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牛津英语2A 18单元知识点整理.docx

1、牛津英语2A 18单元知识点整理上海版牛津小学英语2A Unit1-8知识要点归纳Unit1词汇学习:垃圾箱公园路大楼上海苹果鸟弄干净扫书桌地板居住复习巩固:please请classroom教室bicycle自行车slide滑梯 swing秋千 doll娃娃balloon气球point to指向举一反三:1.Clean the bicylce, please. 请把自行车弄干净。2.Clean the classroom, please. 请把教室弄干净。3.Sweep the classroom, please. 请把教室扫一扫。4.Sweep the road, please. 请把马路扫

2、一扫。5.Where do you live? I live in Songjiang. I love Son gjiang.你居住在哪里?我居住在松江。我爱松江。6.Where do you live? I live in Jiading. I love Jiadi ng.你居住在哪里?我居住在嘉定。我爱嘉定。7.This is my mother. She is a nurse. I love my mot her.这是你的母亲。她是一名护士。我爱我的母亲8.That is my father. He is a postman. I love my father.那是我的父亲。他是一名邮递

3、员。我爱我的父亲。9.I love my teacher. I love my school.我爱我的老师。我爱我的学校。17.I like to play in the park. 我喜欢去公园玩。18.Go to the door. Pick up the paper. Put it in the bin. 去门那里。捡起纸头。把它放进垃圾箱里。Unit2词汇学习:意大利饼饼干热狗果汁水猫狗吃或喝,有复习巩固:apple苹果orange桔子pear梨lemon柠檬melon瓜 peach桃子taro芋艿bean毛豆mooncake月饼 cake蛋糕sweet糖果ice-cream冰淇淋je

4、lly果冻,布丁 milk牛奶Coke可乐meat肉fish鱼 chicken鸡肉 rice米饭noodles面条soup汤 eat吃 drink喝举一反三:1.Have some rice. 吃一些米饭。2.Have some milk. 喝一些牛奶。3.May I have some taros? 我可以吃一些芋艿吗?4.May I have seven mooncakes? 我可以吃七个月饼吗?5.May I have eight pears? May I have nine apples, too?我可以吃八个梨吗?我可以也吃九个苹果吗?6.May I eat ten sweets?

5、我可以吃十个糖果吗?7.May I eat some beans? 我可能吃一些毛豆嘛?8.May I drink some juice? 我可以喝一些果汁吗?9.May I drink some Coke? 我可以喝一些可乐吗?12.Pick up the yellow jelly. Eat the jelly.捡起黄色的布丁。吃布丁。13.Show me the brown cake. Taste the cake.给我看棕色的蛋糕。尝尝蛋糕。15.Do you like hot dogs? Yes, I like hot dogs.你喜欢热狗吗?是的,我喜欢热狗。Do you like

6、pizza? No, I dont like pizza.你喜欢意大利饼吗?不,我不喜欢意大利饼。What do you like to eat? I like to eat hot dogs.May I have a hot dog?你喜欢吃什么?我喜欢吃热狗。我可以吃一个热狗吗? OK. Here you are.好的。给你。Unit3词汇学习:玩跑睡游泳复习巩固:read读write写draw画sing唱dance跳舞 jump跳follow跟随turn旋转like喜欢eat吃举一反三:1.Come and dance with me. 来和我跳舞。2.Come and jump wit

7、h me. 来和我跳。3.Come and eat with me. 来和我吃。4.Come and run with me. 来和我跑。8.I like to swim. 我喜欢游泳。9.I like to sleep. 我喜欢睡觉。10.I like to play. I like to read and write, too.我喜欢玩。我也喜欢读和写。11.What do you like to eat? I like to eat eggs. I li ke to eat fish, too.你喜欢吃什么?我喜欢吃蛋。我也喜欢吃鱼。12.Do you like milk? Yes, I

8、 like milk.你喜欢牛奶吗?是的,我喜欢牛奶。Do you like meat? No, I dont like meat.你喜欢肉吗?不,我不喜欢肉。Unit4词汇学习:飞机摆渡船火车出租车小汽车公共汽车小货车复习巩固:bicycle自行车slide滑梯 swing秋千 balloon气球 kite风筝park公园 building大楼road路 down向下举一反三:1.Follow me and get in the taxi. 跟我上出租车。2.Follow me and get off the train. 跟我下火车。3.How do you go to the park?

9、 We go to the park by bic ycle.你们怎样去公园?我们骑自行车去公园。4.How do you go to school? We go to school by bus.你们怎样去学校?我们乘公共汽车去学校。5.How do you go to Pudong? We go to Pudong by ferry.你们怎样去浦东?我们乘摆渡船去浦东。6.How do you go to Shanghai? We go to Shanghai by pla ne.你们怎样去上海?我们乘飞机去上海。10.How do you go to school? I go to sc

10、hool by bus.你怎样去学校?我乘公共汽车去学校。I go to school by bus, too. We are waiting for the bus.我也乘公共汽车去学校。我们正在等公共汽车。Unit5词汇学习:停行灯快的慢的复习巩固:red红色blue蓝色yellow黄色 green绿 pi nk粉红色purple紫色brown棕色 orange橙色road路postman邮递员policeman警察driver司机fireman消防员milkman送奶员tall高的short矮的举一反三:1.What do you see? I see a red light. Red

11、light. St op!你看到了什么?我看到了红灯。红灯。停!2.What do you see? I see a yellow light. Yellow ligh t. Wait!你看到了什么?我看到了黄灯。黄灯。等待!3.What do you see? I see a green light. Green light. Go!你看到了什么?我看到了绿灯。绿灯。行!4.Look at the light. What colour is it? Its green. Look! The bus is fast.看灯。它是什么颜色的?它是绿色的。看!公共汽车是快的。5.Look at th

12、e light. What colour is it? Its red.Stop on the road. 看灯。它是什么颜色的?它是红色的。在路上停止。6.Look at the light. What colour is it? Its yellow.Cars wait to go. 看灯。它是什么颜色的?它是黄色的。小汽车等待行。7.Look at the light. Is it red? Yes, it is.看灯。它是红色的吗?是的,它是的。8.Look! Yellow light. Slow down. The car is slow.看!黄灯。慢下来。汽车是慢的。9.Look!

13、 Green light. Cross the road. The bus is fas t. 看!绿灯。过马路。公共汽车是快的。11.The yellow light. Wait!黄灯。等待!It is green. Go! Cross the road它是绿色的。行!过马路。Unit6词汇学习:在里面在上面在下面铃星星礼物树风筝举一反三:1.Merry Christmas and happy New Year! 圣诞和新年快乐!2.Put the ruler and pencil on the book. 把尺和铅笔放在书上。Put the rubber and pen in the ba

14、g. 把橡皮和钢笔放进书包。3.Put the pen under the bag. 把钢笔放在书包下。Put the pencil under th book. 把铅笔放在书下。4.Put the star on your new dress. 把星星放在你的新连衣裙下。Put the dress in your room. 把连衣裙放进你的房间。5.Put the shoes in the bag. 把鞋子放进书包里。Put the bag on the floor. 把书包放在地板上。6.Put the card on the tree. 把卡片放在书上。Put the doll und

15、er the tree. 把娃娃放在树下。7.Put the present on the bicycle. 把礼物放在自行车上。 Put the bicycle under the tree. 把自行车放在树下。Is it under the tree? Is it on the bicycle? Is it on the swing?它在树下?它在自行车上?它在秋千上?Is it on the slide? Yes! Its on the slide.上在滑梯上?是的!它在滑梯上。Unit7词汇学习:帽子(复数手套(复数围巾(复数冬天冷的风雪复习巩固:doctor医生nurse护士cook

16、厨师old年老的young年青的farmer农民 fisherman渔夫teacher教师 fat胖的thin瘦的举一反三:1.Look at the bell. Listen to the bell.看铃。听铃声。2.Look at the moon. Its big and yellow.看月亮。它是大的和黄色的。3.Look at the leaf. It is yellow. It is autumn.I like autumn.看叶子。它是黄色的。它是秋天。我喜欢秋天4.Look at the clock. Take your bag to school.看钟。拿着你的书包去学校。5

17、.Listen to the bird. Go to the swing. Touch the swi ng.听鸟声。去秋千那。触摸秋千。6.Listen to me. Stand up, please.听我说。请起立。Raise your hand. Put it down. Sit down, please.举起你的手。把它放下。请坐下。7.Listen to me. Open your book. Close your book. Gi ve me a ruler.听我说。打开你的书。关上你的书。给我一把尺。8.Listen to the doctor. Open your mouth.

18、听医生说。张开你的嘴巴。9.Look at your hands. Wash your hands. Eat a mooncake.看你的手。洗你的手。吃一只月饼。10.The wind blows on my face. 风吹我的脸。11.Look at the fisherman. He is tall and thin. He is young.看渔夫。它是高的和瘦的。它是年轻的。12.Look at the nurse. She is short and old.看护士。她是矮的和老的。13.Look at the snowman. It is fat.看雪人。它是胖的。14.What

19、 have you got? I have got gloves.你有什么?我有手套。What has he got? He has got a hat.他有什么?他有一顶帽子。What has she got? She has got a scarf.她有什么? 15Is she a cook? 她是一名厨师吗? 她有一条围巾。 Yes, she is. 是的,她是。 No, she is not. Is your mother a cook, too? 你的母亲也是一名厨师吗? 16Is he a farmer? 他是一名农民吗? 不,她不是。 Yes, he is. 是的,他是。 No,

20、 he is not. Is your brother a farmer, too? 你的兄弟也是一名农民吗? 17Do you like wind? 你喜欢风吗? Do you like snow? 你喜欢雪吗? Unit8 词汇学习: 领带 连衣裙 复习巩固: father 父亲 me 我 举一反三: 1Show me your new socks. mother 母亲 腰带 外套 月亮 不,他不是。 No, I dont. 不,我不喜欢 Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。 袜子(复数) 男孩 衬衫 女孩 sister 姐妹 brother 兄弟 Put on your socks. 我

21、给看你的新袜子。 穿上你的袜子。 2Take your new shoes. Put on your shoes. 拿着你的新鞋。 3Take off your coat. 脱下你的外套。 穿上你的鞋子。 Put it on the tree. 把它放在树上。 4Take off your scarf. Give it to me. 脱下你的围巾。 5I need a new tie. 我需要一条新领带。 6It is winter. 它是冬天。 把它给我。 I need new socks, too. 我也需要新袜子。 It is cold. The wind blows. 风吹着。 它是冷

22、的。 I need a new scarf, too. I need a new hat. 我需要一顶新帽子。 我也需要一条新围巾。 7I need a new coat. Do you like green? No, I dont. I like black. 我需要一件新外套。你喜欢绿色的吗?不,我不喜欢。我喜欢 黑色的 Show me the black coat, please. 请给我看黑色的外套。 OK. Here you are. 给你。 好的。 Try the new coat, Sam. I like it, Mum. Sam,试穿新外套。 妈妈,我喜欢它。 9This is

23、 a book. 这是一本书。 10What is this? 这是什么? Is it blue? 它是蓝色的吗? That is a ruler. 那是一把尺。 It is a hat. 它是一顶帽子。 Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 Yes, he is. 是的,他是。 No, I am not. 不,我不是。 Yes, she is. 是的她是。 11Is he a tall postman? 他是一个高的邮递员吗? Are you a milkman? 你是一名送奶工吗? Is she a young doctor? 她是一个年轻的医生吗? 12What has he got?

24、他有什么? He has got a blue plane. 他有一架蓝色的飞机。 She has got a purple doll. 她有一个紫色的娃娃。 I have got a bin. I need a li What has she got? 她有什么? What have you got? ttle car.你有什么? 我有一个垃圾箱。 我需要一辆小汽车。 I can swim fast. 我会游的快。 I can sing 13 can read and write. I a song.我会读和写。 我会唱一首歌。 I love my father and mother. 我喜欢我的父母和母亲。 I am a good boy. 我是一个好男孩。

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