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1、 living environments; animals and plants; religions and beliefs; mythology and legends; history; cultural values. Traditional research pays more attention to the analysis of language itself compared with cultural phenomena. This paper studies the theoretical basis and explores the relation among cul

2、ture, language and translation to improve the quality of versions.Key words: Language Cultural Factors Translation摘 要由于各个国家民族的自然环境、社会制度、宗教信仰、思维方式等方面的差异,语言必然印着民族文化的烙印,隐含着民族文化的内涵。翻译作为跨文化交流的桥梁,在沟通交流、丰富人类文化中起着不可或缺的作用。翻译的根本任务就是传播和交流文化。因此,翻译既涉及两种语言,更涉及两种文化。翻译不仅是两种语言的转换活动,更是两种文化的交流。在翻译过程中,不同文化在各自语言中的积淀会明显表

3、现出来,相对独立,使译文无法再现原文与源文化的那种特定关系,这便是翻译中的文化因素。文化差异的存在使语言的翻译存在诸多障碍和困难。本文从文化的几个因素分别阐述和论证了文化对语言和翻译的影响:地理环境和气候;动植物;宗教信仰;神话传说;历史;颜色;心理文化和价值观念差异。关键词:语言; 文化因素; 翻译CONTENTSIntroduction 1. The relationship among culture, language, and translation 21.1 What is culture? 21.2 What is Language? 31.3 Language and Cult

4、ure 41.4 Language, culture and translation 5 The impact of cultural factors on translation 72.1 Environment 72.2 Religions 82.3 Animals and plants 92.4 Customs 102.5 History 132.6 Color 142.7 Different Psychological Cultures and Value Systems 15 Methods of Translation 173.1 literal translation 173.2

5、 free translation 173.3 Adding information supplements to translation 18BIBLIOGRAPHY 20Introduction Language is noting down the history of cultures of human beings. But culture is characterized by distinct nationality and is created by different nations in particular environment of history, geograph

6、y, religion, custom and so on. Translation is to present in another culture the meaning and implication that the text has in a specific cultural context. In nature, translation is a kind of communication between cultures. During the process of translation, the interpretation and expression of the co

7、nnotation of culture emerge as problems to be solved at the first place. That requires the translators not only should have bilingual abilities but also should have the knowledge of two cultures of , even several cultures. The essence of translation is the communication between two different culture

8、s. “For truly successful translation, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism” citing a famous linguist Nida, 1993. E.B.Tylor, an anthropologist, thought culture is a complicated gathering, including knowledge, belief, arts, moral standards, law, customs and all the abilities and habi

9、ts of individuals as members of a society. The scope of culture is extremely wide-ranging .Language is the reflection of culture .Any kind of language bases on the ground of certain culture. So to understand the source language and the original text, translators have to analyze those cultural charac

10、teristics. This paper studies the theoretical basis of the translation of culture by exploring the relationship among culture, language and translation to improve the quality of versions. Because of the cultural differences, there are some obstacles and difficulties in translation. The impacts of cu

11、lture on translation are demonstrated in this paper from several aspects: cultural values. The relationship among culture, language, and translationAccording to the tradition theory of translation, people considered translating activities as a process of transfer between two languages. In the 1970s,

12、 the study tended to develop in several directions in that it was no longer restricted to the tradition aesthetic and linguistic study and become cultural rethinking. 1.1 What is culture?In fact, culture is a large and abstract concept so that it is very complex and difficult to define. It is said t

13、hat there have been at least over 150 definitions of culture. Then we will take some for example. “Culture is mans medium; there is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture. This means personality, how people express themselves, including shows of emotion, the way they

14、 think, how they move, how problems are solved, how their cities are planned and laid out, how transportation systems function and are organized, as well as how economic and government systems are put together and function.” (Hall, 1959)“By culture, anthropology means the total life way of a people,

15、 the social legacy the individual acquires from his group. Or culture can be regarded as that part of the environment that is the creation of man.” (Kluckhohn, 1965)“A culture is a collection of collection of beliefs, habits, living patterns, and behaviors which are held more or less in common by pe

16、ople who occupy particular geographic areas.” (Brown, 1978)Culture emerges in distinctive ways within different places. Such as, in western, people like to drink coffee while Chinese prefer to tea. Moreover, culture is a complicated system including and influencing almost all the aspects of life in

17、a society like knowledge, belief, arts, moral standards, law, customs and all the abilities and habits of individuals: here knowledge refers to academic subjects, both scientific and not scientific, for example, mathematics and linguistics; belief could be divided into two sorts, political and relig

18、ious, which are different among peoples and often course different comprehension and even conflicts, examples are Christianity in the west countries and Islam in the Muslin countries; arts comprise painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, opera, dancing, music etc; ethics is a set of principle

19、s that people use to decide what is right and what is wrong. Surely the language that the society uses is a part of culture with no exception. Most of culture is implanted by the surrounding we live, our method and behavior are deep rooted in heart. Therefore, as competent translators, we must let o

20、urselves be into the two or even more cultures. 1.2 What is Language?Language, a system of sounds, words, patterns, ect, used by human to communicate thoughts and feelings, is noting down the history of cultures of human beings. We begin our preview of language by noting that is impossible to separa

21、te our use of language from our culture. With the most basic sense, language is a set of symbols and the rules for combining those symbols that are used and understood by a large community of people. When we study another language, we soon discover that not only are the symbols (words) and sounds fo

22、r those symbols different, but also are the rules (phonology, grammar, syntax and intonation) for using those symbols and sounds.Word differences are obvious in various languages. In English, we live in a house. In Spanish, we live in a casa. In Tai, we live in a ban. Phonology also varies culturall

23、y. In English, we have 21 consonants and 5 vowels and combine to form 38 various phonemes. Vietnamese has 34 segmental phonemes consisting of vowels, semi-vowels and consonants. The Filipino language has 21 consonants and 13 vowels that form 26 phonemes. Grammatical structures are unique to each lan

24、guage as well. In English, we have singular and plural nouns and pronouns, but in Korean, the distinction between singular and plural is made by the context of the sentence. In English, verb tenses express contrast between past, present, and future acts, but in Vietnamese, the same verb reflects all

25、 three and the time of the action is inferred from the context. Syntax, or the word order and structure in the sentence, also varies depending on the language. The normal word order for simple sentences in Vietnamese is the reverse of the word order in English. For example, the English sentence The

26、teacher died would be Namatay ang guro or Died the teacher in Filipino. In English the subject is followed by a verb and then an object, but in Japanese, the subject is followed by the object and then the verb. So in English we might say, John saw the dog. but in Japanese, John the dog saw would be

27、correct. These examples indicate that if we want to communicate in another language, it is important for us to know not only the symbols (words) of that language, but also the rules for using those symbols. As we know, language is much more than symbol and rule system that allows us to communicate w

28、ith other person. The linguist Nida said that a language is always a part of a culture, and the meaning of any text refers directly or indirectly to the corresponding culture. All languages grow on the ground of certain cultures. Thus languages bear their characteristics in accordance with those of

29、specific cultures.1.3 Language and CultureLanguage and culture influence each other, reflect each other and co-exist with each other. Different cultures result in different language. Different languages in turn cause different communicative patterns and finally differences between cultures. Language and its cultural influence are exemplified in the theoretical formulations of the Sapir-Whorf hypoth

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