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查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 中英文剧本.docx

1、查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 中英文剧本Charlie and the Chocolate Factory查理和巧克力工厂中英文剧本This is a story of an ordinary little boy.这是一个平凡小男孩的故事.named Charlie Bucket.他名叫查理巴格特He was not faster or stronger or more clever than other children.他不会比别的小孩跑得快也没有比较强壮或比较聪明His family was not rich or powerfu

2、l or well -connected.他家不富有、没背景也不是什么皇亲国戚In fact, they barely had enough to eat. 其实,他们三餐不继Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world . 查理巴格特是全世界最幸运的小男孩He just didnt know it yet. 只是他还不知道而已- Evening, Buckets.- Evening. -巴格特一家人好啊-你好Hi, Dad. 爸爸Soups almost ready, darling. 汤快煮好了 ,老公Dont suppos

3、e theres anything extra to put in, love. 应该没得加菜吧?Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage. 算了甘蓝菜配甘蓝菜最对味了Charlie. 查理.I found something I think youll like. 我找到一样东西你应该会喜欢Charlies father worked at the local toothpaste factory. 查理的父亲在当地牙膏工厂上班The hours were long ,and the pay was terrible. 工

4、作时间很长薪水却少得可怜.yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises. 但偶尔会有意外的惊喜Its exactly what I need. 这正是我需要的What is it, Charlie? 那是什么,查理?Dad found it, just the piece I needed. 爸爸找到了 ,正好是我需要的- What piece was it?- A head for Willy Wonka. -是什么啊?-威利旺卡的头Well, how wonderful. 太好了Its quite a likeness. 做得很像耶-

5、You think so?- Think so? -真的吗?-当然I know so. 我一看就知道了I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes. 我亲眼看过威利旺卡本人- I used to work for him, you know.- You did? -我以前在他的工厂上班-真的吗?- I did.- He did. -真的-真的He did. 真的I love grapes. 我喜欢葡萄Of course, I was a much younger man in those days. 当然啰当时的我比现在年轻很多啦Willy Wonka bega

6、n with a single store on Cherry Street. 威利旺卡原本在樱桃街上开了一家小店 (二十年前)But the whole world wanted his candy. 但全世界的人都想吃他的糖果- Mr. Wonka. - Yeah? -旺卡先生! -什么事?We need more Wonka bars. and were out of chocolate birds. 旺卡巧克力糖不够卖了, 巧克力鸟也没了. - Birds? - -鸟?Birds. 鸟Well, then well need to make some more. Here. 好吧,那就

7、多做一点来Now open. 嘴巴张开The man was a genius. 那个人是天才Did you know he invented a new way of making chocolate ice cream.你知不知道他发明了一个新方法做出来的巧克力冰淇淋.so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer? 可以好几个小时不融化根本不必放冰箱?You can even leave it lying in the sun on a hot day, and it wont go runny.甚至可以放在大热天的太阳底下完全不会融化

8、- But thats impossible.- But Willy Wonka did it. -不可能啦-但威利旺卡做到了Before long. 过不了多久 (十五年前).he decided to build a proper chocolate factory. 他决定建一座像样的巧克力工厂The largest chocolate factory in history. 有史以来最大的巧克力工厂Fifty times as big as any other. 是别的工厂的五十倍大Grandpa, dont make it gross. 爷爷,别讲得那么恶啦Tell him abou

9、t the Indian prince. Hed like to hear about that. 跟他说那个印度王子的事他一定会喜欢的You mean, Prince Pondicherry? 你是说本地治里王子吗?Well, Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Wonka. .and asked him to come all the way out to India. and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate. 本地治里王子写了一封信给旺卡先生,请他大老远赶到印度,建造

10、一座巨大无比的宫殿全部都用巧克力做成的 (新德里,印度)It will have 100 rooms, and everything will be made of either dark or light chocolate.里面要有一百个房间 ,全是巧克力做的不管是黑巧克力或牛奶巧克力True to his word,the bricks were chocolate. 他向来是说到做到砖块是巧克力.and the cement holding them together was chocolate. 混凝土接合剂也是巧克力All the walls and ceilings were m

11、ade of chocolate as well. 所有墙壁和天花板都是巧克力So were the carpets and the pictures and the furniture. 地毯、墙上的划和家俱也是It is perfect in every way. 就各方面而言都太完美了Yeah, but it wont last long. You better start eating right now. 对,但持续不了多久你最好马上开始吃Oh, nonsense. I will not eat my palace. 胡说八道,我才不吃我的宫殿I intend to live in

12、it. 我要住在里面But Mr. Wonka was right, of course. 当然是被旺卡先生说中了Soon after this, there camea very hot day with a boiling sun. 在建好之后没多久有一天烈日当空,热得要命The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace. 王子发了紧急电报要求重建一座宫殿.but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own. 但威利旺卡自己也遇到麻烦All the other chocolate

13、makers, you see ,had grown jealous of Mr. Wonka. 其他的巧克力制造商对威利旺卡愈来愈眼红They began sending in spies to steal his secret recipes. 他们开始派间谍进工厂窃取他的秘密配方 (秘密配方)Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt. 菲克尔格鲁伯开始制造永远不会融化的冰淇淋Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor. 普

14、罗德诺斯生产了味道永远不会变淡的口香糖Then Slugworth began making candy balloons. 斯洛格华思也开始做 .that you could blow upto incredible sizes. 可以吹得好大好大的糖果气球The thievery got so bad. 间谍窃取资料的事件频传.that one day, without warning. 有一天在毫无预警的情况下.Mr. Wonka told every single one of his workers to go home. 旺卡先生请所有工人回家He announced that h

15、e was closing his chocolate factory forever. 他宣布要永远关闭巧克力工厂Im closing my chocolate factory forever. 我要永远关闭巧克力工厂了Im sorry. 对不起But it didnt close forever. Its open right now. 可是没有永远关闭现在又开工了啊Yes, well, sometimes when grownups say forever, they mean a very long time. 对啦,有时候大人说的永远只是指很长的一段时间Such as, I feel

16、 like Ive eaten nothing but cabbage soup forever. 比如我好像永远都在吃甘蓝菜汤- Now, Pops.- The factory did close, Charlie. -岳父,别闹了-工厂确实关闭了 ,查理And it seemed like it was going to be closed forever. 大家都以为真的会永远关闭Then one day we saw smoke rising from the chimneys. 结果有一天我们看到烟囱又冒出烟来了- The factory was back in business.-

17、 Did you get your job back? -工厂又恢复运作了-你又回去上班了吗?No. 没有No one did. 谁也没有回去上班But there must be people working there. 可是一定有人在里面工作Think about it, Charlie. Have you ever seen a single person. going into that factory or coming out of it?查理,你回想一下你有没有看过任何人进入工厂或从工厂出来?No. The gates are always closed. 没有,一直是大门深锁

18、Exactly. 那就对了But then, whos running the machines? 到底是谁在操作机器呢?- Nobody knows, Charlie.- It certainly is a mystery. -没人知道-这是一个谜Hasnt someone asked Mr. Wonka? 没人问过旺卡先生吗?Nobody sees him anymore. He never comes out. 谁也没再见过他了他没再出来过The only thing that comes out of that place is the candy. already packed an

19、d addressed.唯一从工厂出来的就只有糖果,都已经包装封箱分配好了Id give anything in the world just to go in one more time and see whats become of that amazing factory. 我愿不惜任何代价再进工厂一次,看看那间不可思议的工厂现在变成怎样了Well, you wont, because you cant.No one can. 不可能的, 因为你进不去谁也进不去Its a mystery, and it will always be a mystery. 这是一个谜永远都是一个谜That

20、 little factory of yours, Charlie ,is as close as any of us is ever going to get.你那个模型小工厂是我们唯一能靠近的工厂Come on, Charlie. I think its time we let your grandparents get some sleep. 走吧,查理老人家们该睡觉了- Good night, Grandpa George.- Night, Charlie. -乔治公公晚安-查理晚安- Night-night.- Chair. -晚安-椅子Thank you, dear. 谢谢你,亲爱

21、的Night, Grandpa Joe. 约瑟夫爷爷晚安Good night, Grandma Georgina. 乔治娜婆婆晚安Nothings impossible, Charlie. 世上没有不可能的事,查理- Good night.- Night, Charlie. -晚安-查理晚安Sleep well. 亲爱的,祝你好梦Indeed, that very night, the impossible had already been set in motion.其实在那天晚上不可能的事已经开始发生了Dear people of the world. 亲爱的世人.I, Willy Won

22、ka. 我,威利旺卡.have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year. 决定让五个小朋友参观我的工厂In addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize. 此外,其中一个小朋友还可以赢得大奖.beyond anything you could ever imagine. 超乎任何人想像的大奖Five golden tickets have been hidden. 有五张金奖券.underneath the ordinary wrapp

23、ing paper of five ordinary Wonka bars.藏在五块普通装旺卡巧克力不起眼的包装纸里The bars may be anywhere. 这五块巧克力可能在任何地方 (东京, 日本).in any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world.在任何一个国家的任何城市任何街道的任何一家商店里 (马拉喀什,摩洛哥)(纽约市)Wouldnt it be something, Charlie ,to open a bar of candy.查理,很令人兴奋吧拆开巧克力糖的包装纸.and fin

24、d a golden ticket inside?发现里面有张金奖券I know, but I only get one bar a year, for my birthday.我知道,但我一年只有一块巧克力糖当我的生日礼物Well, its your birthday next week. 你生日下礼拜就到了啊You have as much chance as anybody does.你和任何人的机会一样多Balderdash. The kids who are going to find the golden tickets. 胡说八道找得到金奖券的小孩.are the ones wh

25、o can afford to buy candy bars every day. 一定是每天都买巧克力来吃的小孩Our Charlie gets only one a year. He doesnt have a chance.咱们查理一年只有一块他不可能找到的啦Everyone has a chance, Charlie. 查理,每个人都有机会Mark my words, the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat, fat, fat.听我的准没错找到第一张金奖券的小孩一定是个超级大胖子Augustus. This way. 奥古塔斯,看这

26、边 (杜塞道夫,德国)I am eating the Wonka bar.我在吃旺卡巧克力的时候.and I taste something that is not chocolate. .突然吃到不是巧克力的东西.or coconut.也不是椰子.or walnut or peanut butter. 也不是胡桃或花生酱.or nougat. 也不是牛轧糖.or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles. 也不是脆果糖或焦糖也不是巧克力糖霜So I look. 于是我看了一眼.and I find the golden ticket. 就发现金奖券了Aug

27、ustus, how did you celebrate? 奥古塔斯,你怎么庆祝的?I eat more candy. 我又吃更多的糖果We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket. 我们早就知道奥古塔斯会找到金奖券He eats so many candy bars a day. 他每天都吃好多糖果.that it was not possible for him not to find one. 不可能连一张金奖券都找不到Yes, it is good, Augustus. 好不好吃,奥古塔斯?- Golden ticket claimed a

28、nd four more.出现第一张金奖券,还剩下四张Told you itd be a porker. 我就说是个大胖子嘛What a repulsive boy. 真讨人厌的小孩Only four golden tickets left. 只剩下四张金奖券了Now that theyve found one, things will really get crazy. 既然有人找到一张大家一定会愈来愈疯狂- Of every shape, size and hue. 每种形状,大小,及色彩 (英国白金汉郡)Veruca. Can you spell that for us, please?

29、 维露卡?麻烦你拼一下V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt. 维露卡维露卡索尔特As soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets.我的小维露卡一说她想要金奖券.I started buying all the Wonka barsI could lay my hands on.我就把买得到的旺卡巧克力全都买下来Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands. 成千上万块,数以百计Im in the nut business, you see

30、. So I say to my workers: 我是从事坚果业所以我就告诉工人们Morning, ladies. From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts. 各位女士早安,从现在起暂停剥花生壳.and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead. 改拆这些巧克力的包装纸Three days went by, and we had no luck.Oh, it was terrible. 过了三天,还是没找到真是太糟糕了My veruca got more and mor

31、e upset each day. 我的小维露卡一天比一天生气Wheres my golden ticket? 我的金奖券呢?I want my golden ticket. 我要我的金奖券Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that.各位,我最讨厌看到我的宝贝女儿不开心I vowed I would keep searching until I could give her what she wanted.我发誓不找到金奖券绝不罢休And finally, I found her a ticket. 结果终于让我找到了一张 (索尔特坚果公司)Daddy, I want another pony. 爸爸,我还要一匹小马Shes even worse

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