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1、Thank you. 谢谢!Youre welcome. 不用谢。Lesson C Shadow Play crab螃蟹 dolphin海豚 whale鲸鱼 shark 鲨鱼Look! Whats this 看!是什么?Sorry, I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。Please guess. 请猜一猜。Its a dog. 它是一只狗。No. Its a fox 不。它是一只狐狸。And whats this 这是什么?Its a cat. 它是一只猫。Youre right. 正确。Lesson D A Beautiful Picture 一幅漂亮的画 pictureltu图画

2、butterfly蝴蝶 dragonfly蜻蜓 Ladybug瓢虫Wow! A beautiful picture! Whats this 哇!一幅漂亮的图画!这是什么?Its a butterfly. 它是一只蝴蝶。Whats that 那是什么Its a dragonfly. 它是一只蜻蜓。Your English is good. 你的英语非常好。Thank you very much. 非常感谢!Its a panda. 它是一只熊猫。Lesson E In the Gardenhigh 高的 low低的 fast快的 slow慢的High and low 高和低The dragonf

3、ly is high. 蜻蜓很高。It says “Goodbye!” 它说“再见!”It says “Lets go.” 它说“走吧。Bye ,bye, goodbye. 再见,再见,再见。Go, go , Lets go. 走,走,走吧。Lesson F Whats for Supper?peas豌豆 beans胡豆 tomatoes西红柿 carrots胡萝卜 vegetables蔬菜Mum, Im home. 妈妈,我到家了。Good. Are you hungry 好。你饿了吗Uh-huh. 嗯。What about an apple 苹果怎么样Yes, thanks. 可以,谢谢。

4、Whats for supper, Mum 妈妈,晚饭吃什么Chicken, fish and vegetables. 鸡肉、鱼肉和蔬菜。Oh, no! I dont like chicken. 哦,不!我不喜欢鸡肉。But I like fish and vegetables. 但我喜欢鱼肉和蔬菜。I dont like coffee. 我不喜欢咖啡。I like water. 我喜欢水。I dont like meat. 我不喜欢肉。I like vegetables. 我喜欢蔬菜。I like coffee, 我喜欢咖啡,I like tea, 我喜欢茶,I like fish, 我喜欢

5、鱼肉,But they dont like me. 但它们不喜欢我。Lesson G Self-assessmentWhats shis 这是什么Its a panda. 它是一只熊猫。Whats that 那是什么Its a big tiger. 它是一只大老虎。Whats this 这是什么Its a small monkey. 它是一只小猴子。Its a blue butterfly. 它是一只蓝色的蝴蝶。Its a baby bird. 它是一只小鸟。Lesson H A Rainy Day 下雨的一天cold寒冷的 hot热的 cool凉爽的 warm温暖的What a cold d

6、ay! 好冷的一天!Oh dear! A rainy day. 哦天啦!下雨的一天。Oh my! Another rainy day. 哦我的天!另一个下雨的一天。Oh no! A rainy day again. 哦不!又一个下雨的一天。What a cool day! Oh great! A rainy day.好凉爽的一天!哦好极了!Oh wonderful! Another rainy day.Oh yeah! A rainy day again. 哦是的!Lesson I What a Day rain雨 go away走开 come来 snow雪 wind风Rain, Rain,

7、Go Away 雨、雨,走开Rain, rain, go away, 雨、雨,走开,Come again another day. 新的一天来了。Little children want to play. 小孩子们想去玩。Lesson J Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节moon cake月饼 autumn 秋,秋天 watch TV看电视 listen to music听音乐Summer, come here. 萨姆,过来。Im coming. 我来了。Look up there. The moon is so round.看那里。 月亮好圆啊。The moon is also

8、 bright. Mid-autumn Festival?月亮好明亮啊。 中秋节吗?Yeah. Today is Mid-autumn Festival.是的。今天是中秋节。Oh great! I cant wait. Lets eat moon cakes.我不能等了。我们吃月饼吧。Yes. Lets en joy the moon and eat moon cakes.我们赏月、吃月饼吧。Lets chant: 让我们唱Song of change. 嫦娥的歌。Its a long way to the moon. 这是一个漫长的月亮。Its a long way to go. 这是一段很

9、长的路要走。To the moon, I know. 月亮,我知道。Good bye, my dear friends, 再见,我亲爱的朋友。Good bye, my sweet home. 再见,我可爱的家乡。But I have to go. 但我得走了。Lesson K Four Seasons (四季)spring春天 summer夏天 winter冬天 season季,季节Spring is coming. Its warm.春天来了。 它是温暖的。Summer is coming. Its hot.夏天来了。 它是热的。Autumn is coming. Its cool.秋天来了

10、。 它是凉爽的。Winter is coming. Its cold.冬天来了。 它是寒冷的。Spring is here. Its warm.Summer is here. Its hot.Lesson L Making a Spinner ()house房子 window窗户 door门 wall墙 roof屋顶Whats this , boys and girls 同学们,这是什么Its a spinner. 它是一个转盘。Yes. Lets make a spinner together. 让我们一起玩一个转盘。Great! I like making things . Me too.

11、好极了! 我喜欢玩这些。 我也是。Please work in pairs. 请组合完成。Its “door”. Your turn, please. Its “window”.它是“门”。 轮到你了。 它是“窗户”。Lesson M ABC Song (四季)pupil小学生 child孩子 children孩子们 say说 see看句型练习:I Can Say My ABC 我能说 ABC(Teacher): Come, my children, come to me , let us sing our ABC.(老师):来,同学们,跟着我,让我们唱我们的ABC。Come here,chi

12、ldren, Lets sing our ABC.孩子们,来这里,让我们唱ABC。(Pupils):ABCDEFG,HIJKLMN,OPQRST,UVW,XYZ.(小学生):Now you see, I can say my ABC.现在你看,我能说ABC。Lesson N Self-assessment ()Whats this? 这是什么?Its a fruit house. 这是一个水果房子。Its very beautiful. 它非常漂亮。Yeah. I like it very much. 是的,我非常喜欢它。This is the roof. Its red. 这是屋顶。它是红色

13、的。This is the wall. Its yellow. 这是墙。它是黄色的。This is the road. Its yellow. 这是路。This is the door. Its red. 这是门。This is the window. Its red. 这是窗户。This is the bench. Its yellow. 这是长椅。This is the fox. Its red. 这是狐狸。必备句型:The Crow and the Fox 狐狸和乌鸦Oh! The crow has a piece of meat. It looks great.哦!乌鸦有一片肉。它看起

14、来非常好。Hello, Miss Crow! You lookso pretty!乌鸦小姐,你好!你看起来很漂亮!Hmm. 嗯。Your feathers are so beautiful!你的羽毛很美丽!Your eyes are so bright!你的眼睛很明亮!Your voice is so sweet!你的嗓音很甜美。Oh, my meat!哦,我的肉。Now its my meat. Its mine. Hmm,the meat is yummy!现在它是我的肉。它是我的。嗯,肉很美味!You are mean.你很卑鄙。No, Im not mean. Im clevr.不,我

15、不卑鄙。我很聪明。You bad fox! 你是坏狐狸。Hmm, its very great! Thank you, Miss Crow. Bye-bye.嗯,它非常好!乌鸦小姐。再见。Lesson O About me()hair头发 curly卷典的 straight直的 strong强壮的 thin瘦的My name is Rose. 我的名字是露丝。I am ten. Im a school girl. 我十岁。我是一个女学生。My hair is long. My face is small. 我的头发很长。我的脸很小。My eyes are blue and big. 我的眼睛又

16、大又蓝。My nose is small. My mouth is big. 我的鼻子很小。我的嘴很大。Lesson P A New Term()dress连衣裙;服装 skirt裙子 pants长裤cap软帽(男用有帽舌的)Gee,you look great! Your dress is very beautiful.啊,你看起来好极了!你的连衣裙非常漂亮。Thank you. Its a birthday present. How about the colour?谢谢。它是一份生日礼物。颜色怎么样? Its my favourite colour. Whats your favouri

17、te colour?它是我最喜欢的颜色。你最喜欢的颜色是什么?Pink and blue. 粉红色和蓝色。Whats your favourite colour 你最喜欢的颜色是什么White. Whats yours 白色。你呢?Red. 红色。Whats your favourite colour 你最喜欢的颜色是什么Orange. Whats yours 橙色。Brown. 棕色。Yellow. Whats yours 黄色。Green. 绿色Purple. 紫色。Lesson Q My Friends(我的好朋友们)young年轻的 old老的 head头 light blue浅蓝色的

18、 Dark green深绿色的I have a friend. 我有一个朋友。She has a round face and two blue eyes. 她有一张圆圆的脸和两只蓝色的眼睛。She has straight hair. 她有一头直发。Shes young. 她很年轻。Shes in yellow. 她穿着黄色的衣服。Whos she Shes Rose. 她是谁?她是露丝。He has a big head and a round face.他有一个大的头和一个圆圆的脸。He has two small eyes and curly hair.他有两只小眼睛和卷曲的头发。He

19、 is cute. Hes not old. He is in green.他很可爱。 他不老。 他穿着绿色的衣服。Whos he Hes Summer. 他是谁?他是萨姆。She is tall and thin. 她又高又瘦She has a small face and two black eyes. 她有一张小脸和两只黑色的眼睛。She has black and straight hair. Shes young.她有一头黑色的直发。 她是年轻的。Shes Ting Ting. 她是谁?她是婷婷。I have two eyes, I can see. 我有两只眼睛,我能看。I hav

20、e two ears, I can hear. 我有两只耳朵,我能听。I have a nose, I can smell. 我有一个鼻子,我能闻。I have a mouth, I can speak. 我有一张嘴,我能说话。I have two hands , I can work. 我有两只手,我能工作。I have two feet, I can walk. 我有两只脚,我能走路。Lesson R My Toy(我的玩具)car小轿车 taxi出租车 bus公共汽车ship轮船 train火车 plane飞机Do you have a toy car 你有一辆玩具小轿车吗Yes, I

21、do. 是的,我有。What colour is it 它是什么颜色Guess, please. 请猜一猜。Its yellow. 它是黄色的。No. Please try again. 不。请再试一试。Let me see. Its red . 让我看看。Youre righe. 正确。Red is my favourite colour. 红色是我最喜欢的颜色。Lesson S My Dog(我的狗)do housework做家务 play cards打牌 Ride a bike骑自行车 fly a kite放风筝Hey,com and look at this! 嘿,过来看这个!Wow,

22、 a dog. How cute! 哇,一只狗。好可爱啊!Do you have a dog 你有一只狗吗Yes, I do. Its white, too. 是的,我有。它也是白色的。Can it swim 它能游泳吗No. Your dog can swin 不。你的狗能游泳吗Sure. Oh! Its a great dog! 当然。它是一只非常好的狗。What can he do 他能做什么?He can jump. 他能跳Can he act 他能表演吗Yes,he can. 是的,他能。What can he do 他能做什么He can sing. 他能唱。No, he cant

23、. 不,他不能。What can she do 她能做什么She can dance. 她能跳舞。Lesson U Lets go Sumstwenty-one二十一 thirty三十 thirty-two三十二forty四十 forty-three四十三 fifty五十Hi,kids . Lets do sums. OK 嗨,孩子们。让我们做加法的计算。好吗?OK. 好Whats 14 plus 12 Its 25. 十四加上十二是多少?二十五。Yes or no No. 是还是不是不是。Its 26. Yes. Well done! 二十六。做得很好!Lesson V Whats the

24、Missing Number?缺少的数字是什么?sisty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十 one hundred一百Boys and girls , look here. Whats the missing number?同学们,看这儿。缺掉的数字是多少?Think it over. 想一想。Sixteen minus two is fourtee. 十六减二是十四。Eight minus two is six. 八减二是六。Oh, I see. The missing number is eight.哦,我看看。缺掉的数字是八。What a clever boy! 真是个聪明的男孩。Whats 90 minus 30 九十减三十是多少?Its 60. 六十Whats 100 minus 50 一百减五十是多少Its 50. 五十Whats 76 minus 45? 七十六减四十五是多少?Its 31. 三十一。Whats 87 minus 39? 八十七减三十九是多少?Its 48. 四十八。Whats 96 minus 27? 九十六减二十七是多少?Its 69. 六十九。Lesson W Talking about Animalsgray灰色 leg腿 feet脚(复数) tail

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