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1、学年高中英语单元综合测评1单元综合测评(一) Unit 1School life(时间:100分钟;满分:120分)【XZB2017TBYLYYB01010】.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIn many countries,schools have long summer holidays,with shorter holidays in between.However,a new report suggests shortening school holidays to stop children fo

2、rgetting what they have learnt during the long summer break.Instead of three school terms,it says,there should be five eightweek terms.And there should be just four weeks off in the summer,with a twoweek break between the other terms.Sonia Montero has two children at primary school and works fulltim

3、e.She supports the idea.“The kids,”she says,“have much longer holidays than me and I cant afford to take several weeks off work,so I need someone to take care of them.But nobody wants the work in the summer holidaysthey all have holidays of their own.”Not surprisingly,some young people disagree.Stud

4、ent Jason Panos says,“Its a stupid idea.I would hate staying at school in the summer.Its unfair,too.The people who suggest this had long school holidays when they were young,but now they want to stop us enjoying the summer.The kids in Spain and America have much longer holidays than here,but they do

5、nt forget everything theyve learnt in a few months.”Nadia Salib agrees.“Sure,”she says,“the first week at school after the summer is never easy,but you soon get back into it.The real problem round here is that kids get bored after so many weeks out of school,and then some of them start causing troub

6、le.But the answer is to give them something to do,not make everyone stay in school longer.”1Why is Sonia in support of shorter school holidays?AShe doesnt get any summer holidays in her jobs.BShe is worried that her children will forget what theyve learnt.CShe cant afford to pay someone to look afte

7、r her children.DShe cant get anyone to look after her children in summer.2What does Jason say about long summer holidays?AThey can help children forget about school.BSchools in other countries dont have long holidays.CThese days many older people suggest having long holidays.DThey do no harm to chil

8、drens education.3What does Nadia say about young people on summer holidays?AThey would like to spend more time at school.BLong holidays are very bad for their education.CThey need something to do to enrich themselves.DLong holidays should be shortened to stop them causing trouble.4Which of the follo

9、wing statements best explains the text?AIt has been decided that summer holidays should be shortened.BStudents are angry that school holidays have been changed.CNot everyone agrees to change school holidays.DTeenagers are worried about that they will be busy during summer holidays.B 【导学号:47352041】So

10、mething that makes sense is happening in Washington DC.! Public school kids surrounded by museums and monuments are putting the readymade learning tools to use and actually learning.A trip to see painter Jacob Lawrences Migration Series is one of almost 200 trips that Wheelock will organize this yea

11、r through the nonprofit group Live It Learn It.“For many kids, school is disconnected,” says one of four fulltime workers and tour leaders.“With the program, they see how what they are learning is connected to their communities.”Seven years ago, Wheelock changed a job as a lawyer for one as a fourgr

12、ade teacher.When he learned that DC.s public schools ranked behind those of other cities in many ways, he knew he had to do something different.He took his class to Capitol Hill for a lesson on the three branches of government and saw his students interest develop quickly.With seed money from a loca

13、l couple, Wheelock developed detailed lesson plans for trips to the US.Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Lincoln Memorial.The group also has classes for trips to the Anacostia River, boat rides to historical forts.Word spread, and now fourth, fifth, sixth graders from the neediest public schools in the

14、 District participate.“Im not brave enough to take my class to a museum for over an hour!” says teacher Cathy McCoy, gesturing toward her students.“But look with Live It Learn It, what the kids learn today theyll remember for a lifetime.”5Matthew Wheelock once had an occupation as a _Ateacher Bprint

15、erCleader Dlawyer6According to the first two paragraphs, public school kids in Washington DC._A. like to have school disconnectedBare warmly welcomed by museums and monumentsCare making the resources at hand availableDare learning by going to different communities7Matthew Wheelock started the new ch

16、ange for the reason that _A. he saw his students interest develop quicklyBmore graders from the neediest public schools wanted to participateCD.C.s public schools ranked behind in many waysDa local couple sponsored him a sum of seed money8What will the lessons be like with Live It Learn It in Cathy

17、McCoys opinion?AEyecatching. BChallenging.CForgettable. DImpressive.CForest Schools originated in Sweden in the 1950s and spread to other countries,particularly Denmark,where they have become an important part of the Danish early years program.In a typical Danish Forest School,young children from 3

18、years are taken into the forest for 4 hours each day of the week.They take no toys with them,but instead use only what the forest provides(and their imaginations)to develop their games.There is a primitive hut in the forest,which is used in extreme weather.Activities are childled and fun,such as fin

19、ding small animals or stomping in puddles.Because of high adult to child ratios,children can safely try out activities which are often considered too dangerous,such as climbing trees or lighting fires,and by dressing the children in good protective clothing,they are able to play freely.By setting ch

20、ildren small manageable tasks at which they are unlikely to fail,and giving genuine praise,childrens independence and confidence grow.A Swedish scientific study found that children in the Forest School are more balanced and socially capable,have fewer sick days,are more able to concentrate and have

21、better coordination than the city nursery children.The primary reason appeared to be the greater opportunities to play in nature,so that children play for longer at a time,tending not to disturb each other as much as children in the city nursery.The study observed that where children were interrupte

22、d,they became irritable,their stress level rose,and their ability to concentrate fell.The study also showed that the Forest School children had 25% fewer sick days than the city children.One reason for this is that the air is nearly always better outside than indoors.Outside a child is not so expose

23、d to virus and bacteria and not so likely to be infected by other children.Another reason may be that,since stress has been shown to have a negative effect on the immune system,high stress levels may be weakening the city children.The Forest School children,on the other hand,are in a pleasant,natura

24、l,fun and less stressful environment.9Why is there a primitive hut in the forest?ATo enrich the childrens imagination.BTo protect the children from bad weather.CTo let children have fun.DTo store daily necessities.10What kind of activities do the Forest School children have?AActivities usually playe

25、d by braver kids.BActivities which are designed for adults.CGradeimproving activities.DActivities with fun and a certain level of danger.11The Forest School children are more able to concentrate because _Athey have more interesting things to doBthey are accompanied by adultsCthey are not disturbed s

26、o oftenDthey are playing in small groups12What does the last paragraph intend to tell us?AWhy the Forest School children are healthier.BThe Forest School children have a healthy diet.CWhat affects the city children.DWhy the Forest School children have less stress.D【导学号:47352042】Do you still remember

27、 what happened when you went to school on the first day?I still remember my interesting first day of school.On that day,I hurried to my science class in the morning and found a seat in the back.I waited there for 15 minutes before the bell rang.The science teacher told us about some class rules.No o

28、ne talked to me nor did I talk to anyone else.I was one of those very shy girls.After the science class,I had an English class.I thought it would be boring but it turned out to be very funny.When the classes of the morning ended I went to lunch.I sat outside the dining room with no one to talk to an

29、d no food because I was too nervous to join the lunch line.I kept looking around hoping to see someone I knew but I never saw anyone.Lunch ended and I went to have my art class.I was the first one there and even my teacher was not there yet.So I sat at my desk and started drawing some pictures.I did

30、nt notice the rest of the class walking in or the girl that was standing behind me till I was surprised by the voice,“So what are you drawing?”It was a girl who had really long hair.She ended up being my best friend and one of the kindest and liveliest girls I know.In the next class meeting,the teac

31、her asked us to talk about the past holiday.I was glad to make some new friends in the class.The first day of high school was hard for me but I got through it.13What do we know about the writers science class?AShe was 15 minutes late for it.BShe made some new friends.CShe learned some class rules.DS

32、he sat in the front row.14According to the writer,the English class was _Aboring BusefulChard Dinteresting15The writer had no lunch because she _Awas afraid to stand in lineBforgot the lunchtimeCwasnt hungryDdidnt like the dining room.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 【导学号:47352043】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

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