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1、优秀的必背短语23look up 查;查找24make a mistake 犯错误25agree with sb.同意某人26get to do sth. 逐渐做某事必背句子27Let 咱们尽量尽可能多地说英语。28Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks? 为什么不把我们的错误写在我们的笔记本上呢?29And dont forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes. 并且不要忘了在错误的旁边写上正确答案。30Its a good idea to spell a

2、nd pronounce new words aloud every day. 每天大声地拼读新单词是个好主意。 Unit 2 You should smile at her!1vocabulary(n.)词汇vocabularies(pl.)2improve(v.)改进;改善improvement(n.)改进3time(n.)次,回times(pl.)4shy(adj.)羞怯的;腼腆的shier(比较级)shiest(最高级)5quickly(adv.)快地;迅速地quick(adj.)快的;迅速的6natural adj.合理的;合乎情理的nature (n.)自然界7suggest (v

3、.)建议;提议suggestion(n.)建议8basic adj.主要的;基础的 9conversation n. 谈话;交谈10place v放置11be afraid to do sth. 害怕干某事12smile at 朝微笑 13several times 几次14Many students ask for advice about how to improve their English. 许多学生询问关于如何提高他们英语的建议。15.Watching films and listening to songs are great ways to learn English! 看电影

4、和听歌曲是学英语很棒的方法!16I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends. 我还建议你和朋友谈论这些电影或歌曲。17It is natural to forget new words! 忘记新单词是很自然的事! Unit 3 Language in use1say hello to 向问好2take sb. around 带着某人参观3read aloud 大声读4in addition to 除了5various kinds of许多不同种类的6You need to practise speak

5、ing more often. 你需要更经常地练习说。7First,think about whats happening today. 首先,想想今天什么事正在发生。8.Millions of people around the world visit them daily to improve their English. 世界上数百万人每天访问它们以提高英语。Module 2 My home town and my countryUnit 1 Its taller than many other buildings.1population(n.)(某一地区的)人口,全体居民提问人口多少用

6、what2wide(adj.)宽的;宽阔的widely adv.宽地3million(num.)百万five million五百万millions of 无数的,大量的4than(prep.)比thandoing sth.5get(v.)变成;成为got(过去式)6hill(n.)小山;小丘7pretty(adv.)相当地;非常;很8pretty good 相当好;很好9on the coast 在海岸线上10in fact 事实上11in the 1980s在20世纪80年代12Some day it will become as busy as Hong Kong,Im sure.将来某一

7、天它将变得和香港一样繁忙,我确信。13Whats the population of Shenzhen?深圳的人口是多少?14Id like to go there one day.有朝一日,我也想去深圳。15Remember to visit the Diwang Tower.记得去参观地王大厦。Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.1especially(adv.)尤其especial(adj.)特别的2university(n.)大学a university一所大学3low(adj.)矮的;低的high(反

8、义词)高的4umbrella n. 雨伞an umbrella 一把雨伞5north (n.)北;北方,(adj.)在北方的;朝北的6south (n.)南;南方,(adj.)在南方的;朝南的7west (n.)西;西方,(adj.)在西方的;朝西的8island(n.)岛;岛屿9area(n.)地区;区域10mountain(n.)山;山岳11countryside(n.)农村地区;乡下12such as 例如13bring an umbrella with sb. 随身带把伞14I come from Cambridge,a beautiful city in the east of En

9、gland.我来自剑桥,英格兰东部一个美丽的城市。15My home town is especially famous for its university.我的家乡特别因其大学而出名。16There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit.有许多古老的建筑物和教堂可以参观。17It has a population of about seven and a half million.有大约750万人口。18Everywhere in England,you will notice how green the countryside i

10、s.不管在英格兰的哪里,你都会注意到乡下是多么绿。Unit 3 Language in use1the capital of 的首都2be best known for 因最为出名3the population of 的人口4in the northeast 在东北部5Millions of tourists visit it every year to show respect to President Lincoln. 每年数百万的游客来参观它以示对林肯总统的尊重。6Is there anything special about it?它有什么特殊之处吗?Module 3 SportsNo

11、thing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.1boring (adj.)烦人的;无聊的(修饰物)bored (adj.)感到烦人的;感到无聊的(修饰人)2exciting(adj.)令人激动的;使人兴奋的 (修饰物)excited(adj.)感到兴奋的;感到激动的(修饰人)3relaxing(adj.)令人愉悦的;使人放松的(修饰物)relaxed(adj.)感到放松的(修饰人)4already(adv.)已经;早已(常用于肯定句)yet (常用于否定句和疑问句中)5hurt(v.)(使)疼痛;(使)受伤hurt(过去式)6enjoyable(adj

12、.)令人愉快的;有乐趣的enjoy(v.)喜欢enjoyment(n.)娱乐7miss(v.)未击中;未达到missing(adj.)丢失的;不见的8mind(v.)介意;讨厌;反对其后跟动名词形式9baseball(n.)棒球10volleyball(n.)排球11score(v.)(体育比赛中)得(分)12matter(n.)问题;麻烦13Olympics(n.)奥林匹克运动会14stadium(n.)体育场15plenty (pron.)大量;众多16a minute ago 一分钟前17bad luck 坏运18be sure about确信19Come and watch the f

13、ootball match on TV!过来在电视上看足球比赛!20.Last week the match on TV was so boring because no one scored at all. 上周电视上的比赛真无聊,因为根本就没人得分。21Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?22And staying at home was easier than going to the stadium.并且呆在家里比去体育场更容易。23Theres still plenty of time for them to score.仍然还有很多时间够他们得分。This

14、 year we are training more carefully.1beat(v.)打败;战胜beat(过去式)2careless(adj.)粗心的;疏忽的careful(反义词)细心的;认真的3coach(n.)教练coaches(pl.)4train(v.)(体育)训练,操练training(n.)训练5usual(adj.)通常的;平常的usually(adv.)通常unusual(反义词)6better(adv.)更好地;(adj.)更好的best(最高级)good/well(原级)7pleased(adj.)开心的;满足的be pleased with对感到满意8loudly

15、(adv.)响亮地;大声地loud(adj.)响亮的9confident(adj.)自信的confidence (n.)自信10against(prep.)(在比赛或战斗中)对(某人或某事物)11warm(v.)使暖和;使温暖12pass(v.)传递;传送13pity(n.)可惜;遗憾14chance(n.)可能性;机会15cheeron 用欢呼声激励;为加油16warm up 热身;做准备活动17play against 和对打18be late for迟到19We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up.我

16、们都尽可能早地到达,以便我们有时间热身。20We are training harder than usual because the other team beat us last year.现在我们训练比平时更加刻苦,因为另一个队去年击败了我们。21It gets dark earlier,so it is important not to be late for afterschool practice.天黑得更早,因此课外训练不要迟到是很重要的。22That means we have a better chance of winning.那意味着我们获胜的希望更大。23They ch

17、eer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game.他们大声为我们欢呼,对于赢得比赛我们会感到更加自信。Language in use1join the swimming club 加入游泳俱乐部2get lost 迷路3all the time 一直4go jogging去慢跑5They are working hard to learn English.他们正努力地学习英语。6Mary is going to get up early because she needs to catch the first bus.玛丽打

18、算早早地起来,因为她需要赶第一趟公交车。7I wanted to choose a sport to keep fit.我想选择一项运动来保持健康。Module 4 Planes, ships and trainsHe lives the farthest from school.1choice(n.)选择choose(v.)选择2far(adv.)远;遥远;(adj.)远的;遥远的farther/further(比较级) farthest/furthest(最高级)3. close(adj.)(距离上)近的,接近的;(adv.)(距离上)接近地closer(比较级)closest(最高级)4

19、crowded(adj.)拥挤的;人数过多的more crowded(比较级)most crowded(最高级)5road(n.)路;(尤指)公路6accident(n.)交通事故;意外事件7except(prep.)除之外8far from 远离9the most comfortable way最舒适的方式10a bit dangerous 有点危险11much traffic 交通堵塞12the same as 和相同13take the underground 乘地铁14What happened? 发生什么事了?15There was a road accident,and the t

20、raffic was very heavy.路上发生了交通事故,然后交通很拥挤。16Maybe I should go to school by taxi.也许我应该乘出租车去上学。17He lives the farthest from school,so he takes the underground.他住得离学校最远,因此他乘地铁。18You can ride your bike to school,but remember to be careful all the time.你可以骑自行车去上学,但是始终要记得小心。 What is the best way to travel?1

21、book(v.)预订(n.)书;课本2park(v.)停放(车);泊(车)(n.)parking3outside(prep.)在之外;(adv.)在外面;朝户外;(n.)外面;外部;(adj.)外部的;外表的inside(反义词)4cost(v.)价钱为;花费cost(过去式)5journey(n.)旅行;旅程6however(adv.)然而;但是7get there 到达那儿8plan to do sth. 计划做某事9get crowded 变得拥挤10wait for hours等数小时11How long dose the journey take and what is the be

22、st way to travel?旅程要花费多长时间?最佳旅行方式是什么?12The more information,the better.信息越多越好。13And it takes you about twelve hours to get there.而且你要花费大约十二个小时到达那里。14However,it will not cost as much as going by train.但是,它不会像坐火车一样花费那么多。15Have a great trip!祝你旅途愉快!1in a hurry 匆匆忙忙2somewhere else 别的某个地方3four million 四百万

23、4the most expensive city 物价最高的城市5It takes more time than going by plane.它比坐飞机花的时间多。6Which city is the nearest to London?哪个城市离伦敦最近?Module 5 Lao She Teahouse I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.1actress(n.)女演员actor(n.)男演员2offer(v.)提议,提出offer to do sth. 主动提出干某事3teahouse(n.)茶馆4end(n.)(时间的)最后一段,末尾;(v.)结束5n

24、o idea 不知道 6drink tea 喝茶7Lingling offered to take me there.玲玲主动提出带我去那儿。8It was difficult to understand the words.台词很难理解。9We only planned to watch for an hour,but in the end,we stayed for three hours.我们原计划只看一个小时,但最后我们呆了三个小时。10I hope to understand more next time.下次我希望能听懂更多。11Hes especially famous for

25、his play Teahouse.他尤其因为他的话剧茶馆而出名。It describes the changes in Chinese society.1show(v.)展示;显示showed(过去式)2twentieth(num.)第二十twenty(基数词)二十3describe(v.)描写;描述description(n.)描述4society(n.)社会societies(pl.)5act n(戏剧、歌剧或芭蕾舞的)一幕6common(adj.)普遍的;一般的7college(n.)大学;学院8novel(n.)(长篇)小说9name(v.)给取名;给命名10if(conj.)如果;

26、若11magic(adj.)魔术的;戏法的12head teacher 校长13the end of the nineteenth century十九世纪末14be born 出生15all over the world全世界16Teahouse is one of Lao Shes most famous plays.茶馆是老舍最著名的戏剧之一。17It describes the changes in Chinese society over fifty years.它描述了五十多年中国社会的变化。18He wrote many plays,novels and short stories about peoples lives and was named “the Peoples Artist”他写了许多有关人们生活的戏剧、小说和短篇故事,被誉为“人民艺术家”。19If you

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