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1、 XiongGuoGenExecute the command: WanYiJun XiongZhengHuaA row of command: a: zhang pengCommand: ZhengGuoFang second rowThree rows of command: ZhangRongFour row command: ZhangShiFa2,the leading group and responsibilities:(1),training placeLeader: WanYiJun XiongZhengHuaA,do well in advance of the milit

2、ary instructor walk activities.B,ready to walk on the flag,and used on,etc.C,make students walking out safety.D,good students walk to work on organization,organization work activities;E and cooperate with the mission of the work place.(2),mission placeLeader: HeTianMingA walk on the site,before the

3、release of the propaganda activities;B,walk the writing and related news reported;C,the school to the scene of the television camera,taking pictures and so on work;D,activities of the organization work;E,cooperate with other work in training;(3),logistics placeLeader: WanXiaoYingA,walk in the prepar

4、ation of the materials needed;B,ensure that morning,noon dining work;C,the other logistics material guarantee work;(4),the school officeLeader: YangXiaoPingMember: DengHui,hu xinghui,better thanA,walking in arrangements for good work vehiclesB,cooperate with logistics office do other related logisti

5、cs work;C,do well on the injury in time travel students work.(5),and walking staff:Military instructor,teachers,teachers,students and life with personnel,etc.6,walk of organization and discipline requirements:A,the military instructor,all the students requiring uniforms,clothing clean and neat;B,the

6、 military instructor,students queue pace in order,and full of spirit and our loud (I love the motherland propaganda);C,all staff must pay attention to personal appearance and civilization terminology;D,departments to cooperation,guarantee the smooth completion of the walk,Meaning: witness history,we

7、 teenagers looking for bits and pieces of light and truth,feeling the source of a space,we gather their great national rejuvenationThe tremendous power.(2) yearbooks,essay activitiesIn the National Day ago,had run a period to National Day as the theme of the yearbooks activities.Time: on September 2

8、5,30 daysEssay contest:1,object: all teachers and students2,time: September 26,30 days3,content,organization write different types of teachers and students from every Angle,the article expounds the change of the country,to describe to the country,society and life aloneSpecial feelings,his own experi

9、ence,to express the motherland in the heart,dreaming improve social sense of responsibility and the sense of mission.4,requirement: write neatly,dont alter disorderly painting.The article thought health,positive,content,form,any real about 1000 wordsAppropriate.5,the way: by the teacher leaders,to w

10、ork for the selection.Finally the first prize a top honors;The second prize five;Third prizeEight;Winning several,additional to the winners.(time on October 1,)Meaning: October 1 is the day of the National Day.Dear classmates,if you want to ask me: you love? I dont hesitate to tell you:I love my cou

11、ntry! Our country has a long history and splendid culture,is a vast land,after wind and rain,in the world of national forest Yi layoutsMade.Let the students now,have no time,effort study,the morality,intelligence and physique,us,fatigue several all-round development.With ourHands with our wisdom,wit

12、h our for the country a pure heart,and all the Chinese people a,join hands to put our lovely countryDress up more beautiful and lovely!(3) watch the paradeTime: on October 1Location: multimedia classroomActivities: October 1 from 8:00 the flag-raising ceremony (the school leader,the teachers and stu

13、dents to speak on behalf of speech).1,National Day parade watch big (October 1 at 9 a.m.)2,watching the central television station celebrates National Day 62 anniversary large literature evening party2,active object: all teachers and students to watch3,requirement: write the National Day big parade

14、about it,ask 500 words above,content to profound.True,Meaning: teenagers physical exercise will tempering,the melting pot of the military,learning knowledge,training patriotism,improve the overall quality of the school,letStudents to strengthen the national defense consciousness,cultivate patriotism

15、 and team spirit,improve the care,self-study,provide for oneself,self-improvement,self-discipline ability,so that students in Germany,Intelligence and physique,us from comprehensive development.(4) class patriotic song singing competitionTime: October 2 nightsLocation: school training courseMeaning:

16、 to commemorate the founding of the Peoples Republic of 62 anniversary,and guide the young good traditions,carrying forward the national spirit,made good the communist party,Time: the October 3 eveningLocation: school training courseObject: all students1: the Mid-Autumn festival customs and history

17、(watch it)(1) the date of the Mid-Autumn festival,know that some of the Mid-Autumn festival customs and history.(2) of traditional Chinese culture produce preliminary interest.2: literature evening party-more round on the night(1) the moonlight sweet feeling of moon cake.(2) the experience and enjoy

18、 the fun of Mid-Autumn festival activities.Meaning: the Mid-Autumn festival as a traditional festival,Chinese saying goes,on every festive day,the joyful festival is a family reunion,childrenWe are far from parents came to the school,young jerry nanchang in this day,happy with us through a reunion o

19、f the night.(6) the basketball game,badminton,ball games,ping pang tug of warTime: October 4-8 daysObject: all teachers and studentsActivities: to all class for the unit for the game(7) activities requirements1,each class according to the school requirement to elaborate,ensure the development of sol

20、id effective activities;2,National Day kei igawa the theme party every class teachers can comply with this reality,flexible organization students activities,ensure that all work.一、活动目的:为庆祝新中国成立62周年,加强对学生的爱国主义和民族精神的教育,增长学生国情、国史的相关知识,营造校园热烈的节日气氛,特组织举行本次国庆庆祝系列活动。引导学生树立正确的人生观、价值观,弘扬爱国精神,培养学生爱国主义为核心的民族精神

21、。二、活动主题:喜迎国庆62周年我爱你祖国三、活动对象:全校师生四、组织机构:校 长:熊国根副校长:杨小萍宣教处:何天明1、学校电视台(跟踪报道)2、网站新闻(更新)训练处:万贻军(处长) 熊正华(处长)后勤保障处:万小英 李木泉五、活动内容(一)参观小平小道时间:9月30日地点:新建县望城岗行走路线:南昌鸿杰少年学校西山万寿宫石埠镇省大小平小道1、领导小组:总指挥:熊国根执行指挥:万贻军 熊正华一排指挥:张朋二排指挥:郑国芳三排指挥:张荣四排指挥:张士发2、各领导小组及职责:、训练处组长:万贻军 熊正华A、做好行走活动教官的事先安排。B、准备好行走途中所用的旗帜、对讲机等。C、做好学员外出行



24、会责任感和使命感。4、要求:字迹工整,不要涂改乱画。文章思想健康,积极向上,内容真实,体裁不限,1000字左右为宜。5、评选办法:由教师领导组成评委会,对参选作品进行评选。最终评出一等奖1名;二等奖5名;三等奖8名;优胜奖若干名,对获奖者进行表彰。(时间10月1日)意义:十月一日是国庆节的日子。亲爱的同学们,如果你想问我:“你爱什么?”我毫不犹豫地告诉你:“我爱祖国!” 我们的祖国历史悠久,文化灿烂,地大物博,历经风雨,在世界民族之林中巍然屹立。让同学们现在,要抓紧时间,努力学习,要在德、智、体、美、劳几个方面全面发展。用我们的双手,用我们的智慧,用我们对祖国的一颗赤子之心,和全中国人民一道,


26、晚上地点:学校训练球场意义:纪念中华人民共和国建国62周年,引导广大青少年继承优良传统、弘扬民族精神、唱响共产党好、时间:10月3日晚上地点:学校训练球场对象:全体学生1:中秋节的风俗和来历(观看教育片)知道中秋节的日期,了解中秋节的一些风俗和来历。对中国的传统文化产生初步的兴趣。2 :文艺晚会今宵月更圆月光下感受月饼的香甜。体验中秋和享受活动的乐趣。中秋佳节作为中国一个传统节日,有道是:“每逢佳节倍思亲”,佳节都是家人团聚的时候,孩子们远离父母来到我们南昌鸿杰少年学校,在这一天,大家一起开心的度过一个团圆夜。(六)篮球比赛、羽毛球比赛、兵乓球比赛、拔河比赛时间:10月4日8日对象:全体师生活动:以各班级为单位进行比赛(七)活动要求1、各班要按照学校要求,精心准备,确保活动扎实有效的开展;2、庆“国庆”主题班会各班教师可以遵照本班实际,灵活组织学生活动,保证完全工作。

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