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1、商务英语复习资料工作氛围 working environment一个显要的职衔an impressive job title 正常工作时间regular hours市场开发部 developing markets officeIncumbent progamme 岗位培训课程嘉奖制度reward and recognition scheme Grow and maintain customer relationship发展和维持客户关系Research and development and manufacturing研发和生产独立法人,独立经销店 solo trader ask for pe

2、rmission 获得准许 complain about a mistake 投诉一个错误confirm something is OK 确认某事 request information 索要信息change a booking 改变预定take voluntary redundancy 自愿接受裁退make redundant 裁员 ask clever questions 问恰当的问题commercial director 销售总监sales executive 销售总监 sales argument 销售赔款 合理的理由reasonable groundsemail confirmati

3、on form 电子邮件确认表sales and advertising teammarketing representative 营销代表 benefits and incentives 福利和奖励 be prepared to fail做好失败的准备door-to-door work and cold calling挨家挨户的推销和进行不期而至的拜访一、短语翻译regular hours 正常工作时间flexible hours 弹性工作时间 freelance 自由职业job-share 分担工作 shift-work 轮班工作,倒班制 part-time 兼职 full-time 全职

4、emping 当临时工 specialist advice 专业咨询 hot-desking 办公桌轮用 office gossip 办公室小道消息 office news 办公室新闻 parental leave 父母假,育儿假,照顾新生 儿女假routine type of person 按部就班的人get organised 安排有序 set your limits 规定限度put pen to paper 签订协议 two become one 合二为一open your mind 敞开心扉 plan for disaster 有备无患find the perfect partner

5、理想搭档 dont feel guilty 勿感内疚Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame.要能够相互沟通,功过与共.trade fair event 商品交易会coffee break 工间咖啡休息时间drink evening晚间酒会coaching event 专项体验训练活动useful contacts 有用的人际关系co-chair 联合总裁,主席international communication 内部交流post-it note 便条Lifes all about making connections 生活就

6、是建立人脉关系Training and staff development培训和员工发展Flexible working hours 弹性工作时间Opportunities to travel 旅游机会Opportunities for promotion升职提拔机会Days off 几天短假Fact sheet 情况说明书Holding cmpany 控股公司Company car 公司配给的汽车Client service executive 客户服务主管Old and established 历史悠久Incumbent progamme 岗位培训课程Promote from within

7、提拔内部员工Grow and maintain customer relationship发展和维持客户关系Research and development and manufacturing研发和生产Final salary pension scheme按最终薪水给付的养老金计划Non-cash reward 非现金形式的奖赏Once-in-a-lifetime 千载难逢的,令人难忘的Career goal 职业目标Senior management 高层管理人员develop a good training progamme to keep the saff motivated 通过开发良

8、好的培训计划来提高员工的工作热情have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作learn from other peoples strong points 学他人所长Distribution centre 配送中心Call centre 呼叫中心,电话中心Document management文档管理Innovative technology 创新技术Mission statement 目标宣传Headerquarter 总部 subsidiary 子公司Brabch 分公司 corporation 公司,法 人Working in

9、 a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficient.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高。can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office 在办公室更容易集中精力因此更有效率have more flexibility享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decision myself性格依赖,

10、不喜欢自己拿注意an independent type of person and would like to make decision myself性格独立,喜欢自己作决定dont want to work under someone 不想在别人手下工作solo trader独立法人,独立经销店 partnership 合伙经营franchise 连锁店 特许经营 business format franchise 经营模式特许run the show, 原意为“主持(演出)”,文中“自己开店,大展身手”the most entrepreneurial/massively entrepre

11、neurial极具企业家精神的,极具开拓精神的branch out : extend or expand ones activities or interests in a new direction从中分离出来,拓展新业务Take voluntary redundancy 自动离职Make redundant 裁员Potential problem 潜在问题Disciplinary procedures 二、句子翻译To you, networking might mean attending a conference or trade fair event or meet new clie

12、nts or partners. 对人们而言,建立关系网络也许不仅仅意味着通过参加会议或商品交易会等活动认识新客户或合作伙伴.Id got to a reasonably senior level and I wanted to help other people to maximise their potential. Weve reviewed your sales figures and theyre not really up to the level we need.Working type up their every thought and send off emails wit

13、h tremendous inaccuracy or complete pointlessness .Many entrepreneurs seem to view employee training and development as more optional than essentiala viewpoint that can be costly to both short-term profits and long-term progress.许多企业家认为员工的培训可有可无,而非至关重要,认为这对公司的短期利益和长远发展来说代价太高。With flexible work hours

14、, I can choose to work anytime. I can work from home and avoid traffic jam, and whats more important, I will improve my work efficiency. 有了灵活的工作时间,我可以改变上下班的时间,可以在家工作,避免交通堵塞,更重要的是可以提高工作效率。Promotion brings higher salary,sense of fulfillment, more opportunities and more responsibility.升职带来更高的薪水、成就感、更多的

15、机会和责任。After a paid holiday, people will be physically and psychologically relaxed, and be energetic, fresh and more prepared for the challenge of their work.带薪度假之后,人们会感到身心放松,精力充沛,神清气爽地投入到有挑战性 的工作中。If a sales representative is provided with a company car, he will surely improve his work efficiency.如果

16、公司能够给销售代表配备汽车,一定能够提高其工作效率。Shake off its unglamorous image.摆脱其乏味的形象。shake off responsibility。unglamorous environment 单调的环境associations with something rather dishonest与无商不奸的概念紧紧相连retain an air of 带着的样子retain an air of glamour 显得很风光sales means door-to-door work and cold calling 销售意味着挨家挨户推销,进行不期而至的拜访或拨打

17、不期而至的电话。The gamble paid off. 这种投机做法成功了。三、数字翻译16,000,000,000sixteen billion turnover978,000,000 nine hundred and seventy-eight million finnal income 160one hundred and sixty countries55,000fifty five thousand employees half of 55,000 in the USA4 four division6 six percent of revenue dedicated to rese

18、arch and development 5,000,000,000 five billion dollars revenue in Europe2,000,000,000 two billion dollars rest of world revenue1906 nineteen o six company founded112,000,000,000 one hundred and twelve billion total market五、作文Work inpairs. Choose one of the way of working below and prepare a mini-pr

19、esentation on the topic for the rest of the class.A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN Job-sharing Find someone you like. Organise and plan how you share the work. Finding someone you like is the most important when you start a job-share. As job sharing is a way for two people to both fill one job,finding some

20、one you like is very important for the success of the scheme. You may find one from your current workplace, or you may find one outside through all kinds of contacts. Organising and planing how you share the work is also important. If its shared reponsibility, there is no division of duties but two

21、people have to split the hours clearly to ensure that the work flows continuously. If its divided responsibility, each partner has to be clear about his own caseload or project to focus on during his working hours. If its unrelated responsibility, the partners have to learn what their separate tasks

22、 are in the same department, and each has to do his own share well.Communication is another important factor to consider when you arrange the job-share,especially for shared responsibility. Partners have to communicate well so that jobs are done smoothly. Using email, voicemail messages, daily logs

23、and notes are some techniques that help facilitate communication.B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN Working from home Set up an office space in the house.Plan your working hours and your breaks.Seting up an office space in the house is important when working from home. This will give you a feel of being in t

24、he office and concentrate more on work. In this way, it will easy for you to differentiate between wrok time and private time and you will not be easily distracted.its also important to plan your working hours and your breaks. Make it like in the office and set a timetable. But do not overwork yours

25、elf to make up for not being in the office every day. Make sure you have a break after you work for a few hours.In addiction, to make working from home really successful, you should make sure colleagues and clients can reach you as though you are in the office. This may help a lot to guarantee the e

26、fficiency.六、作文you are a manager at Lar Bonner. After a meeting with staff, the company has agreed to extend parental leave for fathers from two weeks to three weeks. Write a memo to all staff.refer to the previous meetingsay when the news system will begin(25th September)remind staff that their mana

27、ger need one months notice.To: All staffFrom: TomDate: 25th JulySubject: Parental leaveFurther to our previous meeting, I am pleased to confirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to three weeks. The new system will come into operation as from 25th September. May I remind you that your

28、 managers will require one months notice.You are a sminar organiser. You want to check details for an event next week with your two assistants. Write an email to your staff. Write 40-50 words.Say which rooms you have booked for the event.Ask them to confirm the schedule with secutity.Explain that on

29、e participant will be late.From: XXXSubject: Confirmation of seminar detailsDate:XXXTo: Assistant seminar organiserPlease note that I have booked Room 101 and 102 for the seminar next week. Id be grateful if you would now confirm this booking and the final schedule for the event with security. Also

30、note that Mr singh will be one hour late on the Monday morning.Part Two of the Speaking Test(1)What is important when setting up your own businessPrompts:A good idea. Consider the market demand and target at potential customers.Knowing your customers. Keep a file of them.Adequate starting capital is

31、 also important. (2) What is important when your business is a partnership Prompts:Good relationship with the other person. Mutual trust and full co-operation can bring out creativity.Both are willing to share responsibilities. Timely communication and decision making . (1) When setting up your own business, I think a good idea is very important. You should consider the market demand and target at potential customers. Under the guidance of the idea, you may cater for the urgent need of the customers, or solve the problems of the customers that o

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