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1、外研版六年级英语下册Module123单元测试外研版小学英语六年级下册第一模块测试题1.选出不属于同一类的词。(20分)()dog()2. C. fruit()3.().hirteen()()6. D. Shanghai()7.()8.()tennis()10.2.对号入座,火眼金睛选一选。(20分)()you want some rice?A.Yes ,l want. B. Yes, I do. C. No,you don()dogs do you want?A. much B. many C. Some()they? They re 12 dollars.A. much()do you w

2、ant ?-A cola.A. to eat drink take()wants three , and youA. cola B. colas C. Colaes-five cents. B. It s-five cent.()6. - How much is it?- .A. It s three dollars and seventy three dollar and seventy-five cent.C. It s three dollars and seventy()7. Can I help you? A cola me,please.A. for()8.What you wan

3、t ? A hot dog ,pleaseA. do B. does C. is()hot dog good.Aook Booking Cooks()much they ?ten yuan.A . be B . are C . Is()11. are these bananas ? They are $ 20.A. How many B. What C,How D. How much4.连词成句(28分) do what you to want.2.want I eat a to hamburger.3.drink to what do they want.(?)4.much is

4、the how dog hot (?)6. dollars, twenty-five ,cents , it ,is ,twelve ,and (.),I, chicken, please, some(.)5.选词填空: (10分)1. is a hamburger? It is 4 yuan.2. I help you ? I want a hot dog,please.3. books are there on the desk? Thirty-five.4.I a hamburger,please.5.I want some noodles some meat.6.找出最佳组合。(10分

5、)()1. What do you want, Darning?()2. How much is the hot dog?()3. Here you are.()4. Do you like watermelons?()5. Can you sing an English song?A.Yes, I can .I can sing many En glish son gs.B.Thank you.C.Yes , I do.D.It is two dollars.E.I want some noodles and fruits.七.阅读理解(10分,根据对话内容,判断正误,正确的打“ T”,错误

6、的打“ F”)Mother: Sally, can you help me,please? I want to go shopping.Sally :OK. Mum. What do you want to buy?Mum : some eggs,some oran ges,some milk, and some chi eke n for supper. Whatcan we have for lunch tomorrow? Sally : I do not know.Mother: oh ,yes it is. Some fish.Sally : Is fish very expensiv

7、e ( 昂贵的)?Mother : yes , it is. But dad likes fish.Sally : what about some rice?Mother: I want some nice bread.Sally : OK. Lets go.()1. Sally and mum want to buy some food, some milk and some fruit.()2. They want to buy some bread.()3. Fish is cheap.( 便宜的)()4. Sallys father likes fish.()5. Sally want

8、s to have chi eke n and rice for lunch tomorrow六年级下英语Module 2单元测试题一.选择不同类的一项:(10分)()1A have B has C go D eat()2A noisy B hungry C duck D beautiful()3Aduck B tiger C chi eke n D animal()4Apark B school C teacher D zoo()5A snow B hot C warm D cold()6A sunny B windy C rain D cool()7 A tomorrow B Sunday

9、 C Friday D Monday()8ATuesday B week C Wednesday D Saturday()9Ahot Bwarm C winday D cool()10 Adinner B lunch C breakfast D hamburger二快乐小翻译。(20分)1.have a picnic 2 at half past twelve 2.walk around the lake 4a beautiful daytree a birthday party football in my bedroom chess to bed 11 this afternoon 12a

10、fter dinner goodnight 14 on Thursday 15watch TV 16these ducks 17go to the park 18what about 19 half past seven 20walk in the park 三根据句义选词填空:(5分)about for around at to1.She wants some hot dogs and some cola her mum .2.What do you want to drink ?3.We are going to have lunch about eleven thirty.4.I lik

11、e walking the lake at weekends.5.I want some rice. What about you,mum?4.火眼金睛辩一辩,对号入座选最佳 :(20分).()1. It is going to snow Beijing.()2. old man under the tree is teacher.,a ,a C. The ,a D The, an()3. He likes playing basketball after school.D. /()is going to be tomorrow.A snow B rain C windy D snowing(

12、)5. What do you want ?A. A eat B eating C to eat D ate()II be the .A winer B win C winning D winner()7. We are going to have a picnic Sun day.A in B on C to D at()8. Do you ofte n get up six Sun day morning.A. on, at,on ,on , in()9. The boys are playing .that football football()10. What are we going

13、 to eat ? juice cup of tea5.好朋友手拉手。 选出正确答语。(5分)()1. What are you going to do?()2. When are we going to eat ?()3. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?()4. What time is it ?()5. Are you from England?A.At half past six.B.It is going to be sunny.C It is one o clock .am going to watch TV.E. Yes

14、, I am.6.连词成句;(10分)1、 going have picnic we a to are(.)2、to eat going when we are(?)4、going Beijing it s be to snowy in(.)5、going but it s rain soon to(.)7.根据首字母提示完成句子: (5分)are going to have a p in the park.ducks are very are eating our s going to be s in Jinan.s walk a the going to p

15、lay c with my grandpa and I II be the winner.十.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F). (10 分)Wu Dong has a good friend .his name is Peter. He is from the USA. Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Saturday and Sun day. Peter likes China and Chin ese food. He likes rice dumplings very much. They play table tennis after class. Wu DongThey like flyingChinese. WuDong互相。)and Peter like making things . Now they are making a pl

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