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1、江苏理工高杰国际市场营销考试答案江苏理工高杰国际市场营销考试答案国际市场营销1. concept analysis(营销特点):Marketing is the activity of innovationMarketing is the process to satisfy the demand of consumersMarketing is the process of the managementMarketing is the bridge between the society and enterpriseMarketing is the unique activity for h

2、uman beings2. a global firms management(一个全球性公司的管理基本条件):(1) Searches for market opportunities in the world, threats from competitors, sources of products, raw materials, and financing, personnel. In other words, it has global vision. (2)Seeks to maintain a presence in the key market. (3)Looks for si

3、milarities, not differences, among markets. This is because all of the marketing operation requires the companies to invest the resources and familiar markets can reduce the expenditures for the company and make the operation easier. 3.four forces to promote globalization(全球化四大推动力量)(1)The developmen

4、t of the modern science and technology, especially advances in computer and communications technology permit an increasing flow of ideas and information across borders, enabling customers to learn about foreign goods. (2)The progressive reduction of barriers to investment and trade by most governmen

5、ts is hastening the opening of new markets by international firms that are both exporting to them and building production facilities for local manufacture. (3)There is a trend toward the unification and socialization of the global communities. (4)More and more governments realize the most important

6、mission for them is to promote the economic development and improve the domestic living standard and if they want to reach the goal they have to use foreign resources. Cooperation is the only way to achieve the target.4.Bussiness Week surveyed these companies and found that they had the following ch

7、aracteristics:(跨国公司的共同特点)Characteristics of the international companies.(1)Products are often unique because of their technology, design, or cost. (2)Sharply focused. Their goal is to be first or second globally in technology niche. (3)Lean operations to save money and speed decision making. (4)Open

8、 to ideas and technologies from around the world. Many establish research laboratories in other countries.(5)Using foreign to head operations and also fill senior positions at headquarters. 5.Differences between domestic marketing and international marketing(国 内市场营销和国际营销之间的差异)至少5 个Domestic marketing

9、: (1)Business is transacted in a single currency. (2)Market segmentation occurs within a single country. (3)Business laws and regulations are immediate(4)(5)(6)7.要的生产要素,这是为什么?)(1)no country can provide all of the nature resources for its economic development.(2)the companies may lack enough capital

10、and advanced technologies.(3)the companies can get more business information.8.The two exceptions -Japan and the United States.(日本和美国贸易方向 不一样产生的原因 Japan and the United States is not the same as the direction of the trade.) (1)why Japan sells more to developing nations than most developed nations do

11、is that it has had an extensive distribution system in these markets since the early 1980s(2)the country has no local sources of raw materials, it has used general trading companies to import many of the raw(3)American firms have significantly more subsidiaries in developing nations than Japanese co

12、mpanies do,these subsidiaries are captive customers for their American owners(4)some buyers in Southeast Asian countries, remembering that Japan was an aggressor, prefer to buy from American firms9.Who should be your major trading partners?(选择贸易伙伴标准)至少3 个 (1)Business climate in importing nation is r

13、elatively favorable. (2)Export and import regulations are not insurmountable. (3)There should be no strong cultural objections to buying that nations goods. (4)Satisfactory transportation facilities have already been established. 11.Lots of the governments take various countermeasures to limit the w

14、orld trade , because:(限制贸易原因) (1)They want to protect their markets. (2)They want to protect their employment. (3)They want to protect their national industries.(4)They want to limit the competitiveness of the foreign companies. (5)They want to improve their financial revenue. (6)They want to protec

15、t their environment and nature resources, etc. 12.Home government intervention(自己国家政府的干预、限制)Embargo(禁运) While theres much debate as to whether embargoes accomplish their political goals,theres little doubt that they have a disastrous effect on exporters. Blockade running is rarely part of anyones ma

16、rketing plan and long-term risk is high.Some are ignored after several years while others are stringently enforced for a long time. Note:Marketers must be aware of the political environment they work in and be prepared to calculate,as well as manage risk.13.Decision making concern (进入国外市场所需要考虑的因素)至少5个 (1)Will I be able to get my price?(2)If exporting, can letters o

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