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1、外研版七年级下册英语辅导讲义Unit6Unit6 Electricity1、核心词汇电n. 谈话n.确认v.规则n.任何人 pron.回答v.愚蠢的adj.电线n.(使)连接v.瞬间n.电池n.厨灶n.冰箱n.锁上v.测试v.使整洁v.触摸v.词汇精讲1.electricity n.电e.g.Water, food, and electricity were hard to get.The electricity is off.electrician n. 电工electric a.电动的,电的 electrical a.用电的,电学的electronic a.电子的 electrify v.

2、使充电,使通电There is a problem with the _in Toms flat . An _has come to deal with it.2.conversation n.谈话【短语】have a conversation with 和 . 交谈e.g.Conversation with friends soon passes a day away.We have a conversation about how people do that.【辨析】conversation,dialogue,talk,chat这些名词均含“交谈”之意。 conversation一般用词

3、,指两个或更多人互相交换意见的交谈。 dialogue指“对话”。 talk普通用词,可与conversation换用,指正式交谈。 chat指熟人之间非常随便的交谈,强调谈话的亲密和非正式性。e.g.He is easy in conversation and graceful in manner. 他谈吐从容,举止优雅。The dialogue remained light and friendly. 谈话一直保持轻松愉快和友好的气氛。I met Mrs. Janes at the shop and had a long talk with her. 我在商店遇见了琼斯夫人, 同她谈了很长

4、时间。We need less chat and more work if were to finish this job today. 如果我们打算今天完成这件工作的话, 那就要少聊天、多工作。3.identify v.确认;认出 过去式:identifiede.g.Police have already identified 10 thieves.identified adj. 被识别的 identifiable adj.可辨认的 identity n.身份 4.rule n.规则 (复数:rules) v. 统治;管辖e.g.If one of us breaks a rule, we

5、all should be punished.obey/follow the rules 遵守规则 break the rules 违反规则ruler n.尺子5.anyone pron.任何人e.g.Did you see anyone in the room?【辨析】anyone, any oneanyone “任何人”,只能指人,后面不能与of 连用,不能用作定语修饰名语。any one “任何一个”,既可以指人也可以指物,可以与of 连用,可以用作定语修饰名词。随堂练习He told her not to tell _.他告诉她不要告诉任何人。I dont know _ of them

6、.他们中我一个也不认识。You can borrow_ video at a time.你一次可以借任何一盘录像带。6.reply v.回答 n.回复 过去式:repliedThe teacher will reply to the question soon.I am waiting for your quick reply.【辨析】reply, answerreply既可作不及物动词,又可作及物动词。作不及物动词,其意为“回答”,可用“reply to(sb. /sth. )”表示“对作出回答”。作及物动词时,其意为“回答”,“回答说”,只能跟宾语从句或直接引语,不能直接跟人或物(sb.

7、/ sth.)作宾语。answer作及物动词,可以直接跟名词、代词和宾语从句,也可作不及物动词,有时与reply可以通用。但reply比answer正式,一般指经过思考的、有针对性的、较详细的回答。随堂练习:分析句子中的动词是及物动词还是不及物动词?Please reply to my question. 请回答我的问题。Can you answer him? 你能答复他吗?She cried, but didnt answer /reply. 她哭了,但不回答。He sent in the report and the company replied immediately. 他递交了报告,

8、公司立即作了答复。He answered / replied that he didnt know the secret. 他回答说,他不知道这个秘密。7.foolish adj.愚蠢的e.g.Why are these people so foolish? I was foolish enough to believe what Jeff told me.fool n.傻瓜 v.愚弄愚蠢的foolish; stupid; silly聪明的clever; smart; bright; wise8.wire n.电线e.g.The headphones have no wires. 耳机没有线。

9、 wired adj.连线的 wireless adj.无线的9.connect v.(使)连接e.g.The wires connect under the floor.connected adj.连接的 connection n.连接be connected to 与相连 connect sth. to/with 把和连接起来.e.g.These wires are connected to cables under the street.The railway line connects Wuhan to Shanghai. 10.moment 可数名词, 意为”瞬间;片刻” e.g.I

10、d like to talk to you for a moment. 与moment 相关的短语: a moment ago 刚刚;刚才 如:He was here a moment ago. at the moment 现在;此刻 如:He is at home at the moment. in a moment 立即,马上;一会儿 如:Illbe backinamoment.我去一会儿就回来。wait a moment 等一会儿 如:Wait a moment, please. 11.cooker n.厨灶;炉具e.g.The cook is cooking in the cookho

11、use in which there are many kinds of cookers.cook n.厨师v.烹饪,煮 cookhouse n.厨房cookbook n.烹饪书,烹饪菜谱 cookery n.烹饪术12.fridge n.冰箱 【英式】e.g.Is the fridge full?refrigerator n.冰箱 【美式】 13.lock v.(用锁)锁上 过去式:lockede.g.Are you sure you locked the front door?Dont forget to lock the door before you leave the room.lo

12、cker n. 柜,箱;上锁的人;locker room 衣帽间14.test v./n 测试e.g.The test is difficult for Tom. The teacher tests us every week.【辨析】test, quiz, exam1.test多指有具体目的的临时性考试或小考。2.quiz指时间较短,随时进行的口头或书面的非正式测验。3.exam系examination的缩略形式,口语用词,通俗。examination通常指为检查学生知识或能力而举行的正式考试,有时也指临时考试。15.tidy v.使整洁;使整齐 adj.整洁的;整齐的 过去式:tidied

13、tidy up 收拾 整理=put awaye.g.They are tidying the classroom.Are your bedroom tidy?16.touch v.触摸,碰keep in touch with sb. 与保持联系 touching adj.动人的,令人同情的 touched adj.受感动的touchable adj.可触的;可使感动的;可食用的 17.a packet of 一袋 不可数名词没有复数形式,在表示数量时,常用“a+单位量词+of+不可数名词”结构。 如:a piece of meat; a piece of paper; a glass of a

14、pple juice; a bag of milk 数词+单位量词+of+不可数名词可数名词复数 如:two glasses of water; three cups of tea; two packets of sweets ; three bags of pencils a way 在某种程度上 on the way 在路上 in the way 挡道 in this way这边走 by the way 顺便问下19.after a while 过一会儿=a moment later(1)at the moment 此时此刻 Im afraid Im too busy at t

15、he moment to see anyone. 恐怕我此刻太忙 不能见任何人。 (2)in a moment 立即,立刻;一会儿 =in a minuteIll join you in the discussion in a moment. 我马上和你们一起讨论。 (3)at any moment任何时刻 He told me I could call him at any moment. 他告诉我随时可以打电话给他。(4)for the moment 暂时 She is out, so you may use her computer for the moment. 她出去了,你可以暂时用

16、她的电脑。二、重点短语1. a moment later_ 2. 连接到_ 3. 一包_ 4. be able to_ 5. look foolish_6. be like/look like_ 7. 在某种程度上_8. all kinds of_ 9. changeinto _10. stay up late_ 11. do exercise/take exercise_ 12. share cups with others_ 13. 关_14. 整理好_ 15. make sure_16. care about_ 17. 全世界_18. take the medicine_ 19. 发电站

17、_20. 洗衣机_ 21. 空调_3、重点语句四、课文内容精析 五、语法【注意 】 1.could 是can的过去式,,有两种用法,,一种表示过去式,一种用来表达更加客气,委婉的语气,时态性不强,可用于过去、现在。 able to 意为“有能力 能够做.”,相当于can/could,但它有人称、数和时态的变化。【注意】might 是may 的过去式,有两种用法,一种表示过去式,一种表示更加委婉,客气的语气或对可能性的怀疑。【讲解5】must/ have to 的区别 must表示必须,强调主观上的愿望。have to表示“不得不”强调客观需要 e.g.You must go be b

18、ed before 22:00pm. My bike is broken, so I have to go to school on foot. have to 有人称、数、时态的变化,must则没有。 e.g.I have to clean the classroom today. She has to finish her homework first. It was late, he had to go to school without breakfast.【总结】表示猜测 must be 表示肯定的猜测,意为“一定”; cant be 表示否定的猜测,意为“ 不可能”。 e.g.Sh

19、e must be a nurse. I saw her in the library just now .She cant be here . can, may表示可能的猜测,意为“有可能”。【语法点四】need的用法 1.用作情态动词 没有人称和数的变化。不论主语是第几人称,不论主语是单数还是复数,情态都词都无形式变化。 不能单独充当谓语。情态动词必须与一个实义动词一起构成复合谓语,并且这个实义动词要始终是动词原形。 变为否定句时只需在情态动词之后加not。 变为疑问句时只需将情态动词提到主语的前面。 e.g.Need I type this letter again? 我需要重新录入将这

20、封信吗? There is enough time. You neednt hurry. 有的是时间,你不必着急。 The president wondered whether he need send more soldiers. 总统不知道他是否要增兵。 -Must I hand in my homework now? 现在我必须交作业吗 -No, you neednt. 不你不必。 2.用作实义动词 need后面的宾语可以是名词、动名词、动词不定式或代词,这种情况下need构成否定句和疑问句时要借助于助动词do或does。 (1)need sth. 这是need最常见的用法之一,其后的宾

21、语可以是名词,也可以是代词。e.g. We need a great deal of money now. 我们需要和多钱。 They dont need it any more. 他们不再需要它了。 Does your father need any help? 你爸爸需要帮助吗? (2)need doing 与 need to be done e.g.The door needs painting. = The door needs to be painted. 那扇门需要油漆一下。 Your car needs mending. = Your car needs to be repair

22、ed. 你的车需要维修了。 (3)need to do sth. e.g.What do we need to take for the picnic? 野餐我们需要带些什么? Will we need to show our passports? 我们需要出示护照吗? You need to take good care of your mother. 你要好好照料你妈妈。 【语法点五】shall, should表示命令,警告,允诺,征求,劝告,建议,惊奇。1.shall在疑问句中的用法。在疑问句中用于征求对方意见,主要用于第一人称,其意为“要不要”、“好吗”e.g.Shall I get

23、you a chair for you? 要不要我给你拿把椅子来? What shall we do this evening? 我们今天晚上做什么呢?shall在陈述句中的用法。在陈述句表示说话者的允诺、告诫、威胁、命令、规定、必然性等,主要用于第二、三人称:You shall suffer for this. 你会为此事吃苦头的。2.should表示义务、责任、建议或劝告、推断。e.g.We should learn from each other. 我们应该互相帮助。 You should give up smoking. 你应该戒烟。 They should be there by now, I think. 我想现在他们都已经到了。should 用于征求意见。主要用于第一人称的疑问句形式。e.g.Should I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗?六、写作指导七、同步练习八、语法专项练习

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