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1、The Correspondence Department 15. 集体舞:Group Dance 16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21. 附属学校:Affiliated school 22. 古装片:Costume Drama 23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling

2、(Soup) 25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 26. 火锅:Hot Pot 27. 四人帮:Gang of Four 28. 诗经:The Book of Songs 29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education 30. 史记:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement) 32. 西游记:The Journey to the West 33. 除夕:Chinese New Year

3、s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34. 针灸:Acupuncture 35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 37. 偏旁:radical 38. 孟子:Mencius 39. 亭/阁: Pavilion/ Attic 40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized

4、State-owned Enterprises 41. 火药:gunpowder 42. 农历:Lunar Calendar 43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp 44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization 45. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera 46. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera 47. 太极拳:Tai Chi 48. 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child 49. 天坛:Al

5、tar of Heaven in Beijing 50. 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand 51. 红双喜:Double Happiness 52. 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor 53. 春卷:Spring Roll(s) 54. 莲藕:Lotus Root 55. 追星族:Star Struck 56. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum 57. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue 58. 下岗:Lay off/Laid off 59. 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck

6、60. 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education 61. 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker 62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves 63. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit 64. 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao 65. 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution 66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River 67. 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match

7、 68. 水浒:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh 69. 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures 70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):The Four Treasure of the Study Brush/Writing Brush, Tusche/ Inkstick, Paper/ Rice Paper, and Inkstone/ Inkslab71. 笔 架:penholder72. 笔 筒:brush pot73. 镇 纸:paperweight74. 书 法:calligraphy75. 湖笔的尖健齐圆四德:sharp, tough, neat, a

8、nd round.76. 衙门 yamen77. 叩头 kowtow78. 孔子Confucius79. 牌楼 pailou;pai-loo80. 武术 wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)81. 功夫 kungfu ;kung fu82. 中庸 the way of medium (cf. Golden Means)83. 中和 harmony (zhonghe)84. 孝顺 to show filial obedience85. 孝子 dutiful son86. 家长 family head87. 宗族 patriarchal clan88. 三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,

9、夫为妻纲 three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son, husband guides wife89. 五常:仁、义、理、智、信 five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity90. 八股文 eight-legged essays/ eight-part essays91. 四书五经 Four Books and Five Classics92. 多子多福:The more so

10、ns/children, the more blessing/ great happiness93. 养儿防老:raising sons to support one in ones old age 94. 八卦 trigram 95. 阴、阳 yin, yang 96. 江湖(世界) the jianghu World(the traits world)97. 道 Daoism(Taoism) 98. 上火 excessive internal heat99. 儒学 Confucianism100. 红学(红楼梦研究) redology 101. 世外桃源 Shangri-la or Arc

11、adia 102. 开放 kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world) 103. 大锅饭 getting an equal share regardless of the work done 104. 不搞一刀切 no imposing uniformity on 105. 合乎国情,顺乎民意 to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people106. 乱摊派,乱收费 imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charg

12、e 107. 铁交椅 iron (lifetime) posts; guaranteed leading post 108. 脱贫 to shake off poverty; anti-poverty 109. 治则兴,乱则衰 Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline110. 锅贴 guotie (fried jiaozi) 111. 花卷 steamed twisted rolls 112. 套餐 set meal 113. 盒饭 box lunch; Chinese take-away 114. 米粉 rice noodles 115.

13、冰糖葫芦 a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.) 116. 火锅 chafing dish 117. 八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding 118. 粉丝 glass noodles 119. 豆腐脑 jellied bean curd120. 基层监督 grass-roots supervision121. 婚介所 matrimonial agency122. 机器阅卷 machine scoring 123. 基础税率 base tariff level124. 婚外恋 extramarital love 125

14、. 黑心棉 shoddy cotton126. 婚纱摄影 bride photo127. 家政服务 household management service128. 即开型奖券 scratch-open ticket/lottery 129. 价格听证会 public price hearings130. 集中精力把经济建设搞上去 go all out for economic development 131. 加强舆论监督 ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion132. 假帐 accounting frau

15、d 133. 叫板 challenge; pick a quarrel 134. 渐进式台独 gradual Taiwan independence 135.借调 temporarily transfer 136. 扩大中等收入者比重 Raise the proportion of the middle-income group. 137. 扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption138. 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus139. 新闻调查 News Probe140. 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 141. 市

16、场热线 Market Hotline142. 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 143. 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis144. 足球之夜 Soccer Night145. 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion146. 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 147. 半边天 Half the Sky 148. 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 149. 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans150. 大风车 Big Pinwheel 151. 七巧板 Tangram152. 中华民

17、族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 153. 周日话题 Sunday Topics154. 科技博览 Science and Technology Review155. 人与自然 Man and Nature156. 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 157. 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting158. 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 159. 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 160. 中国各地 Around China161. 诗 The Book of Song

18、s162. 书 Collection of Ancient Texts163. 礼 The Rites164. 易 The Book of Changes165. 春秋 The Spring & Autumn Annals166. 四库全书 The Four Branches of Literature167. 经部 Confucian Classics168. 史部 Historical Classics169. 子部 Philosophical & Scientific Classics170. 集部 Literary Classics (Belles Lettres)171. 卦 hex

19、agrams172. 六爻 hexagram173. 卦辞 text supplementary to hexagram174. 越剧 Yue Opera- Zhejiang & Shanghai175. 黄梅戏 Huangmei Opera- Anhui176. 豫剧 Yu Opera- Henan177. 平剧 Ping Opera- north (Hebei)178. 昆腔 Kun Tune179. 高腔 High Tune (Yi 弋 and Jing Tune)180. 弦索腔 Xuansuo Tune181. 梆子腔 Bangzi Tune182. 皮簧腔 Pihuang Tune

20、183. 象形字 Pictographic Characters184. 指事字 Self-Explanatory Characters185. 会意字 Associative Compounds186. 形声字 Pictophonetic Characters187. 假借字 Phonetic Characters188. 转注字 Mutually Explanatory Characters189. 甲骨文Inscriptions on Bones & Tortoise Shells190. 钟鼎文 Bronze Inscription191. 大篆 Big Seal Characters192. 小篆 Small Seal Characters193. 隶书 Official Script194. 楷书 Regular Script195. 草书 Cursive Hand196. 行书 Running Hand

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