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上海高一上新教材 同步讲义Unit1.docx

1、上海高一上新教材 同步讲义Unit1Unit 1 Our world【词汇和短语】词汇部分:1. digital adj. 数字信息系统的;数码的;数字式的2. typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的;不出所料的;特有的3. event n. 发生的事情;(尤指)重要的事情,大事 4. onto (与动词连用,表示朝某处或某位置运动) 向,朝5. midnight n. 子夜,午夜6. routine n. 常规,正常顺序 7. scene n. 场面;片段,镜头8. earn. v. 挣得,赚得,挣钱9. death n. 死亡,死10. button n. 扣子;纽扣11. type

2、 n.类型;种类12. unique adj. 独特的;唯一的13. respond adj. 反应14. select v. 挑选;选择15. organization n. 组织;机构;团体16. goal n. 目标,目的17. partner. n. 搭档,同伴;配偶;v. 结成伙伴18. improve v. (使)改进,(使)改善;19. currently adv. 当前,现在;20. schedule n. 工作计划,日程安排21. conference n. 会议22. quality n. 质量;品质23. deliver n. 给与,递送24. inspire v. 鼓励

3、;鼓舞25. tip n. 指点,实用的提示26. acquire v. 获得;习得27. challenge n. 挑战 v. 向发起挑战28. volunteer n.志愿者,义务工作者; v. 自愿做,义务做29. location n. 地方,地点,位置30. length n. 长度,(持续)时间的长短31. electricity n. 电 32. material n. (某一活动所需的)材料33. senior adj. 年长的;高级的;n. 较年长的人34. junior adj. 初级的; 35. freedom. n. (权利或状态)自由36. dorm n. 集体宿舍;

4、学生宿舍37. aspect n.方面;层面38. exploration n. 探究,研究;探测39. edit v. 编辑,校订(文章、书籍等)40. particular adj. 专指的;特指的41. element n. 元素,要素42. behavior n. 行为 43. related adj.相关的;有联系的44. lantern n.灯笼45. tradition n.传统46. reflect v.显示,表明,表达47. attitude n.态度;看法48. respect n.尊重49. description n.描述短语部分:50. video clip 视频片段

5、;视频剪辑51. time capsule 时间文物贮藏器(收藏具有时代特征的物品);时间胶囊52. in all 总共53. hula hoop 呼啦圈54. well off 富有的;富裕的55. be keen on 喜爱,对着迷;有兴趣56. paper towel 厚纸巾57. be ashamed of 为感到羞愧58. on behalf of 代表59. refer to 描述;涉及;与相关60. Chinese knot 中国结61. dragon boat 龙舟;龙船【重点单词】1. digital adj. 数字信息系统的;数码的;数字式的The new digital

6、technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels.新的数码技术可使电视频道的数量得以快速增多。【常用短语】digital television 数字电视 ; 数位电视 ; 数码电视机 ; 数码电视digital device 数码设备(平板电脑,pad, 数码相机以及智能手机等)digital video 数字视频 ; 数码摄像机 ; 数字视讯digital mapping 测 数字测图 ; 数码绘图 ; 数字化测图【拓展】digit n. 数字2. typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的;不出所料

7、的;特有的This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape. 这是具有典型英格兰风景特征的森林与田野。【拓展】type n. 类型;品种;模式3. routine n. 常规,正常顺序The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle.这些运动员不得不改变他们的每日常规和生活方式。【拓展】routine adj. 常规的,例行公事的;平淡乏味的(表不满)routine work 日常工作a series of routine medical

8、 tests including X-rays and blood tests.一系列包括X光和验血在内的常规医学检查。4. scene n. 场面;片段,镜头;景象Its a scene of complete devastation.那是一幅满目疮痍的景象。【常见词组】on the scene 在场;出现;到场night scene 夜景new scene 新建场景;建立新场景;新场景behind the scene 幕后;幕后花絮;未开拓市场6. unique adj. 独特的;唯一的Each persons signature is unique.每个人的签名是独一无二的。【拓展】un

9、iquely adv. 惟一地Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely fragile environment.由于极端寒冷,南极州的生态环境尤其脆弱。【近义词辨析】typical 典型的,强调同类中比较具代表性的;unique 唯一的,强调个性与众不同;rare 罕见的,珍贵的,强调数量少而显得珍贵;common 共同的,普遍的;强调同类中的共性,也可指因数量而常见;particular 特定的,特殊的;具有具体指向性的特例。special 特殊的,特别的;强调独特性,在某方面与众不同。7. deliver v. 给与,

10、递送The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia.加拿大人计划向索马里南部运送更多的食物。【拓展】1. 实现; 履行They have to show that they can really deliver their duty.他们仍需证明他们确实能履行责任。2. 发表 正式The president will deliver a speech about schools.校长将发表关于学校的演讲。3. 给 (产妇) 接生Although wed planned to have our baby at home, w

11、e never expected to deliver her ourselves!尽管我们是打算在家生孩子,可我们从未想过要自己给她接生!n. delivery 投递,分娩。delivery food 外卖(尤指外卖员送餐到家或指定地点的外卖;take-away food指制作好后购买者从餐厅内带走的外卖,二者注意区分)8. inspire v. 鼓励;鼓舞Teachers should inspire all students to think creatively. 老师应该激励所有学生发挥创造性思维。n. inspiration 鼓励;鼓舞;灵感【固定搭配】inspire sb. to

12、 do sth. 鼓舞某人去做某事。【拓展】1). 唤起; 激起In the 1960s, the electric guitar player,Jimi Hendrix,inspired a generation.20世纪60年代,电吉他演奏家吉米激发了一代人的热情。2). 赋以灵感; 给以启示The book was inspired by a real person.这本书是受一个人启发而写成的。9. acquire v. 获得;习得1). ( If you acquire something, you buy or obtain it for yourself, or someone

13、gives it to you.) 获得 General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400 m.通用汽车公司以大约4亿美元获得了萨博50%的股份。2).(If you acquire something such as a skill or a habit, you learn it, or develop it through your daily life or experience.) 习得Ive never acquired a taste for wine.我从未养成对葡萄酒的爱好。10. challenge n.

14、挑战 v. 向发起挑战 The new governments first challenge is the economy.新政府面临的第一项挑战是经济。They plan to challenge their rivals. 他们计划挑战竞争对手。11. volunteer n.志愿者,义务工作者; v. 自愿做,义务做She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week.她现在作为一名志愿者每周3天在当地一所学校帮忙。He volunteered for the army in 1939.他在1939年自愿参军。

15、12. senior adj. 年长的;高级的;n. 较年长的人;(地位以及职位、资格较高的)上级the companys senior management.该公司的高级管理人员。senior three students 高三学生senior citizen 老年市民,老年人反义词:junior 初级的,下级的 13. particular. adj 专指的;特指的I have a particular responsibility to ensure I make the right decision.我有特别责任要确保做出正确的决定。【拓展】adj. 挑剔的Ted was very p

16、articular about the colours he used.特德对于他使用的颜色是非常挑剔的。【固定搭配】be particular about sth. 对挑剔14. reflect v. 反射;深思The sun reflected off the snow-covered mountains.阳光从被雪覆盖的山峦反射回来。We should all give ourselves time to reflect.我们都应该给自己时间来深思。【拓展】v 反映; 表现; 显示A newspaper report seems to reflect the view of most m

17、embers.报纸的一篇报导似乎反映了大多数成员的观点。15. respect n/v 尊重;遵守I want him to respect me as a career woman.我要他把我作为一个职业女性来尊重。 It is about time tour operators respected the law and their own code of conduct.现在该是旅行社经营者们遵守法律和他们自己的行业规范的时候了。【固定搭配】show/pay ones respects to sb. 向表示尊敬;向致敬。The people in Wuhan pay their resp

18、ects to the nurses from the whole country.武汉人民向来自全国各地的护士们致敬。【拓展】respect做名词时还有“方面”的意思;in this respect / in many respects 在这方面/ 在许多方面另外with respect to sth. 也比较常见, 翻译成关于; 至于 Parents often have little choice with respect to the way their child is medically treated.至于他们孩子被医治的方式,父母通常少有选择的余地。【课堂练习】I. Fill

19、in the blanks with the words or phrases from the box below. Change the form where necessary.A. volunteer B. routine C. particular D. inspire E. challenge F. scene G. reflect H. acquire I. typical J. unique K. domestic1. The carvings represent a hunting . 这些雕刻作品描绘了一幅狩猎的场面。2. The new governments first

20、 is the economy. 新政府面临的第一项挑战是经济。3. The ocean would more heat and light. 海洋会反射更多的光和热。4. Ted was very about the colours he used.特德对于他使用的颜色是非常挑剔的。5. Aunt Mary to clean up the kitchen.玛丽姨妈主动要求打扫厨房。6. Administrative personnel should also some technical skills. 管理人员也应该学几门手艺。7. The window had been replaced

21、 last week during maintenance. 那窗在上星期的例行检修中已被换掉了。8. This success will me to greater efforts. 这次成功大大地鼓励了我下次更加努力。9. This painting is a work of Rembrandt(伦勃朗). 这幅画是一幅典型的伦勃朗作品。10. Mary is a very interesting person who has her interpretation of life. 玛丽是一个非常有趣的人,她对生活有着独特的理解。 1-5:scene; challenge; reflect

22、; particular; volunteered6-10: acquire; routine; inspire; typical; unique . Grammar Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for

23、 the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.A 14-year-old Girl Built an App to Help Alzheimers patients (老年痴呆症患者)For many teenagers, their lives typically might circle around schoolwork and spending time with friends. Not so for Emma Yang. Though the Hong Kong-born girl is only 14, she

24、 (21)_(create) her own mobile app for Alzheimers patients already.The Timeless app, which Yang spent two years (22)_(develop), comes with several important features. It is an artificial intelligence-powered facial recognition system in the app (23)_helps Alzheimers patients identify people in photos

25、 and remember who they are. It also allows photos (24)_(group) by individuals as well as provides a picture-based phone book, which enables a user to tap on photos to call or text a person.The inspiration to develop an app that would help Alzheimers patients connect with their loved ones came to Yan

26、g at the age of 12, when her grandmother started forgetting things like (25)_she lived and Yangs birthday.“I wanted to create something to help people like my grandmother stay (26)_(connect) with her family,” Yang said. It was a task she was well-prepared to undertake, (27)_venture capitalists didnt

27、 take her work seriously. Yang started a crowd finding campaign in March last year to support her 37/we/es app project. That effort raised more than $10,000.At present Yang works with an international team that includes a designer in California and a developer in Cologne, Germany. The chief technolo

28、gy officer of Kairos, the AI company (28)_ technology is used in the Timeless app, is now Yangs adviser.Yang urged other young, ambitious people to believe in (29)_because the teenagers of today will be tomorrows leaders. “Technology has been able to make kids put their ideas into action, she said “

29、(30) _ _ _yon get out there and put yourself out there, tell people about your idea and find out whos on board and can get behind it,youll eventually find that team of people.”21. has created 22. developing 23. that 24. to be grouped 25. where26. connected 27. but 28. whose 29. themselves 30. As lon

30、g as【语法详解】现在进行时的被动语态现在进行时的被动语态由“be being及物动词的过去分词”构成, 助动词be有人称和数的变化(am, is are ).1. 表示此刻正在进行的被动动作。Theprojectisbeingdiscussedatthemeeting.Anewfilmisbeingshowninthetheater.Myhouseisbeingpaintednow.2. 表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作,但此动作不一定在此时此刻发生。Manyinterestingexperiencesarebeingcarriedoutthesedays.Amodernschoolisbeingbuiltinourhometown.A computer center is being built for the students?3. 表示经常的被动行为,常和always,often,constantly等词连用。(表达某种感情色彩)Heisalwaysbeingpraisedbytheteacher.一. 注意不可遗漏being现在进行时的被动语态表示说话时正在进行的一个被动的动作,强调主语是动作的承受者,其构成为“am / is / are + being+动词的过去分词”。如果我们把being漏掉,就成为一般现在时的被动语态或系表结构。 如: Look! Th

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