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1、英语单词最常用的328个前后缀PartII英语单词最常用的328个前缀、后缀_PartII后缀139 -ability 表名词, 能.;性质140 -able 表形容词, 可.的,能.141 -ably 表副词, 能.地142 -aceous 表形容词, 具有.特征的143 -acious 表形容词, 有特征的,多.的144 -acity 表名词, 有.倾向145 -acle 表名词, . 物品,状态146 -acy 表名词, .性质,状态147 -ad 表名词, .东西,状态148 -ade 表名词, 表示 状态,物品149 -ade 表示 个人或集体150 -age 表示: 费用151 -

2、age 表示 场所,物品152 -age 名词后缀,表示 状态,总称153 -ain 表名词, .人154 -air 表名词, 人、物155 -aire 表名词, .人156 -al 表形容词, .的157 -al 表名词, 人,物,状态158 -ality 表名词, 状态,性质159 -ally 表副词,由al+ly 构成, .地160 -an 表名词和形容词, .地方,.人161 -ance 表名词, 性质,状况162 -aneity 表名词,表示 性质,状态163 -aneous 表形容词, .有; .特征的164 -ant 表形容词, .的165 -ant 表名词, .人166 -an

3、t 表名词, .剂167 -ar 表形容词, .的168 -ard 表名词, 不好的人169 -arian, 表形容词或名词, .的(人)170 -arium 表名词, 地点,场所171 -ary 表名词, 人,场所,物172 -ary 表形容词, .的173 -ast 表名词, .人,物174 -aster 表名词, 不怎么样的人175 -ate 表动词, 做,造成176 -ate 表形容词, 具有.的177 -ate 表名词, 人或地位178 -atic 表形容词, 有.性质的179 -ation 表名词, 行为,过程,结果180 -ative 表形容词, 有.倾向(性质)的181 -at

4、or 表名词,通常由ate结尾的动词而来, 做事的人或物182 -atory 表名词 场所,地点183 -atory 表形容词, 有.性质的184 -cy 表名词,也作-acy, 性质,状态185 -dom 表名词, 状态或领域186 -ee 表名词, 被动或主动的人187 -eer 表名词, . 人员188 -el 表名词, 人或物189 -en 表动词, 变成190 -en 表形容词, 由.制成的 ,通常加在名词后面191 -en 表名词, 人或物192 -ence 表名词, 性质,状态193 -ency 表名词,ence 的变体194 -enne 表名词, 女性195 -ent 表形容词

5、, .的196 -ent 表名词, .药剂197 -ent 表名词, .人198 -eous 表形容词, 有.的199 -er 表动词, 反复做200 -er 表名词, 物品,机器201 -er 表名词, .人202 -ern 表形容词, .方向的203 -ern 表名词, .场所204 -ery 表名词, 场所,地点205 -ery 表名词, 行为,情况206 -esque 表形容词, 如.的207 -ess 表名词, 女性,雌性208 -et 表名词, 小东西209 -etic 表形容词, 属于.的210 -ette 表名词, 小的东西或状态211 -ety 表名词, 状态212 -eur

6、 表名词, .人213 -faction 表名词, 达到的状态 ,由-fy转化而来214 -fic 表形容词, 产生.的215 -fication 表名词,由fic变化而来216 -fier 表名词, 人或物 ,由-ify转化而来217 -fold 表形容词或副词, 倍,双重218 -form 表形容词, 有.形状的219 -ful 表形容词, 有.的220 -ful 表名词, 满,量221 -fy 表动词, .化,成为. ,更多时候作 -ify222 -hood 表名词, 时期,性质等223 -ia 表名词, 某种病224 -ia 表名词, 总称,状态225 -ial 表形容词, 有.的22

7、6 -ian 表名词, 某种人227 -ian 表形容词, .国家的228 -ibility 表名词, 具备.性质的229 -ible 形容词 能.的230 -ic 表形容词, .的 ,有时作-tic231 -ic 表名词, 某种药232 -ic 表名词, 人或学科233 -ical 表形容词, .的234 -ice 表名词, 行为,状态235 -ics 表名词, 学科,学术236 -id 表形容词, 如.的237 -ie 表名词, 小东西或人238 -ier 表名词, 人或物239 -ile 表形容词, .的240 -ile 表名词, 物体241 -ine 表形容词, .的242 -ine

8、表名词, 人或女人243 -ine 表名词, 状态, 药物等244 -ing 表形容词, 正.的 , 令人.的245 -ing 表名词, 行业246 -ing 表名词, 物品247 -ing 表名词, 状态248 -ion 表名词, 动作或状态 分为 -sion和-tion两种249 -ion 表示 某种物,用品250 -ior 表形容词, 较.的251 -ious 表形容词, .的252 -ise 表动词后缀,和 -ize 相同,是 -ize 的变体, .化253 -ise 表名词, 物品,状态254 -ish 表形容词, 象.一样,有的. ,通常放在一具体名词后255 -ish 表动词,

9、造成.256 -ish 表示国家的或语言257 -ism 表示 学术或学术流派258 -ism 表示 行为, 现象,状态259 -ism 表示 疾病260 -ism 表示 具备某种性质261 -ism 名词,表示 各种主义,宗教262 -ist 表名词, 表示信仰者,专家或从事人263 -ist 以-ist 结尾的单词,不少同时可做名词和形容词用。264 -istic 表形容词,由-ist + ic 构成,表示 .的265 -it 表名词,通常是抽象名词266 -it 表名词, .人267 -ite 表形容词, 有.的268 -ite 表名词, 人或物269 -ite 表动词, 促成270 -

10、ition 表名词, 行为过程,状态271 -itious 表形容词,-ition变化而来,表示 .的272 -itive 表形容词, .的273 -itor 表名词, 人274 -itude 表名词, 性质,状态等275 -ity 表名词,指具备某种性质6276 -ive 表形容词,根据不同的单词结尾可分-sive, -ative, ive, itive277 -ivity 表名词,由-ive+ity 组成, 有.能力或特性278 -ization 表名词,来自-ize+ation, .化 或 发展过程279 -ize 构成一些动词280 -kin 表名词, 小.281 -less 表形容词

11、, 无.的,不.的282 -let = -et 表示 小283 -like 表形容词, 像.一样284 -ling 表名词, 小东西或某种人285 -ly 表形容词,通常加在名词后。9286 -ly 表副词,通常放在形容词后287 -ment 表名词, 行为或结果288 -ment 表示具体物289 -most 表形容词, 最.的290 -ness 表名词, 性质, 状态, 通常加在形容词后面291 -o 表名词, 人,物或状态292 -o 表名词,用于音乐术语293 -on 表名词,指人、物和一些物理学上的名词294 -oon 表名词, 人或物295 -or 表名词, 人或物器 ,在一些词根

12、前写成 -ator296 -orium = arium 表名词, 地点,场所297 -ory 表名词,指场所等298 -ory 表形容词, .的 6299 -ose 表形容词, 多.的300 -osity 表名词,-ose+ity组成,表示 多.的状态301 -ot 表名词, .人302 -ous 表形容词,通常放在一个完整的单词后,表示 .的303 -proof 表形容词, 防.的304 -ress 表名词,指 物品 9305 -ress 表名词,指 女性 5306 -ry 表示集合名词307 -ry 表示 场地308 -ry 表示 行业,学科309 -ry 表名词,通常放在一个完整的单词后

13、面表示状态,性质310 -ship 表示某种技能311 -ship 表名词,表示某种关系或状态312 -some 表形容词, 充满.的,具有.倾向的313 -ster 表名词, .人314 -th 表名词,通常指抽象名词315 -tic 表形容词,通常放在一个名词前, 与.相关的,.的316 -ture -ture在s结尾的词根后变成-sure317 -ture 表名词,通常在单词或词根以t结尾时使用,表示 一般状态, 行为 并作 -ature iture318 -ty 表名词,用在形容词后,把形容词变成名词319 -ular 表形容词, 有.形状或性质的320 -ule 表名词, 小.321

14、 -uous 表形容词, 多.的322 -ward 表形容词+副词, 向.323 -wise 有些单词,wise可以换成ways,意义不变324 -wise 表副词, 方向,状态325 -y 表名词,加在形容词或以r结尾的单词后。326 -y 表名词, 人或小东西 常带有嬉谑性和爱称。327 -y 表形容词,加在名词后变成形容词328 ancy = ance 表示 性质,状况Ex( )1. Which is _ Lesson Five or Lesson Six? A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the mos

15、t interesting =2. Sorry, I cant answer your question. I know _ about the news.A. a little B. little C. few D. a few =3. “Ive got an A for my history.” Judy said _.A. sadly B. sad C. happy D. happily =4. I think the song in the film “Titanic” is one of the _ film songs.A. the most beautiful B. most b

16、eautiful C. much more beautiful D. a beautiful =5. Jim works as _ as Zhang Hua.A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. most carefully =6. Can you _ speak to a person in old clothes?A. kind B. kindly C. polite D. friendly =7. Just a moment, please! Ill finish in _ five minutes.A. another B. other

17、C. more D. less =8. Who jumped _ of all in the long jump?A. longest B. longer C. farther D. farthest =9. My sister isnt _ maths.A. good for B. well in C. good at D. best at =10. Of all the shoes in your shop, is this pair _ one?A. very good B. much better C. a cheaper D. the cheapest =11. Jack didnt

18、 run _ to catch up with the other runners.A. fast enough B. quick enough C. enough slow D. slowly enough =12. India has the second _ population in the world.A. most B. largest C. least D. smallest =13. We have _ milk for baby. Youd better go and buy some.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few =14. Ji

19、m has _ friends here. So he often feels lonely.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few =15. Lucy has made quite _ friends since she came here. Shes very happy.A. few B. little C. a few D. few =16. The old woman lives _, but he doesnt feel _.A. alone, alone B. alone, lonely C. lonely, lonely D. lonely,

20、 alone =17. Mrs. Green gave Lucy _ to eat.A. delicious something B. Chinese something C. something English D. something England =18. Mum will give him _ to eat.A. something real Chinese B. real Chinese somethingC. something really Chinese D. really Chinese something =19. I couldnt see much during th

21、e flight because there was _ cloud.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. a lot =20. The sweater is very beautiful, but its _ dear.A. too much B. much too C. many D. more =21. Today, _ trees are still being cut down somewhere in the world.A. much too B. too much C. many too D. too many =22. I think

22、football is _ basketball in America.A. more popular B. so popular as C. as popular as D. less popular =23. Shanghai is the _ of all the cities in China.A. large B. larger C. largest D. most large =24. The boy doesnt run _ the bus.A. much faster as B. as fastest as C. more fast than D. so fast as =25

23、. Germany has _ people than France.A. fewer B. smaller C. large D. more =26. The population of Xian is _ than that of Shanghai.A. smaller B. fewer C. more D. larger =27. It rained _last night.A. heavily B. heavy C. heavyly D. hardly =28. Eating more vegetables will keep you _.A. good B. fat C. weak

24、D. healthy =29. The elephant is _ big that he cant be put into _ a small cage.A. so, so B. such, so C. so, such D. such, such =30. Lily said she hadnt heard _ music before.A. such a beautiful piece of B. a beautiful C. so beautiful a D. such a wonderful =31. Maths is one of the _ subjects in middle

25、schools.A. important B. most important C. more important D. much important =32. Jim is _ of the two.A. taller B. the taller C. tallest D. the tallest =33. This book is _ interesting than that one.A. little more B. little much C. a little more D. a little much =34. He cant help you with your maths. I

26、m afraid I cant _.A. too B. else C. also D. either =35. Dont worry. Your granny will get _. A. well and well B. better and better C. well and better D. best and best =36. - Can you understand me? - Sorry, I can _ understand you.A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. ever =37. The little boy books _. A. lo

27、vely B. carefully C. heavily D. sadly =38. Jim can draw _ the teacher.A. as well as B. not so well as C. as better as D. as good as =39. Its going to be a busy day today. I have _ work to do.A. a hard B. a lot C. many D. much =40. How _ they are working!A. hardly B. a hard C. hard D. a hardly =41. T

28、hese shoes are much too _ for me.A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest =42. There are many tall trees on _ side of the street.A. both B. all C. either D. neither =43. In Harbin, its _ in November, but its even _ in December.A. cold, cold B. cold, colder C. colder, cold D. colder coldest =44. Look! The children are playing _, they are always _.A. happy, happy B. happily, happily C. happily, happy D. happy, happily =45. Jim please turn the radio _ a little Im talking with your uncle.A. off B. on C. down D. up =46. Everything is _ on the moon than on the earth.A. much more ligh

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