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1、Topics covered include课程内容包括: People Skills for success as a Wal-Mart manager作为一个成功的沃尔玛管理层的为人技巧; Skill development in communication, delegation, empowerment and team building在与人沟通、授权和团队建设中的技巧培养; Servant Leadership and how honesty and integrity relate to managing others 公仆领导和评估他人工作的忠诚; Managing Diver

2、sity at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 沃尔玛公司中多样化的管理; Resources for Living 生存的资源; Effective Coaching有效的指导。Please note that this workshop is for three full days. All the trainee will receive a certificate after this training.整个课程历时3天,完成培训后学员可获得一份毕业证书。1.1.2 PI/POS: Perpetual Inventory/Point of Sales. This is th

3、e basic program of retail industry. Perpetual Inventory (P.I.) is a system that lets us know how much of each item we have in our store. It does this by keeping track of the merchandise that comes in and goes out of the store. P.I. also allows us, when necessary, to review and adjust an items on-han

4、d. An on-hand is simply the total quantity of an item in the store.PI/POS:即永久库存/POS补货是零售业的基础课程。永久库存系统通过跟踪各种商品在商场中的进出,让我们了解商场中各种商品的数量,必要时,这个系统还允许我们观察并调整手头上的商品数量。 Benefits of P.I. P.I.的优点Our P.I. system allows us to provide better Customer Service and operate more efficiently. Some of the benefits of

5、our P.I. system include:P.I.系统使我们更好地提供顾客服务,更有效地进行商场运作。其优点体现在以下各方面: An improved In-Stock Position. This leads to more sales and in turn produces more profit and more profit sharing dollars. 保证現貨。在保证销售的同理满足顾客的需求; Reduced Inventory Levels. This means less markdowns, reduced shrinkage and lower operatin

6、g and accident costs.减少库存量。这意味着更少的书面记录、更少的损耗和更少因操作不当或事故所造成损失; Improved Customer Service. P.I. allows us more time for Customer Service and merchandising.提高顾客服务。P.I.系统使我们有更多的时间花在采购和顾客服务上; Timely and Accurate Information. This assists our Buyers, Distribution Centers and Vendor-Partners in making more

7、 informed purchase decisions.及时和准确的信息。这个系统将帮助我们商場的員工、分销中心和供应商伙伴达成更正确的采购决定。In-stock is the most important aspect of Customer Service. Customers Expect to find the items they want. If we do not have an item, the Customer may not be satisfied with their shopping experience and decide to shop somewhere

8、else. 保证现货是顾客最的方面,顾客总是希望买到他们想要的东西,如果我们不能做到,他们会不满意并转到其它地方购物。The way that we reorder merchandise to ensure in-stock is called Point of Sale, or POS Replenishment. It is a method of tracking and ordering merchandise through the registers and your stores computer system, called the SMART System. This is

9、 accomplished through obtaining:我们通过不断的发出補貨,订单订购商品保证现货的方式,是通过收银台和商场内的电脑系统跟踪和订购商品的方法就是销售点补货,订貨的准备需要系统以下信息: Point of sale data from your scanning registers. 收银台扫描器的销售点数据收货的信息 Last years sales data. 去年的销售数据 Maximum shelf quantity. 最大的货架量 On-hand information you supply. 現貨存量The Store Replenishment Syste

10、m at the Home Office uses all information to calculate suggested orders. The POS Replenishment System uses data from your store to calculate suggested orders. This creates orders that are customized to your stores rate of sale. The detail content would be discussed in the PI/POS program.总部电脑系统运用所有的这

11、些信息计算建议訂单,商场同事审核完成真正适合商场销售的订单。以上的内容都会在PI/POS课程上做详细的介绍。1.1.3 Rec/Inv: Receive/Invoice. It is a half day class. The brief is the procedure of receiving and the working procedure of invoice office. The receiving procedure includes the categories of receiving, the checking points of receiving and the ma

12、nagement of receiving invoice. Additional, the Invoice includes the categories of invoice work, the checking points of invoice, the checking points of finance and the check of Fresh.Rec/Inv:Receive/Invoice,收货及票据,半天的课程。主要内容是收货程序和票据办公室工作流程。收货程序包括商场的收货种类、收货查验要点、收货部票据处理方案。票据方面包括票据部工作种类、票据部核查要点、财务核查要点和鲜食

13、盘点。1.1.4 WFI/PTS: Walton Food Institute/Profit Through Sanitation. WFI/PTS:沃尔顿食品学院。It is a management training program that focus on the Fresh Department, including the Produce, Seafood, Meat, Deli. and Bakery. The class length is two days. It provides the fundamental tools for use in the management

14、 of the Wal-Mart food business, including the Gross Margin Report, Cost Inventory, and the basic operations of Fresh Departments.针对鲜食部门,包括果蔬、海鲜、肉类、熟食和面包房而设的一项管理课程。历时两天。该课程为沃尔玛食品业提供基础的管理工具,包括利润总额报告、开销目录清单和鲜食部门的基本运作。1.1.5 Managing Profit: One day course. 即利润管理,一天的课程。It provides tools and techniques to

15、 increase profitability in the store by using key financial tools, including the Sales and Purchase and SWAS Recap reports, as well as the P&L and Journal.该课程通过运用基本的财务手段为提高商场利润提供工具和技术,包括销售、购买、“店中店”更新报告、P&L和分类帐等等。1.1.6 BBM: Building Better Merchant. 即成功商人之道。Wal-Mart always emphasizes much on the auth

16、orization of the daily management. Through the training of retail industry operation skill to the Supervisor/DM, it could fully indicate the best part of the SWAS.沃尔玛一直强调对日常管理得授权,通過对楼面主管/经理在零售商业运技巧得培训,可以充分体现出店中店文化的精髓。The brief of this course is:这门课程主要讲授 Features selling 商品特卖 Competition/advertisemen

17、t/clearance 竞争/广告/清仓 Store within a store店中店 Cross merchandising交叉陈列1.1.7 SOS: Shrinkage Overview Seminar. One day course.SOS:即损耗分析课程,一天的课程。It provide tools and techniques to prevent shrinkage, by learning how to implement operational controls, analyzing key reports in the UPC Office, Claims, Receiv

18、ing, floors and Front-End, and how to conduct pre and post inventory activities and reviews. At the same time, the trainer from Loss Prevention will share the information about the control point of store stealing from inside and outside and some examples analysis. It aims to increase the loss contro

19、lling skill of the management.课程让学员通过学习如何运用营运控制,分析UPC办公室、索赔办、收货部、楼面和前台、票据办和防损各部门的损耗控制点,为防止损耗提供工具和技术。同时,防损部的同事会分享商场内外盗得控制点和案例分析,提高管理层的损耗控制技巧。1.1.8 Cash Office: Cash Office is the chief department to handling the all the cash floating of the stores. In Wal-Mart, DGM is authorized to sign on varieties

20、of exception from Cash Office report.现金办:现金办是处理商场全部现金流动的重要职能部门,在沃尔玛商场,副总被授权签署各类现金办报告监督异常情况。The Brief主要讲授: Daily work of the Cash Office 现金办日常工作 Pick/Set/Spot check/Deposit 提取/设袋/盘点/存款 Cash Fund Transfer 基金转移 Shortage/Overage/handling of fake money 超短帐/伪钞的处理 Cash Office report 现金办报告1.1.9 UPC/Report:

21、UPC office in store is the important department to in charge of the operation system maintain. A great deal of data deposal could only accomplish under the perfect and advanced hardware and software. And it also ensures to help and supervise the store operation.UPC/報告:商品UPC办公室是负责系统维护的重要部门。大量的数据处理只有在

22、完善、先进的硬件设备和复杂精确的软件支持下才能对楼面运作起帮助和监督作用。This one day long class is about:这门为期一天的课程主要讲授: The brief of the HOST/SMART/POS/GDS systemHOST0/SMART/POS/GDS系统简介 The processing of all kind of changing price in the system各类价格变化在系统内的实现方式 The record of merchandise floating status 商品流动状态的记录 The handling of system

23、exception 系统例外情况处理 The manners of how to use all operation reports 各项营运报告的使用方法1.1.10 MTP: Management Trainee Program. 即管理人员计划 The MTP in 2000 focuses on the DM and above, all the fresh graduated university students and all the new hired supervisor and above. It is a 12 weeks training program. On wee

24、kly basis, the trainee will have training in all departments of the Supercenter to learn the working procedure and the relevant knowledge. All trainees will have to finish the assignment besides completing the stipulated training.2000年的MTP课程是针对所有DM级以上、应界毕业生及所有新招的主管级以上员工所实施的12周的培训。学员都将按周在沃尔玛商场所有的部门进行

25、培训,学习该部门的工作流程和相关的知识。除了完成课程中规定的培训内容外,还要完成每课作业。It is not until the management has worked in current position for at least 6 months that he/she had the chance to attend the required programs. Furthermore, the programs are not compulsory for all the management. Some programs, which are very special, for

26、 example, the WFI/PTS, are focus only on the DM of the Fresh Department. On the other hand, some programs is required for all management (C Grade and above), LF, etc. 所有的管理层都应在其岗位上工作满6个月内,会受到相应的培训,另外,以上课程并不是对于所有的管理层都是必修的,一些十分专业的课程,如WFI/PTS只是针对鲜食部门的經理,但如LF等一些课程,则是所有主管以上管理层都要上的课程。1.2 Monthly Report月报T

27、he store Training Coordinator should hand in the monthly training report to the Regional trainer of Home Office. The deadline is 25th, the monthly report includes:每月店里的培训协调员都会将各店本月的培训情况汇总给总部的区域培训员,月报的内容截止到每月的25号,其内容包括: The completed training and the planned training 本月所上的课程及完成比例 The completed traini

28、ng and the planned training 已完成的培训、计划将进行的培训 MTMR(Monthly Training Management Report)各店的MTMR(每月管理层培训报告) Collection and analysis of the MTP program of DGM副总的MTP营运课程作业的汇报和分析 (附MTMR图例和解释)1.3 Management training of new store 新店的管理层培训As a leader in retail industry, Wal-Mart also can not stop its expansion speed in China. Every year, company is to establish new stores in different places. To help the management of the new stores to understand the culture、policy and their new job in Wal-Mart quickly, they will be train in Shenzhen Home Office. And the Regional Trainer will follow up their training

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