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学年高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world单元综合检测.docx

1、学年高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world单元综合检测单元检测(二)第一卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1When will the man leave?AOn Monday.BOn Tuesday.COn Thursday.2What is the woman going to do this afternoon?ATo attend a m

2、eeting.BTo see a film.CTo meet her old friend.3Where is the Science Museum?ATo the east of the zoo.BNext to the Peoples Park.CIn the Peoples Park.4How will they go to the West Hill?ABy bus.BBy bike.CBy train.5What will Kate do?AVisit Disneyland.BHave a test.CGo with the man.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分

3、)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What did Dad ask Mary to do?ATo answer the phone.BTo write a letter.CTo call Kate.7What is Kate doing?AWatching TV.BWashing her hair.CWriting a letter.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8Which of

4、 the following is TRUE about the dialogue?AThey dont know each other.BThey are good friends.CThey know each other.9What did the man go to Hong Kong for?AOn business.BFor sightseeing.CMeeting a friend.10How did the man find the trip?AInteresting.BTiring.CUnfortunate.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11What is the wom

5、an?AA manager.BA waitress.CA doctor.12What is the man asking for?AThe key to his room.BSome help.CA new roommate.13When did the woman begin to work there?AYesterday morning.BToday.CYesterday.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14What is the man looking for?ASomewhere to study.BSomewhere to stay.CSomewhere to sing.15Wh

6、en do the banks close?AAt 2 oclock in the afternoon.BAt 730 in the evening.CAt 7 oclock in the evening.16What does the man want to do at the bank?ATo get some changes.BTo draw some money.CTo change some money.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What is the date in the story?ASaturday,May 12.BSaturday,March 12.CSund

7、ay,March 22.18What happened last night?AA taxi driver saw a man stealing the computer.BA thief stole a computer from the school.CA thief stole a taxi drivers computer.19Which is the right number to ring?A4624. B2464. C6426.20What time does the new Sports Centre open tomorrow?AAt 930 am.BAt 930 pm.CA

8、t 913 am.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21John said he would pay _ second visit to China _ next month.Athe;/ Bthe;a Ca;the Da;a22She understood what I was talking about_ it was the first time we had spoken together.Awhether Beven though Cas though Dsince23

9、I dont like the way _you speak to her.A/ Bin that Cwhich Dof which24Sometimes _ English is quite different from _ English in many ways.Aspeaking;writingBspoken;writtenCspeaking;writtenDspoken;writing25Mr.Huang will _ in the movement.Aplay a leading part Btake partsCplay leading part Dtake a part26Hi

10、s theory _ practice,so you can believe it.Abased on Bbases onCis based on Dis basing on27The policeman warned the driver _ so carelessly.Anever to drive Bto never driveCto not drive Ddoesnt drive28The officer ordered his soldiers _.Ato stand stillBto not stand stillCnot stand stillDstand still29They

11、 lived a hard life and were often made _ for over ten hours a day.Awork Bto workCto working Dworked30Do you have any difficulty _ listening?Aon Bto Cfor Din31Xiao Hong worked harder last year._,she still didnt get high grades.AAs a result BAfter allCBy the way DHowever32Please tell me the way you th

12、ought of _ the garden.Atake care of Bto take care ofCtaking care of Dto take care33America is an _ country.You can hear _ everywhere.AEnglishspoken;English speakingBEnglishspeaking;English spokenCspeakingEnglish;English spokenDspoken English;English speaking34When Bob woke up,he found himself in hos

13、pital,but he didnt know how that _.Acame about Bcame outCcame along Dcame across35I was told that there were about 50 foreign students _ Chinese in the school,most _ were from Germany.Astudy;of whomBstudy;of themCstudying;of themDstudying;of whom第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四

14、个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。If you are learning English because youre going to travel in England and wish to be _36_ there,dont try to speak English perfectly,_37_ if you do,no one will understand you.In London ninetynine in every hundred people speak _38_English.You may say that _39_ they dont speak Engli

15、sh well themselves,they can _40_ understand it when it is well spoken.They _41_ when the speaker is English.But when the speaker is a _42_,the better he speaks,the _43_ it is to understand him.No foreigner can _44_ stress the syllables and make the tone _45_ and fall in question and _46_,exactly as

16、a _47_ does._48_ the first thing you have to do is to speak with a strong _49_ accent,and speak broken,that is,English without any _50_.Then every English person you _51_ will at once know you are a foreigner,and try to understand you and be ready to _52_ you.He will not _53_ you to be polite and us

17、e grammatical phrases.He will be _54_ by his cleverness in making out your _55_ and being able to tell what you want to know.36A.settled Bheard Cunderstood Dfor37A.because Bunless Cunderstood Dknown38A.American Bbad Cstandard Dno39A.because Bsince Cwhen Deven if40A.hardly Breally Cat least Dat most4

18、1A.say Bcan Cthink Dhope42A.foreigner Bnative CLondoner Dtraveler43A.better Beasier Charder Dclearer44A.never Beven Cever Dhardly45A.right Bexact Craise Drise46A.request Banswer Csentence Dphrase47A.native Bforeigner Cchild Dreporter48A.While BAlthough CBecause DTherefore49A.London BBritish Cforeign

19、 Dcountry50A.grammar Bmistake Cidiom Dwords51A.know Bsee Cask for Dspeak with52A.welcome Bhelp Cteach Dpraise53A.expect Bscold Cshow Dthink54A.strict Bsurprised Cpleased Dpraised55A.way Bmeaning Cmistake Dcountry第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AVery few pe

20、ople look forward to and enjoy exams.That doesnt have to mean that you should be afraid of them,though.The following tips will help you get through that terrible exam period.Here are eight steps to help you during exams:1Make sure you know how much time you will have in the exam and how many questio

21、ns there will be.Then you can divide your time among the questions to make sure they all get answered.2When youre doing an exam that involves long answers,it is a good idea to leave some space at the end of the answer so that you can add any extra comments that might come to mind when you reread you

22、r paper.3Dont spend all of your time only on questions that you know answers to because you will get a worse mark for answering some questions very well and some not at all.4It is worth taking a little extra time to make sure that your handwriting is neat.The examiner will be able to read it!Try to

23、avoid spelling mistakes too!5The more prepared you are,the more likely you are to succeed.6Keep calm.If you feel yourself getting worried,take a deep breath.7Dont try to discuss the exam after youve finished it.If youve got different answers from your friends,theres no point in worrying about it.8On

24、ce an exam is over,just forget about it.There is nothing more you can do about it.The best thing you can do is to go home and prepare for the next one.56The underlined word“avoid”in the passage most probably mean“_”Acheck outBgo overCthink aboutDprevent sth. from happening57You can get a better mark

25、 if _.Ayou spend all of your time on questions that you are good atByou talk about with your teachers before examsCyou go over your notes carefully for the examDyou leave out the questions you dont know the answers to58The passage is probably written for _.Apeople who mark exam papersBpeople who tak

26、e examsChigh school teachersDlanguage learners59Which of the following will NOT help you to deal with exams?ADivide your time among the questions during the exam.BTake a deep breath when you feel worried.CKeep your handwriting neat.DDiscuss the answers with your friends after exams.BMany years ago,m

27、y student asked me the question,“Mrs.Kindred,why do you teach?”Without taking time to reflect,I answered,“Because someday I might say something that might make a difference in someones life.”Even though I was sincere,that wasnt a very good answer and my student didnt let it slide.“Let me get this st

28、raight,”he said,“You went to college for four years so you could come here every day because you have the hope that someday you might say something that will influence someone?”He shook his head as if I were crazy and walked away looking confused.Im one of those people who look back and wish they ha

29、d said something smart or witty,or swift.Even though that particular student might no longer wonder why I teach,there are days when I wonder.In those days,I remind myself of the real reasons I teach.Its in my blood.My mother was my most influential teacher,and she was a 6th grade reading teacher unt

30、il her death in 1990.She instilled(逐渐灌输) in me a love of reading and the knowledge that education opens doors.Teaching is a way to make a difference.If you throw a stone in a pond,the ripples will go on and on until they reach the shore.You cant have ripples without a “stone”Good teachers throw stones that make a positive difference,and thats what I strive to do.I genuinely love teenagers.I want to share w

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