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初一英语新课标教案Unit 6 Is this your pencilboxWord格式文档下载.docx

1、B: Its a pencil. (Holding up a pen) Its a pen.Then talk about Picture One: (Listen to the tape) Excuse me. Is this your pencil box? Yes, it is. Here you are. Thank you.(教师强调单词excuse /ikskju:z /.不要读成 /eksz/特别要注意辅音连缀/ks/的发音。教师拿起学生们的尺子,问:Excuse me, Is this your ruler?学生回答: Yes, it is.教师再说Here you are.帮

2、助学生回答:Thank you.(然后再换不同的实物,让学生反复练习数次直到练习熟练)Step Two: Look, Listen and say Excuse me. Is this your eraser? (Holding up an eraser ask one student) No, it isnt. I think its her eraser.(helping the student to answer) Han Mei, is this your eraser?C: Yes, it is. Thanks. Thats OK.Listen to the tape.(教师解释ex

3、cuse me是一种有礼貌的说法,再让他们多次练习,并小组(四人)练习。)Step Three: Look, listen and say Sb page 26, dialogue 3 Wheres my cup? Is that my cup? No, I think its his cup. Jim, is this your cup? (Holding up a cup) Oh, yes, it is. thanks. But wheres my cup?Then listen to the tape,并强调“my”这个词,教读but/but/.并让学生分角色来练习表演。Step fou

4、r: 表演 (叫出4个学生,每个学生拿着4个不同的实物,把4种实物收起来,用类似的对话的方式进行操练)开始:A: Excuse me. Is this your bag?B: No, it isnt. I think.(强调Wheres?句型)Step Five: (Workbook)SB page 111.Wb Leson 21 . Do Ex1-3Ex one 学生朗读并抄写单词及句子Ex Two 学生口头回答并互相矫正Ex Three 两人一组,练习对话 5. Summary:6. Test Two (出示CAI 3)7. Homework:Finish off the WB Exx,

5、Write Exx 1 and 2 in exercise book.教案点评:本案例的特点也是实物的运用,利用实物创设真实情景,贴近学生实际生活,操练学生在生活经常发生的语言交际现象。Lesson 22教案 they, these, those, hill, tree, boat What are these/those? TheyreGrammar: The Plural Form of Nouns.Whats your number?Excuse me. Is this your pen? (pencil/book)(Talk freely between the teacher and

6、 the students)2.Test one: (出示课件 I )Finish the dialogues: Whos this _?_ is Kate._ _ _ she?Shes ten._ is in this picture?A _,a_ woman.Is she a teacher?Yes,_ _. _ name is Gao Fang.3. Show aims: (出示课件2)4. Practice:Step One: 出示卡片如下:(教师自绘一个苹果,二杯,三女孩, 四座山图片) Its an apple. (Holding up a book) Its a book.Tal

7、k about Picture Two:What are these? Theyre cups.(教师强调单词 these /i:z/ 这些 cups/s/)(教师参照课本P182,解释语法,让学生理解进而背诵应用)Talk about picture 4: They are hills.Call out five students to demonstrate: What are these? (Holding up two books) Theyre books. (Holding up five pens) Theyre pens. Etc.Step Two : Read and say

8、:SB Page 27,Part 1.(让学生俩人一组,围绕图片依此练习)Whats this? Its a banana. They are bananas. They are buses.(教师随时指正名词复数所加成分的发音)Part 2: Ask and answer: Excuse me, is this your picture? Its very good.(Let the students repeat with birds/eggs/cakes/boats/trees) WorkbookSB Page 112,WB Lesson 22.Do Ex 1-3Ex One: 让学生到

9、黑板上写出所组成的单词。Ex Two: 让学生口头回答:练习 these/those 及名词复数变化.Ex Three: 让学生俩人一组练习对话小结两句型 Its a/an.What are these/those? Theyre.语法:名词复数的变化及正确发音6.Test Two: 出示CAI课件37.Homework:Read and recite WB Ex 4. Lesson 23教案Teaching aims:Grasp new words: their, all, all right, Thats all right. Use expressions: Are these / th

10、ose/ they English books?Yes,they areNo, they arent. Theyre their booksThank you very muchTeaching methods: 直观教学、实物问答、操练为主。Teaching aids:录音机、投影仪、实物(水果、书等)。Teaching procedures:Step l RevisionRevise Whats this?/What are these? Theyre . (展示图片或利用实物)Action chain形式,一排中的学生依次问后一名同学。 They are pencils. What ar

11、e these?(手拿着几支钢笔,转身问C) They are pens. (转身问 D) Step 2 Presentation1教师拿起两名学生的英语书并与他们问答:T:S: Theyre books As they English books? Yes,they are2教师拿起两名男生的英语书,问两名女生,重复上述问话,答语稍有改变。 Are they your books? Yes, they are. No, they arent. They are their books.把这张图片贴在黑板的另一边,指着图说:Are those apples? Yes, they are.前后桌

12、四人用自己的文具及课前备好的教具轮流问答。 A: Are these book? B: Are these your books? No, they arentThey are their books(指C和D) A(问C和D)Are they your books? C和D:Step 3 Read and sayPlay the tape for the students to listen and repeat.Get the students to read in pairs. Then choose several pairs to read and act.Step 4 Look,

13、listen and say1.Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.Get the students to practise the dialogue.Call out several groups to read the dialogue and act in front of the class.2. 从学生手里拿几样文具,交给一名学生,让其寻失主交还失物。3.归纳小结,感谢及答语。Thank you. Thanks (very much/ a lot). Many thanks. Thats OK. Thats all

14、right. Not at all. Youre welcome. Step 5 Exercises in class补全对话(投影片) _English books? _? Are these your apples? No,_ Are these your bananas? Yes,_. _ you are Thank you very much Thats _ rightStep 6 Homeworkl. Finish off the workbook exercises.2.Revise the new language items.The design of the blackboa

15、rdLesson 23New words: Drills:their Are these English books?all Are they your books?No, they arent. They are their books.Lesson 24教案字母O在重读开音节及闭音节的读音,分别为 和 .复习名词的复数。录音机、卡片、投影仪。Step 1 Revision. 1. Revise the plural words taught in this unit: hills, boats, birds, etc. by flashcards.2. Revise What are th

16、ese? Are these ? What are those? Are those ?用幻灯片打出一些实物图片,让学生练习。Step 2 Listen, read and say利用幻灯片打出第一组单词卡:no, go, home, those, hello, zero。总结出元音字母 O在开音节中读 同样的方法打出第二组单词卡:not, box, clock, wrong, dog, on元音字母 O在闭音节中读 。Get the students to read the words. 然后用幻灯片打出另一张单词卡,让学生朗读更多的单词。Step 3 Look, listen and sa

17、y. Get the students to look at Picture 1. Say Kate and her brothers come to visit Joys family.Revise This is and This is .by pointing to the people.Get the students to practise the dialogue by divide them into small groups.Ask several groups to act out the dialogue.Look at Picture 2, guess who is th

18、ere?Play the tape. Have the students to listen and repeat.Explain the meaning of room.Then get the students to read in groups of six.Get some groups to read and act the whole dialogue.Step 4 ListeningGet the students to look at the picture on page 30. Ask Who can you see? Do you know who they are? W

19、here are they?Play the tape for the students to listen and find out the answer.Play the tape again. Ask the students to answer the questions on page 114.Step 5 PresentationShowing a few pencils. Say This is a pencil. These are pencils.让学生拿自己的学习用品练习句型。Ask several pairs to practise.Step 6 WritingGet t

20、he students to write the answers in their books. Check the answer with the whole class.Step 7 Checkpoint 6 1复习物主代词,用文具、学习用品进行问答。2利用幻灯总结名词复数构成及读音。3让学生四人一组用 Useful expressions中的词语编一段对话并表演。 Whats that? Its my new pencil - box Its very good. Here you are. Thats all rightStep 8 Exercises in class 补全对话_ t

21、hat my bus? _ the number? _its 25. No, that _ your bus. Your _ is No. 29. Look ! Is that _ bus? I think it is. _ its No. 29 bus. _ very good. Oh, where _ my bags? Here_. Thanks. Goodbye! Goodbye.Step 9 Homework Finish off the workbook exercises.Lesson 24O no go home those hello zeronot box clock wrong dog on

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