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1、D. talk8. A. appearedB. copiedC. comparedD. imagined9. A. hisB. herC. ourD. their10. A. expensiveB. strangeC. hardD. simple【答案】(1)A;(2)B;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)D;(8)A;(9)C;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲了为帮助无家可归的人,我们成立了一个俱乐部来为他们捐钱。(1)介词辨析。“是关于一群无家可归的人在冬天睡在外面的。”about关于;with带有;in在里;at在上。故选A。(2)名词辨析。“所以我决定建

2、立一个俱乐部为这些无家可归的人捐钱。”根据后文“ Rock Club”,故选B。(3)副词辨析。“我几乎不用必须问任何人他们是否想要成为成员。”also也;even甚至;still仍然;hardly几乎不。故选D。(4)动词辨析。“事实上。他们走进我,问我是否可以加入这个俱乐部。”join加入;report报导;question问题;believe相信。(5)词义辨析。“我们在学校周围去寻找愿意买他们的人。”kid孩子;find寻找;train训练;change改变。故选B。(6)形容词辨析。“我们为可以为无家可回的人做一些事情感到开心。”surprised感到吃惊的;happy开心的;ner

3、vous不安的;scared感到恐惧的。(7)动词辨析。“一个报纸记者来到我们学校和我们谈论关于我们的俱乐部。”talk with sb. about sth.关于某事与某人交谈。(8)动词辨析。“第二天照片和文章出现在报纸上。”appear出现;copy复制;compare比较;imagine想像。(9)代词辨析。“我们的学校和其他三个学校。”故选C。(10)形容词辨析。“一些事情就像喷绘岩石一样简单。”as+形容词+as。expensive昂贵的;strange奇怪的;hard困难的;simple简单的。【点评】 做完形填空大致可以分为三个步骤:一.通览全文,把握大意。拿到文章后不要急于做

4、题,先跳出空格通读一遍,了解全文结构和基本内容。二.逐句分析,选择答案。联系上下文,结合语境,遵循从前到后,先易后难的做题原则,拿不准的可以先放下,稍后再考虑。三.复读全文,逐空验证。细心检查语义是否连贯,语法是否正确,搭配是否合适等。2先通读下面的短文,掌握其太意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Dear Jo, Well,I arrived home safely two weeks ago.The flight(航班)was fine,but a bit 1 .You know, I watched two films and ate two breakfas

5、ts on the plane!Thank you for everything.I had a really good time with you in London.I hope you 2 it too.The weather here is different from that in London.It has always been fine.Im writing this letter under a big umbrella 3 it is very hot today.I know we had some sunny days in London but I 4 there

6、was also some rain!It was difficult 5 me to start work after my wonderful holiday, but its OK now. Ive been in a new department (部门) since I came home and its interesting. Ive got a new manager(经理)now, and thats 6 good because the old one was too strict. Do you like rock music? My brother is a drumm

7、er in a new group.He is 7 in his bedroom now, and its quite loud! I have just sent you 8 of his CDs.I hope you like them. By the way, did you 9 a black photo album(相册)? I think I left it in the bedroom.Could you send it to me sometime? No hurry. Jill is sitting with me and she 10 her love to you.Ple

8、ase write soon,and thank you again for the wonderful time! Yours, Chris 1. A. earlyB. lateC. shortD. long2. A. enjoyedB. dreamedC. thankedD. celebrated3. A. untilB. becauseC. ifD. although4. A. hopeB. wonderD. remember5. A. forC. fromD. about6. A. oftenB. almostC. quiteD. never7. A. sleepingB. pract

9、icingC. waitingD. watching8. A. oneB. fewC. someD. any9. A. seeB. throwC. offerD. borrow10. A. lendsB. sendsC. sellsD. compares(1)D;(2)A;(3)B;(4)D;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)C;(9)A;(10)B;【解析】【分析】本文是一封书信,是作者给她亲爱的一封信,我安全到家,谢谢你为我做的一切。我和你们在伦敦有一个非常好的时间。我已经在一个新的部门工作。请尽快给我写信,并再次感谢你的美好时光!(1)考查形容词的辨析。句意:飞行很好,但是有点长。你知

10、道的,我看了两部电影,吃了飞机上的两个早餐!根据后文 I watched two films and ate two breakfasts on the plane!可知飞机时间很长。A.early早的;B.late迟的;C.short短的;D.long长的。(2)考查动词的辨析。谢谢你为我做的一切。我和你在伦敦有一个非常好的时间。我希望你也很愉快。根据前文.I had a really good time with you in London.可知希望他也很愉快。A.enjoyed愉快;B.dreamed梦想;C。thanked感谢;D.celebrated庆祝。(3)考查连词的辨析。这里的

11、天气和伦敦的不同。它一直很好。我正在一个大伞下写这封信,因为今天很热。根据Im writing this letter under a big umbrella可知与后文为因果关系,应用because。A.until才;B.because因为;C.if如果;D.although尽管。(4)考查动词的辨析。我知道我们在伦敦也有一些阳光明媚的日子,但我记得也有雨!根据前后文的联系此处应为记得,A.hope希望;B.wonder惊奇;C.question询问;D.remember记得。(5)考查介词的应用。在美妙的假期后开始工作对我来说是艰难的。此处有固定搭配be difficult for是困难的

12、。(6)考查副词的辨析。现在好了。自从我回到家,我就在一个新的部门,而且是很有趣的。现在我已经有了一个新的经理,他相当好,因为以前的太严格。此处应为副词来修饰形容词good,根据后文because the old one was too strict.可知为quite。A.often经常;B.almost几乎;C.quite相当的;D.从来不。故选C。(7)考查动词的辨析。你喜欢摇滚乐吗?我的哥哥是一组新的鼓手。他正在他的卧室练习,很大声!根据前后文的联系可知,且此处用正在进行时。A.sleeping睡觉;B.practicing练习;C.waiting等待;D.watching观看。(8)考

13、查量词的应用。我刚刚发你他的一些CD。我希望你喜欢他们。因为后面的名词用了名词复数,所以前面应用修饰可数名词的some。(9)考查动词的辨析。顺便问一下,你看到我的黑色相册了吗?我想我把它忘在卧室了,你能找个时间寄给我吗?根据后文 I think I left it in the bedroom.Could you send it to me sometime?可知她在问她亲爱的看到没?A.see看见;B.throw扔掉;C.offer提供;D.borrow借。(10)考查动词的辨析。姬尔和我在一起坐着,并让我传达他对你的爱。A.lends给予;B.sends送;C.sells卖;D.comp

14、ares比较。【点评】本题主要考查了单词的应用,主要考查形容词动词名词等做本题的关键是在理解短文的基础上,灵活运用所学的基础知识本题考到的知识点有:固定的短语,词类的转换,名词的复数形式,副词以及祈使句的用法等因此,这就需要在平时的学习中,牢固掌握各语言点及一些语法知识并且联系上下文,选出合适的单词。3先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 My name is Paul.This happened to me when I was traveling in Paris. I was walking on the street when a

15、man came up to me.“Do you speak English?”he asked. “Yes.”I said. Then he said he was a cook from Montreal,Canada.He told me he had a(n) 1 .“Im here in Paris with my wife and our 2 children,and we dont have enough money for a hotel.My wife tried to get money from a cash machine(自动取款机),but she couldnt

16、 3 the PIN number(密码).She used the wrong number three times,so the machine kept her card.Could you 4 me?”I wasnt sure,so I asked to see his passport(护照).“My passport is with my wife.She is tired,so shes 5 in a coffee shop with our three children.We only need $100 for the night,and I 6 Ill pay you ba

17、ck.”By this time the man was actually crying,so I thought he was telling the truth.I 7 to lend him the money.Then we went to a cash machine,and I gave him the money.He said thank you and left.I 8 saw him or heard from him again. I knew maybe his story wasnt true. 9 I felt like I had to help him at t

18、hat time.What if he had some other difficulties that he just hoped to hide 10 anyone? Anyway, $100 wasnt that much and helping him made me feel peaceful. 1. A. planB. problemC. illnessD. idea2. A. fiveB. fourC. threeD. two3. A. rememberB. writeC. changeD. copy4. A. forgetB. teachC. chooseD. help5. A

19、. waitingB. actingC. practicingD. working6. A. realizeB. promiseC. adviseD. wonder7. A. missedB. hatedC. agreedD. hurried8. A. stillC. only9. A. SoB. ButC. OrD. And10. A. fromB. underC. withD. into(1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(7)C;(8)D;(9)B;(10)A;【解析】【分析】大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了保罗在巴黎旅行。一个男人向他走来并他是一个来自蒙特利尔的厨师,他告诉保罗他有一个妻子

20、和孩子,但没有足够的钱为酒店。保罗知道也许他的故事并不真实,但那时他不得不帮助他。(1)句意:他告诉我他有一个问题。A.plan计划;B.problem问题;C.illness疾病;D.idea想法。根据we dont have enough money for a hotel.可知,这个人在给作者说他遇到的问题,故选B。(2)句意:我在巴黎与我的妻子和我的3个孩子,我们没有足够的钱为酒店。根据后文so shes 5 in a coffee shop with our three children.可知,他有3个孩子,故选C。(3)句意:我妻子想从自动取款机上取钱,但她记不得密码。A.reme

21、mber记着;B.write写;C.change改变;D.copy复制。根据后文She used the wrong number three times可知,妻子没有记着密码,故选A。(4)句意:你能帮助我吗?A.forget忘记;B.teach教;C.choose选择;D.help帮助。联系上文可知这个人是在向作者求救,故选D。(5)句意:她累了,所以她在咖啡店等着与我们的三个孩子。A.waiting等;B.acting表演;C.practicing练习;D.working工作。根据She is tired.可知,她累了在等着,故选A。(6)句意:我们只需要100元过夜,我承诺我会还给你的

22、。A.realize意识到;B.promise承诺;C.advise建议;D.wonder好奇。根据后文ll pay you back.可知,这个人承诺自己会还的,故选B。(7)句意:这时,男人真的哭了,所以我认为他说的是真的,我就借给他钱了。A.missed错过;B.hated讨厌;C.agreed同意;D.hurried匆忙。根据so I thought he was telling the truth.可知,作者同意给他借钱了,故选C。(8)句意:然后我们去提款机,我把钱给了他,。A.still仍然;B.even甚至;C.only仅仅;D.never从来没有。根据He said than

23、k you and left.可知他说谢谢你,他就离开了我再也没听到他,此处为否定意思。(9)句意:我觉得那时我不得不帮助他。根据I knew maybe his story wasnt true.可知,尽管知道故事可能不是真的,但不得不帮助他,两句为转折关系,用but,故选B。(10)句意:如果他有一些其他的不想任何人知道的问题呢?hide from sb让.藏起来,不让别人发现,故选A。【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。4根据材料内容,从各题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Do y

24、ou know a little boy named Ryan Wang? If not, let me introduce him to you. Ryan Wang is from Vancouver, Canada. He made a 1 for himself with his fantastic music talent. On The Ellen Show, his 2 skills made everyone surprised. And then the talented and cute boy 3 became very popular and famous. Peopl

25、e started to 4 him piano genius (天才). The small pianist gave a performance at the famous Carnegie Hall in March, 2013. He was only five years old then. When Ellen asked how he 5 playing at Carnegie Hall, he said, “I just love it, because I love to perform in front of many people.” Its hard to believ

26、e that Wang learned the piano 6 only 18 months. Wangs mother said, “I was thinking he was 7 young to play the piano. He cannot even 8 the notes (音符). But he liked it. To my 9 , every time he practiced playing the piano, he almost forgot 10 and put his heart into it. In a short time, he remembered music pieces and played

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