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英语人教新目标七年级下册新编Unit 11 Section B 教案3Word格式文档下载.docx

1、4. She a girl sing a song yesterday.(二) 单选。1. Listen! The music beautiful. A. looks B. watches C. sounds D. plays2. He came to school late because he late last night. A. sleeps B. slept C. is sleeping D. was slept3. Hello! Im very glad to see you. When you Here?A. did; arrive B. will; arriveC. have;

2、 arrived D. are; arriving4. -How was your school trip? - .A. there was fun B.I bought a souvenirC.I helped mum and dad D. It was awful3.重点句型(1)我们去了乡下并且爬了山。 (2)天气如此寒冷,下了一整天的雨。(3)在艺术博物馆里有如此多有趣的东西看。(4)我看见了一些真的很美的油画。(5)我们在博物馆的餐厅吃了午饭。(6)那之后,我们去了一个特别的艺术房间画画。(7)这真的是有很多乐趣。二、课堂学习1完成1a,1b.2.听录音完成1c,1d.3. 练习1c

3、对话。4.根据1c完成1e进行简单对话。(三) 句型转换。1. It rained a lot that day.(改为一般疑问句) it a lot that day?2.John and his friends had a good time in the park.(同义句) John and his friends in the park.3. The movie was good. the movie4.Peter slept late last night.(改为否定句)Peter late last night. 知识整理笔记 a. 一般过去时的基本用法:一般过去时表示过去某个时

4、间发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last week, in2003, two days ago等。I (起床)He always (走到)to school last year.一般过去时的基本句型(1) 肯定句主语 + 动词过去式 + 其他Our last vacation great. We (看) a football match yesterday.(2) what, how引导的特殊疑问句。含be 动词 How was the party last night?含有实义动词的情况: What/how+ d

5、id + 主语+ 动词原形 +其他 How you (到) to school yesterday?b. 动词过去式的构成(1) 一般情况直接加ed 如:playplayed cleancleanedvisitvisited wantwanted(2) 以不发音的e结尾的动词,去e加ed likeliked hopehopeddancedanced livelived use-used(3) 重读闭音节且以一个辅音字母结尾的动词,需双写最后一个辅音字母加edstopstopped (4) 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,需先变y为i,再加edstudystudies worryworried常见不规则

6、动词的过去式am, iswas arewere dodid comecame gowent sit-sat getgot forgetforgot make-madeseesaw feel-felt hearheard keepkept saysaid read-read taketook bringbrought buyboughteatate has/havehad sing-sangUnit 11 How was your school trip Section B 2a2c掌握6个单词。 (1)听说训练语法讲解及展示。(2)能利用所学对话进行问答. 模仿对话。(3)情感态度价值观。It

7、s + adj + to do sth Its + adj + for/of sb to do sth 2.单词使人兴奋的令人激动的 可爱的 expensive 廉价的,便宜的 slow 快地 robot 向导,导游 gift 1. 完成2a.2. 读2b,回答问题。3. 根据2b, 完成2c.训练检测1.单选。(1)-What day it yesterday? -Tuesday. A. is B. was C. were D. are(2)Uncle Wang is kind and he is very To us. A. friend B. unfriendlyC. friendly

8、D. bad(3)I in the school library last week. A. do the reading B. did some readingC. did reading D. do some reading(4)This book is interesting. A. all kinds of B. a little C. a bit of D. a little感兴趣的 everything 黑暗的 hear 3. 短语检测科技博物馆 沿途 在博物馆 学习关于 在礼品店 总之 对感兴趣 一点也不 4. 重点句型1)我们坐火车很快就到了那里。2)沿途我们看到了一些农场和村

9、庄。3)然后导游教我们怎么做机器人模型。4)我去礼品店为我父母买了一些可爱的礼物。5)在缓慢的火车上太热了。(5)Why are you driving so , Tony? Im feeling sick. (感到不舒服). -Sorry, but the train is leaving in 20 minutes. We have to hurry up. A. often B. fast C. hard D. slowly2. 句型转换1) Its time to have dinner. (同义句) time dinner. 2) His winter holiday was gre

10、at. his winter holiday?3) I watched TV last night. you last night. 4) He writes a letter to his father . (用yesterday改写) He a letter to his father yesterday. 知识整理笔记(单词拓展,单词辨析,短语提炼,语法整理,易错点整理,例句积累)a. All in all, its an exciting day. All in all 意为“总的来说,总而言之”常用于句首,其后用逗号隔开。同类短语: in a word 总而言之,这里不同于其他地方(

11、根据汉语提示完成句子) ,its different from other .b. Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that. Everything 为复合不定代词。由every-, some-, any-接thing,body,one可构成复合不定代词,作主语时谓语动词用单数。Some-构成的复合不定代词一般用于肯定句中Any-构成的. 一般用于否. 疑中。You look worried! Is all right?A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothingHe

12、 is too lazy. He doesnt want to do . c. be interested in 的用法:意为“对. 感兴趣的”其后跟名词、代词、动词-ing形式做宾语。Im not interested in it. 根据汉语意思完成句子1) Tom 对科学很感兴趣,他想成为一名科学家Tom science, and he want to be a scientist. 2)丽丽对这本有趣的故事书很感兴趣。Lily is 3) 她对唱歌. 跳舞很感兴趣。She is Unit 11 How was your school trip. Section B 3a3c掌握本单元单词

13、。2)能利用所学对话进行问答。模仿对话。总结本单元知识点。1. 自己拼读。听磁带朗读单词。2. 重点句型1)昨天我们学校参观了动物园。 2)在动物园里,我看到很多动物,并且照了一些相片。3)我和我同学都去礼品店为父母买了一些礼品。4)真是美好的/无聊的一天。阅读: (一)Tom was not old, but he did not have much hair. His wife(妻子), Grace, had thick, beautiful, black hair. They had one daughter. Her name was Jane, and she was four an

14、d a half years old. There was a photo of her father in the living-room, and a few days ago, Jane looked at it for a long time and then said to her mother, Mummy, why had Dad got very little hair?Grace laughed and said, Hes got very little hair because he thinks a lot, Jane. Hes a clever man. Jane lo

15、oked at her mothers thick, black hair for a few seconds(秒钟), and then she asked, Mum, why have you got a lot of hair?根据短文,判断正(T)误(F)。1. There were three people in Toms family. ( )2. Tom had some hair. ( )3. Grace had more hair than Tom. ( )3.短文填空。On May Day, the students in our class h a great time

16、on the school trip. We went to the zoo that day. F we watch a m about pandas. Next we v the pandas and took a lot of . They were really shy a lovely. After lunch, we went to a gift shop where we lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, we t the bus back to school. At the e of the day, our teacher wa

17、s very happy, because we e the bus after this trip.*习题内容 填写3a、3b和self check.4. There was a photo of Janes mother in the living-room. ( )5. Jane wanted to know why her mother had black hair, too. ( ) (二)I am a student. I go jogging every morning, and I go swimming twice a week. I spent a lot of time

18、playing all kinds of ball games. I like football, volleyball, and ping pong. I am very good at football, so I play on the school team. After school, I like playing ping pong with my friend, Liu Ming. Liu Ming is not only good at sports but also good at his studies. 阅读短文和句子,正确的写T,错误的写F。_1. I often go

19、 jogging in the morning. _2. I go swimming once a week. _3. I spend very little time playing ball games. _4. I like to go swimming in my free time. _5. Liu Ming is interested in his studies but not good at sports. 书面表达 请根据提示的内容,以第一人称向别人介绍一下旅游情况,写一篇60词左右的短文。旅游时间:周日 地点:公园内容:呼吸新鲜(fresh)空气;观看动物表演;去餐馆感受:

20、是美好的一天;很高兴知识整理笔记1. 认真审题,读懂题意。2. 快速阅读,掌握大意。3. 细读题目,完成任务。4. 复读文章,核实任务。5注意读写结合。任务型阅读不仅考查学生阅读理解层面的能力,更加注重考查学生“写”的能力。若是写单词,则要注意拼写正确,词形. 词性有无变化,是否需要大写;若所要完成的是短语或句子成分,则需谨慎对待,依据所给题干分析要完成的是什么句子成分,需用什么样的表达方式,不可简单草率地将文中信息直接挪用。 总之,任务型阅读理解不同于传统的阅读理解,它介于阅读理解与写作之间,教师应该适应新课改的要求,掌握任务型阅读理解的特点,加强学生任务型阅读能力的培养。Unit11 Ho

21、w was your school trip? (Self check)一、单词检测1 挤奶 2 奶牛 3 马 4 喂养,饲养 5 农民,农场主 6 相当,完全 7 任何东西,任何事物 8 种植,生长 9 农场,务农 10 采,摘 11 极好的,优秀的 12 乡村,农村 13 昨天 14 花 15 担心,担忧 16 幸运地,好运地 17 太阳 18 博物馆 19 火,火灾 20 绘画,油画 21 使人兴奋的,令人激动的 22. 可爱的 23 昂贵的 24 便宜的 25 缓慢的,迟缓的 26 快地 27 机器人 28 导游,向导 29 礼物,赠品 30 所有事情,一切 31 感兴趣的 32黑暗的

22、;昏暗的 33 听见,听到 二、短语检测1 去散步 2 给奶牛挤奶 3 骑马 4 喂鸡 5 和农民谈话 6 照相 7 种一些苹果 8 带四处转转 9 学习关于 10摘草莓 11 上周 12 在乡下 13去钓鱼 14 看星星 15 你很幸运 16 相当多 17 去年 18 去艺术博物馆 19参观消防站 20 太阳出来了 21 参观博物馆 22在树下 23 看一些油画 24 去一个学校旅行 25. 沿途 26. 在礼品店 27. 可爱的礼物 28. 总之 29. 在慢的火车上 30. 太多人 31. 根本不 32. 在河里游泳 三、句子翻译 1. 你见过奶牛吗? 14. 那之后,我们去了一个特别的

23、艺术房间画画。 是的,我见过。我见过相当多的。 15. 这真的是有很多乐趣2你骑过马吗? 16. 我们坐火车很快就到了那里。 不,我没有。但是我挤过牛奶 17. 沿途我们看到了一些农场和村庄。3. 你上周的旅行怎么样? 18. 然后导游教我们怎么做机器人模型。 非常好。 19. 我去礼品店为我父母买了一些可爱的礼物。4. 你都做了什么? 20. 在缓慢的火车上太热了。5. 我看望了在乡下的爷爷奶奶。 21. 昨天我们学校参观了动物园。6. 我和我的爷爷喂鸡。 22. 在动物园里,我看到很多动物,并且照了些相片。7. 那的天气怎么样? 23. 我和我同学都去礼品店为父母买了一些礼品。8. 你去公园了吗? 不,我没去。我去农场了。 24. 真是美好的/无聊的一天。9. 去年我去动物园了,那真是有很多乐趣。 25. 我们在博物馆的餐厅吃了午饭。太阳再次出来了。10. 我们去了乡下并且爬了山。11. 天气如此寒冷,下了一整天的雨。12. 在艺术博物馆里有如此多有趣的东西看。13. 我看见了一些真的很美的油画。

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