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1、3.Are you positive that the boy you saw in the hotel corridor( 走廊)was Peter?(A)right(B)sure(C)wrong(D)doubtful1.0 B4.What she suggested has been just because it is impracticable.(A)turn dow n (B) turn in (C) turn over (D) turn up5.The football game will be played on (A)June six (B) six June (C) the

2、sixth of June (D) the six of June1.0 C6.Be sure to your work at the end of the exam.(A)look over (B) hang up (C) set aside (D) catch sight of7.We n eed an extra copy of the book for the n ewcomer.(A)a rare (B) an additi onal (C) an unu sual (D) an excelle nt8.She proposes that we have a birthday par

3、ty for our En glish teacher.(A) suggests (B) intends (C) dema nds (D) decides9.White teeth are a sharp to black sk in(A) con te nt (B) con trast (C) con tract (D) con tact10.Bob s doctor suggests for a few days.(A)that he rest (B) his resting (C) him to rest (D) that he is11.Vickie had most probably

4、 her for ano ther sort of girl(A)regarded (B) viewed (C) mistake n (D) looked12.The police in vestigati on discovered that three young men were in therobbery.(A)caught (B) in volved (C) conn ected (D) tighte ned13.Televisi on keeps us in formed about - events and the latestin scie nee and politics(A

5、) curre nt (B) fashi on able (C) brand-new (D) previousrest ingdevelopme nts14. his wealth, he is not happy15.One of his many faults is that he n ever anything very long.(A)decides on (B) sticks to (C) goes over (D) makes sure16.I couldn t understand why he pretended in the bookstore.(A)not to see m

6、e(B)to see me not(C)not see me(D)to see not me17.How we a cha nee to visit your great country !(A)looked for(B)Ion ged for(C)waited for(D)went for18.He cought to have handed in the paper yesterday . That s what he (A)shoud have done(B)should do(C)should(D)should be doing19.Her heart was slightly as

7、a result of her long ill ness.(A) damaged (B) destroyed (C) demolished (D) spoiled20.All her doubts vani shed after she read the letter from Jimmy.(A)broke(B)decreased(C)disappeared(D)grew21.Betty was n ervous whe never she saw her history teacher.(A)tense(B)delighted(C)relaxed(D)disappi on ted22.I

8、suggest that you review these less ons before you take the final exam.23.Rain does not bring dow n the temperature(A) certa inly (B) un doubtedly (C) n ecessarily (D) completely24.The airpla ne arrived one hour behind .(A) timetable (B) pla n (C) date (D) schedule1.0 D25.It is a worthwhile experimen

9、t even if it may fail.(A) n ecessary (B) complete (C) valuable (D) perfect26.Smok ing is prohibited in the office(A) no good (B) discouraged (C) en couraged (D) not allowed27.“ we ll do what we can to get the goods on time, ” said the managerof the compa ny.(A) reach(B)returned(C)delivered(D)come28.

10、As long as you keep trying , you II certainly succeed.(A)If(B)As(C)Because(D)No matter how29.his failure in the exams.It is the boy s laz in ess that(A)resulted from(B)resulted in(C)brought in(D)led into30.We moved to the front row we could hear and see better(A) so as (B) so that (C) because (D) su

11、ch that31.I received a parcel yesterday and I am still wondering who may have sentit(A) sincere (B) dull (C) complicated (D) mysterious32.He n ever married, but his life was Ion ely(A) by far (B) far from (C) so far (D) so far as33.It was in that small room they worked hard and dreamed of better day

12、sto come.(A) what (B) in which (C) which (D) that34.The judge suspected the truth of the evide nee provided by the wit ness.(A)believed(B)doubted(C)gussed(D)realized35.The school bus was by a thick fog.37.If you your name and address on the card, we ll send the book to youas soon as it is retur ned.

13、38.Linda can barely read and write though she has recen tly graduated from high school.(A) seldom (B) un doubtedly (C) perfected (D) hardly39.He failed in his to give up the bad habit of cigarette smok ing(A) attain (B) attempt (C) asse nt (D) tempt40.It was not a serious accide nt; the car n eeds only some repairs(A) major (B) sec on dary (C) minor (D) primary

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