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2、的99.6%,资产总量占82.6%,营业收入占71.7%,82.7%的劳动力在中小企业就业,在实现社会稳定、促进技术创新、吸引民间投资、应对经济波动、保持市场活力、改善区域经济发展活力等方面,都做出了积极贡献。以民营经济为主体的中小企业还为市场经济发展提供了许多宝贵的经验,有效地推动了浙江经济市场化程度不断提高,增强了经济的总体活力。近几年来,我省中小企业的成长态势非常明显,规模以下小企业成长为规模以上企业的趋势非常强劲,规模以上企业年均增加4300多家,年均增长将近30%。以产业集聚为特点的块状经济也越来越成为浙江中小企业发展的显著优势,正在逐步形成 “终端企业+配套企业+专业市场+中介组织









11、门,必须抓住发展的机遇,积极推进中小企业的成长及其竞争力的提升。我们应当摒弃将中小企业发展仅限于为大企业拾遗补缺的观念,摒弃仅仅将发展中小企业视为创造就业机会和转移农村剩余劳动力解决社会问题的观念,树立促进中小企业发展是市场经济体制性需要的观念,是保证企业发展、企业生态平衡的观念。“迎接未来的最好方法,就是去创造未来”,我们除了要高瞻远瞩外,更重要的是能“力行实践”。中小企业发展各方面的问题,有些根深蒂固,不是短期能够解决的,但是只要我们共同朝着这个方向去努力,相信中小企业发展的环境会一天比一天好。谢谢各位!Deeply Build Social Service Systems for Med

12、ium & Small Enterprises, Promote Fast Development of Zhejiang Medium & Small EnterprisesZhejiang Medium & Small Enterprise BureauLadies and gentlemen:International communication activities are blooming beside the summer Huangpu River. The Summit Conference of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ju

13、st passed, and the 2006 Shanghai International Seminar on promotion of development of the medium and small enterprises is coming, which has very important actual meanings to implement the “11th Five Year” development plan, especially promote “Medium and small enterprise growing project” and to expan

14、d development power of the medium and small enterprises. Here, I, on behalf of the Zhejiang Medium & Small Enterprise Bureau, congratulate warmly the 2006 Shanghai International Seminar on promotion of development of the medium and small enterprises and express my sincere solute to various guests.Th

15、e medium and small enterprises are significant promotion power of economic increase and main channel of national employment and a social harmonious “Stabilizer”. Meanwhile, they are the most active group in economy. Although development systems of the countries in the world are different and develop

16、ment modes and economic environment are different, various countries all respect development of the medium and small enterprises and the quantity of the medium and small enterprises is over 95%. Since reform and opening for 27 years, the medium and small enterprises in Zhejiang developed from town a

17、nd village enterprises have become an important part of social and economic development. At present, their quantity is 99.6% of all the enterprises, and their overall assets is 82.6% of all, sales income 71.7%, and 82.7% of the labor is employed in the medium and small enterprises, which make positi

18、ve contribution to realize social stability and promote technical innovation and attract civil investment in the fields of economic fluctuation, maintaining market vitality and improving regional economic development vitality etc. the medium and small enterprises with private economy as a principal

19、supply a lot of valuable experience for market economic development and effectively escalate the Zhejiang marketing degree and reinforce overall economic vitality.For recent years, the growing state of the medium and small enterprises in Zhejiang is very obvious. Growing trend of the small enterpris

20、es under scale into those above scale is very strong. The enterprises above scale are added by over 4,300 every year with annual increase of about 30%. The block economy with industrial aggregation as a feature becomes more and more obvious for development of the Zhejiang medium and small enterprise

21、s, which is forming “End enterprise + mating enterprises + professional markets + intermediary agencies” network productive systems. It is an important display of development vitality of the medium and small enterprises in Zhejiang. Meanwhile, we also encountered “Growing troubles”. Under severe lim

22、itation of resources, biologic environment and market space, some industries are been transferred to the mid-western regions and more enterprises are moving out, and the number of newly added small enterprises in Zhejiang is reducing, and post power of economic increase seemed insufficient.How to re

23、solve the problems occurred in development of the medium and small enterprises is a big subject of the governmental work-study. According to “Leave the cage and change birds, revival again”, strategy of economic structure adjustment and economic increase way change, we insisted to practice the grow

24、plan of the medium and small enterprises and deeply build social service “Eight systems” for the medium and small enterprises to guide them to develop towards professional, refined, high-end, integration, informatization, brand and internationalizing directions.1. Positively exert the growing plan o

25、f the medium and small enterprisesThe medium and small enterprises are of big volume and extensive fields, where could we start? Replacement offends the market economic rules and doing nothing will lead to disorder competition. We started from escalating growing of the medium and small enterprises,

26、the key issue, and studied and set assessment and authentication methods of the Zhejiang growing medium and small enterprises to assess and authenticate over 8,500 enterprises above scale in Zhejiang and found 983 growing enterprises, and through strategic focusing to critically cultivate and assist

27、 them, we also extended the growing plan upward and downward to establish the medium and small enterprise growing “321 project” and to critically cultivate 3,000 micro and small enterprises with annual income below 5.00 million CNY to go up and to critically assist two “100 optimal” growing medium a

28、nd small enterprises to fats develop, and to critically serve 100 excellent and strong medium and small enterprises to finance and list, so as to make all province gradually constitute nice atmosphere to implement the medium and small enterprise growing plan. After research and exploration for two y

29、ears, the medium and small enterprise-growing plan has been authenticated extensively and has become a brand of works for the medium and small enterprises and various policy resources are gradually inclining to the growing medium and small enterprises.2. Positively promote construction of social ser

30、vice systemUnder conditions of market economy, the markets are no doubt the most valid way to allocate resources. Because of well-known “Common share”, “Non-exclusive” and “Non-competitive” etc. public services and public products, the governments, “Invisible hand”, should participate construction o

31、f social service systems of the medium and small enterprises to integrate social resources and renovate market environment to favor development of the medium and small enterprises. For a few years, we positively searched and broadened training and education, technical pioneering support, informatiza

32、tion service and industrial association construction etc, for the medium and small enterprises. Last year we cooperated with the United Telecom, Unicom and Netcom to set an informatization service alliance of the medium and small enterprises and organized ten thousands people to join informatization training and promoted 100,000 medium and small enterprises to connect the internet. In the respect of education and training, we exerted technical training mainly for the peasants working in the mediu

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