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1、外研版选修八M6课时讲义外研版选修八M6课时讲义 教材复现在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1The Tang rulers also controlled the trade route known as the Silk Road _ (good) into presentday Afghanistan.答案:well2Cultural development went hand _ hand with technological progress.答案:in3But it was not just scientific knowledge that could n

2、ow reach _ wider audience.答案:a4_ (be) able to write poetry was also an important qualification for people who wanted to become government officials.答案:Being5In fact, he thought of himself as _ failure.答案:a6For children, it is a good way to explore language and have fun with words as well as to expre

3、ss _.答案:themselves7The book has proved very _ (popularly), giving students a sense of motivation and achievement.答案:popular8Anyone who is _ (addict) to reading bus tickets or cereal packets will understand the appeal of poems on the underground.答案:addicted9If only people _ see me inside.答案:could10Ty

4、pically, the Romantic poets lived hard and died _ (youth)答案:young1sharev. 分享,共享The invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before.(P72)印刷术的发明意味着不象以前那样,知识能够被记录和分享了。(1)share sth. with sb. 与分享share sth. among/between sb. 分配,分摊share (in) sth. with

5、 sb. 共同承担,分担,分享share ones opinions/interest.与某人有共同的观点和兴趣(2)share n. 份额share of/in sth. 在当中所占一份牛津双解I didnt really share_in her love of animals.我并不怎么像她那样喜欢动物。外研They shared the cake between them.他们把蛋糕分了。2015福建高考Imagine you are a student and you share a flat with another student who you think isnt doing

6、 her share of the housework. 想象一下你是一位学生,与另一位不做家务的同学同住一所公寓。2014重庆高考The main reason is that they share the same habits of eating too much and exercising too little.最主要的原因是他们都有共同的习惯那就是吃得太多,锻炼得太少。2013山东高考A new CEO, Carl Pearson, decided to build up its market_share.一个新的CEO,Carl Pearson,决定加强市场份额。2provevt

7、. 证明,证实linkv. 证明是,原来是,结果是The book has proved very popular, giving students a sense of motivation and achievement.(P79)这本书被证明很受欢迎,给了学生们动力和成就感。(1)prove sth. to sb. 向某人证明某事provethat. 证明prove oneself (to be). 证明自己是prove sb./sth. (to be)adj./n. 证明某人/某物sb./sth. prove adj./n./to be.最后证明(2)Its proved that.

8、据证明(3)proof n. 证据;证明Theres (no) proof that. (没)有证据证明(4)provable adj. 可以证明的proven adj. 被证明的特别提示prove作系动词时,没有被动语态形式。牛津双解Can_it_be_proved that he did commit these offences?能证明他确实犯了这些罪吗?外研She has proved_herself_to_be a very reliable worker.她证明了自己在工作上很可靠。2015课标全国卷The best part was a 7 am. adventure to th

9、e Sarasota farmers market that proved to be more than worth the early wakeup call. 最好的部分就是早上7点起床去萨拉索塔市的集贸市场,所以这次早起很值得。2014陕西高考My father visited an OHenry expert at Columbia University in New York, who proved the story as OHenrys.我父亲去拜访了纽约哥伦比亚大学的欧亨利研究专家,他证明这份手稿是欧亨利的真迹。2013湖北高考Perri Klass and her moth

10、er, Sheila Solomon Klass, both gifted professional writers,prove_to_be_ideal cowriters.Perri Klass和她的母亲,Sheila Solomon Klass,两个人都是天才的职业作家,证明是理想的合作作家。3approvevi. 赞成;同意vt. 批准;通过London Underground approved of the idea, and once sponsors had been found to pay the expenses for half the spaces, they agree

11、d to pay for the other half.(P81)伦敦地铁公司同意了这个主意,并且一旦找到支付其中一半费用的赞助商,他们愿意付另一半费用。(1)approve of sb./sth.赞成/同意approve of sb.s doing sth. 同意某人做某事approve a_plan 批准一项计划(2)approval n. 赞成;同意meet_with sb.s approval 得到某人的批准win/earn sb.s approval 取得某人的同意/赞成with/without approval of 经/未经的批准(3)disapprove vi. 不赞成;不批准

12、牛津双解She desperately wanted to win her fathers approval.她急不可待地想赢得她父亲的赞同。2014湖北高考Before building work began, a lot of people didnt want theskyscraper (摩天大楼) though the plans were_approved.在建设工作开始之前,尽管计划已经被通过了,许多人还是不想接受水晶宫(摩天大楼)的设计。2013安徽高考Though not everyone approved_of the new dance, saying it was a

13、little too shocking, the dance did find enough supporters to make it popular.虽然不是每个人都赞成这个新的舞蹈,说起来有点儿吃惊,的确有足够多的让这个舞蹈流行起来的支持者。人教Last of all, the chief editor read it and approved it.最后,主编读过并且批准了那篇文章。过关演练在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式12015陕西高考However, we cannot always be intolerant (无法容忍的) of tardiness (

14、行动缓慢), for ordinary living requires some _ (tolerant)答案:tolerance22015北京高考At one time, daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some _ (mentally) illnesses.答案:mental32015湖北高考This meeting room is a nonsmoking area. I would like to warn you _ advance that if you smoked here you would be fined.答案:in420

15、15福建高考Not a single day has been wasted, though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might _ (prove) useful.答案:prove52015福建高考The _ (fail) was a big blow to him, but he wasnt discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.答案:failure62015四川高考It has been a month since I came to this n

16、ew school and I really want to share _ you some of the problems I have been experiencing.答案:with7He frequently _ (donation) large sums to charity.答案:donates8.Have but few friends though many _ (acquaintance)答案:acquaintances9Theyve taken a very _ (caution) approach.答案:cautious10Your choice of clothes

17、 is _ reflection of your personality in a way.答案:a1correspond with 与通信;和相一致;相符合Hundreds of people corresponded with London Underground suggesting poems, or just to say thank you.(P81)数百人给伦敦地铁公司写信推荐诗歌或只是表达谢意。(1)correspond v. 相一致;通信;类似correspond to 类似于,相当于;相一致,符合(2)correspondence n. 通信,一致,符合hold/keep_

18、up correspondence with sb. 与某人(保持)通信联系in correspondence with 与一致;与有通信联系bring.into correspondence with 使与一致起来;使与相互通信牛津双解Your account of events does not correspond_with hers.你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor.英国的讲师职位大致相当于美国的副教授。外研He had been in

19、_correspondence_with her for several years before they finally met.他和她通信多年,最后终于见面了。2014江苏高考This corresponds to what psychologists refer to.这与心理学家所提到的相符合。过关演练选词填空take hold of; approve of; a chorus of; on second thoughts; cater for; correspond with; hand in hand; share.with.1His restaurant _ the needs

20、 of the customers.答案:caters for2They recited the text with _voice.答案:a chorus of3The policeman caught up with the suspect and _ his arm when he attempted to run away from the police station.答案:took hold of4He does not _the governments foreign policy.答案:approve of5He often _ his friends after graduat

21、ion.答案:corresponds with6Ill wait here. No, _, Ill come with you.答案:on second thoughts7Poverty and poor health often go _.答案:hand in hand8I always _ books _ my friends.答案:share; with1If_only people could see me inside.(P80)要是人们能看到我的内心世界就好了。(1)if only要是就好了;但愿(常引导虚拟条件状语从句,通常用过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟;用一般过去时表示对现在的虚

22、拟;用“would/could动词原形”表示对将来的虚拟)(2)only if只有;在条件下(常引导真实条件状语从句)位于句首,引起主句的部分倒装。牛津双解If_only I were rich.但愿我很富有。If_only_I had gone by taxi.我要是乘出租车去就好。外研Ill tell you, but only_ifyou dont tell anyone else.我告诉你,但条件是你不告诉别人。2015陕西高考改编Eellen is a fantastic dancer. If_only_I danced as well as her.Eellen是一个非常优秀的舞者

23、,要是我能跳得和她一样好就好了。2013江西高考Only_if he apologizes for his rudeness will I speak to him again.只有在他为自己的粗鲁道歉时,我才会再理他。过关演练用括号里单词的正确形式填空12015天津高考改编If only I _ (be) at my sisters wedding last Tuesday.答案:had been22015福建质检If only I _ (pass) the geography exam!So youre sorry that you didnt work hard.答案:had passe

24、d32016吉林质检TheAntarctic is so mystically described by some people. If only I _ (be) there before.答案:had beenGrammarReview of modals情态动词情态动词的意义和用法情态动词有一定的词义在句中不能单独作谓语,与动词原形一起构成谓语部分;情态动词没有人称和数的变化。用来表示愿望、态度和推测等。情态动词的具体用法(一)表能力1I cant promise anything, but Ill do what I can.我不能许诺什么,但我会尽力而为。2I could_have_

25、worked_out the problem, but I was too nervous.我本来可以解出这道题,但我太紧张了。(二)表推测(可能性)(1)可能性可分为客观的可能性和具体事情实际发生的可能性。客观可能性的用法常常可以说明人或事物的特征。can 可用于肯定句中表示客观的(理论的)可能性,而表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,can一般不用于肯定句。32015西安模拟Unclear energy can be really dangerous at times even though its a kind of nice energy in general.尽管核能在总体上是一种不错的

26、能源,但它有时可能真的会很危险。(客观可能性)4We may go to the cinema tonight, but we are not sure yet.今晚我们可能去看电影,但还没确定。(2)表示具体事情实际发生的可能性的层次比较5.2013重庆高考What are you doing this Saturday?Im not sure, but I may/might go to the Rolling Stones concert.这个周六你要干什么?我不太确定。我可能去滚石乐队的音乐会。(三)表示请求,允许 could/might/would/should 表委婉的语气。May

27、 (Might)/Can (Could) I/we.?Will/Would you.?62015陕西渭南一模Can I smoke in this hall?我能在大厅里吸烟吗?7Would/Could you do me a favor?你能帮我个忙吗?(四)表示必要性、义务、责任(1)必要性现在或将来必须做某事:must/have todo sth.现在或将来不必做某事过去没必要做某事但做了:neednt have done sth.82014重庆高考Ive ordered some pizza, so we neednt worry about cooking when we get h

28、ome tired.我已经预订了一些比萨饼,所以当我们到家感到累的时候就不必担心做饭的事了。(2)表示命令、允许、禁止must (必须), mustnt (禁止)语气强烈; should/ought to, shouldnt/oughtnt to 语气弱;may/might, can表示允许。9The children must be back by 4 oclock.孩子们必须在四点以前回来。10You mustnt leave the gate open.你不要让大门开着。(五)表示意愿、意志、决心、允诺(1)shall与二、三人称连用,表示说话者的意志,用来表达说话者给对方以命令、指示或

29、允诺;当宣布法律、规定时,也用shall。112015福建质检Dont worry. You shall have the book by noon tomorrow.不要担心,到明天中午你就会拿到这本书的。(2)will, would与各种人称连用,用于陈述句,表示主语的意愿、意志或决心。12You can stay here as long as you can, if you will.如果你愿意,你想在这里待多长时间就待多长时间。(六)表示习惯和倾向will (wont) 可用来叙述真理,还可叙述目前的习惯,would (wouldnt) 可用来叙述过去的习惯。132015北京模拟On Sundays when I was a child, father and I would get up early and go fishing.小时候,每逢周日爸爸和我就会早起去钓鱼。(表示过去的一种习惯性动作)情态动词have done用法一览表14.2015安徽高考It is lucky we booked a room, or we would_have now

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