。You should studyn加油 instead of playing all day long. 你应当学n加油习,而不是整天玩。21. better and faster 更好n加油更快22. 一般过去时的被动语态为was/wn加油ere+动词过去

15、分词;一般现在时的被动语态n加油为am/is/are+动词过去分词The empern加油or was cheated by the two cheats. The n加油food was eaten by the birdn加油s.English is spoken by mn加油any people in the world.23.n加油 side方面 Every thing hn加油as two sides.任何事物都有两面性。2n加油4. neither(1)形容词,两者都不,后跟单数名词,谓语动词应用n加油第三人称单数Neither answer is righn加油t. 两个答案都不对。(2)代词,Neither of+名词复数/n加油代词宾格,谓语动词一般用单数形式Neither of un加油s is a farmer. 我们两个都不是农民。 Nen加油ither of you are wrong.你们两个都不是错的=你们两n加油个都对。(3)Neither+助动词/情态动词/系n加油动词be+主语,也不My sister doesnt liken加油 singing, and neither/nor n加油do I.(我也不喜欢唱歌)。So+助、情、系动词n加油be+主语,也是I liking watching TVn加油,

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