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1、最新七年级英语新目标下册期中考试试题与答案新目标英语七年级(下)期中测试题 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 姓名: 、单项选择(15分)( ) 1. Jim wants a doctor. A. is B. be C. to is D. to be ( ) 2. The bank is the supermarket.A. across B. between C. next to D. in the front( ) 3. Let a song for us .A. she sings B. has sings C. she sing D. her sing( ) 4. You can see

2、 apple tree your left. A. a, on B. an, on C. a, to D. an, at( ) 5. - do you like pandas? Because theyre cute. A. What B. How much C. Why D. How ( ) 6. The boy is good at tennis. He is the school team.A. plays, on B. playing, on C. a, at D. a, to( ) 7. Please be quiet. The baby .A. sleeps B. asleep C

3、. is sleeping D. sleeping( ) 8. Nancy wants to the movies with Mary.A. to goes B. and goes C. to go D. going( ) 9. the picture. What can you ? A. Look, see B. Look at, see C. See, look D. See, look at( ) 10. Does Wang Li English well ? A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell( ) 11. She wants to work a newsp

4、aper a reporter. A. for, as B. in, as C. with, for D. on, for( ) 12. They had fun at the party. A. many B. a few C. a lot D. lots of( ) 13. Thanks for me when I am in trouble. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps( ) 14. Look at this group of people on the beach.A. lying B. lieing C. to lie D. are

5、lying( ) 15. He likes to people. A. talking B. talks C. to talking D. talk、完成下列句子(10分)16今天上海天气怎么样? the weather in Shanghai today?17. 你为什么喜欢熊猫? do you pandas?18. 长大后他想成为一名科学家。He wants a scientist when he grows up.19. 你爸爸是干什么的? does your father ?20. 我们为你提供一份记者的工作。We have a job you a reporter.、句型转换(10分

6、)21He is watching TV .(就画线部分提问) he ?22. Bill likes dolphins because theyre very cute。(就画线部分提问) Bill dolphins?23. She wants to be a nurse. (就画线部分提问) does she to ?24. What does your brother do ?(改为同义句) your brothers ? 25. Hows the weather in Moscow today?(改为同义句) the weather in Moscow today ?、完形填空(20分)

7、A Thank you for 26 CCTVs Around World Show. Today, were in Australia. Its a beautiful 27 day! There 28 many people here 29 vacation. Some 30 photos. 31 are lying on the beach. Look 32 this group of people 33 beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can 34 in this heat. This is a very in

8、teresting place. The people are really very 35 .( ) 26. A. join B. joining C. joins D. to join( ) 27. A. sunny B. suny C. suns D. sun( ) 28. A. have B. is C. are D. has( ) 29. A. for B. in C. at D. on( ) 30. A. take B. taking C. are taking D. is taking( ) 31. A. Others B. Other C. Another D. Some( )

9、 32. A. for B. like C. at D. out of( ) 33. A. are playing B. playing C. play D. plays( ) 34. A. play B. playing C. to play D. to play( ) 35. A. relaxing B. relax C. relaxed D. relaxes B Mr Brown is a very old man. Every morning he 36 for a walk in the park. And he comes home at twelve thirty 37 his

10、lunch. But today a car 38 at his house at twelve oclock. Two policemen help him out. One of them 39 to Mr Browns daughter,“ The old man cant find his 40 in the park. He asks us to take him home in the 41 . ” The daughter thanks the 42 and they leave. Then she asks her father, “ Dad, you go to that 4

11、3 every day. But today, you cant find the way. Whats wrong with you?” The old man smiles like a child and 44 , “ I can find my way. I dont want 45 home, you know.”( ) 36. A. go B. goes C. is going D. to go( ) 37. A. for B. with C. at D. in( ) 38. A. is stopping B. stopping C. stops D. stop( ) 39. A.

12、 say B. says C. is saying D. saying( ) 40. A. bus B. car C. bike D. way( ) 41. A. car B. bus C. taxi D. plane( ) 42. A. policeman B. policemen C. driver D. old man( ) 43. A. way B. park C. bus D. car( ) 44. A. say B. saying C. says D. to say( ) 45. A. walk B. to walk C. walks D. walking、阅读理解(30分)A P

13、eter works in a big factory(工厂). His wife has no job. So she stays(呆) at home and cooks dinner for him. Every day he has dinner at once when he gets home from the factory. Today Peter gets home much later than usual(比往常晚多了), he is very hungry(饿). But the dinner isnt ready. He becomes very angry(生气)

14、with his wife. He shouts to his wife, “ Im going to eat in a restaurant.” “ Wait a minute,” says his wife, “ Im going there with you.”( ) 46. What does Peters wife do ?A. A worker B. A driver C. A cook D. No work( ) 47. What time is Peters dinner ready? A. Quite late B. Quite early C. When he gets h

15、ome D. At 7:00 p.m( ) 48. Why isnt the dinner ready?A. Because his wife is ill.B. Because he isnt hungry.C. Because he comes home very early.D. Because his wife doesnt cook at all.( ) 49. Is Peter glad(乐意) to eat in a restaurant? AYes, he is. B. No, he isnt C. Yes, she is. D. No, she isnt .( ) 50. I

16、s his wife glad to eat in a restaurant? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, he is. D. No, he isnt .B Mrs Jones was a teacher in a big school in a city in America. She had boys and girls in her class, and she always enjoyed teaching them, because they were quick(反应灵活), and they thought about eve

17、rything very carefully. One day she said to the children, “ People in a lot of countries in Asia(亚洲) wear white clothes when a man has died(死) in the family, but people in America(美洲) and Europe (欧洲)wear white clothes when theyre happy.” “ What does a woman wear in this country when she marries(结婚),

18、 Mary?” Mary said , “ White, Miss, because shes happy.” “ Thats good, Mary.” Mrs Jones said, “ Youre right.” But then one of the boys in the class put his hand up. “Yes?” Mrs Jones said, “Do you want to ask something, Dick?” “ Yes, please,” Dick said, “ why do men wear black in this country when the

19、y marry?”( ) 51. Mrs Jones liked teaching her children because .A. they enjoyed her class. B. they thought carefullyC. they talked much D. they were always quiet( ) 52. One day Mrs Jones told her students about different A. people B. countries C. colors of clothes D. dress( ) 53. People in different

20、 countries wear white color .A. for different occasions(场合) B. all the timeC. when they are sad (难过) D. when they are happy( ) 54. Men and women wear different colors .A. in Asia when somebody in the family had diedB. in Asia all the timeC. in America when they marryD. in America all the time( ) 55.

21、 Dick asked that question because .A. he was a bad boy B. he did not listen to his teacher carefullyC. he obeyed(服从) his teacher D. he thought a lotC John lives in a new house. He likes playing in a river. But there isnt a river near his new house. He isnt happy. One day he asks his mother, “ Is the

22、re a river near here?” “No, there isnt” His mother says, “But here, our new house has a garden.” “ But its very small, I dont like it.” John says. One morning, his mother says, “There is a beautiful park near here, and there is a pool in it. Well go there in the afternoon.” John is very happy. After

23、 lunch, John and his mother go to the park. And he plays in the pool. And his mother is watching him under a tree.( ) 56. John lives in the new house .A. in the garden B. near a river C. in the park D. with a garden( ) 57. He likes playing .A. a zoo B. a garden C. in a river D. in his new house( ) 5

24、8. There isnt near his new house.A. a pool B. a tree C. a river D. a park( ) 59. John and his mother go to the park .A. in the afternoon B. in the morning 合计 50 100%C. at night D. in the evening( ) 60. John can play and he is very happy.A. in the house B. in the riverC. in the pool D. in the garden、


26、题参考答案虽然调查显示我们的创意计划有很大的发展空间,但是各种如“漂亮女生”和“碧芝”等连锁饰品店在不久的将来将对我们的创意小屋会产生很大的威胁。一15 DCDBC 610 BCCBB 1115 ADBAA二16. Whats, like 17. Why, like 18. to be 19. What, do 20. for, as体现市民生活质量状况的指标-恩格尔系数,上海也从1995年的53.4%下降到了2003年的37.2%,虽然与恩格尔系数多在20%以下的发达国家相比仍有差距,但按照联合国粮农组织的划分,表明上海消费已开始进入富裕状态(联合国粮农组织曾依据恩格尔系数,将恩格尔系数在40%-50%定为小康水平的消费,20%-40%定为富裕状态的消费)。三21. What, is, doing 22. Why, does, like 23. What, want, be500元以上 12 24%24. Whats, job 25. Whats, like四2630 BACDC 3135 ACBAC 3640 BACBD 4145 ABBCB五4650 DCDBA 5155 BCACD 5660 DCCAC(一)大学生的消费购买能力分析六略(三)DIY手工艺品的“自助化”

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