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小学英语精讲精析 Future.docx

1、小学英语精讲精析 FutureUnit 7 Future【单元目标导学】单元目标知识语音/a/、/词汇单词astronaut、detective、professor、president、principal短语inthefuture、wanttodo、allovertheworld句型和句式1. 交际用语:What will you be in future?I will be What will you do in future?I willWhere will you live in the future? I will live in2.表示想要.wanttodo.能力1.能够掌握并正确使

2、用本单元与职业和未来相关的词汇。2.能够使用本单元所学句型谈论自己的理想和对未来的展望。3.能够根据本单元知识点创造性地写出关于自己的未来和理想的文段。4.能够根据学到的语音知识正确拼读并记忆单词。5.能够在课堂活动中就相关话题完成听、说、读、写技能的训练。6.能够通过故事的学习,提高朗读和阅读理解的能力。【教材知识详解】一、课文情景描述1.英语描述:Talking about future.2.汉语描述:谈论理想和对未来.二、教材词汇全解(一)语音字母及字母组合发音举例ou/a/cloudth/earth(二)词汇1. astronaut宇航员用作名词(n.)例句:The little bo

3、ys father is anastronaut.这个小男孩的父亲是个宇航员。2. cloud云彩(1)cloud的基本意思是“云,云彩”,是云的总称,可指一块具体的云,也可指抽象概念的云。cloud引申可指“一群”“阴云,阴影”。(2)cloud通常用作不可数名词,但在作“云块,片云”解时可用作可数名词,且可用不定冠词a来修饰。(3)cloud可用many, masses of, a shred of, a fluff of等修饰,但不可用much来修饰。例句:There is nocloudin the sky.天空连一片云也没有。3. detective侦探用作名词(n.)例句:Thed

4、etectivesoon found out who was the thief.侦探很快就查出谁是贼。4. earth地球(1)earth的基本意思是“地球”,指相对于其他天体来说,为人类生存提供条件的星体; 还可指“大地,地面,陆地”,指相对于天空而言的为人类和其他生物提供居住地的地球表面。earth还可指“泥土,土壤”。earth引申可指“全人类”; earth用于比喻还可指“大量的钱”。(2)earth作“地球”解时常以单数形式出现,前加定冠词,也可作为专有名词,这时要用(the) Earth的形式,冠词可有可无,而现在多用the earth形式,但如果和天空、天体相对时,前面常不加冠

5、词。(3)earth作“泥土,土壤”解时,是物质名词,泛指时不用冠词,特指或类指时须用定冠词。例句:The little boy asked if theearthis round.小男孩问地球是不是圆的。5. housework家务劳动 用作名词(n.)例句:He is doing thehousework.他正在做家务。6. Mars火星用作名词(n.)例句:He said that there must be life onMars.他说火星上面一定有生物。7. moon月亮 (1)moon的意思是指围绕地球旋转的“月亮”“月球”。因为moon是地球唯一已知的天然卫星,它常与定冠词the

6、连用,首字母小写。在科技文章中,为了醒目,常把moon的第一个字母大写。moon有时可用于比喻,表示“月状物”。(2)moon在表示月亮某时间出现等某种状态时,可与不定冠词连用,此时其前常有形容词修饰,作此解时常用单数。(3)在文学语言中, moon也可用作复数,强调月亮不断地重复出现,衬托出人物内心情绪和思想状况。在诗歌中, moon可作“月”解。例句:Themoonrose.月亮升起来了。8. ocean海洋(1)ocean的基本意思是指地球表面被含盐的水所覆盖的大片区域,即“海,洋,海洋”。也可指地球上人为地划分出来的洋。(2)ocean常和专有名词构成海洋的名称,其前须有定冠词the,

7、 ocean常可省略。(3)an ocean of和oceans of意为“大量,许多”,其后可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。例句:One afternoon, she went for a swim in theocean.一天下午她到海里去游泳。9. peace和平 (1)peace的基本意思是“和平”“和平时期”,也可表示“治安”“社会安定”,当指人的心情或抽象事物时,还可表示“安心”“平静”“安静”。(2)peace是不可数名词,常用于单数形式,有形容词修饰时,前面可加不定冠词,表示“一种或一段时间的和平”。例句:We hopepeaceis not just a the short

8、time.我们希望和平不是短暂的。10. pill 药片用作名词(n.)例句:Take thesepillsthree times a day.一日服三次药。11. pollution污染 用作名词(n.)例句:The new law will reducepollutionof the rivers.这条新法律将会减轻河流污染。12. president(学院的)院长 (1)president的基本意思是“总统,主席”,指共和政体的国家经选举产生的最高首脑。也可作“(大学)校长,会长,董事长,总经理”解。(2)president与表示人名的专有名词连用时专有化,首字母须大写。(3)presi

9、dent作“总统”解时,如果指总统职务,其前不用冠词; 如果指总统本人,需用冠词。例句:They elected NixonPresident.他们选尼克松当总统。13. principal(中小学校的)校长principal同principle的比较:两者的发音相同。principal作为形容词时,意思为“主要的”“最重要的”。principal作为名词时意为“校长”。 而principle的意思为“科学定律或者是到个规范”。 principal作为校长时,各地区用法不尽相同:在英国常表示牛津(Oxford)和剑桥(Cambridge)大学的若干学院(college)的院长,或是若干大学的校

10、长。在美国仅仅只是表示中学或小学校长。而在苏格兰表示的是大学校长。例句:Whos yourprincipal?你们的校长是谁?14. professor教授(1)professor在英国指“大学教授”,男女通用;在美国口语中常泛指男性的先生或男女老师。(2)professor表示“某校的教授”时,在校名前用in或at。用in属正式用法。(3)professor可缩写为Prof.,但须用在全名之前,不可用于单姓之前。例句:His father is a professor at a college.他父亲是一所大学的教授。15. robot机器人 用作名词(n.)例句:She worked li

11、ke arobot.她工作起来如同一个机器人。16. spaceship宇宙飞船用作名词(n.)例句:Thespaceshiplanded safely.宇宙飞船安全降落了。17. sun太阳(1)sun的基本意思是“太阳”,指位于太阳系中心的天体,多用于单数形式,并常与定冠词the连用,有形容词修饰时可加不定冠词,表示“某种状态的太阳”。(2)sun也可作“日光,阳光”解,只用作单数形式,与定冠词the连用,引申可表示“向阳处”。(3)sun还可作“恒星”解,是可数名词,其前不用定冠词。例句:Many old people like to sit in thesunin winter.冬天,

12、许多老年人喜欢晒太阳。三、课文内容全译astronaut宇航员、detective侦探、professor教授、president(学院的)院长、principal(中小学校的)校长、moon月亮、sun太阳、ocean海洋、cloud云彩What will you be in the future?在未来你会什么?I will be a famous singer.我将成为一名著名的歌手。What will you do in the future?将来你会做什么?I will travel all over the world.我将环游世界。Lets talk about our home

13、s in the future.让我们来谈谈未来我们的家庭。I think people will live on Mars.我认为人们将生活在火星上。Lets talk about schools in the future.让我们谈谈未来的学校。Children will study at home.孩子们将在家里学习。What will the future be like?未来会怎么样?There will be no more pollution in the world.世界上不会有更多的污染。Beijing will be a very clean city.北京将是一个非常干净

14、的城市。Will there be peace in the world?会有世界和平吗?Yes,I think so.是的,我是这样认为的。Will robots do housework for us?机器人为我们做家务吗?No,I dont think so.不,我不这么认为。People will still do housework.人们仍然会做家务。四、课文句型讲解1. I will be.我将要.will+be,一般是表示一种状态,比如:It will be rainy tomorrow.明天将会是雨天。(整天下雨)而will +do,有时候是状态,有时候是瞬间的动作。例句:Iw

15、illbeadetective.我要当个侦探.2. wanttodo.想要做人作主语时用wanttodosth例句:I want to leave .我要走了。3. findout 找出findout通常表示弄清真相,找出,发现,查明(真相等),认识到,弄清楚的意思做“发现”讲时,是指发现一种无形而隐藏的东西。例句:Iwilltrytofindoutwhobrokethewindow. 我会尽力查出是谁打破了窗户。4. listentotheradio 听收音机listen是不及物动词,必须用to连接听的对象,单独使用listen通常是祈使句,要说听什么东西就必须加介词to。例句:Heofte

16、nlistenstomusic.他经常听音乐。【相关话题拓展】will和begoingto通常情况下will和begoingto能互换,但是begoingto与will用法的也是有点区别的。1.只用will不用begoingto的情况:表示对未来时间与年龄的推测时:如: TomorrowwillbeMonday.明天是星期一表示必然发生时:如:Fishwilldiewithoutwater.鱼离开水会死。2. 只用begoingto而不用will的情况:如果表示已有迹象表明在不久的将来要发生的事情时:如:Lookatthoseblackclouds,Itsgoingtorain.看那些乌云,要

17、下雨了。【单元知识总结】知识点名称知识点内容交际用语What will you be in future?I will be What will you do in future?I willWhere will you live in the future?I will live in表示想要.wanttodo.【单元测评】一、选择题1. Isthisa_pencil-box? A.she B.her C.your D./2. Theyare_.A.bananatree B.bananatrees C.bananastree D.bananastrees3. Istheship_now?No

18、,,close,closed C.opened,closed D.opened,close4. Isthis_ruleror_eraser? C.a.a Arethese_boxes? B.I D.your6. _everyonehere? A.Is B.Are C.Am D./7. Therearentmanypeopleintheshop_Mondays. B.on D.by8. _shehavebreakfastatschool? A.Do B.Has C.Doe

19、s D.Is9. Look,theboy_nearthehouse. A.issiting B.sit C.sits D.issitting10. Where_yourfather_?A.does,from B.come,from C.are,from,from二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. _ (not smoke) here. Im sorry.Can you see a sign on the wall? It means “No _ (smoke)”.2. Their father _ (swim) very fast. Look, he _ (swim) in the sp

20、orts hall now.3. Wheres my camera?It _ (is) on the table a moment ago.4. _ (do) Nancys brothers usually get up at six?5. There are a lot of books. Please put _ (they) into the library.三、阅读理解In 1834, the clock tower in London was burned down. People planned to buil d a new clock which would be the bi

21、ggest and the best in the world. So the clock had to be big and keep very good time. Several years later the tower was finished. The people put the big clock in the tower, and made it ring out for the first time on July 11, 1859.In order to give the big clock a good name, people held a meeting. Some

22、one wanted to call it the Queen of Bells , and someone thought Victoria was good . At last, a man named Benjamin Hall stood up. He was a big man. Before he started to speak, someone shouted, “Why not call it Big Ben?” Everybody laughed and agreed with him.From then on, Big Ben became its name. And i

23、t also became a famous building of London. People all over the world write to Big Ben. They even send bottles of oil to help keep Big Ben running. Big Ben is not only a clock but also a dear friend of people.1.Big Bens birthday is _.A. July 11, 1854 B. July 11, 1834C. July 11 1859 D. July 11, 18522.

24、How did Big Ben get its name?ABenjamin Hall gave it the name.BBig Ben got its name because of a joke.CBig Ben got its name from the Queen of the UKDVictoria gave it the name.3.“Keep very good time” means _Ahave a good timeBshow people the correct time.Ckeep runningDbe made in time4. Which of the fol

25、lowing is NOT true?APeople all over the world look upon Big Ben as their friends.BPeople all over the world even send oil to Big Ben.CPeople think Big Ben will reply their letters.DPeople think Big Ben is the biggest and the best clock in the world.5. Benjamin Hall is _.A. a man who built Big BenB.

26、a man who was always very funnyCthe man who burnt down the old clockDa man who attended the meeting which was held to make a name for the big clock6. Wouldyougive_tome,please? A.them B.they C.their D.theyre7. Doyoulike_basketball? B.playing C.plays D.isplaying8. Hersister_Japaneseatschool. A.

27、study B.studying C.studies D.isstudy四、句型转换1.There are some old sheep on the farm. (改为单数句)There is _ old _ on the farm.2. Both of the players are very popular in England. (改为否定句)_of the players_very popular in England.3. Sue speaks little French. (改为反意疑问句)Sue speaks little French, _?4. Its raining ve

28、ry heavily.(改为感叹句)_it is raining!5. The bank near the shop is very big. (对画线部分提问)_参考答案:一、1.【答案】D【解析】括号前有一个a,不需要再加其他的物主代词了。2.【答案】B【解析】bananatrees整体是复数,但是banana是名词作定语用单数。3.【答案】B【解析】open“开放的”closed“关闭的”。都是形容词。4.【答案】B【解析】aruler aneraser辅音开头用a,元音开头用an.5.【答案】D【解析】yourboxes物主代词+名词。6.【答案】A【解析】everyone“每一个人”强调个体,是单数,用is.7.【答案】B【解析】在星期几之前用介词on.8.【答案】C【解析】she是第三人称单数,所以借Does还原动词have.9.【答案】D【解析】Look!表明用现在进行时态,issitting就对了。Sitting要双写字母t.10.【答案】D【解析】befrom=comefrom.主语yourfather是单数,用isfrom.二、1.【答案】Dont smoke, somking【解析】前半句是祈使句,变否定时加主动词do,后半句是标志的习惯译法,也可以理解为

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