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1、英语英语阅读理解题20套带答案【英语】英语阅读理解题20套(带答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1阅读理解 Tired of eating at the same boring restaurants? Looking for a change? Here are some restaurants that offer an original restaurant experience. See for yourself which ones you fancy. An Exciting Dinner Looking for something adventurous? The Archipelago

2、 in London is just the thing for you. One of the most popular dishes in this restaurant is crocodile. Yes, you read it correctly, crocodile. If that is not daring enough for you, there are plenty of other dishes on the menu. A Restaurant with a View Want to enjoy the sights while youre eating? Try t

3、he Top of the World restaurant. At about 244 meters above Las Vegas, diners can enjoy a spectacular view of Las Vegas in this revolving restaurant. However, the real adventure starts at the end of the meal. Thats when the customers are taken from their seats at ground level to the observation rooms

4、in elevators that travel at a remarkable speed. A Theatrical Experience Longing for dinner with some drama? Dine with mimes at Mime in Manchester. The service is unique. Your waiter will communicate your order in mime and keep you entertained with performances in between courses. An Unusual Setting

5、Dont care about presentation? Youll be fine at the Modem Toilet restaurant in Taiwan. The theme of this restaurant is the toilet, and you would be surprised how many people queue up for the experience of eating on toilet seats.(1)What would you expect at the Top of the World restaurant? A.A free rid

6、eB.An interesting menuC.A show during the mealD.A birds-eye view of London(2)Which restaurant requires customers to order in an unusual way? A.ArchipelagoB.Top of the WorldC.MimeD.Modem Toilet(3)Where is the passage likely to be taken from? A.A research paperB.An entertainment magazineC.A thrilling

7、novelD.A fashion magazine【答案】(1)A(2)C(3)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了几个有特色的餐馆。(1)考查细节理解。根据A Restaurant with a View部分中的“Thats when the customers are taken from their seats at ground level to the observation rooms in elevators that travel at a remarkable speed.”可知在the Top of the World restaurant里吃饭,可期待免费乘骑的游

8、乐设施,故选A。(2)考查细节理解。根据A Theatrical Experience部分中的“The service is unique. Your waiter will communicate your order in mime and keep you entertained with performances in between courses.”可知在Mime餐馆中,服务员和顾客之间用无声地比画交流,故选C。(3)考查推理判断。这篇文章主要介绍了几个有特色的餐馆,所以这篇文章最可能出现在娱乐杂志上,故选B。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇广告类阅读,

9、考生在捕捉细节信息同时,需根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读理解 Im not much of a gardener. I love having beautiful flowers-but I dont have a good track record when it comes to making them grow. A few months after our son left for the Middle East, my friend gifted me a box of tulip bulbs (郁金香球茎). She explained that these bu

10、lbs were put into the ground in the fall and lay sleeping all winter. They had all the nutrients they needed inside the bulb and would come out in the spring. When you see the leaves of the tiny flowers pushing toward the sun, youll know that its almost time for your son to come home. Theyll give yo

11、u what you need most. She walked me through the process of planting them. I thanked her trying to show my gratitude for her gift. It was a long winter cold and dark. I endured both the weather and the loneliness and fear I felt with my son away. Dead leaves, frost and finally a heavy snow covered th

12、e area where Id planted those flowers, and I soon forgot they were there. Finally the weather began to warm. One day, as I walked down my front steps, I noticed an area of green. I bent down to inspect the situation more clearly and saw that those tulips had begun to grow, their tiny leaves forcing

13、their way to the sun. Day after day I noted the flowers progress. And day after day, the time approached when my son would finally be home. Now with spring just around the corner, nothing could keep either of us from marching toward the light. Almost all of those bulbs bloomed. And with each brightl

14、y colored flower, I marked off one day closer to getting to hold my son in my arms again.(1)What can we know about the author? A.She is a professional gardener.B.She is not good at growing flowers.C.She never plants flowers at home.D.She often sends friends flowers as gifts.(2)Why did the writer for

15、get the tulip bulbs soon? A.The bitter winter reminded her of her son far away.B.She was discouraged from making another attempt.C.They failed to live through the cold and long winter.D.She had no hope for beautiful flowers indeed.(3)What were those flowers mentioned in the last paragraph referred t

16、o? A.A physical representation of the hope.B.Things deep inside her heart and soul.C.A lesson she will never forget completely.D.The trouble she had in making them come out.(4)What can be a suitable title for the text? A.A dark winter with hope.B.Planting hope in winter.C.An area of green in spring.

17、D.Living a changeable life.【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)A(4)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者的儿子去了中东,作者感到孤独和寂寞。一位朋友送来了一盒郁金香球茎,这种花的种植,给作者带来了希望。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Im not much of a gardener. I love having beautiful flowers-but I dont have a good track record when it comes to making them grow.”我不是个好园丁,我喜欢漂亮的花,但我在种植方面没有良好的记录,可知,

18、作者虽然喜欢花,但不擅长种花。故选B。 (2)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“It was a long winter cold and dark Dead leaves, frost and finally a heavy snow covered the area where Id planted those flowers, and I soon forgot they were there.”那是一个漫长的冬天又冷又黑枯叶、霜和最后那场雪覆盖了我种那些花的地方,我很快救忘记了它们的存在,可知,冬天很冷、很长,故推测作者忘记它们是因为觉得它们熬不过这个冬天,即没对它们抱有希望。故选D。 (

19、3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Day after day I noted the flowers progress. And day after day, the time approached when my son would finally be home. ”我日复一日的关注这花的成长。一天又一天我的儿子终于要回家了;以及“And with each brightly colored flower, I marked off one day closer to getting to hold my son in my arms again. ”每开一朵色彩鲜艳的花,都标志着我离再

20、次把儿子抱在怀里的日子又近了一天,可知,每开一朵花就代表作者儿子的归来近了一天,即花就是儿子回来的希望。故选A。 (4)考查主旨大意。根据第二段中的“She explained that these bulbs were put into the ground in the fall and lay sleeping all winter. They had all the nutrients they needed inside the bulb and would come out in the spring. When you see the leaves of the tiny flo

21、wers pushing toward the sun, youll know that its almost time for your son to come home. ”她说这些郁金香球茎秋天种下,整个冬天都在土里。它们的球茎内有生长所需的营养物质,到了春天的就会从土里出来。当你看到这些小花的叶子朝着太阳的方向生长时,你就知道你的儿子差不多该回家了,可知,本文主要讲述了冬天种下的郁金香球茎在春天会长出来,这也意味着作者的儿子快要回来,即花代表着作者儿子回来的希望。B故选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和主旨大意两个题型的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,考生需要准确掌握细节信息,同时根据上下文

22、的逻辑关系,进行概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。3Directions: Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. When she was ten years old, Isadora Duncan dropped out of school to teach people dance. If that job was left to any other ten-year-old, it would have turned out fru

23、strating, difficult, and a little discouraging. But Duncan was different. Not only was she already talented enough to earn money even at that age, but she also had a rare kind of confidence that helped her treat troubles as fuel something to elevate the fire that is already burning inside of her. It

24、s no surprise, then, that when she moved to New York to join a theatre company, she found herself restricted. The existing dancing style, their way of operatingall of this seemed to her the work of a misguided past. Duncan was very direct about what she wanted, confidently telling people she had a d

25、ifferent vision of dance that she was going to spread in the world. This, naturally, led to ridicule and laughs early on, but as she built up her work, these instances became less frequent. Today, she is remembered as The Mother of Dance, with much of the modern art owing its expressive style to her

26、 influence. Inspired by the ancient Greeks, she brought the style to life. In her autobiography (自传), one of the things Duncan frequently refers to as the basis of her expressive spirit is the fact that she had a childhood where she wasnt constantly watched. The expectations of her mother (who raise

27、d her) were open-ended. It was the freedom of this lifestyle that drove her to see what she could do. Growing up, before she left school, she was told one of two things: that she was either completely useless or that she was a genius. There was nothing in between. Even when she started working, peop

28、le either bowed to her or they basically ignored her. But there wasnt one moment Duncan doubted her own genius. There is an old quotation if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. And it captures an important truth. At school, Isador

29、a Duncan was a failure. In the dance hall, she gave form to brilliance.(1)What does the underlined phrase treat troubles as fuel mean? A.Duncan used troubles to push her forward towards her dream.B.Duncan was good at burning away everyday troubles.C.Troubles turned Duncan into a confident girl.D.Tro

30、ubles lit the fire of dancing in Duncan.(2)Which of the following is TRUE about Duncan? A.Her experience in New York was the foundation of her career.B.Her teaching job when she was little destroyed her confidence.C.Her dancing style was not very well received at the beginning.D.Her mother set highe

31、r expectation on her than she could bear.(3)What does the author try to tell the readers in the last paragraph? A.It is useless climbing a tree to catch fish.B.Everybody is a genius in his own way.C.Miseries come from human stupidity.D.Teachers can impact students greatly.(4)What is this passage mainly about? A.Isadora Duncans childhood and her achievements today.B.Duncans career development and other dancers opinions of her.C.Isadora

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