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1、插要:随齐电子计算机技术的不新发啟,PLC技术心电气化旬动控制制凌与研发领城中的 应用变得越来越/泛,发杵着不可椁代的作用。PLC技术益.屯气设备勺动化桩制中的应用 是以微缺的处理卷作为基础,结合了现亦的计算机枝术,旬动柱制枝术,现代通询枝术等的 优势,扱大的犷丸了 PLC技术亦电设备自动化揑制应用中的适.用领城,有很強的宾败性。 PLC枝术有舟离灵活性、為可靠性、便檢性,和工业机呑人、CAD/CAM并欣观代勺动化 工比的三大顶梁柱。本丈介绍何为PLC技术,PLC技术层电设备勺动化控制中的优势 与应用,希望能有一岌的借荃作用。关他词:PLC技术;赴气很备;勺动化推制-PLC技术的枕念PLC是英

2、语可繭程控制器Programmable logic Controller的缩写,以微处 理器为依托,结合通信,计算机,互联网和勺动控制放术开发而成的工业上的控 制装置。PLC枝术起谏于20世纪70年代,菠成功的运用于九车工业中。随 着PLC执术运算,处理速度,技制各种功能的进步与商业化,它在电设备 t动化中的应用领城也变得越来越/泛,形成了仪表-电器-计算机控制的一体化 栈无。PLC枝术往尹中的应用与生尹,是以DCS集散技制糸统和FCS总 线控制糸统作为主要的控制形无。PLC枝术症将来的发展中,将不仅仅是作为 一个基础糸统,而是一种全分布无,开放式的控制糸统。二PLC的结构PLC执术的本质是应

3、用于工业技制的计算机枝术,因此,它的硬件结构组 成同丸多数计算机结构是基本一致的,都包括有:电谏、CPU(中央处理器)、 存綺器、功能栈块、通信楼块、输入/输出接D电路等等。三PLC的工作掾理抚述笫一个步骤,输入采样。症这个步躱当中,可编程控制器镇取采样数据主要 通过扫描的方无,然后利用输入I/O输出映像区中所对应的单元对这些数据进行 存儲。在数据采样彼输入之后,继续执行输岀刷新標作对转入用户程序。第二个步骤,程序执行。在用户程序执行的过程中,可编程控制容对用户程 序进行扫描的轨行顺序总、是勺上而下,在扫描的过程中,其运算按照固龙的顺序 和路线进行,其中,扫描顺序也是由左至右,由上至下,而扫描

4、线路则是由用户 程序的各个紘电构成。笫三个步骤,糸统输出刷新。柱这一阶段所要免成的操作是可编程技制翠在 执行免用户程序之后的刷新。在刷新过程中,糸统的中央处理器会根据输入I/O 输岀映像中相应的状态和前一阶段输入的数据来进行铁存电路,再老成对其他外 设的犯动。b.PLC主要将点分析(1J有轶爲的性价比,功能兜备。PLC控制器有丸量编程元件供用户使用, 具有很强丸且兜备的控制功能.,还可以利用通信联网实现集中管理但分散控制。(2)抗干扰能力强一方面,PLC应用了大规棋的集成电路放术,症生庐工艺 上采用先进的抗干扰处理放术,如部电源采取屛狡、稔压、徐护;设置独立的输 入/输出接口电路电源等措施,从

5、自身硬件上增强了其抗干祝能力及设备的可 靠性。另一方面,通过正确选择接地地点和免毎接地糸统,以及釆用潘封、防尘、 抗震的外先进行封装,也可以起.列良好的减少外界干扰的效果。通过以上楷施使 得PLC能在较为恶劣的环境中可靠的工作,并减少故障的发生率,提壽了糸统 的可靠性。(3)PLC控制器具有安装方便,易维修、操作简单等优点,PLC控制器出现 故障肘,其故障療因可通过其运行和故障指示装置检杳出,用户在糸统发生故障 肘,可立印采取腊施更换栈块等腊施进行恢复,同肘PLC用户界面简单朗了, 对于用户来说很家易拿握。五PLC農电力东统中的应用现状顺序技制。症火力发电糸统中,其在捕珈糸统的工艺流程可以分为

6、两种方 无,即开关控制和顺序控制。随着我国对能源及环境保护的重视程度越来越需, 因此在火力发电行业中,其生尹过程的亦源节约已经成为各企业管理的目标。为 达列节能减排的终极目标,必须提高该企业辅助车间的自动化控制水平。随着 PLC控制枝术的问世,A.火力发电企业的捕助糸统中,传统继电控制器基本彼 PLC控制糸统代格,于此同肘,随着科技的不断进步,PLC控制糸统不仅可以对 单个工艺浇程进行有效控制,而且可以通过将PLC连摟通信总线的方无来对整个生尹环节进行协调。(2)开关量控制斷路器控制。原来的火电糸统多采用电礙型继电麥为主要元件的控制器,该 糸统采用了大量电滋元件,因此其身的大量触点大大吟低了糸

7、统的可靠性,同 肘该种糸统还具有接线复亲、维修困难等缺点,而近年来PLC的运用则用大量 软继电彖代券丸量的实杨元 件,因此 大大提爲了其可靠性,运行人员只需进行 简单的分合闸操作,A操作过程中糸统能够根据实际能否运行而给出相应的指 示信号。勺动切换。为了加强供电的可靠性,备用电源 勺动仪人裝置多年前就应用 A火电企业当中,最初为手动死勺动进行供呵电线路的操作,虽然该操作过程 往往之需要儿秒钟的肘间,但对于有连续供 电要求的用户来说也是不允许的, 因此,为了提為供 电的可靠性,由PLC构成 的备用电源勺动仪人装置应运而 生,其可以通过繭程来使用各种运行方式,其将采集到的一次设备 的正奄运行 信号

8、作为备用电源启动或关闵的依据,由于该控制糸统具有数据处理以及逻辑判 新功能,因此其不仅能兜成备用电源技的操作,且其能考虑糸统运行情况以及 其他操作要求,同肘糸统本身具有很强的抗干扰能力,并具有可靠性壽、接线简 单、调沈棘作方便以及成本低等优点。(3)诩环技制泵类电机。火电成泵类总动方式一般有勺动応动、机务屛手动启动以及现场 控制编手动启动儿种。勺动状态下泵的开机肘由PLC顺控栈块根据各个泵 的累 积运行肘间长短来选择主备用泵;而机畫屛开倉方无则是常调节现场开关的方无 来总诃泵,其主备用泵則是抿据人类对运行肘间的比较来决定每台泵的启诃,而 若要4现场对其进行捺作则密将开关调至“调速翠手动”档伐.

9、才能卖现。夫.PLC心电宅令劝化中的应用首素控制与管理功能一体化。在一台控制各上同肘卖现技制功能和信魚处理功 能,PLC庐采用计算机信息处理枝术、网络通信执术和图形显示技术,使得 PLC糸统的生尹控制功能和信息管理功能紈为一体,进一步提需PLC的功能, 最丸限度满足现代化丸生尹的控制与管理的需要。现代PLC控制枝术将向体积更小、功能更强、价格灵低、速度更快的微小 型方向发铁,同肘也会朝着大型阿络化、兼家性好、功能全及可靠性壽的方向发 o在阿络信息技术壽速发展的肘代,PLC桂制枝术也将逐步得到优化,也必 将拥有更为广网的发袈前景。七PLC准.亀角动化中笛发曼施务徉随着科枝的发衆,全球工业计算机控

10、制领城已经发生巨丸变罩,PLC儿 乎到处都有,对于PLC控制器的核心一挫制软件来讲,开放式的编程组态工具 软件以及开放无通信网络放术的突破,将PLC推向了更加开放的工业控制行业。PLC技制糸统柱需端应用方面,将和工业PC控制糸统相姨美,因为这两者 衣微处理器和存芯片方面十分和似,将来的发钱趨势是将更多的功能进一步集成 到一个控制编,以方便用户的操作和使用,像顺序技制和过程技制将会采用功能 化方无进行处理,其他类似运动控制等也能够共享列和同的控制结构体糸中。可 以和信,PLC执术的发展继续沿着开放式技制糸统的方向,尤其是基于工业PC 的控制糸统。为了更好的提供用户使用,PLC在人机界面方面要做的

11、屯其、通传 设备要更加老备、现场总线通信能力要更加的成魚,这样才能更好地适.应各种不 同工业控制场合的密求。除了在灵活性方面比传统PLC具有札皱不同的优势外, 还要做到能够缩短糸统仪放到市场的周期,并能吟低糸统仪赛条用,提爲从工厂 底层到企业办公勺动化的数据信息浇动效率等,这将是PLC未来发袈不可抵宿 的趨势。姑论:蛛上所述.,PLC枝术在电宅勺动化技制中是一项先进的技术,它克服 了传统电宅勺动化控制糸统的洁多缺点,减少了妨料谄耗,减护了维护工作,奉 助企业节省资源,提需企业的工作效率。同肘PLC在电毛动化控制中的应用 又需要进一步的发袈,要臾破现有的枝术緬颈,做列往各种环境下都能让PLC运

12、用到电毛勺动化的控制之中,同对,需要对现有的PLC技术进行改进,使之能 A需温需压以及需电该辐射等各种复杂的环境下进行工作,这样PLC A电宅勺 动化控制中的应用才能得到充分的扩袈和全面的开发利用。参考丈秋1铁中PLC枝术在电气设备勺动化较制中的应用卩科枝视界,20132于军,苗百春.PLC枝术亦电勺动化中的应用J科枝济迅,20133俊菊PLCA电气fi动化中的应用採丸A弟二届“科协丈化一一中关村论疥论丈集.4王华琳.PLCA电气旬动化桩制中的应用卩传息与电脑(理论扳几20135胜涛.PLC疫电气旬动化拉制中的应用分析J电子枝术与软件工程,2013,Introduction and appli

13、cation of PLC technologyAbstract: With the contin uous developme nt of computer tech no logy, PLC tech no logy in the electric automatic control is becoming more and more widely applied in the field of manufacturing and research and development. play an irreplaceable role. PLC technology in the appl

14、ication of the electric equipment automation control based on Microsofts processor as the foundation. combined with the present computer technology, automatic control technology, modern communication technology and other advantages, greatly extend the application of PLC technology in the electric eq

15、uipment automation control applicable areas, have very strong effective ness. PLC tech no logy has high flexibility, high reliability, convenie nee. and industrial robots, CAD/CAM and three big pillar of modern in dustrial automatio n. This paper in troduces what is the PLC tech no logy, PLC technol

16、ogy in electrical equipment of the advantage and application of automation control hope to have certain reference function.Keywords: The PLC technology. Electrical equipment; Automatic control1-The con cept of PLC technologyIs English PLC Programmable Controller Programmable logic Controller, which

17、is based on microprocessor, combined with communication, computer. Internet and automatic control technology on the development of industrial control device PLC technology originated in the 1970 s. has been successfully applied in automobile industry As the technology of PLC. processing speed, contr

18、ol the progress of the various functions and commercialized, its applications in electrical equipment automation is also becoming more and more widely, formed the instrument appliances the integration of computer control mode The PLC technology in the application of products and production, with DCS

19、 DCS and FCS bus control system as the main form. The development of PLC technology in the future, will not just as a basic system, but a whole distributed, open control system.2.The structure of the PLCThe essence of P L C technology is applied in the industrial control computer technology, as a re

20、sult, the hardware structure is the basic consistent with most computer structure. all include: power supply, CPU, memory module, function module, letter, input/output interface circuit and so on.3. The working principle of PLCThe first step, the input samples. In this step, programmable controller

21、read sampling data mainly through the way of seanning. and then use the input in the I/O output image area of the storage unit of the data After the sampling data is input, continue to implement the output refresh operation to turn to the user program.The seco nd step, the program executio n. In the

22、 process of the user of the program execution, programmable controller for the user program to scan the execution order from top to bottom, always in the process of scanning, its operation shall be carried out in accordance with the fixed order and route, among them, the scanning sequence is from le

23、ft to right, from top to bottom, and the seanning line is made up of each user program to get an electric shock.The third step, the system output refresh. The operation to be completed at this stage is a programmable con troller to refresh after the execution of the user program .In the refresh proc

24、ess, the system CPU I/O output will be based on the input image in the corresponding state and the previous phase of the input data to latch circuit then complete the drive for other peripherals4- PLC main characteristic analysis(1)Has high cost performanee. fully functional. PLC controller contains

25、 a large number of programming components used by users, has the very strong and complete control function、still can use communication network to realize centralized management but decentralized control.(2)Strong anti-interference ability on the one hand, the application of PLC on a large scale inte

26、grated circuit technology, adopts advanced antijamming processing techniques in the production process, such as internal power to shield, voltage regulator, protection; Set up the indepe ndent power supply, input/output in terface circuit from their own hardware to enhance its anti-jamming ability a

27、nd reliability of equipment. On the other hand, through the correct selection of grounding location and improve the system, and the sealing, dustproof seismic en capsulati on shelL also can have good reduce interfere nee effect Through the above measures can make the PLC in a relatively harsh enviro

28、nment and reliable work, and to reduce the incidence of failure, improve the reliability of the system(3)The PLC controller has the advantages of convenient installation. easy maintenance, simple operation, PLC controller failure, the failure cause by its operation and fault indication device, check

29、 out the users in the system failure occurs, immediately take measures to replace modules such as measures to restore. PLC user in terface simple and clear at the same time, it is very easy for users to master.5.Application of PLC in power system are reviewed(1)Sequential control. In the thermal pow

30、er system, its internal auxiliary system of technological process can be divided into two ways, namely, switch control and sequenee control. Along with our country emphasis on energy and environmental protection degree is more and more high, so in the thermal power industry, the production process o

31、f saving resources have become the target of each enterprise management. In order to reach the ultimate goal of energy conservation and emissions reduction, it is necessary to improve the automatic control level of the enterprise auxiliary workshop. With the advent of PLC control technology, in the

32、auxiliary system of thermal power enterprises, the traditional relay controller is replaced by PLC control system, basic at the same time, with the constant progress of science and technology. PLC control system can not only to a single technological process for effective controk and be able to connect to PLC communication alwaysTo coordinate the way for the whole production line(2)the switch qua

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