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1、 19.aachieve bundo c maintain ddisregard 20. a promising b possible c necessary d helpful 答案: 1-5: adcab 6-10: badda 11-15: dcbdb16-20: cacbc 答案详解: 2013年的完型填空是一篇选自经济学人名为a question of judgment的文章。讲述的是有关判断的问题。这类文章出现在今年的考研真题中,符合考研英语历年的出题形式。但是考生在没有掌握单词基本知识和解题技巧的情况下也会感到很困难。 相较于2012年的完型来说,今年的考题适中。考查的词汇部分涉

2、及到名词、动词、形容词和介词。其中,动词考查的频率最高,占完型部分考题的35%。第4、7、15和17题考察了逻辑连接题,占完型题目的20%。考生要在掌握上下文结构的基础上准确完成这类考题。其次,在文章考查点里有两处涉及到了后置定语的语法知识,即第5和第10题。一处是形容词加介词构成后置定语,一处是过去分词作后置定语,而这两点在跨考一阶的讲义中,各位语法老师已经跟考生们专门讲解过。后期陆陆续续的阅读和写作课里,也是反复提到的语法点。 遵循以往完型填空的结构形式,今年的考题仍然秉承了总分的结构。第一段引出话题并介绍dr. simonsohn 的观点。第二、三、四段具体介绍了dr. simonsoh

3、n为证明理论采取的实验以及最后的发现。而且在文章第一句话就给出了整篇文章的中心主线people are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions。 总之2013年的考题在日常强调的“单词加技巧等于高分”的解题方式下,定会被迎刃而解。 1. 标准答案 a 考点分析 上下文语义和词汇辨析 选项分析 本题考查动词。根据上下文意思,首先可以排除b和d。这句话中 that 引导一个定语从句,主要是说这一优势赋予了一种特定的能力。c中transmit 为 传播,不符合

4、上下文意思。 2. 标准答案 d 考点分析 上下文语义 选项分析 which are unbiased 这个定语从句做插入语修饰 judgment。这句话的意思是“通过xxx因素作出公正判决的能力”,由此可以排除a 和 b。做这一题时,我们需要理解第一句话,给我们提供了一个大的背景和条件。第一句话说“人们不擅长利用背景信息作决定”,所以可以推出这儿并不是“通过关键信息”来做出公正的判决,而是通过其它一些信息,如外部的信息,作出判决。根据上下文意思,可以推出 d 为正确答案。 3. 标准答案 c 考点分析 上下文语义和固定搭配 选项分析 big picture 是一个固定搭配,指(事情的)主要部

5、分;重点,故选 a。其它词语与big 搭配,均没有这层意思。 4. 标准答案 a 考点分析 逻辑衔接题 选项分析 根据上下文的逻辑关系判断,在提出一个观点之后,接下来就是进行例证。选项中只有a 表示“例如”,符合这一逻辑关系,故选a。b表示“平均”的意思;c为“大体上,原则上”;d 为“首先”,均不符合。 5. 标准答案 b 选项分析 这四个选项均可以与介词 of 搭配,a 表示“喜欢”, b 表示“害怕,恐怕”, c 表示“能够,具有?能力”, d 表示“轻率的,考虑不周的”。of 后面的短语作 judge 的定语,这句话意思是“xxx地显得对犯罪太过软弱的法官可能更倾向于给被告作出判刑的判

6、决”。根据上下文的意思,可以排除 a 和 d。而“显得对犯罪太过软弱”显然不是某种能力,故可以排除c 选项。根据上下文意思,害怕显得过于软弱的法官,才会更倾向于作出较严厉的判决。故选b。 6. 标准答案 b 考点分析 介词搭配 选项分析 soft on sb/sth 是一个固定搭配词组,表示“对某人/某事态度偏软,不够严厉”的意思,故选b。 7.标准答案a考点分析 逻辑衔接题 选项分析 前半句含义是“一个担心自己会犯罪行为上表现的过分软弱的法官可能会判人入狱”,后半句含义是“当天他已经判五到六个人缓刑”两句间的逻辑关系明显为假设。a if 表示假设“如果”。b until “直到。才。”。c

7、though “然而”,表转折。d unless “除非”,表让步。前半句是结果主句,后半句是一个假设条件,所以选c 8.标准答案 d。考点分析 上下文语义及动词辨析 选项分析 本句话是说要进行试验来验证观点。空格后的名词idea作宾语,对决定动词十分关键。 动词意思应为“测试”。a promote “促进”。b emphasize “强调”。c share “分享”。d test “测试”。只有d 选项和“观点”搭配,符合语境。 9.标准答案 d。考点分析 上下文语义及名词辨析 选项分析 本句话含义是讲其中一个申请者与其他申请在面试中的关系。申请者希望成功。a decisioin “选择”。

8、b quality “质量”。c status “身份”。d success “成功”。只有d 项搭配,符合语境。 10.标准答案 a。考点分析 后置定语 选项分析 本句意为测试中随机选出的其他申请者。a chosen “选出”。b stupid “笨的”。c found “发现”。d identified “识别”。只有a 选项和申请者搭配意为选出来的申请者,符合语境。 11.标准答案 d。 选项分析 后半句开头的but已经暗示了下文的连接词。内容上前半句意为一个申请者的面试成功和其他申请者没有关系,后半句意为西蒙森怀疑事实。明显是转折关系。a exceptional “例外的”。b def

9、ensible “可防御的”。c replaceable “可替换的”。d otherwise “相反的”。只有d项可以表转折关系,所以选d。 12. 标准答案 c。 选项分析 本句前半句是说西蒙森研究了面试者的结果,后半句含义是招生办官员。所以这里应该是招生办官员举行面试,后半句做后置定语。a inspire “鼓舞”。【篇二:2000到2011年历年考研英语真题+答案完美版】年考研英语一真题及答案 section i use of english directions: ancient greek philosopher aristotle viewed laughter as a bod

10、ily exercise precious to health. but -_some claims to the contrary, laughing probably has little influence on physical filness laughter does _short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels, _ heart rate and oxygen consumption but because hard laughter is difficult to _, a good

11、 laugh is unlikely to have _ benefits the way, say, walking or jogging does. _, instead of straining muscles to build them, as exercise does, laughter apparently accomplishes the _, studies dating back to the 1930s indicate that laughter. muscles, such bodily reaction might conceivably help_the effe

12、cts of psychological stress.anyway,the act of laughing probably does produce other types of _feedback,that improve an individuals emotional state. _one classical theory of emotion,our feelings are partially rooted _ physical reactions. it was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not

13、cry _they are sad but they become sad when te tears begin to flow. although sadness also _ tears,evidence suggests that emotions can flow _ muscular an experiment published in 1988,social psychologist fritz. 1aamong bexcept cdespite dlike 2areflect bdemand cindicate dproduce 3astabilizi

14、ng bboosting cimpairing ddetermining 4atransmit bsustain cevaluate dobserve 5ameasurable bmanageable caffordable drenewable 6ain turn bin fact cin addition din brief 7aopposite bimpossible caverage dexpected 8ahardens bweakens ctightens drelaxes 9aaggravate bgenerate cmoderate denhance 10aphysicalbm

15、entl csubconscious dinternal 11aexcept for baccording to cdue to das for 12awith bon cin dat 13aunless buntil cif dbecause 14aexhausts bfollows cprecedes dsuppresses 15ainto bfrom ctowards dbeyond 16afetch bbite cpick dhold 17adisappointed bexcited cjoyful dindifferent 18aadapted bcatered cturned dr

16、eacted 19asuggesting brequiring cmentioning dsupposing 20aeventually bconsequently csimilarly dconversely section ii reading comprehension part a read the following four texts. answer the questions below each text by choosing a, b,c or d. mark your answers on answer sheet 1. (40 points) text 1 the d

17、ecision of the new york philharmonic to hire alan gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2009. for the most part, the response has been favorable, to say the least. hooray! at last! wrote anthony tomm

18、asini, a sober-sided classical-music critic. one of the reasons why the appointment came as such a surprise, however, is that gilbert is comparatively little known. even tommasini, who had advocated gilberts appointment in the times, calls him an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable

19、conductor about him. as a description of the next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musicians like gustav mahler and pierre boulez, that seems likely to have struck at least some times readers as faint praise. for my part, i have no idea whether gilbert is a great conducto

20、r or even a good one. to be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit avery fisher hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music. all i have to do is to go to my cd shelf, or boot up my computer and download still more

21、 recorded music from itunes. devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance are missing the point. for the time, attention, and money of the art-loving public, classical instrumentalists must compete not only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies,

22、 and museums, but also with the recorded performances of the great classical musicians of the 20th century. there recordings are cheap, available everywhere, and very often much higher in artistic quality than todays live performances; moreover, they can be consumed at a time and place of the listen

23、ers choosing. the widespread availability of such recordings has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical concert. one possible response is for classical performers to program attractive new music that is not yet available on record. gilberts own interest in new mu

24、sic has been widely noted: alex ross, a classical-music critic, has described him as a man who is capable of turning the philharmonic into a markedly different, more vibrant organization. but what will be the nature of that difference? merely expanding the orchestras repertoire will not be enough. i

25、f gilbert and the philharmonic are to succeed, they must first change the relationship between americas oldest orchestra and the new audience it hops to attract. 21. we learn from para.1 that gilberts appointment has aincurred criticism. braised suspicion.creceived acclaim.daroused curiosity. 22. to

26、mmasini regards gilbert as an artist who is ainfluential.bmodest.crespectable.dtalented. 23. the author believes that the devoted concertgoers aignore the expenses of live performances.breject most kinds of recorded performances. cexaggerate the variety of live performances. doverestimate the value

27、of live performances. 24. according to the text, which of the following is true of recordings? athey are often inferior to live concerts in quality. bthey are easily accessible to the general public. cthey help improve the quality of music. dthey have only covered masterpieces. 25. regarding gilbert

28、s role in revitalizing the philharmonic, the author feels adoubtful. benthusiastic.cconfident. dpuzzled.text 2 when liam mcgee departed as president of bank of america in august, his explanation was surprisingly straight up. rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving to pursue my goal of running a company. broadcasting his ambition was very much my decision,

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