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1、A. past event for exact time refere nee B. prese nt event for ten tative nessC. prese nt eve nt for un certa inty D. past event for polite ness15.“ If I were you, I wouldn t wait to propose to her. ” The subjunctive mood inthe sentence is used to D .A. alleviate hostility B. express un favorable fee

2、li ngsC. in dicate un certa inty D. make a suggesti on16.It s a shame that the city official should have gone back on his word. ” Themodal auxiliary SHOULD express _B .A obligati on B disappo in tme nt C future in the past D. ten tative ness17.Timothy Ray Brown, the first man cured of HIV, initially

3、 opted against the stemcell tran spla ntati on that D ory.A. could have later made B. should have made laterC. might make later D. would later make18.Some Martian rock structures look strikingly like structures on Earth that areknown C by microbes.A. having been created B. being created C. to have b

4、een created D. to be created19.At that moment, with the crowd watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinarysen se, as if I A alone.A. would have bee n had bee n B. should be had bee nC. could be were D. might have bee n wereA.the B. an C. that D. whichever21.Some narratives seem more like plays, hea

5、vy with dialogue by which writers allowtheir A_to reveal themselves.A.characters B. characteristics C. charisma D characterizati ons22.If you intend to melt the snow for drinking water, you can D extra purityby running it through a coffee filter.A. assure B. in sure C. reassure D. en sure23.The dais

6、y-like flowers of chamomile have been used for centuries to B an xiety and insomn ia.A. decli ne B. relieve C que nch D suppress24.Despite concern about the disappeara nee of the album in popular music, 2014delivered a great crop of album C .A. publicati ons B appeara nces C. releases D. prese ntati

7、o ns25.The party s reduced vote in the gen eral elect ion was C of lack ofsupport for its policies.A. reveali ng B. con firm ing C. i ndicative D. evide nt26.He closed his eyes and held the two versions of La Mappa to his mi nd s _B_ to an alyze their differe nces.A. visio n B eye C. view D. sight27

8、.Twelve pupils were killed and five A injured after gunmen attacked theschool during lunchtime.A. critically B. eno rmously C. greatly D. hard28.A 15-year-old girl has bee n arrested C accusati ons of using In stagramto anonym ously threate n her high-school.A. over B. with C. on D. for29.It was rep

9、orted that a 73-year-old man died on an Etihad flight _D to _Germa ny from Abu Dhabi.A. boun ded B. bin ded C. boun dary D. bound30.It s B the case in the region; a story always sounds clear eno ugh ata dista need, but the n earer you get to the scene of eve nts the vaguer it becomes.A. un cha ngeab

10、ly B. i nvariably C. un alterably D. immovablyIV.完形填空:leafA. always B. barely C. demise D. emerge nee E. gained F. implicatio ns G.H. lost I. n aturally J. object K. one L. on li ne M. rising N. sin gle O.valueMILLIONS of people now rent their movies the Netflix way. They fill out a wishlist from th

11、e 50,000 titles on the companys Website and receive the first few DVDs in the mail; whe n they mail each one back, the n ext one on the list is sent. TheNetflix model has bee n exhaustively an alyzed for its disruptive, n ew-ec onomy (31)implications. What will it mean for video stores like Blockbus

12、ter, which has, in fact, started a similar service? What will it mea n for movie studios and theaters?What does it show about l ong tail bus in esses - ones that comb ine manyn iche markets, like those for Dutch movies or classic musicals, into a (32)single large audienee? But one other major implic

13、ation has (33)barely been mentioned: what this and similarIntern et-based bus in esses mean for that stalwart of the old economy, the Un ited States Postal Service.Every day, some two million Netflix envelopes come and go as first-class mail. They are joined by millions of other shipments from (34)

14、online pharmacies, eBayven dors, and other bus in esses that did not exist before the Intern et.The (35) demise of sn ail mail in the age of in sta nt electro nic com muni cati onhas been predicted at least as often as the coming of the paperless office. But the consumption of paper keeps _ ( 36) ri

15、sing . It has roughly doubled since 1980. On average, an America n household receives twice as many pieces of mail a day as it did in the 1970s.The harmful side of the Intern ets impact is obvious but statistically lessimporta nt tha n many would guess. People _(37) n aturally write fewer letters wh

16、e nthey can send e-mail messages. To (38) leaf through a box of old paper correspondence is to know what has been _(39) lost i n this shift: the pretty stamps, the varyinglook and feel of handwritten and typed correspondence, the tangible (40) object thatwas once in the sen ders han ds.V. Read ing c

17、omprehe nsionSection APassage one( 1) WhenI was a young girl living in Ireland, I was always pleased when it rained, because that meant I could go treasure hunting. Whats the connection between awet day and a search for buried treasure? Well, it s quite simple. Ireland, as some of you may already kn

18、ow, is the home of Leprechauns little men who possess magic powers and, perhaps more interestingly, pots of gold.(2)Now, although Leprechauns are interesting characters, I have to admit thatI was more intrigued by the stories of their treasure hoard. This, as all of Ireland knows, they hide at the e

19、nd of the rainbow. Leprechauns can be fearsome folk but if you can discover the end of the rainbow, they have to unwillingly surrender their gold to you. So whenever it rained, I would look up in the sky and follow the curve of the rainbow to see where it ended. I never did unearth any treasure, but

20、 I did spend many happy, showery days dreaming of what I could do with the fortune if I found it.(3)As I got older, and started working, rainy days cameto be just another nuisance and my childhood dreams of finding treasure faded. But for some people the dream of striking it lucky never fades, and f

21、or a fortunate few, the dream even comes true! Such is the case of Mel Fisher. His dream of finding treasure also began in childhood, while reading the great literature classics “Treasure Island ” and “Moby Dick”. However, unlike myself, he chased his dream and in the end managed to become one of th

22、e most famous professional treasure hunters of all time, and for good reason.In 1985, he fished up the priceless cargo of the sunken Spanish ship Atocha, which netted him an incredible $400 million dollars!the jackpot! His dreams had come t rue but finding and keeping the treasure wasnall plain sail

23、ing. After battling with hostile conditions at sea, Fisher then hadto battle in the courts. In fact, the State of Florida took Fisher to court overownership of the find and the Federal government soon followed suit. After more than 200 hearings, Fisher agreed to donate 20%of his yearly findings for

24、public display, and so now there is a museumin Florida which displays hundreds of the objects which were salvaged from the Atocha.(5) This true story seems like a modern-day fairytale: a man pursues his dreamthrough adversity and in the end, he triumphs over the difficulties - they all live happily

25、ever after, right? Well, not exactly. Archaeologists object to the fact that with commercial salvagin g operations like Fisher s, the objects are sold anddispersed and UNESCOare worried about protecting our underwater heritage from what it describes as “ pillaging ”.(6) The counter-argument is that

26、in professional, well-run operations such asFisher s, eac h piece is accurately and minutely recorded and that it is thisinformation which is more important than the actual object, and that such operations help increase our wealth of archaeological knowledge. Indeed, as in Fisher s case, they makehi

27、story more accessible to people through museumdonations and information on web sites.(7) The distinction of whether these treasure hunters are salvaging or pillagingour underwater heritage may not be clear, but what is clear is that treasure hunting is not just inno cent child s play anymore but pro

28、fitable big business. I have learnt that the end of the rainbow is beyond my reach, but in consolation, with just a click of the mouse, I too can have a share in the riches that the Atocha has revealed.As Friedrich Nietzsche so wisely said: “ Our treasure lies in the beehive of ourknowledge. ”41.In

29、, the phrase “ hit the jackpot ” means according to the text.A. discovered the jackpot.B.found the treasureC.broke one of the objectsD.ran a salvaging operation42.It can be concluded from Paras. 5 and 6 that .A.people hold entirely different views on the issueB.UNESCO s view is different from archae

30、ologists C.all salvaging operations should be prohibitedD.attention should be paid to the find s educational value43.How did the author feel about the treasure from the Atocha (Para. 7)?A.She was unconcerned about where the treasure came fromB.She was sad that she was unable to discover and salvage treasure.C.She was angry that treasure hunters were pi

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