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1、We will try again next year to work with TFRI. Fingers crossed theyll be receptive With your help, we can continue unraveling the mysteries of this magnificent fish.All the best,Tierneywww.oceansunfish.orgPermission from Monterey Bay AquariumThank you for asking our permission. Yes, you may use the

2、picture of the mola mola if you give credit to the aquarium and it is for educational use.Jane Cross Web Team Manager Monterey Bay Aquarium 886 Cannery Row Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 648-7952 To stay up to date with new web site features and aquarium news - sign up for Sea Notes, our

3、monthly electronic newsletter at / -Original Message-From: Chuck mailto:chuckycSent: Wednesday, January 01, 1997 1:43 PMTo: EquaristSubject: Sincerely hope to get your permissionDear Ms. & Mr.,We are junior high school English teachers in Hualien, Taiwan. We are trying to

4、write some articles about mola molas for our students because people can easily catch the strange fish and the students often see them being sold in the markets. Now I need your help. Would you please give us your permission to cite the contents in the site Monterey Bay Aquarium (http:/www.mbayaq.or

5、g/vi/vi_exhibits/vi_ex_update.asp) including the words and the pictures?Truly yours,Chuck ChungFeb. 25, 2003Permission from Australian Museum OnlineHi Mark,Thank you very much for your permission aboutthe citation of the materials on Australian Museum Online. The lessons are going to be finished in

6、June, and we will let you know what we do when they are finished.Cheers,Chuck- Original Message - Mark McGrouther Chuckchuckyc;Justine Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:50 AM Re: permission to cite the AM fish pagesHi Chuck,Justine is the person who manages the commercial us

7、e of images. Justine and I have spoken about your request. We are happy for you to use the text and images on the site for the purpose you have listed. Of course (as you said in your email) if you decide you want to put images or text on the web or use them for commercial use, we will need to hear f

8、rom you.Best wishes,MarkChuck wrote:Dear Mark,We just write for our students as reading guide to let them know more about their home town, Hualien, and hope they can have the ability to introduce to the foreign tourists some about the imaging fish of which more than 90% are caught here in Taiwan. Ba

9、sically, if it is published, it is only at school in black & white version and the pictures or photos will be showed on the screen, not outside. However, if it will be posted on the web site or published for more students, besides the students at our school, we will tell you again.Lets thank you aga

10、in, but theres another mail from Justine McCallum, who, besides the similar questions, asks us whether we have the budgetfor the contents cited. About the question, of course, we have the preparation, and if the money isnt enough, we will try our best to get it.P.S.: Our school web site is http:/210

11、.240.55.2/, and my own teaching site, English Learning Cafeteria, is on http:/ from Sea Studios- Original Message - Stephen Ulrichstephenu Friday, April 04, 2003 7:55 AM sea studiosDear Stephen,Thank you so much. Friday, April 04, 2003 3:18 AMYou may use them i

12、f they are for educational purposes only.Stephen UlrichSea StudiosStock Footage, Systems, and Facilities Manager810 Cannery RowMonterey, CA 93940(831)649-5152 x 204(831)649-1380 faxPermission with Payment from Mike JohnsonChuck, Do you already have copies of the images or will you need electronic fi

13、les sent to you? For the black and white use of up to 6 images at 1/4 page up to 260 copies, the total fee is US $50. Best, Mike Dear Mike,Because we are waiting for your reply, we still dont decide how many photos we will use, though the only thing we can make sure is not many. The materials we wil

14、l present our students will be the form of black & white handouts because of the consideration of the budget. Besides, not more than 260 copies will be printed each time. As the photos, we will show them on the screen by the help of the computer. Basically, the materials we write for our students ar

15、e only used at our school. If they will be posted on the web site or published in colored version, we will tell you. There is one thing we have to emphasize is they are used only for the purpose of teaching. Not for any commercial purposes.We try to write some teaching materials about mola molas for

16、 our students to let them know more about their home town because more than 90% of them are caught in this poor county, Hualien, which is famous for Taroko Gorge, http:/, and we hope our students can introduce the imaging fish to the foreign tourists if it is needed.Chuck Ou

17、r school web site in on http:/, and mine for teaching is on http:/ Original Message -From:Mike Johnsonmike Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:49 PMSubject:Re: FW: About the researchDear Chuck, Forgive me but I am unable to find the message you previously sent reques

18、ting information on fees for use of mola images. If you could tell me how many images and what kind of use, including the number of copies for print use, I will be happy to quote a price. Thank you,- Mike Johnson San Diego, California (858) 484-1740 FAX (858) 538-2916 INVOICE1pdf檔INVOICE2pdf檔Permiss

19、ion from Wild World-The Tropical ZooHi Chuck - this is my most interesting email this Monday morning.As you are requesting to use these pictures just for in-house activity, and not for any commercial purpose,then we do give permission for them to be reprinted.Kind RegardsShelagh MurphyManager, Marke

20、ting & Sales Chuck SMTP: Sunday, April 13, 2003 7:09 PM Would you please give us your permission?國立海洋生物博物館的授權信函(網址:/連絡信箱諮詢信箱陳情案件第 1080 號=姓名:鍾長宏性別:男年齡:41-50歲職業:軍公教行動電話:0912-519300電話:(公)03-8520803#306電子信箱: chuckyc地址:花蓮縣吉安鄉北昌村建昌路17巷6號信件標題:懇請提供一些海生物照片發信日期:

21、2003/4/3回覆時間:2003/4/8信件內容:鍾老師您好:本館建置了台灣海洋生態資訊學習網的網站您可由海生館首頁下方的大圖示點選進入您所需的棘皮動物相關的照片應該皆可在此網站上搜尋的到此網站上所提供的圖文資料皆可用於教學上且無需負擔版權使用費但不可加掛在其他網站上及付印在其他書籍上做為營利之用祝 教學順利國立海洋生物博物館 敬上台北動物園的授權信函鍾老師:您好!本園網站歡迎非營利性的推廣運用,只要不涉及商業行為,老師們可以將網站內容逕行引用做為課堂展示解說。臺北市立動物園 敬覆2003/4/15臺北市116新光路二段30號Tel: 29382300Fax: 29382316/www.zo

22、網站服務信箱 鍾長宏 mailto: Monday, April 14, 2003 10:18 PM; 動物園網站受理電子郵件動物園網站受理電子郵件日期:2003/4/14 下午 10:17:49網友大名:電子信箱:chuckyc問題類別:有關網站內容問題內容:敬啟者:我們為花蓮宜昌國中英語教師,因應自編教材之需,我們需要一張刺蝟的照片,適巧在貴網站中的http:/,我們找到了一張白腹刺蝟的照片,懇請准許引用做為教學之用,謝謝。鍾長宏敬上92.04.14

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