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1、河南专升本英语真题之欧阳家百创编2011年河南省普通高等学校欧阳家百(2021.03.07)选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语Part Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 )Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should

2、mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was _of cheating customers.A. accused B.charged C.scolded D.cursed【答案】A 考点:词汇(动词词组)2.The murderer was brought in,with his hands _behind his backA.being tied B.having tied be tied D.tied【答案】D 考点:语法非谓语动词(独

3、立主格)3.Needless to say, he_ his good looks and sense of humor from his mother.A. inherited B.carried C.inhibited D.resembled 【答案】A 考点:词汇(动词)4.They have_ most carefully the time and the materials needed tocomplete theproject.A.picked out B.left out C.taken out D.figured out 【答案】D 考点:词汇(动词短语)5.The room

4、 is quite neat.It_ . A.doesnt need to cleaning B.neednt to cleaning C.doesnt need cleaning D.neednt cleaning【答案】C 考点:语法非谓语动词6._ tight now , she would get there on Sunday. A.Would she leave B.If she leave C. Were she to leave D.If she had left【答案】C 考点:语法虚拟语气7.He must have stayed up late last night,_h

5、e? A.mustnt B.neednt C.hasnt D.didnt 【答案】D 考点:语法反义疑问句8._ he does not come,shall we go without him? A.Supposing B.To suppose C. Supposed D.To be supposed【答案】A 考点:语法条件状语从句9.He will pass two milestones_, that is ,he will receive his master degree and find a challenging job. A.long ago B. not long ago C

6、.before long 不久以后 D.long before 【答案】C 考点:语法时间状语从句10.Some diseases are_by certain water animals.A.transported B.transmitted C.transformed D.transplanted 【答案】B 考点:词汇(近义词辨析)11.Our hopes_ at the first sight of the doctor A.arose B.raised C.rose D.aroused【答案】A考点:词汇(近义词辨析)12.Eating too much fat can_ heart

7、 disease and cause high blood pressure. A.attribute to B.contribute to C.attend to D.devote to 【答案】B 词汇(近义词辨析)13.That_lady is their English teacher. A.young beautiful foreign B. beautiful young foreign C. young foreign beautiful D. foreign young beautiful【答案】B考点:词汇(前置定语的修饰关系)14.I don think it advisa

8、ble that Tom_to the job since he has no experience. assigned B.will be assigned assigned D.has been assigned【答案】C 考点:语法虚拟语气15.He is _of those boys who is willing to take on another assignment A.the only one B.only one D.a【答案】A 考点:语法主谓一致16. I dont think it will rain , but I take an um

9、brella_ it does. if case though D.even if【答案】B 考点:语法目的状语从句17.All the tasks _ahead of time, they decided togo on holiday for a week. A.had been fulfilled B.were fulfilled C.having been fulfilled D.been fulfilled【答案】C 考点:语法非谓语动词(独立主格)18.He didnt allow_in his room,actually he didnt allow

10、 his family _ at smoke to smoke B.smoking to smoke smoke smoking D.smoking smoking 【答案】B考点:语法非谓语动词19.Susan is _ to lift the heavy box. A.strong B.enough strong C.strong enough D.strong too【答案】C 考点:词汇(副词enough的位置)20.By the end of this term,we _ the textbook.A .finish B.have finished C.w

11、ill finish D. will have finish【答案】D 考点:语法时态(将来完成时)21.This hall can1000 people. You canwhere you like.A. holdseat B. be seatedseatedC. seatbe seated D. hold.seating【答案】C 考点:词汇(动词seat)22.I like English and I spent every minute I canEnglish.A. to study B. studying C. studied D. study【答案】B 考点:语法非谓语动词23.

12、of his name, we had a lot of trouble in finding the patient.A. Not informedB. Not having informedC. Not having been informed D. Having not informed【答案】C 考点:语法非谓语动词24. No matter how hard I searched my bag, my new pen was.A. nowhere to find it B. nowhere to be foundC. to be found nowhere D. to be foun

13、d any where【答案】B考点:语法非谓语动词25. Rather thanthe bus, he ranall the way home.A. take B. to take C. taken D. took【答案】A 考点:语法非谓语动词26.with the bookI bought yesterday, the one from the library doesnt seem interesting.A. When comparedborrowed B. While comparingborrowedC. Compareborrowing D. Comparingborrowin

14、g【答案】A 考点:语法非谓语动词27.If you cant see the word written on the blackboard very well, maybe you need.A. examining B. to have your eyes examinedC. to have examined your eyes D. to be examined your eyes【答案】B考点:语法非谓语动词28.She must be looking forward as mush tofrom him ad he himself is tofrom her.A. hearhear

15、ing B. hearinghearC. have heardhearing D. hearinghearing【答案】D考点:语法非谓语动词29. I sent invitations to 20 people,came.A. of whom only 10 of these B. only 10 of these whoC. of whom only 10 D. only 10 who【答案】C 考点:语法非限定性定语从句30.of the land in that districtcovered with trees and grass.A. Two fifthis B. Two fifthsareC. Two fifthare D. Two fifthsis【答案】D考点:语法主谓一致31. Free tickets will be given tophones us first.A. that B. whoever C. whomever D. who【答案】B语法宾语从句32.his words, t

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