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1、Sample files refere need by this tutorial in clude:*Oscillati ngPlate.pre*Oscillati ngPlate.agdb*Oscillati ngPlate.gtm*Oscillati ngPlate.i np1.FeaturesThis tutorial addresses the followi ng features of ANSYS CFX.ComponentFeatureDetailsANSYS CFX-PreUser ModeGeneral ModeSimulation TypeTransientANSYS M

2、ulti-fieldFluid TypeGeneral FluidDomain TypeSingle DomainTurbulence ModelLaminarHeat TransferNoneOutput ControlMonitor PointsTransient Results FileBoundary DetailsWall: Mesh Motion = ANSYS MultiField No Slip AdiabaticTimestepANSYS CFX-PostPlotsAnimationContourVectorIn this tutorial you will lear n a

3、bout:*Moving mesh*Fluid-solid in teract ion (in cludi ng modeli ng solid deformati on using ANSYS)*Running an ANSYS Multi-field (MFX) simulatio n*Post-process ing two results files simulta neously.2.Overview of the Problem to SolveThis tutorial uses a simple oscillat ing plate example to dem on stra

4、te how to set up and run a simulation involving two-way Fluid-Structure Interaction, where the fluid physics is solved in ANSYS CFX and the solid physics is solved in the FEA package ANSYS. Coupling between the two solvers is required throughout the soluti on to model the in teract ion betwee n flui

5、d and solid as time progresses, and the framework for the coupli ng is provided by the ANSYS Multi-field solver, using the MFX setup.The geometry con sists of a 2D closed cavity. A thin plate is an chored to the bottom of the cavity as show n below:An in itial pressure of 100 Pa is applied to one si

6、de of the thin plate for 0.5 sec onds in order to distort it. Once this pressure is released, the plate oscillates backwards and forwards as it attempts to regain its equilibrium (vertical) position. The surrounding fluid damps the oscillations, which therefore have an amplitude that decreases in ti

7、me. The CFX Solver calculates how the fluid resp onds to the moti on of the plate, and the ANSYS Solver calculates how the plate deforms as a result of both the in itial applied pressure and the pressure result ing from the prese nee of the fluid. Coupli ng betwee n the two solvers is required si ne

8、e the solid deformati on affects the fluid soluti on, and the fluid solution affects the solid deformation.The tutorial describes the setup and execution of the calculation including the setup of the solid physics in Simulati on (withi n ANSYS Workbe nch) and the setup of the fluid physics andANSYS

9、Multi-field sett ings in ANSYS CFX-Pre. If you do n ot have ANSYS Workbe nch, the n you can use the provided ANSYS in put file to avoid the n eed for Simulatio n.3.Setting up the Solid Physics in Simulation (ANSYS Workbench)This secti on describes the step-by-step defi niti on of the solid physics i

10、n Simulati on with in ANSYS Workbe nch that will result in the creation of an ANSYS in put file Oscillati ngPlate.i np. If you prefer, you can in stead use the provided Oscillati ngPlate.i np file and continue from Sett ing up the Fluid Physics and ANSYS Multi-field Setti ngs in ANSYS CFX-Pre.Creati

11、ng a New Simulatio n1.If required, lau nch ANSYS Workbe nch.2.Click Empty Project. The Project page appears displaying an unsaved project.3.Select File Save or click Save butt on.4.If required, set the path location to a different folder. The default location is your working directory. However, if y

12、ou have a specific folder that you want to use to store files created during this tutorial, change the path.5.Un der File name, type Oscillat in gPlate.6.Click Save.7.Under Link to Geometry File on the left hand task bar click Browse. Select the provided file OscillatingPlate.agdb and click Open.8.M

13、ake sure that OscillatingPlate.agdb is highlighted and click New simulation from the left-ha nd taskbar.Creati ng the Solid Material1.When Simulatio n ope ns, expa nd Geometry in the project tree at the left hand side of the Simulatio n win dow.2.Select Solid, and in the Details view below, select M

14、aterial .3.Use the arrow that appears next to the material name Structural Steel to select NewMaterial .4.When the Engineering Data window ope ns, right-click New Material from the tree viewand ren ame it to Plate.- OlCdfatiingFLHrX _j| |2|4 PlMft % ShudijMl 咅 W浒P 窃Ah - 5*np(n?d 二 j LOAd HrftC#Mh& I

15、O1 PxopE冲1 Iwmai 匚Cl WAn-TLLi专RCilM HiMi!卫E leot r mnanEliL Add-Aemove iPiaperiieRi Feme丄.1Fl 任耐Q OlhtH m5.Enter 2.5e06 for Youngs Modulus , 0.35 for Poissons Ratio and 2550 for Density.Note that the other properties are not used for this simulati on, and that the un its for these values are implied

16、 by the global un its in Simulati on.6.Click the Simulation tab near the top of the Workbench window to return to the simulatio n.Basic An alysis Sett ingsThe ANSYS Multi-field simulation is a transient mechanical analysis, with a timestep of 0.1 s and a time duration of 5 s.1. Select New Analysis F

17、lexible Dynamic from the toolbar.2.Select An alysis Setti ngs from the tree view and in the Details view below, set Auto Time Stepping to Off.3.Set Time Step to 0.1.4.Under Tabular Data at the bottom right of the window, set End Time to 5.0 for the Steps = 1 sett in g.Inserting LoadsLoads are applie

18、d to an FEA an alysis as the equivale nt of boun dary con diti ons in ANSYS CFX. In this sect ion, you will set a fixed support, a fluid-solid in terface, and a pressure load.Fixed SupportThe fixed support is required to hold the bottom of the thin plate in place.1.Right-click Flexible Dynamic in th

19、e tree and select Insert Fixed Support from the shortcut menu.2.Rotate the geometry using the Rotate butt on so that the bottom (low-y) face of thesolid is visible, then select Face 囲 and click the low-y face.That face should be highlighted to in dicate selecti on.3.Ensure Fixed Support is selected

20、in the Outline view, then, in the Details view, select Geometry and click 1 Face to make the Apply butt on appear (if n ecessary). Click Apply to set the fixed support.Fluid-Solid InterfaceIt is n ecessary to defi ne the regi on in the solid that defi nes the in terface betwee n the fluid in CFX and

21、 the solid in ANSYS. Data is excha nged across this in terface duri ng the executi on of the simulatio n. Fluid Solid Interface fromthe shortcut menu.2.Using the same face-selection procedure described earlier, select the three faces of the geometry that form the in terface betwee n the solid and th

22、e fluid (low-x, high-y and high-x faces) by holding down to select multiple faces. Note that this load is automatically give n an in terface nu mber of 1.Pressure LoadThe pressure load provides the in itial additi onal pressure of 100 Pa for the first 0.5 sec onds of the simulati on .It is defi ned

23、using a step function.1.Right-click Flexible Dyn amic in the tree and select Insert Pressure from the shortcut menu.2.Select the low-x face for Geometry.3.In the Details view, select Magnitude , and using the arrow that appears, select Tabular (Time).4.Under Tabular Data , set a pressure of 100 in t

24、he table row corresponding to a time of 0.Note: The units for time and pressure in this table are the global units of s and Pa, respectively.5.You now n eed to add two new rows to the table. This can be done by typi ng the new timeand pressure data into the empty row at the bottom of the table, and

25、Simulation will automatically re-order the table in order of time value. Enter a pressure of 100 for a time value of 0.499, and a pressure of 0 for a time value of 0.5.i Tabular DataStepsTime阳Free:jij re |1100 J2049910030.50.45This gives a step function for pressure that can be see n in the chart to

26、 the left of the table.Writi ng the ANSYS In put FileThe Simulation settings are now complete. An ANSYS Multi-field run cannot be launched from with in Simulati on, so the Solve butt ons cannot be used to obta in a soluti on.1.In stead, highlight Solution in the tree, select Tools Write ANSYS Input

27、File and choose to write the solution setup to the file OscillatingPlate.inp.2.The mesh is automatically gen erated as part of this process. If you want to exam ine it, select Mesh from the tree.3.Save the Simulation database, use the tab near the top of the Workbench window to return to the Oscilla

28、ting Plate Project tab, and save the project itself.4.Setting up the Fluid Physics and ANSYS Multi-field Settings in ANSYS CFX-PreThis section describes the step-by-step definition of the flow physics and ANSYS Multi-field settings in ANSYS CFX-Pre.Playing a Session FileIf you want to skip past these instructions and to have ANSYS CFX-Pre set up the simulation automatically, you can select Session Play Tutorial from the menu in ANSYS CFX-P

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